Esempio n. 1
    def avoid_obstacle(self, obstacle_center, obstacle_outside):
        Function to avoid obstacles
        need to take into account whether agents inside/outside the obstacle
        moves the agent away from the boarder by distance equivalent to its size
        :param obstacle_center: tuple (int,int), the center coordinates of the obstacle
        :param obstacle_outside: boolean, defines whether the agents are inside or outside of the obstacle
        x, y = self.mask.get_size()  #get the size of the boid
        x_ob, y_ob = obstacle_center

        if obstacle_outside:  #agents outside the obstacle
            if self.pos[0] >= x_ob:
                self.pos[0] += x
                self.pos[0] -= x

            if self.pos[1] >= y_ob:
                self.pos[1] += y
                self.pos[1] -= y
        else:  #agents inside the obstacle:
            if self.pos[0] <= x_ob:
                self.pos[0] += x
                self.pos[0] -= x

            if self.pos[1] <= y_ob:
                self.pos[1] += y
                self.pos[1] -= y

        #adjust the velocity by rotating it around
        self.v = (helperfunctions.rotate(helperfunctions.normalize(self.v)) *
Esempio n. 2
 def find_neighbor_separation(self,boid,neighbors): #show what works better
     separate = np.zeros(2)
     for idx in neighbors:
         neighbor_pos = list(self.agents)[idx].pos
         difference = boid.pos - neighbor_pos #compute the distance vector (v_x, v_y)
         difference /= helperfunctions.norm(difference) #normalize to unit vector with respect to its maginiture
         separate += difference #add the influences of all neighbors up
     return separate/len(neighbors)
Esempio n. 3
 def avoid_obstacle(self):
     Function to avoid obstacles
     need to take into account whether agents inside/outside the obstacle
     moves the agent away from the boarder by distance equivalent to its size
     #adjust the velocity by rotating it around
     self.v = (helperfunctions.rotate(helperfunctions.normalize(self.v)) *
     self.pos += self.v * 1.5