def visualize_layers(reachable_layers): layers = {} for (x, y, z), label in label_matrix.voxels.items(): pos = Vec3(x, y, z) if label == 0 or label not in reachable_layers: continue if label in layers: layers[label][pos] = True continue layers[label] = np.zeros(label_matrix.shape, dtype=bool) layers[label][pos] = True color_gen = randomcolor.RandomColor() colors = color_gen.generate(count=len(layers), format_='rgb') for i in range(len(colors)): values = map(lambda e: int(e), re.findall('\\d+', colors[i])) values = list(values) colors[i] = (values[0] / 255, values[1] / 255, values[2] / 255) meshes = [] i = 0 for label in layers: color = colors[i] meshes.append(Mesh.from_voxel_grid(layers[label], colors=color)) i += 1 show(meshes)
def render_dfaust(scene, prev_renderable, seq, target): new_renderable = Mesh.from_file(seq) scene.remove(prev_renderable) scene.add(new_renderable) scene.render() save_frame(target, scene.frame) return new_renderable
def test_obj(self): s = Scene(size=(1024, 1024), background=(0, 0, 0, 0)) s.add(Mesh.from_file(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "plane.obj"))) s.rotate_x(np.pi / 2) s.camera_position = (-1, -1, -1) for i in range(180): s.render() imwrite("/tmp/frame_{:03d}.png".format(i), s.frame) s.rotate_y(np.pi / 90)
def get_renderables(P, group_indices, vertex_count=100): padding = 0.3 order = "xyz" color_inactive = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.4) max_depth = int(np.log(P.n_primitives)/np.log(2)) + 1 def get_center(depth, index): width = (2.**depth) * (1+padding) tree = dict( x=0, y=float(index)*(1+padding)-(width-1-padding)/2, z=-float(depth)*(1+padding) ) return np.array([[tree[axis] for axis in order]]) def children(d, i): if d+1 < max_depth: return children(d+1, 2*i) + children(d+1, 2*i+1) else: return [i] def colors(d, i): if d+1 < max_depth: return colors(d+1, 2*i) + colors(d+1, 2*i+1) else: return [(i, get_color(d, i, 2**(max_depth-1)))] meshes = [] lines = [] for d, i in group_indices: meshes.append(Mesh.from_superquadrics( *_unpack( P, get_center(d, i), children(d, i), colors(d, i), color_inactive ), vertex_count=vertex_count )) if d > 0: lines.extend([ get_center(d-1, i//2)[0], get_center(d, i)[0] ]) meshes.append(Lines(lines, (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), width=0.05)) return meshes
def test_ply(self): s = Scene(size=(1024, 1024), background=(0, 0, 0, 0)) s.add( Mesh.from_file(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "primitives.ply"))) s.up_vector = (0, -1, 0) s.camera_position = (1, 0.5, 1) light_initial = s.light r_light = np.sqrt(light_initial[0]**2 + light_initial[-1]**2) for i in range(180): theta = i * np.pi / 90 r = np.sqrt(2) s.camera_position = (r * np.cos(theta), 0.5, r * np.sin(theta)) s.light = (r_light * np.cos(theta), light_initial[1], r_light * np.sin(theta)) s.render() imwrite("/tmp/frame_{:03d}.png".format(i), s.frame)
def _renderables_from_flat_partition(y_hat, args): _, P = y_hat.space_partition # Collect the sqs that have prob larger than threshold indices = [ i for i in range(y_hat.n_primitives) if y_hat.probs_r[0, i] >= args.prob_threshold ] active_prims_map = {(0, j): i for i, j in enumerate(indices)} return [ Mesh.from_superquadrics( *_unpack( PrimitiveParameters.with_keys( translations=P[-1].translations_r[0, indices], rotations=P[-1].rotations_r[0, indices], sizes=P[-1].sizes_r[0, indices] / 2.0, shapes=P[-1].shapes_r[0, indices])), get_color(0, indices)) ], indices
def _renderables_from_partition(y_hat, args): [C, P] = y_hat.space_partition active_prims_map = { p: i for (i, p) in enumerate(get_primitives_indices(P)) } return [ Mesh.from_superquadrics( *_unpack( PrimitiveParameters.with_keys( translations=P[depth].translations_r[:, idx], rotations=P[depth].rotations_r[:, idx], sizes=P[depth].sizes_r[:, idx], shapes=P[depth].shapes_r[:, idx])), get_color_groupped(depth, idx, args.max_depth) if args.group_color else get_color(depth, idx)) for depth, idx in active_prims_map ], get_primitives_indices(P)
def test_cube(self): points = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1], [1, -1, -1], [-1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, -1] ]) * 0.5 hull = ConvexHull(points) vertices = points[hull.simplices.ravel()].reshape(-1, 3) normals = (np.ones( (1, 3, 1)) * hull.equations[:, np.newaxis, :3]).reshape(-1, 3) colors = np.ones((len(vertices), 3)) * [0.1, 0.5, 0.8] s = Scene(size=(1024, 1024), background=(0, 0, 0, 0)) s.add(Mesh(vertices, normals, colors)) for i in range(180): s.render() imwrite("/tmp/frame_{:03d}.png".format(i), s.frame) s.rotate_z(np.pi / 90) s.rotate_x(np.pi / 180) s.rotate_y(np.pi / 360) s.camera_position = s.camera_position - 0.01
def _renderables_from_fit(y_hat, args): F = active_prims = filter_primitives( F, qos_less(args.qos_threshold), volume_larger(args.vol_threshold), ) active_prims_map = {p: i for (i, p) in enumerate(active_prims)} return [ Mesh.from_superquadrics( *_unpack( PrimitiveParameters.with_keys( translations=F[depth].translations_r[:, idx], rotations=F[depth].rotations_r[:, idx], sizes=F[depth].sizes_r[:, idx], shapes=F[depth].shapes_r[:, idx])), get_color_groupped(depth, idx, args.max_depth) if args.group_color else get_color(depth, idx)) for depth, idx in active_prims_map ], active_prims
def _renderables_from_flat_primitives(y_hat, args): # Collect the sqs that have prob larger than threshold indices = [ i for i in range(y_hat.n_primitives) if y_hat.probs_r[0, i] >= args.prob_threshold ] active_prims_map = {(0, j): i for i, j in enumerate(indices)} if args.with_post_processing: indices = get_non_overlapping_primitives(y_hat, indices) return [ Mesh.from_superquadrics( *_unpack( PrimitiveParameters.with_keys( translations=y_hat.translations_r[0, indices], rotations=y_hat.rotations_r[0, indices], sizes=y_hat.sizes_r[0, indices], shapes=y_hat.shapes_r[0, indices])), get_color(0, indices)) ], indices
def get_filtered_renderables(tree, group_indices, qos_threshold, vol_threshold, padding=0.3, order="xyz", no_lines=False, visualize_as_tree=False, color_inactive=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0), group_color=False, vertex_count=100, line_offset=[0, 0, 0]): max_depth = max(d for (d, i) in group_indices) def get_center(depth, index): if visualize_as_tree: max_width = (2.**max_depth) * (1+padding) width = (2.**(max_depth - depth)) * (1+padding) tree = dict( x=0, y=float(index)*(width)-(max_width-width)/2, z=-float(depth)*(1+padding) ) else: width = (2.**depth) * (1+padding) tree = dict( x=0, y=float(index)*(1+padding)-(width-1-padding)/2, z=-float(depth)*(1+padding) ) return np.array([[tree[axis] for axis in order]]) def get_ancestors(depth, index, storage): storage.add((depth, index)) pdepth = depth-1 pindex = index//2 parent = pdepth, pindex if parent not in storage: get_ancestors(pdepth, pindex, storage) active_prims = filter_primitives( tree, qos_less(qos_threshold), volume_larger(vol_threshold) ) active_prims_map = {p: i for (i, p) in enumerate(active_prims)} valid_nodes = set([(0, 0)]) for d, i in active_prims: get_ancestors(d, i, valid_nodes) def children(d, i): if (d, i) in active_prims_map: return [active_prims_map[d, i]] elif d < len(tree): return children(d+1, 2*i) + children(d+1, 2*i+1) else: return [] def colors(d, i): max_d = len(tree) if (d, i) in active_prims_map: return [(active_prims_map[d, i], get_color(d, i, 2**(max_d-1)))] elif d < max_d: return colors(d+1, 2*i) + colors(d+1, 2*i+1) else: return [] for d, i in group_indices: if d > 0 and (d, i) in valid_nodes and len(children(d-1, i//2)) == 1: valid_nodes.remove((d, i)) P = primitive_parameters_from_indices(tree, active_prims) meshes = [] lines = [] for d, i in group_indices: if (d, i) not in valid_nodes: continue sq_colors = colors(d, i) if group_color: sq_colors = [ (j, get_color(d, i)) for j, _ in sq_colors ] if len(group_indices) == 1: meshes.append(Mesh.from_superquadrics( *_unpack( P, get_center(0, 0), children(d, i), sq_colors, color_inactive ), vertex_count=vertex_count, offset=get_center(0, 0) )) else: meshes.append(Mesh.from_superquadrics( *_unpack( P, get_center(d, i), children(d, i), sq_colors, color_inactive ), vertex_count=vertex_count, offset=get_center(d, i) )) if d > 0 and not no_lines: lines.extend([ get_center(d-1, i//2)[0] + np.asarray(line_offset), get_center(d, i)[0] + np.asarray(line_offset) ]) meshes.append(Lines(lines, (0.1, 0.1, 0.1), width=0.05)) if no_lines: meshes.pop() return meshes
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Do the forward pass and visualize the recovered parts") parser.add_argument( "config_file", help="Path to the file that contains the experiment configuration") parser.add_argument("--output_directory", default="../demo/output/", help="Save the output files in that directory") parser.add_argument( "--weight_file", default=None, help=("The path to a previously trained model to continue" " the training from")) parser.add_argument("--prediction_file", default=None, help="The path to the predicted primitives") parser.add_argument("--background", type=lambda x: list(map(float, x.split(","))), default="1,1,1,1", help="Set the background of the scene") parser.add_argument("--up_vector", type=lambda x: tuple(map(float, x.split(","))), default="0,0,1", help="Up vector of the scene") parser.add_argument("--camera_target", type=lambda x: tuple(map(float, x.split(","))), default="0,0,0", help="Set the target for the camera") parser.add_argument("--camera_position", type=lambda x: tuple(map(float, x.split(","))), default="-2.0,-2.0,-2.0", help="Camera position in the scene") parser.add_argument("--window_size", type=lambda x: tuple(map(int, x.split(","))), default="512,512", help="Define the size of the scene and the window") parser.add_argument("--with_rotating_camera", action="store_true", help="Use a camera rotating around the object") parser.add_argument("--mesh", action="store_true", help="Visualize the target mesh") parser.add_argument("--n_vertices", type=int, default=10000, help="How many vertices to use per part") add_dataset_parameters(parser) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda:0") else: device = torch.device("cpu") print("Running code on", device) # Check if output directory exists and if it doesn't create it if not os.path.exists(args.output_directory): os.makedirs(args.output_directory) config = load_config(args.config_file) # Extract the number of primitives n_primitives = config["network"]["n_primitives"] # Dictionary to keep the predictions used for the evaluation predictions = {} if args.prediction_file is None: # Create a dataset instance to generate the input samples dataset_directory = config["data"]["dataset_directory"] dataset_type = config["data"]["dataset_type"] train_test_splits_file = config["data"]["splits_file"] dataset = dataset_factory( config["data"]["dataset_factory"], (ModelCollectionBuilder(config).with_dataset(dataset_type). filter_category_tags(args.category_tags).filter_tags( args.model_tags).random_subset( args.random_subset).build(dataset_directory)), ) assert len(dataset) == 1 # Build the network architecture to be used for training network, _, _ = build_network(config, args.weight_file, device=device) network.eval() # Create the prediction input with torch.no_grad(): for sample in dataset: sample = [s[None] for s in sample] # make a batch dimension X = sample[0].to(device) targets = [ for yi in sample[1:]] F = network.compute_features(X) phi_volume, _ = network.implicit_surface(F, targets[0]) y_pred, faces = network.points_on_primitives( F, args.n_vertices, random=False, mesh=True, union_surface=False) predictions["phi_volume"] = phi_volume predictions["y_prim"] = y_pred else: preds = torch.load(args.prediction_file, map_location="cpu") y_pred = preds[4] faces = preds[5] targets = preds[0] predictions["phi_volume"] = preds[1] predictions["y_prim"] = y_pred # Get the renderables from the deformed vertices and faces vertices = y_pred.detach() parts = range(n_primitives) renderables = [ Mesh.from_faces(vertices[0, :, i], faces, colors=get_colors(i)) for i in parts ] behaviours = [ SceneInit( scene_init( load_ground_truth(dataset) if args.mesh else None, args.up_vector, args.camera_position, args.camera_target, args.background)), LightToCamera(), ] if args.with_rotating_camera: behaviours += [ CameraTrajectory(Circle(args.camera_target, args.camera_position, args.up_vector), speed=1 / 180) ] show(renderables, size=args.window_size, behaviours=behaviours + [SnapshotOnKey()]) print("Saving renderables to file") for i in range(n_primitives): m = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices[0, :, i].detach(), faces) m.export(os.path.join(args.output_directory, "part_{:03d}.obj".format(i)), file_type="obj")
def sign_unsigned(fname='./data/elephant.pwn', K=5, ndisc=50, debug_viz=True, R=15, cache_sign=False, use_sign_cache=False): points, tetvertices, trivertices, is_in_band, epsilon, dist = section1( fname, K, ndisc) print('Chosen Epsilon:', epsilon.item()) # coarse sign estimate print('sign estimate...') v2v = get_v2v(tetvertices.numpy()) outside_ixes = torch.arange(len(dist))[dist >= epsilon] is_in_band = dist < epsilon if use_sign_cache: print('using sign cache...') with open('sign_cache.json', 'r') as reader: guesses = json.load(reader, parse_int=int) guesses = {int(k): v for k, v in guesses.items()} else: guesses = {} for ix in tqdm(outside_ixes.numpy()): guesses[ix] = estimate_sign(ix.item(), points.numpy(), v2v, is_in_band.numpy(), R) if cache_sign: print('caching sign...') guesses = {int(k): [int(v) for v in vec] for k, vec in guesses.items()} with open('sign_cache.json', 'w') as writer: json.dump(guesses, writer) print(guesses) # cross-sections of the sign plot alldata = [] for v, changes in guesses.items(): coords = points[v] vals = [val % 2 for val in changes if val > 0] if len(vals) > 0: sign = 1 if np.mean(vals) > 0.5 else 0 alldata.append( [coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], np.mean(vals), sign]) alldata = np.array(alldata) spec = np.sort(np.unique(alldata[:, 2])) for spei, spe in enumerate(spec): kept = alldata[:, 2] == spe fig = plt.figure() gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) plt.scatter(alldata[kept, 0], alldata[kept, 1], c=alldata[kept, 3], vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='winter') ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.xlim((np.min(alldata[:, 0]), np.max(alldata[:, 0]))) plt.ylim((np.min(alldata[:, 1]), np.max(alldata[:, 1]))) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) plt.scatter(alldata[kept, 0], alldata[kept, 1], c=alldata[kept, 4], vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='winter') ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.xlim((np.min(alldata[:, 0]), np.max(alldata[:, 0]))) plt.ylim((np.min(alldata[:, 1]), np.max(alldata[:, 1]))) imname = f'out{spei:04}.jpg' print('saving', imname) plt.savefig(imname) plt.close(fig) # visualize coarse mesh kept = (dist[trivertices[:, 0]] < epsilon) & (dist[ trivertices[:, 1]] < epsilon) & (dist[trivertices[:, 2]] < epsilon) m = Mesh.from_faces(points.numpy(), trivertices.numpy()[kept], colors=np.ones((len(points), 3)) * [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) show(m)
X = sample[0].to(device) y_hat = network(X) F = [C, P] = y_hat.space_partition n_primitives = y_hat.n_primitives colors = torch.tensor(np.array(, 1, 16)) )) if args.from_fit: max_depth = 2**(len(F) - 1) else: max_depth = -1 meshes = [ [Mesh.from_superquadrics( *_unpack(p, i, max_depth, colors, args.color_siblings) )] for i, p in enumerate(F if args.from_fit else P) ] behaviours = [ CycleThroughObjects(meshes, interval=args.interval), LightToCamera() ] if args.save_frames: behaviours += [ SaveFrames(args.save_frames, args.save_frequency) ] if args.with_rotating_camera: behaviours += [ CameraTrajectory( Circle([0, 0, 1], [4, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]), 0.001
import numpy as np from simple_3dviz import Mesh, Lines from simple_3dviz.window import show def heart_voxel_grid(N): """Create a NxNxN voxel grid with True if the voxel is inside a heart object and False otherwise.""" x = np.linspace(-1.3, 1.3, N) y = np.linspace(-1.3, 1.3, N) z = np.linspace(-1.3, 1.3, N) x, y, z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z) return (2 * x**2 + y**2 + z**2 - 1)**3 - (1 / 10) * x**2 * z**3 - y**2 * z**3 < 0 if __name__ == "__main__": voxels = heart_voxel_grid(64) m = Mesh.from_voxel_grid(voxels, colors=(0.8, 0, 0)) l = Lines.from_voxel_grid(voxels, colors=(0, 0, 0.), width=0.001) show([l, m])
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from simple_3dviz.renderables import Spherecloud from simple_3dviz.behaviours.keyboard import SnapshotOnKey from simple_3dviz.window import show if __name__ == "__main__": t = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 20) x = np.sin(2 * t) y = np.cos(t) z = np.cos(2 * t) sizes = (2 + np.sin(t)) * 0.125 centers = np.stack([x, y, z]).reshape(3, -1).T cmap = colors = cmap(np.random.choice(np.arange(500), centers.shape[0])) s = Spherecloud(centers=centers, sizes=sizes, colors=colors) from simple_3dviz import Mesh m = Mesh.from_file("models/baby_yoda.stl", color=(0.1, 0.8, 0.1)) m.to_unit_cube() show([s, m], camera_position=(-2.8, -2.8, 0.1), size=(512, 512))
def load_ground_truth(mesh_file): m = Mesh.from_file(mesh_file, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.3)) # m.to_unit_cube() return m
def load_ground_truth(dataset): mesh = dataset.internal_dataset_object[0].groundtruth_mesh N = len(mesh.vertices) return Mesh.from_faces(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.3))