Esempio n. 1
def SimulateStereoMeas(surface, workspace, sensornoise=.001, subsample=True, numstereo=10):
    simulate measurements from stereo depth mapping for the test functions above
       *surface: a function defining a test surface
       *rangeX, rangeY: boundaries of the regions
       *gridSize: resolution for simulated stereo measurements

       *xx,yy, z, matrices

    This functions would be replaced by data from experiments
    x = np.linspace(workspace.bounds[0][0], workspace.bounds[0][1], num = numstereo)
    y = np.linspace(workspace.bounds[1][0], workspace.bounds[1][1], num = numstereo)

    if subsample==False:
        # if data is too large and GP is too slow, may want to subsample
        z = getStereoDepthMap(surface)[:40,:40]
        z = np.pad(z,((0,10),(0,10)),mode='edge')
        interpf = getInterpolatedStereoMeas(surface,workspace)
        z = interpf(x,y)
    z = z #+ np.random.randn(z.shape[0],1)*sensornoise

    xx, yy, z = stereo_pad(x,y,z,workspace.bounds[0],workspace.bounds[1])

    return xx, yy, z
Esempio n. 2
def getInterpolatedStereoMeas(surface, workspace):

    z = getStereoDepthMap(surface)
    z[z<5]= 5
    z[z>30]=5 #if dont know its baseline

    res = z.shape[0]
    x = np.linspace(workspace.bounds[0][0], workspace.bounds[0][1], num = res)
    y = np.linspace(workspace.bounds[1][0], workspace.bounds[1][1], num = res)
    f = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, z, kind='cubic')
    return f