def main(cls, args): # db = SimpleDB("tabletest", 400, 8) fm = FileMgr(File("tabletest"), 400) lm = LogMgr(fm, "simpledb.log") bm = BufferMgr(fm, lm, 8) tx = Transaction(fm, lm, bm) sch = Schema() sch.addIntField("A") sch.addStringField("B", 9) layout = Layout(sch) for fldname in layout.schema().fields(): offset = layout.offset(fldname) print(fldname + " has offset " + str(offset)) print("Filling the table with 50 random records.") ts = TableScan(tx, "T", layout) for i in range(50): ts.insert() n = random.randint(0, 50) ts.setInt("A", n) ts.setString("B", "rec" + str(n)) print("inserting into slot " + ts.getRid().__str__() + ": {" + str(n) + ", " + "rec" + str(n) + "}") print("Deleting these records, whose A-values are less than 25.") count = 0 ts.beforeFirst() while a = ts.getInt("A") b = ts.getString("B") if a < 25: count += 1 print("slot " + ts.getRid().__str__() + ": {" + str(a) + ", " + b + "}") ts.delete() print(str(count) + " values under 10 were deleted.\n") print("Here are the remaining records.") ts.beforeFirst() while a = ts.getInt("A") b = ts.getString("B") print("slot " + ts.getRid().__str__() + ": {" + str(a) + ", " + b + "}") ts.close() tx.commit()
def calcTableStats(self, tblname, layout, tx): numRecs = 0 numblocks = 0 ts = TableScan(tx, tblname, layout) while numRecs += 1 numblocks = ts.getRid().blockNumber() + 1 ts.close() return StatInfo(numblocks, numRecs)