def sepia(image):
    """ (Cimpl.Image) -> Image
    Filters out all the red and green values of the image and returns only the 
    >>> image = load_image(choose_file()) 
    >>> sepia(image)
    >>> show(image) 

    new_image = grayscale(image)

    for pixel in new_image:
        x, y, (r, g, b) = pixel
        if (r < 63 and b < 63):

            darkgray = create_color(r * 1.1, g, b * 0.9)
            set_color(new_image, x, y, darkgray)
        elif (63 <= r <= 191 and 63 <= b <= 191):
            medgray = create_color(r * 1.15, g, b * 0.85)
            set_color(new_image, x, y, medgray)
        elif (r > 191 and b > 191):
            lightgray = create_color(r * 1.08, g, b * 0.93)
            set_color(new_image, x, y, lightgray)

    return new_image
Esempio n. 2
def poor_test_grayscale1() -> None:
    '''A poorly designed test function for grayscale.
    This test function has at least two problems:
    (1) It verifies that each pixel's colour is a shade of gray, but it doesn't
    determine if it's the CORRECT shade of gray. For example, if grayscale() 
    returns an image in which all pixels were set to (128, 128, 128), regardless
    of the pixels' colours in the original image, the test would still pass
    because the condition:
         r != g or g != b
    would always be False.
    (2) The pixels in the original image are "random": they are competely
    dependant on where the camera was pointing when the photo was taken. 
    Suppose our grayscale filter has a bug, and doesn't correctly process any
    pixels that are already a shade of gray. If the original image doesn't have
    any gray pixels, the test function won't uncover this bug.

    >>> poor_test_grayscale1()
    image = load_image(choose_file())
    gray_image = grayscale(image)

    for x, y, (r, g, b) in gray_image:
        if r != g or g != b:
            print('FAIL: pixel @ ', (x, y), 'is', (r, g, b))
def sepia(image: Image) -> Image:
    """Returns a copy of an image with a sepia filter.
    *Written by Sam Hurd*
    >>> sepia(image)
    image with grayscale and a yellow tint
    pic = grayscale(copy(image))

    for x, y, (r, g, b) in pic:

        if r < 63:
            b = b * 0.9
            r = r * 1.1

        elif r <= 191:
            b = b * 0.85
            r = r * 1.15

            b = b * 0.93
            r = r * 1.08

        color = create_color(r, g, b)
        set_color(pic, x, y, color)

    return pic
def sepia(image: Image) -> Image:
    #Junayd DeMone
    returns an image with a sepia tint apllied
    sepia tinted image
    new_image = grayscale(image)
    height = get_height(image)
    width = get_width(image)
    new_image2 = copy(new_image)

    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(height):
            c = get_color(new_image2, x, y)
            r, g, b = c
            if g < 63:
                cc = create_color(r * 1.1, g, b * 0.9)
                set_color(new_image2, x, y, cc)
            if 63 <= g <= 191:
                cc = create_color(r * 1.15, g, b * 0.85)
                set_color(new_image2, x, y, cc)
            if 191 < g:
                cc = create_color(r * 1.08, g, b * 0.93)
                set_color(new_image2, x, y, cc)
    return new_image2
Esempio n. 5
def poor_test_grayscale2() -> None:
    '''Another poorly designed test function for grayscale.
    This test function has at least two problems:
    (1) It attempts to fix problem (1) in the previous poorly designed test
    function. It gets the actual RGB values from a pixel in the image returned
    by grayscale, and compares them to the expected RGB values for that pixel;
    that is, the RGB values that a correct implementation of the filter should
    The problem is, what would happen if filter and the test function have the
    same bug in the code that calculates the RGB values. Suppose both functions 
    calculate each pixel's brightness this way:
        brightness = r + g + b // 3
    instead of using the correct expression:
        brightness = (r + g + b) // 3
    The test will pass, because the (incorrect) actual RGB values match the 
    (incorrect) expected values calculated by the test function.
    (2) Problem (2) is unchanged from the previous test function: we're testing
    random pixel colours.
    >>> poor_test_grayscale2()
    image = load_image(choose_file())
    gray_image = grayscale(image)

    for x, y, (r1, g1, b1) in gray_image:

        # r1, g1 and b1 are the ACTUAL RGB values of the pixel @ (x, y) in the
        # image returned by grayscale.

        # Calculate the EXPECTED RGB values for the pixel @ (x, y) in the
        # original image.

        r2, g2, b2 = get_color(image, x, y)
        brightness = (r2 + g2 + b2) // 3

        # Compare the actual and expected RGB values.
        if r1 != brightness or g1 != brightness or b1 != brightness:
            print('FAIL: pixel @ ', (x, y), 'is', (r1, g1, b1), 'not',
                  (brightness, brightness, brightness))
Esempio n. 6
def sepia(image: Image) -> Image:
    """Author: Ian Holmes 
    Type Annotations: Cimpl.Image -> Cimpl.Image

    Return a new image with the sepia filter applied. The image is first 
    converted to gray using grayscale and then a yellow tint is added (The 
    grayscale is taken from the Cimple library)
    >>> new = sepia(image)
    >>> show(new)
    #turning image to grayscale
    new_image = grayscale(image)
    #setting limits for which pixels are considered dark, medium, or light.
    # Red value is multiplied is multiply by one of these factors depending on
    # The range in which it is located
    RED_FACTOR_LOW = 1.1 
    RED_FACTOR_MID = 1.15
    RED_FACTOR_HIGH = 1.08

    # Blue value is multiplied is multiply by one of these factors depending on
    # The range the red value is located at
    BLUE_FACTOR_MID = 0.85
    BLUE_FACTOR_HIGH = 0.93   
    #tinting pixels yellow
    for x,y, (r,g,b) in new_image:
        # Depending on the red value the red value and the blue are multiplied
        # By a constant 
        if r < DARK_GRAY_LIMIT:
            r1,b1 = r * RED_FACTOR_LOW, b * BLUE_FACTOR_LOW
        elif r >= DARK_GRAY_LIMIT and r <= MEDIUM_GRAY_LIMIT:
            r1,b1 = r * RED_FACTOR_MID, b * BLUE_FACTOR_MID
        elif r > MEDIUM_GRAY_LIMIT:
            r1,b1 = r * RED_FACTOR_HIGH, b * BLUE_FACTOR_HIGH
        sepia = create_color(r1,g,b1)
        set_color(new_image, x, y, sepia)  
    return new_image
Esempio n. 7
def test_grayscale() -> None:
    '''A test function for grayscale.
    >>> test_grayscale()
    # This test function checks if grayscale correctly transforms:
    # (0, 0, 0) to (0, 0, 0)  # the darkest gray shade
    # (0, 0, 1) to (0, 0, 0)  # the darkest non-gray shade
    # (127, 127, 127) to (127, 127, 127)  # a mid-range gray shade
    # (125, 73, 224) to (140, 140, 140)   # a non-gray colour
    # (254, 255, 255) to (254, 254, 254)  # the brightest non-gray shade
    # (255, 255, 255) to (255, 255, 255)  # the brightest gray shade

    # Create an image with six pixels.

    original = create_image(6, 1)
    set_color(original, 0, 0, create_color(0, 0, 0))
    set_color(original, 1, 0, create_color(0, 0, 1))
    set_color(original, 2, 0, create_color(127, 127, 127))
    set_color(original, 3, 0, create_color(125, 73, 224))
    set_color(original, 4, 0, create_color(254, 255, 255))
    set_color(original, 5, 0, create_color(255, 255, 255))

    # Create an image that's identical to the one a correct implementation of
    # grayscale should produce when it is passed original.

    expected = create_image(6, 1)
    set_color(expected, 0, 0, create_color(0, 0, 0))
    set_color(expected, 1, 0, create_color(0, 0, 0))
    set_color(expected, 2, 0, create_color(127, 127, 127))
    set_color(expected, 3, 0, create_color(140, 140, 140))
    set_color(expected, 4, 0, create_color(254, 254, 254))
    set_color(expected, 5, 0, create_color(255, 255, 255))

    # Now compare the transformed image returned by the filter with the
    # expected image, one pixel at a time.

    gray_image = grayscale(original)
    for x, y, col in gray_image:  # col is the Color object for the pixel @ (x,y)
        # There's no need to unpack that object into
        # RGB components.
        check_equal('Checking pixel @(' + str(x) + ', ' + str(y) + ')', col,
                    get_color(expected, x, y))
Esempio n. 8
def sepia(original_image: Image) -> Image:
    """ Developed by Karandev Andotra, 101141882
        Reviewed by Hussein Rashid, 101141962
    Return a sepia tinted copy of an image from a user-selected image. 

    >>> original_image = load_image(choose_file())
    >>> sepia_image = sepia(new_image)
    new_image = grayscale(original_image)
    for pixel in new_image:
        x, y, (r, g, b) = pixel
        brightness = (r + g + b) // 3
        if brightness < 63:  #dark gray
            new_color = create_color(1.1 * r, g, 0.9 * b)
        elif brightness <= 191:  #medium gray
            new_color = create_color(1.15 * r, g, 0.85 * b)
        elif brightness > 191:  #light gray
            new_color = create_color(1.08 * r, g, 0.93 * b)
        set_color(new_image, x, y, new_color)
    return new_image
def sepia(image: Image) -> Image:
    """ Author: Francesca Siconolf (101148917)
    (Cimpl.Image) -> Cimpl.Image
    Passes the input file (picture) through a sepia filter, first by setting 
    all pixels to an equal grey tone, then multiplying the red and blue values,
    depending on the value of them.
    *Displays image with sepia filter*

    copy1 = copy(image)
    new = grayscale(copy1)

    for pixel in new:
        x, y, (r, g, b) = pixel
        b_new = b
        r_new = r

        if r < 63:
            b_new = b * 0.9
            r_new *= 1.1
            new_colour = create_color(r_new, g, b_new)

        elif 63 <= r <= 191:
            b_new *= 0.85
            r_new *= 1.15
            new_colour = create_color(r_new, g, b_new)

            b_new *= 0.93
            r_new *= 1.08
            new_colour = create_color(r_new, g, b_new)

        set_color(new, x, y, new_colour)

    return new