Esempio n. 1
def is_truthy(obj: objects.Object) -> bool:
    if obj is objects.Null():
        return False
    elif obj is objects.Boolean(True):
        return True
    elif obj is objects.Boolean(False):
        return False
    return True
Esempio n. 2
def evaluate_array_index_expression(array: objects.Object,
                                    index: objects.Object) -> objects.Object:
    idx = index.value

    if idx < 0 or idx > len(array.elements) - 1:
        return objects.Null()

    return array.elements[idx]
Esempio n. 3
def evaluate_bang_operator_expression(right: objects.Object) -> objects.Object:
    if right is objects.Boolean(True):
        return objects.Boolean(False)
    elif right is objects.Boolean(False):
        return objects.Boolean(True)
    elif right is objects.Null():
        return objects.Boolean(True)
        return objects.Boolean(False)
Esempio n. 4
def evaluate_hash_index_expression(hash_obj: objects.Object,
                                   index: objects.Object) -> objects.Object:
    if not isinstance(index, objects.Hashable):
        return new_error(f"unusable as hash key: {index.object_type().value}")

    pair = hash_obj.pairs.get(index.hash_key(), None)
    if pair is None:
        return objects.Null()

    return pair.value
Esempio n. 5
def evaluate_if_expression(expression: ast.IfExpression,
                           env: objects.Environment) -> objects.Object:
    condition = evaluate(expression.condition, env)
    if is_error(condition):
        return condition
    if is_truthy(condition):
        return evaluate(expression.consequence, env)
    if expression.alternative is not None:
        return evaluate(expression.alternative, env)
    return objects.Null()
Esempio n. 6
def last_fn(args: List[objects.Object]) -> objects.Object:
    if len(args) != 1:
        return wrong_number_of_args(actual=len(args), expected=1)
    if args[0].object_type() != ObjectType.ARRAY_OBJ:
        return objects.Error(
            f"argument to `last` must be ARRAY, got {args[0].object_type().value}"
    arr = args[0]
    if len(arr.elements):
        return arr.elements[-1]
    return objects.Null()
Esempio n. 7
def puts_fn(args: List[objects.Object]) -> objects.Object:
    for arg in args:
    return objects.Null()