def get_SCprofiles_from_dir(output_dir, compute_topoisomerase=False, timepoints=None): """ Provides a list with successive tuples of Barr_fix,SC_profile that can be used to draw the distribution. - if compute_topoisomerase, then also lists for those: then the argument must be the input file: params.ini - timepoints is an array of indexes, from 0 to the maximal timeindex """ sigma_info = np.load(output_dir + "/all_res/save_sigma_info.npz") RNAPs_info = np.load(output_dir + "/all_res/save_RNAPs_info.npz") Barr_pos = sigma_info["save_Barr_pos"] dom_sigma_info = sigma_info["dom_sigma_info"] #print(dom_sigma_info[96:110]) # select timepoints if timepoints is None: timepoints = np.arange(len(dom_sigma_info)) sigma = dom_sigma_info barr = Barr_pos RNAPs_pos_info = RNAPs_info["RNAPs_info"][:, 1, :] else: sigma = dom_sigma_info[timepoints] barr = Barr_pos[timepoints] RNAPs_pos_info = RNAPs_info["RNAPs_info"][:, 1, timepoints] # compute topoisomerases? if not compute_topoisomerase: return [(barr[i], s) for i, s in enumerate(sigma)] else: inf = compute_topoisomerase config = sim.read_config_file(inf) # get promoter values from the config file m = config.getfloat('PROMOTER', 'm') sigma_t = config.getfloat('PROMOTER', 'sigma_t') epsilon = config.getfloat('PROMOTER', 'epsilon') # get topoisomerase concentrations GYRASE_CONC = config.getfloat('SIMULATION', 'GYRASE_CONC') TOPO_CONC = config.getfloat('SIMULATION', 'TOPO_CONC') # topoisomerase behavior TOPO_CTE = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'TOPO_CTE') GYRASE_CTE = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'GYRASE_CTE') k_GYRASE = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'k_GYRASE') x0_GYRASE = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'x0_GYRASE') k_TOPO = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'k_TOPO') x0_TOPO = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'x0_TOPO') # compute topo activity in gyr_act = [ GYRASE_CONC * 1 / (1 + np.exp(-k_GYRASE * (s - x0_GYRASE))) * GYRASE_CTE for s in sigma ] topo_act = [ TOPO_CONC * 1 / (1 + np.exp(k_TOPO * (s - x0_TOPO))) * TOPO_CTE for s in sigma ] return [(barr[i], s) for i, s in enumerate(sigma)], gyr_act, topo_act
def copy_to_working_path(path_params_seq, working_path): #modify the config file from path_params_seq and copy it in working_path. config = simulation.read_config_file(path_params_seq + "params_seq.ini") config.set('INPUTS', 'TSS', working_path + "TSS.dat") config.set('INPUTS', 'TTS', working_path + "TTS.dat") config.set('INPUTS', 'GFF', working_path + "gff.gff") config.set('INPUTS', 'BARR_FIX', working_path + "prot.dat") #write it in working_path with open(working_path + "params_seq.ini", 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) #copy the files. oss("cp " + path_params_seq + "TSS.dat " + working_path + "TSS.dat") oss("cp " + path_params_seq + "TTS.dat " + working_path + "TTS.dat") oss("cp " + path_params_seq + "prot.dat " + working_path + "prot.dat") oss("cp " + path_params_seq + "gff.gff " + working_path + "gff.gff")
def plot_promoter_response_and_SCvalues(INI_file, outfile=None): """ For given simulation, plot the promoter response curve together with initiatil and equilibrium SC values """ if outfile is None: outfile = INI_file.split(".")[0] + "_promoter" config = sim.read_config_file(INI_file) # get promoter values from the config file m = config.getfloat('PROMOTER', 'm') sigma_t = config.getfloat('PROMOTER', 'sigma_t') epsilon = config.getfloat('PROMOTER', 'epsilon') # get topoisomerase constants GYRASE_CONC = config.getfloat('SIMULATION', 'GYRASE_CONC') TOPO_CONC = config.getfloat('SIMULATION', 'TOPO_CONC') TOPO_CTE = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'TOPO_CTE') GYRASE_CTE = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'GYRASE_CTE') # topoisomerase behavior k_GYRASE = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'k_GYRASE') x0_GYRASE = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'x0_GYRASE') k_TOPO = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'k_TOPO') x0_TOPO = config.getfloat('TOPOISOMERASES', 'x0_TOPO') # sigma0,sigma_eq sigma_eq = SC_numerical_solution(GYRASE_CONC, TOPO_CONC, GYRASE_CTE, TOPO_CTE, k_GYRASE, k_TOPO, x0_GYRASE, x0_TOPO) try: SIGMA_0 = config.getfloat('SIMULATION', 'SIGMA_0') except: SIGMA_0 = sigma_eq # ------------------------- prom = lambda sig: np.exp((1 / (1 + np.exp( (sig - sigma_t) / epsilon))) * m) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3)) # 3.2,2.7 sigs = np.arange(-.12, .04, .005) plt.plot(sigs, prom(sigs), color="black") plt.axvline(SIGMA_0, color="gray", ls="--", lw=.5, label="initial") plt.axvline(sigma_eq, color="gray", lw=.5, label="equil") plt.xlabel("σ") plt.ylabel("supercoiling activation factor") plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() for ext in exts: plt.savefig(outfile + ext) plt.close()
def get_cov_bp(INI_file): """ Analyzes initiation file to get the array of positions in reduced units, for plotting """ path = INI_file.rpartition("/")[0] if path == "": path = "." path += "/" # read the config file config = sim.read_config_file(INI_file) # get inputs infos from the config file GFF_file = path + config.get('INPUTS', 'GFF') DELTA_X = config.getfloat('GLOBAL', 'DELTA_X') # To draw the beautiful genes we need to read the GFF, TSS and TTS files to get some info ;) gff_df_raw = sim.load_gff(GFF_file) # to get the cov_bp (a verifier) genome_size = sim.get_genome_size(gff_df_raw) genome = int(genome_size / DELTA_X) #print(genome) cov_bp = np.arange(0, genome_size, DELTA_X) #print(cov_bp,len(cov_bp)) #cov_bp = np.resize(cov_bp, genome) return cov_bp
def evol_master(arg): scipy.random.seed() fitness_file, p_inversion = arg # read the evolution parameters from the config file config = sim.read_config_file(INI_file) environment_file = config.get('EVOLUTION', 'environment') temperature = config.getfloat('EVOLUTION', 'temperature') temperature_rate = config.getfloat('EVOLUTION', 'temperature_rate') nbiter = config.getint('EVOLUTION', 'nbiter') #p_inversion = config.getfloat('EVOLUTION', 'p_inversion') indel_size = config.getint('EVOLUTION', 'indel_size') #fitness_file = config.get('EVOLUTION', 'output_file') pth = INI_file[:-10] expected_profile = pd.read_table(pth + environment_file, sep='\t', header=None)[1] tss, tts, prot, genome_size = sim.load_genome(INI_file) gene_expression = sim.start_transcribing(INI_file, output_dir, tss, tts, prot, genome_size) fitness = get_fitness(gene_expression, expected_profile) with open(fitness_file, 'w') as f: f.write("fitness\tgenome size\tmutation type\n") for it in range(nbiter): temperature *= temperature_rate tss, tts, prot, genome_size, fitness, mutation_type = evol_main_loop( tss, tts, prot, genome_size, fitness, p_inversion, temperature, indel_size, expected_profile) print("iteration : " + str(it) + "\tfitness : " + str(fitness)) # mutation_type is 0 if no changes occured 1 for inversion and 2 for indel with open(fitness_file, 'a') as f: f.write( str(fitness) + "\t" + str(genome_size) + "\t" + str(mutation_type) + "\n")
def plot_mean_sigma_genes_v2(INI_file, sigma_info, RNAPs_pos_info): # path to the input files (remove the "params.ini" from the path) path = INI_file.rpartition("/")[0] + "/" if path=="/": path="./" # read the config file config = sim.read_config_file(INI_file) # get inputs infos from the config file GFF_file = path+config.get('INPUTS', 'GFF') TSS_file = path+config.get('INPUTS', 'TSS') TTS_file = path+config.get('INPUTS', 'TTS') Prot_file = path+config.get('INPUTS', 'BARR_FIX') SIGMA_0 = config.getfloat('SIMULATION', 'SIGMA_0') DELTA_X = config.getfloat('SIMULATION', 'DELTA_X') # load and get BARR_FIX positions prot = sim.load_tab_file(Prot_file) BARR_FIX = (prot['prot_pos'].values).astype(int) # To draw the beautiful genes we need to read the GFF, TSS and TTS files to get some info ;) gff_df_raw = sim.load_gff(GFF_file) # to get the cov_bp (a verifier) genome_size = sim.get_genome_size(gff_df_raw) genome = int(genome_size/DELTA_X) cov_bp = np.arange(0, genome_size, DELTA_X) cov_bp = np.resize(cov_bp, genome) gff_df = sim.rename_gff_cols(gff_df_raw) tss = sim.load_tab_file(TSS_file) Kon = tss['TSS_strength'].values tts = sim.load_tab_file(TTS_file) Poff = tts['TTS_proba_off'].values strands = sim.str2num(gff_df['strand'].values) # Create the figure and all axes to draw to fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(9,6)) # 3.2,2.7 gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[9, 3, 1]) # Color maps for formatting col_map = {} col_map['red'] = (0.95, 0.30, 0.25) col_map['green'] = (0.38, 0.82, 0.32) col_map['blue'] = (0.38, 0.65, 0.87) col_map['orange'] = (1.00, 0.75, 0.17) col_map['purple'] = (0.55, 0.35, 0.64) col_map['yellow'] = (0.98, 0.97, 0.35) col_map['grey'] = (0.70, 0.70, 0.70) col_map['dark_grey'] = (0.60, 0.60, 0.60) col_map['light_grey'] = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9) # CDS formatting options opt_CDSs = [] Ps = [] CDSs = [] Ts = [] design = [] for i in gff_df.index.values: opt_CDSs.append({'label':'Gene%s \n%.03f'%(str(i+1),Kon[i]), 'label_style':'italic', 'label_y_offset':-5, 'color':col_map['orange']}) # Design of the construct if strands[i] == True: # Promoters Ps.append({'type':'Promoter', 'name':'P%s'%str(i+1), 'start':tss['TSS_pos'][i], 'end':tss['TSS_pos'][i]+5, 'fwd':strands[i], 'opts':{'color':col_map['green']}}) # Coding Sequence CDSs.append({'type':'CDS', 'name':'CDS%s'%str(i+1), 'start':gff_df['start'][i], 'end':gff_df['end'][i], 'fwd':gff_df['strand'][i], 'opts':opt_CDSs[i]}) else: # Promoters Ps.append({'type':'Promoter', 'name':'P%s'%str(i+1), 'start':tss['TSS_pos'][i], 'end':tss['TSS_pos'][i]-5, 'fwd':strands[i], 'opts':{'color':col_map['green']}}) # Coding Sequence CDSs.append({'type':'CDS', 'name':'CDS%s'%str(i+1), 'start':gff_df['end'][i], 'end':gff_df['start'][i], 'fwd':gff_df['strand'][i], 'opts':opt_CDSs[i]}) # Terminators Ts.append({'type':'Terminator', 'name':'T%s'%str(i+1), 'start':tts['TTS_pos'][i], 'end':tts['TTS_pos'][i]+5, 'fwd':strands[i], 'opts':{'color':col_map['red']}}) # A design is merely a list of parts and their properties if strands[i] == True: design.append(Ps[i]) design.append(CDSs[i]) design.append(Ts[i]) else: design.append(Ts[i]) design.append(CDSs[i]) design.append(Ps[i]) ax_mean_sig = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax_dna = plt.subplot(gs[1]) # Redender the DNA dr = dpl.DNARenderer(scale=7, linewidth=1) start, end = dr.renderDNA(ax_dna, design, dr.trace_part_renderers()) # Set bounds and display options for the DNA axis dna_len = end-start ax_dna.set_xlim([cov_bp[0], cov_bp[-1]]) #start-50 ax_dna.set_ylim([-8,8]) #ax_dna.plot(5000, 'ro', markersize=15) for xc in BARR_FIX: ax_dna.axvline(x=xc, ymin=0.40, ymax=0.60, color='k', linewidth=5) ax_dna.plot([cov_bp[0],cov_bp[-1]], [0,0], color=(0,0,0), linewidth=1.0, zorder=1) ax_dna.axis('off') # plot of sigma and mean of sigma plt.ion() ax_mean_sig.plot(cov_bp, sigma_info, linewidth= 1.5) ax_mean_sig.legend(loc='best', fontsize = 12) ax_mean_sig.set_ylim([-0.2,0.2]) ax_mean_sig.set_xlim([0, cov_bp[-1]]) #ax_mean_sig.set_title(r"Title goes here", fontsize = 13) ax_mean_sig.set_ylabel(r'Supercoiling density $(\sigma)$') ax_mean_sig.set_xlabel('Position (bp)') ax_mean_sig.plot(RNAPs_pos_info*DELTA_X, np.full(len(RNAPs_pos_info), SIGMA_0, dtype=float), 'ro', markersize=12, label = "RNA Polymerase") ax_mean_sig.set_ylim([-0.2, 0.2]) plt.pause(0.001) plt.gcf().clear()
from multiprocessing import Pool import pandas as pd import scipy from evolution import evol_master, get_fitness from simulation import start_transcribing, load_genome, read_config_file INI = 'params.ini' tss, tts, prot, genome_size = load_genome(INI) config = read_config_file(INI) environment_file = config.get('EVOLUTION', 'environment') expected_profile = pd.read_table(environment_file, sep='\t', header=None)[1] def run(output_file): scipy.random.seed() gene_expression = start_transcribing(INI, "outputdir", tss, tts, prot, genome_size) fitness = get_fitness(gene_expression, expected_profile) with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(str(fitness) + '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': p = Pool(8), [("results/nfitnessevolpinv" + str(i * 0.05) + ".txt", i * 0.05) for i in range(21)])
def plot_genome(ax_dna, INI_file): """ General Function that plots a genome from an INI file and puts it into a subplot """ # path to the input files (remove the "params.ini" from the path) path = INI_file.rpartition("/")[0] if path == "": path = "." path += "/" # read the config file config = sim.read_config_file(INI_file) # get inputs infos from the config file GFF_file = path + config.get('INPUTS', 'GFF') TSS_file = path + config.get('INPUTS', 'TSS') TTS_file = path + config.get('INPUTS', 'TTS') Prot_file = path + config.get('INPUTS', 'BARR_FIX') SIGMA_0 = config.getfloat('SIMULATION', 'SIGMA_0') DELTA_X = config.getfloat('GLOBAL', 'DELTA_X') # load and get BARR_FIX positions prot = sim.load_tab_file(Prot_file) BARR_FIX = (prot['prot_pos'].values).astype(int) # To draw the beautiful genes we need to read the GFF, TSS and TTS files to get some info ;) gff_df_raw = sim.load_gff(GFF_file) # to get the cov_bp (a verifier) genome_size = sim.get_genome_size(gff_df_raw) genome = int(genome_size / DELTA_X) cov_bp = np.arange(0, genome_size, DELTA_X) cov_bp = np.resize(cov_bp, genome) gff_df = sim.rename_gff_cols(gff_df_raw) tss = sim.load_tab_file(TSS_file) Kon = tss['TSS_strength'].values tts = sim.load_tab_file(TTS_file) Poff = tts['TTS_proba_off'].values strands = sim.str2num(gff_df['strand'].values) # Color maps for formatting col_map = {} col_map['red'] = (0.95, 0.30, 0.25) col_map['green'] = (0.38, 0.82, 0.32) col_map['blue'] = (0.38, 0.65, 0.87) col_map['orange'] = (1.00, 0.75, 0.17) col_map['purple'] = (0.55, 0.35, 0.64) col_map['yellow'] = (0.98, 0.97, 0.35) col_map['grey'] = (0.70, 0.70, 0.70) col_map['dark_grey'] = (0.60, 0.60, 0.60) col_map['light_grey'] = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9) # CDS formatting options opt_CDSs = [] Ps = [] CDSs = [] Ts = [] design = [] for i in gff_df.index.values: opt_CDSs.append({ 'label': 'Gene%s \n%.03f' % (str(i + 1), Kon[i]), 'label_style': 'italic', 'label_y_offset': -5, 'label_size': 9, 'color': col_map['orange'] }) # Design of the construct if strands[i] == True: # Promoters Ps.append({ 'type': 'Promoter', 'name': 'P%s' % str(i + 1), 'start': tss['TSS_pos'][i], 'end': tss['TSS_pos'][i] + 5, 'fwd': strands[i], 'opts': { 'color': col_map['green'] } }) # Coding Sequence CDSs.append({ 'type': 'CDS', 'name': 'CDS%s' % str(i + 1), 'start': gff_df['start'][i], 'end': gff_df['end'][i], 'fwd': gff_df['strand'][i], 'opts': opt_CDSs[i] }) else: # Promoters Ps.append({ 'type': 'Promoter', 'name': 'P%s' % str(i + 1), 'start': tss['TSS_pos'][i], 'end': tss['TSS_pos'][i] - 5, 'fwd': strands[i], 'opts': { 'color': col_map['green'] } }) # Coding Sequence CDSs.append({ 'type': 'CDS', 'name': 'CDS%s' % str(i + 1), 'start': gff_df['end'][i], 'end': gff_df['start'][i], 'fwd': gff_df['strand'][i], 'opts': opt_CDSs[i] }) # Terminators Ts.append({ 'type': 'Terminator', 'name': 'T%s' % str(i + 1), 'start': tts['TTS_pos'][i], 'end': tts['TTS_pos'][i] + 5, 'fwd': strands[i], 'opts': { 'color': col_map['red'] } }) # A design is merely a list of parts and their properties if strands[i] == True: design.append(Ps[i]) design.append(CDSs[i]) design.append(Ts[i]) else: design.append(Ts[i]) design.append(CDSs[i]) design.append(Ps[i]) # Redender the DNA dr = dpl.DNARenderer(scale=7, linewidth=1) start, end = dr.renderDNA(ax_dna, design, dr.trace_part_renderers()) # Set bounds and display options for the DNA axis dna_len = end - start ax_dna.set_xlim([cov_bp[0], cov_bp[-1]]) #start-50 ax_dna.set_ylim([-8, 8]) #ax_dna.plot(5000, 'ro', markersize=15) for xc in BARR_FIX: ax_dna.axvline(x=xc, ymin=0.40, ymax=0.60, color='k', linewidth=5) ax_dna.plot([cov_bp[0], cov_bp[-1]], [0, 0], color=(0, 0, 0), linewidth=1.0, zorder=1) ax_dna.axis('off') return SIGMA_0, DELTA_X, BARR_FIX, cov_bp