Esempio n. 1
    class MyPreferences(TestSetup):
        """You can use Enums"""

        color: Color = Color.BLUE  # my favorite colour
        # a list of colors
        color_list: List[Color] = list_field(Color.ORANGE)
        # Some floats.
        floats: List[float] = list_field(1.1, 2.2, 3.3)
        # pick a temperature
        temp: Temperature = Temperature.WARM
        # a list of temperatures
        temp_list: List[Temperature] = list_field(Temperature.COLD, Temperature.WARM)
Esempio n. 2
class Example():
    some_integers: List[int] = field(
        default_factory=list)  # This is a list of integers (empty by default)
    """This list is empty, by default. when passed some parameters, they are
    automatically converted to integers, since we annotated the attribute with
    a type (typing.List[<some_type>]).

    # When using a list attribute, the dataclasses module requires us to use `dataclass.field()`,
    # so each instance of this class has a different list, rather than them sharing the same list.
    # To simplify this, you can use `MutableField(value)` which is just a shortcut for `field(default_factory=lambda: value)`.
    some_floats: List[float] = list_field(3.14, 2.56)

    some_list_of_strings: List[str] = list_field("default_1", "default_2")
    """This list has a default value of ["default_1", "default_2"]."""
Esempio n. 3
class PathOpts:
    """File and path options for inputs and outputs"""
    name: str = 'calibration'  # Filename to save outputs, e.g. calibration.json
    output_path: Optional[
        str] = None  # Path to save outputs, uses image path if unspecified
    master: Optional[
        str] = None  # Use camera as master when exporting (default use first camera)

    image_path: str = "."  # Path to search for image folders
    boards: Optional[
        str] = None  # Configuration file (YAML) for calibration boards
    camera_pattern: Optional[
        str] = None  # Camera apth pattern example "{camera}/extrinsic"
    cameras: List[str] = list_field()  # Explicit camera list
class Example1:
    # A list of animals to take on a walk. (can only be passed 'cat' or 'dog')
    pets_to_walk: List[str] = list_field(default=["dog"],
                                         choices=["cat", "dog"])
Esempio n. 5
class ConvBlock(Serializable):
    """A Block of Conv Layers."""

    n_layers: int = 4  # number of layers
    n_filters: List[int] = list_field(16, 32, 64, 64)  # filters per layer
Esempio n. 6
 class A:
     a: List[str] = list_field("bob", "john", "bart")
Esempio n. 7
class IncrementalResults(Results, Generic[MetricType]):
    """ Results for a whole train loop (transfer matrix).

    This class is basically just a 2d list of TaskResults objects, with some convenience
    methods and properties.
    We get one TaskSequenceResults (a 1d list of TaskResults objects) as a result of
    every test loop, which, in the Incremental Settings, happens after training on each
    task, hence why we get a nb_tasks x nb_tasks matrix of results.

    task_sequence_results: List[TaskSequenceResults[MetricType]] = list_field()

    min_runtime_hours: ClassVar[float] = 0.0
    max_runtime_hours: ClassVar[float] = 12.0

    def __post_init__(self):
        self._runtime: Optional[float] = None
        self._online_training_performance: Optional[List[Dict[int,
                                                              Metrics]]] = None
        # Factor used to scale the 'objective' to a 'score' between 0 and 1.
        self._objective_scaling_factor: float = 1.0

    def runtime_minutes(self) -> Optional[float]:
        return self._runtime / 60 if self._runtime is not None else None

    def runtime_hours(self) -> Optional[float]:
        return self._runtime / 3600 if self._runtime is not None else None

    def transfer_matrix(self) -> List[List[TaskResults]]:
        return [
            for task_sequence_result in self.task_sequence_results

    def metrics_matrix(self) -> List[List[MetricType]]:
        """Returns the 'transfer matrix' but with the average metrics for each task
        in each cell.

        NOTE: This is different from `transfer_matrix` since it returns the matrix of
        `TaskResults` objects (which are themselves lists of Metrics) 

            2d grid of average metrics for each task.
        return [[
            for task_results in task_sequence_result
        ] for task_sequence_result in self]

    def objective_matrix(self) -> List[List[float]]:
        """Return transfer matrix containing the value of the 'objective' for each task.

        The value at the index (i, j) gives the test performance on task j after having
        learned tasks 0-i.

            The 2d matrix of objectives (floats).
        return [[
            task_result.objective for task_result in task_sequence_result
        ] for task_sequence_result in self.transfer_matrix]

    def cl_score(self) -> float:
        """ CL Score, as a weigted sum of three objectives:
        - The average final performance over all tasks
        - The average 'online' performance over all tasks
        - Runtime

        TODO: @optimass Determine the weights for each factor.

        # TODO: Determine the function to use to get a runtime score between 0 and 1.
        score = (+0.30 * self._online_performance_score() +
                 0.40 * self._final_performance_score() +
                 0.30 * self._runtime_score())
        return score

    def _runtime_score(self) -> float:
        # TODO: function that takes the total runtime in seconds and returns a
        # normalized float score between 0 and 1.
        runtime_seconds = self._runtime
        if self._runtime is None:
                        "Runtime is None! Returning runtime score of 0.\n (Make sure the "
                        "Setting had its `monitor_training_performance` attr set to True!",
            return 0
        runtime_hours = runtime_seconds / 3600

        # Get the maximum runtime for this type of Results (and Setting)
        min_runtime_hours = type(self).min_runtime_hours
        max_runtime_hours = type(self).max_runtime_hours

        assert 0 <= min_runtime_hours < max_runtime_hours
        assert 0 < runtime_hours
        if runtime_hours <= min_runtime_hours:
            return 1.0
        if max_runtime_hours <= runtime_hours:
            return 0.0
        return 1 - ((runtime_hours - min_runtime_hours) /
                    (max_runtime_hours - min_runtime_hours))

    def _online_performance_score(self) -> float:
        """Function that takes the 'objective' of the Metrics from the average online
        performance, and returns a normalized float score between 0 and 1.
        objectives: List[float] = [
            for task_online_metric in self.online_performance_metrics
        return self._objective_scaling_factor * np.mean(objectives)
        # return self._objective_scaling_factor * self.average_online_performance.objective

    def _final_performance_score(self) -> float:
        """ Function that takes the 'objective' of the Metrics from the average
        final performance, and returns a normalized float score between 0 and 1.
        objectives: List[float] = [
            for task_metric in self.final_performance_metrics
        return self._objective_scaling_factor * np.mean(objectives)
        # return self._objective_scaling_factor * self.average_final_performance.objective

    def objective(self) -> float:
        # return self.cl_score
        return self.average_final_performance.objective

    def num_tasks(self) -> int:
        return len(self.task_sequence_results)

    def online_performance(self) -> List[Dict[int, MetricType]]:
        """ Returns the online training performance for each task. i.e. the diagonal of
        the transfer matrix.
        In SL, this is only recorded over the first epoch.

        List[Dict[int, MetricType]]
            A List containing, for each task, a dictionary mapping from step number to
            the Metrics object produced at that step.
        if not self._online_training_performance:
            return [{} for _ in range(self.num_tasks)]
        return self._online_training_performance

        # return [self[i][i] for i in range(self.num_tasks)]

    def online_performance_metrics(self) -> List[MetricType]:
        return [
            sum(online_performance_dict.values(), Metrics())
            for online_performance_dict in self.online_performance

    def final_performance(self) -> List[TaskResults[MetricType]]:
        return self.transfer_matrix[-1]

    def final_performance_metrics(self) -> List[MetricType]:
        return [
            for task_result in self.final_performance

    def average_online_performance(self) -> MetricType:
        return sum(self.online_performance_metrics, Metrics())

    def average_final_performance(self) -> MetricType:
        return sum(self.final_performance_metrics, Metrics())

    def to_log_dict(self, verbose: bool = False) -> Dict:
        log_dict = {}
        # TODO: This assumes that the metrics were stored in the right index for their
        # corresponding task.
        for task_id, task_sequence_result in enumerate(
            log_dict[f"Task {task_id}"] = task_sequence_result.to_log_dict(

        if self._online_training_performance:
            log_dict["Online Performance"] = {
                f"Task {task_id}":
                for task_id, task_online_metrics in enumerate(

            "Final/Average Online Performance":
            "Final/Average Final Performance":
            "Final/Runtime (seconds)":
            "Final/CL Score":
        return log_dict

    def summary(self):
        s = StringIO()
        print(json.dumps(self.to_log_dict(), indent="\t"), file=s)

    def make_plots(self) -> Dict[str, Union[plt.Figure, Dict]]:
        plots = {
            f"Task {task_id}": task_sequence_result.make_plots()
            for task_id, task_sequence_result in enumerate(
        axis_labels = [f"Task {task_id}" for task_id in range(self.num_tasks)]
            plots["Transfer matrix"] = wandb.plots.HeatMap(
            objective_array = np.asfarray(self.objective_matrix)
            perf_per_step = objective_array.mean(-1)
            table = wandb.Table(
                data=[[i + 1, perf] for i, perf in enumerate(perf_per_step)],
                    "# of learned tasks",
                    "Average Test performance on all tasks"
            plots["Test Performance"] = wandb.plot.line(
                x="# of learned tasks",
                y="Average Test performance on all tasks",
                title="Test Performance vs # of Learned tasks",
        return plots

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.summary()
Esempio n. 8
 class Complicated(Serializable):
     x: List[List[List[Dict[int, Tuple[int, float, str,
                                       List[float]]]]]] = list_field()
Esempio n. 9
 class SomeClass(Serializable):
     d: Dict[str, some_type] = dict_field()
     l: List[Tuple[some_type, some_type]] = list_field()
     t: Dict[str, Optional[some_type]] = dict_field()
Esempio n. 10
 class Container(Serializable, Generic[I]):
     items: List[I] = list_field()
Esempio n. 11
class TaskSequenceResults(Results, Generic[MetricType]):
    """ Results obtained when evaluated on a sequence of (discrete) Tasks. """

    task_results: List[TaskResults[MetricType]] = list_field()

    # For now, all the 'concrete' objectives (mean reward / episode in RL, accuracy in
    # SL) have higher => better
    lower_is_better: ClassVar[bool] = False

    def __post_init__(self):
        if self.task_results and isinstance(self.task_results[0], dict):
            self.task_results = [
                TaskResults.from_dict(task_result, drop_extra_fields=False)
                for task_result in self.task_results

    def objective_name(self) -> str:
        return self.average_metrics.objective_name

    def num_tasks(self) -> int:
        """Returns the number of tasks.

            Number of tasks.
        return len(self.task_results)

    def average_metrics(self) -> MetricType:
        return sum(self.average_metrics_per_task, Metrics())

    def average_metrics_per_task(self) -> List[MetricType]:
        return [
            task_result.average_metrics for task_result in self.task_results

    def objective(self) -> float:
        return self.average_metrics.objective

    def to_log_dict(self, verbose: bool = False) -> Dict:
        result = {}
        for task_id, task_results in enumerate(self.task_results):
            result[f"Task {task_id}"] = task_results.to_log_dict(
        result["Average"] = self.average_metrics.to_log_dict(verbose=verbose)
        return result

    def summary(self) -> str:
        return str(self.to_log_dict())

    def make_plots(self) -> Dict[str, plt.Figure]:
        result = {}
        for task_id, task_results in enumerate(self.task_results):
            result[f"Task {task_id}"] = task_results.make_plots()
        return result
Esempio n. 12
 class ContainerClass(TestSetup):
     a: Tuple[int]
     b: List[int]
     c: Tuple[str] = tuple()
     d: List[int] = list_field()
Esempio n. 13
 class Container(TestSetup):
     a: List[some_type] = list_field()