def test4(): env = ConnectFourEnv(display=True) simpleAgent1 = SimpleAgent(env, 1, 2) simpleAgent2 = SimpleAgent(env, 2, 1) state = env.getState() while True: acttion1 = simpleAgent1.getAction(state) state, gameOver, winner = env.act(1, acttion1, True) time.sleep(0.3) if gameOver: break acttion2 = simpleAgent2.getAction(state) state, gameOver, winner = env.act(2, acttion2, True) time.sleep(0.3) if gameOver: break if winner == -1: print 'Game draw' else: print 'Player %s won' % winner time.sleep(5)
def test3(): env = ConnectFourEnv(display=True) simpleAgent = SimpleAgent(env, 2, 1) state, gameOver, winner = env.act(1, 0) state, gameOver, winner = env.act(2, 6) time.sleep(0.5) state, gameOver, winner = env.act(1, 1) state, gameOver, winner = env.act(2, 5) time.sleep(0.5) state, gameOver, winner = env.act(1, 3) acttion = simpleAgent.getAction(env.state) state, gameOver, winner = env.act(2, acttion) time.sleep(5)
class MCTS: def __init__(self, settings): self.settings = settings self.totalGameNo = settings['total_game_no'] self.playedGameNo = 0 self.simStepNo = settings['sim_step_no'] self.saveStepNo = settings['save_step_no'] self.display = settings['display'] self.env = ConnectFourEnv(self.display) self.visited = {} # (stateStr, turn, action), visited self.won = {} # (stateStr, turn, action), won self.DRAW = -1 self.PLAYER = 1 self.OPP = 2 self.simpleAgent = SimpleAgent(self.env, self.OPP, self.PLAYER) self.winnerResult = {self.DRAW:0, self.PLAYER:0, self.OPP:0} self.greedyEpsilon = 0.1 self.startTime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') logFile="output/%s.log" % (self.startTime) util.Logger(logFile) self.testMode = False self.debugger = DebugInput(self).start() def initializeProcesses(self): # Multi process jobs self.multiCpuNo = self.settings['multi_cpu_no'] self.queueList = [] self.processList = [] self.queueChild2Parent = Queue() for i in range(self.multiCpuNo): queueParent2Child = Queue() self.queueList.append(queueParent2Child) #print 'creating a child process[%s]' % i p = Process(target=self.simulateOne, args=(i, self.simStepNo / self.multiCpuNo, queueParent2Child, self.queueChild2Parent)) p.start() self.processList.append(p) def __getstate__(self): d = dict(self.__dict__) del d['queueList'] del d['processList'] del d['queueChild2Parent'] return d def printEnv(self): print 'Start time: %s' % self.startTime print '[ Running Environment ]' for key in self.settings.keys(): print '{} : '.format(key).ljust(30) + '{}'.format(self.settings[key]) print 'width: %s, height: %s' % (self.env.width, self.env.height) def getStateStr(self, state): #return np.array_str(state) return hash(state.tostring()) def simulate(self, orgState): time1 = time.time() for i in range(self.multiCpuNo): self.queueList[i].put((orgState, self.visited, self.won)) finishedChildNo = 0 for i in range(self.multiCpuNo): childID, winnerList, historyList, expandedList = self.queueChild2Parent.get() for expandedNode in expandedList: if expandedNode not in self.visited: self.visited[expandedNode] = 0 self.won[expandedNode] = 0 for winner, history in zip(winnerList, historyList): self.updateTreeInfo(winner, history) finishedChildNo += 1 #print 'simulateOne done %s' % childID if finishedChildNo == self.multiCpuNo: break #print 'all simulateOne finished' time2 = time.time() #print 'simulte took %.2f sec' % (time2 - time1) def simulateOne(self, id, simStepNo, queueParent2Child, queueChild2Parent): while True: orgState, visited, won = queueParent2Child.get() self.visited = visited self.won = won self.env.reset() self.env.setState(orgState) self.visited['haha'] = 'dj' historyList = [] winnerList = [] expandedList = [] state = orgState.copy() turn = self.PLAYER history = [] expanded = False for i in range(simStepNo): if turn == self.PLAYER: availableActions = self.env.availableActions(state) stateStr = self.getStateStr(state) totalStateVisited = 0 # check every actions are visited before for action in availableActions: stateActionPair = (stateStr, turn, action) if stateActionPair in self.visited: totalStateVisited += self.visited[stateActionPair] else: totalStateVisited = 0 if totalStateVisited == 0: action = self.getRandomAction(state) else: maxUpperBound = 0 for action in availableActions: stateActionPair = (stateStr, turn, action) won = self.won.get(stateActionPair, 0) visited = max(self.visited.get(stateActionPair, 1), 1) winRatio = float(won) / visited upperBound = winRatio + math.sqrt(2 * math.log(totalStateVisited) / visited) if upperBound >= maxUpperBound: maxUpperBound = upperBound selectedAction = action action = selectedAction elif turn == self.OPP: if 'sim_opp_policy' in self.settings and self.settings['sim_opp_policy'] == 'simple': action = self.simpleAgent.getAction(state) else: action = self.getRandomAction(state) stateStr = self.getStateStr(state) stateActionPair = (stateStr, turn, action) if expanded == False and stateActionPair not in self.visited: canExpand = True expanded = True else: canExpand = False state, gameOver, winner = self.doAction(state, action, turn, history, expandedList, canExpand, False) if turn == self.PLAYER: turn = self.OPP else: turn = self.PLAYER if gameOver: self.updateTreeInfo(winner, history) historyList.append(history) winnerList.append(winner) # restart sim self.env.reset() self.env.setState(orgState) state = orgState.copy() turn = self.PLAYER history = [] expanded = False continue queueChild2Parent.put((id, winnerList, historyList, expandedList)) def getRandomAction(self, state, availableActions=None): if availableActions == None: availableActions = self.env.availableActions(state) actionIndex = random.randint(0, len(availableActions)-1) return availableActions[actionIndex] def getAction(self, state, turn): availableActions = self.env.availableActions(state) if len(availableActions) == 1: return availableActions[0] maxAction = -1 maxWinRatio = 0 availableActions = self.env.availableActions(state) stateStr = self.getStateStr(state) for action in availableActions: stateActionPair = (stateStr, turn, action) if stateActionPair not in self.visited: continue winRatio = float(self.won.get(stateActionPair, 0)) / max(self.visited.get(stateActionPair, 1), 1) if winRatio >= maxWinRatio: maxWinRatio = winRatio maxAction = action return maxAction def doAction(self, state, action, turn, history, expandedList, canExpand, display): newState, gameOver, winner = self.env.act(turn, action, display) stateStr = self.getStateStr(state) stateActionPair = (stateStr, turn, action) if stateActionPair not in self.visited and canExpand: self.visited[stateActionPair] = 0 self.won[stateActionPair] = 0 if expandedList != None: expandedList.append(stateActionPair) history.append(stateActionPair) return newState, gameOver, winner def updateTreeInfo(self, winner, history): """ Update win result from the current node to the top node """ for stateActionPair in history: if stateActionPair in self.visited: self.visited[stateActionPair] += 1 _, turn, _ = stateActionPair if turn == winner: self.won[stateActionPair] += 1 def printHistory(self, history): step = 0 print '\n[ history ]' for stateActionPair in history: state, turn, action = stateActionPair if stateActionPair in self.visited: visited = self.visited[stateActionPair] won = self.won[stateActionPair] else: visited = 0 won = 0 print 'step[%s] turn=%s, action=%s, visited=%s, won=%s' % \ (step, turn, action, visited, won) step += 1 print '' def printResult(self): print 'total states: %s' % len(self.visited) def save(self, step): if os.path.exists('snapshot') == False: os.makedirs('snapshot') fileName = 'snapshot/mcts_%s' % step with open(fileName + '.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f) def gogo(self): self.initializeProcesses() lastResult = [] lastResultWin = 0 for i in range(self.totalGameNo): self.env.reset() state = self.env.getState() history = [] turn = random.randint(self.PLAYER, self.OPP) startTime = time.time() while True: if turn == self.PLAYER: self.simulate(state) if settings['player_action'] == 'egreedy': action = self.getActionEGreedy(state, self.PLAYER) else: action = self.getAction(state, self.PLAYER) elif turn == self.OPP: if settings['opponent'] == 'user': action = self.env.getManualAction(state) else: action = self.simpleAgent.getAction(state) state, gameOver, winner = self.doAction(state, action, turn, history, None, True, True) if gameOver: break if turn == self.PLAYER: turn = self.OPP else: turn = self.PLAYER elapsed = time.time() - startTime if settings['opponent'] == 'user': self.env.showWinner(winner) self.playedGameNo += 1 self.winnerResult[winner] += 1 if winner == -1: print 'Game draw' else: mcts.updateTreeInfo(winner, history) if winner == self.PLAYER: lastResultWin += 1 if len(lastResult) == 100: todel = lastResult.pop(0) if todel == 1: lastResultWin -= 1 lastResult.append(winner) lastRatio = float(lastResultWin) * 100 / len(lastResult) #mcts.printResult() winRatio = float(self.winnerResult[self.PLAYER]) * 100 \ / (self.winnerResult[self.OPP] + self.winnerResult[self.PLAYER]) if winner == 1: winStr = 'Win' else: winStr = 'Lose' print 'Game %s : %s, %s, total=%.0f%%, last 100=%.0f%%, %.1fs' % (self.playedGameNo, self.winnerResult, winStr, winRatio, lastRatio, elapsed) if self.playedGameNo % self.saveStepNo == 0: #time.sleep(5) self.debugger.finish()