def collect_tomography_measurements(self, tomography, mini_buffer, N_msmt):
        Given the buffer of 'N_alpha' phase space points, do 'N_msmt'
        tomography measurements per point. 
            tomography (str): type of tomography, either 'Wigner' or 'CF'
            mini_buffer (list(c64)): a list of phase space points
            N_msmt (int): number of measurements to do per phase space point
            msmt (Tensor([2, batch_size, N_alpha, N_msmt], float32)): tensor 
                of measurement outomes; msmt[0] is the first measurement in 
                the tomography reward circuit, which disentangles the qubit
                and oscillator, msmt[1] is the actual tomography measurement. 
        N_alpha = len(mini_buffer)
        M1_buffer, M2_buffer = [], []

        for i in range(N_alpha):
            # take 1 point from the buffer and replicate it for the batch
            points = tf.broadcast_to(mini_buffer[i], [self.batch_size])
            M1, M2 = [], []

            for j in range(N_msmt):
                # first measure the qubit to disentangle from oscillator
                psi =['psi_cached']
                if self.tensorstate:
                    psi, m1 = measurement(psi, self.P, sample=True)
                    m1 = tf.ones([self.batch_size])

                # do 1 tomography measurement in this phase space point
                if tomography == 'wigner':
                    translations = self.translate(-points)
                    psi = tf.linalg.matvec(translations, psi)
                    _, m2 = self.phase_estimation(psi,

                if tomography == 'CF':
                    translations = self.translate(points)
                    _, m2 = self.phase_estimation(psi,

        msmt = tf.cast([M1_buffer, M2_buffer], tf.float32)
        if self.batch_size == 1:
            msmt = tf.expand_dims(msmt, axis=-1)
        # at this point msmt.shape = [2, N_alpha, N_msmt, B]
        msmt = tf.transpose(msmt, perm=[0, 3, 1, 2])
        return msmt
    def reward_stabilizers(self, stabilizer_translations, *args):
        Reward only on last time step with the result of measurement of one of
        the stabilizers using cached wavefunction (after feedback translation).
        # Calculate reward
        if self._elapsed_steps < self.episode_length:
            z = tf.zeros(self.batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
            # TODO: this works only for 2 stabilizers, generalize
            mask = tf.random.categorical(
                tf.math.log([[0.5, 0.5] for _ in range(self.batch_size)]), 1)
            stabilizers = [stabilizer_translations[int(m)] for m in mask]
            stabilizers = tf.convert_to_tensor(stabilizers, dtype=c64)
            phi = tf.zeros(self.batch_size)
            stabilizers = self.translate(stabilizers)

            if self.tensorstate:
                psi, m = measurement(self._state, self.P, sample=True)
                mask = tf.squeeze(tf.where(m == 1, 1.0, 0.0))
                psi =['psi_cached']
                mask = tf.ones([self.batch_size])

            _, z = self.phase_estimation(psi,
            z = tf.cast(z, dtype=tf.float32)
            z = tf.reshape(z, shape=(self.batch_size, )) * mask
        return z
 def reward_measurement(self, sample, *args):
     Reward is simply the outcome of sigma_z measurement.
     psi, z = measurement(['psi_cached'], self.P, sample)
     return tf.squeeze(z)
Esempio n. 4
    def _quantum_circuit(self, psi, action):
            psi (Tensor([batch_size,N], c64)): batch of states
            action (dict, 'alpha' : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'beta'  : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'phi'   : Tensor([batch_size,1], tf.float32))

        Returns: see parent class docs

        # extract parameters
        alpha = hf.vec_to_complex(action['alpha'])
        beta = hf.vec_to_complex(action['beta'])
        phi = action['phi']

        Kraus = {}
        T = {'a': self.translate(alpha), 'b': self.translate(beta)}
        I = tf.stack([self.I] * self.batch_size)
        Kraus[0] = 1 / 2 * (I + self.phase(phi) * T['b'])
        Kraus[1] = 1 / 2 * (I - self.phase(phi) * T['b'])

        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_feedback)
        psi_cached = batch_dot(T['a'], psi)
        psi = self.simulate(psi_cached, self.t_round + self.t_idle)
        psi_final, msmt = measurement(psi, Kraus)

        return psi_final, psi_cached, msmt
Esempio n. 5
    def _control_circuit(self, psi, action):
            psi (Tensor([batch_size,N], c64)): batch of states
            action (dict, 'alpha' : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'beta'  : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'phi'   : Tensor([batch_size,1], tf.float32),
                          'theta' : Tensor([batch_size,1], tf.float32))

        Returns: see parent class docs

        # extract parameters
        alpha = hf.vec_to_complex(action['alpha'])
        beta = hf.vec_to_complex(action['beta'])
        phi = action['phi']
        Rotation = self.rotate(action['theta'])

        Kraus = {}
        T = {'a': self.translate(alpha), 'b': self.translate(beta / 2.0)}
        Kraus[0] = 1 / 2 * (tf.linalg.adjoint(T['b']) +
                            self.phase(phi) * T['b'])
        Kraus[1] = 1 / 2 * (tf.linalg.adjoint(T['b']) -
                            self.phase(phi) * T['b'])

        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_feedback)
        psi = batch_dot(T['a'], psi)
        psi_cached = batch_dot(Rotation, psi)
        psi = self.simulate(psi_cached, self.t_round + self.t_idle)
        psi_final, msmt = measurement(psi, Kraus)

        return psi_final, psi_cached, msmt
Esempio n. 6
    def phase_estimation(self, psi, U, angle, sample=False):
        One round of phase estimation.

            psi -- batch of state vectors; shape=[batch_size,2N]
            U -- unitary on which to do phase estimation. shape=(batch_size,N,N)
            angle -- angle along which to measure qubit. shape=(batch_size,)
            sample -- bool flag to sample or return expectation value

            psi -- batch of collapsed states if sample==True, otherwise same
                   as input psi; shape=[batch_size,2N]
            z -- batch of measurement outcomes if sample==True, otherwise
                 batch of expectation values of qubit sigma_z.

        CT = self.ctrl(self.I, U)
        Phase = self.rotate_qb_z(tf.squeeze(angle))

        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(self.hadamard, psi)
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(CT, psi)
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(Phase, psi)
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(self.hadamard, psi)
        return measurement(psi, self.P, sample)
Esempio n. 7
    def _quantum_circuit(self, psi, action):
            psi (Tensor([batch_size,N], c64)): batch of states
            action (dict, 'beta'  : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'phi'   : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32))

        Returns: see parent class docs

        # Extract parameters
        beta = hf.vec_to_complex(action['beta'])
        phase, angle = action['phi'][:,0], action['phi'][:,1]

        # Construct gates        
        D = self.displace(beta/2.0)
        CD = self.ctrl(D, tf.linalg.adjoint(D))
        R = self.rotate_qb_xy(angle, phase)
        flip = self.rotate_qb_xy(tf.constant(pi), tf.constant(0))
        # Apply gates
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(R, psi)
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(CD, psi)
        if self._elapsed_steps < self.T-1:
            psi = tf.linalg.matvec(flip, psi)
        m = tf.ones((self.batch_size,1))
        if self._elapsed_steps == self.T-1:
            psi, m = measurement(psi, self.P, sample=True)

        return psi, psi, m
    def reward_fock(self, target_projector, N_msmt, error_prob):
        Reward only on last time step using the measurement of a given Fock 
        state of the oscillator.

        if self._elapsed_steps < self.episode_length:
            z = tf.zeros(self.batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
            Z = 0
            for i in range(N_msmt):
                if self.tensorstate:
                    # measure qubit to disentangle from oscillator
                    psi, m = measurement(self._state, self.P, sample=True)
                    mask = tf.squeeze(tf.where(m == 1, 1.0, 0.0))
                    psi = self._state
                    mask = tf.ones([self.batch_size])

                # sample observations
                p_n = expectation(psi, target_projector, reduce_batch=False)
                p_n = tf.reshape(tf.math.real(p_n), shape=[self.batch_size])
                obs = tfp.distributions.Bernoulli(probs=p_n).sample()

                # sample errors and apply them to measurement outcomes
                e = error_prob * tf.ones_like(p_n)
                err = tfp.distributions.Bernoulli(probs=e).sample()
                obs = tf.where(err == 0, obs, 0)
                obs = 2 * tf.cast(obs,
                                  dtype=tf.float32) - 1  # convert to {-1,1}

                penalty_coeff = 1.0
                Z += obs * mask - penalty_coeff * (1 - mask)
            z = Z / N_msmt
        return z
Esempio n. 9
def phase_estimation(psi, U, angle, sample=False):
    I = ops.identity(N)
    angle = tf.cast(tf.reshape(angle, angle.shape + [1, 1]), c64)
    phase = tf.math.exp(1j * angle)
    Kraus = {}
    Kraus[0] = 1 / 2 * (I + phase * U)
    Kraus[1] = 1 / 2 * (I - phase * U)
    return measurement(psi, Kraus, sample)
Esempio n. 10
    def _quantum_circuit(self, psi, action):
            psi (Tensor([batch_size,N], c64)): batch of states
            action (dict, 'alpha'   : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'beta'    : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'epsilon' : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32))

        Returns: see parent class docs

        # extract parameters
        alpha = hf.vec_to_complex(action['alpha'])
        beta = hf.vec_to_complex(action['beta'])
        epsilon = hf.vec_to_complex(action['epsilon'])

        # Construct gates
        Hadamard = tf.stack([self.hadamard] * self.batch_size)
        sx = tf.stack([] * self.batch_size)
        I = tf.stack([self.I] * self.batch_size)
        Rxp = tf.stack([self.rxp] * self.batch_size)
        Rxm = tf.stack([self.rxm] * self.batch_size)
        T, CT = {}, {}
        T['a'] = self.translate(alpha)
        T['b'] = self.translate(beta / 4.0)
        T['e'] = self.translate(epsilon / 2.0)
        CT['b'] = self.ctrl(tf.linalg.adjoint(T['b']), T['b'])
        CT['e'] = self.ctrl(tf.linalg.adjoint(T['e']), T['e'])

        # Feedback translation
        psi_cached = batch_dot(T['a'], psi)
        # Between-round wait time
        psi = self.simulate(psi_cached, self.t_idle)
        # Qubit gates
        psi = batch_dot(Hadamard, psi)
        # Conditional translation
        psi = batch_dot(CT['b'], psi)
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_gate)
        psi = batch_dot(CT['b'], psi)
        # Qubit rotation
        psi = batch_dot(Rxp, psi)
        # Conditional translation
        psi = batch_dot(CT['e'], psi)
        # Qubit rotation
        psi = batch_dot(Rxm, psi)
        # Readout of finite duration
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_read)
        psi, msmt = measurement(psi, self.P)
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_read)
        # Feedback delay
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_feedback)
        # Flip qubit conditioned on the measurement
        psi_final = psi * tf.cast((msmt == 1), c64)
        psi_final += batch_dot(sx, psi) * tf.cast((msmt == -1), c64)

        return psi_final, psi_cached, msmt
    def _quantum_circuit(self, psi, action):
            psi (Tensor([batch_size,N], c64)): batch of states
            action (dict, 'beta'    : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'epsilon' : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32,
                          'phi'     : Tensor([batch_size,1])))

        Returns: see parent class docs

        # extract parameters
        beta = hf.vec_to_complex(action['beta'])
        epsilon = hf.vec_to_complex(action['epsilon'])
        phi = tf.squeeze(action['phi'])

        # Construct gates
        Phase = self.rotate_qb_z(phi)
        T, CT = {}, {}
        T['b'] = self.translate(beta / 4.0)  # 4 because it will be troterized
        T['e'] = self.translate(epsilon / 2.0)
        CT['b'] = self.ctrl(tf.linalg.adjoint(T['b']), T['b'])
        CT['e'] = self.ctrl(tf.linalg.adjoint(T['e']), T['e'])

        # Between-round wait time
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_idle)
        # Rotate qubit to |+> state
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(self.hadamard, psi)
        # Troterized conditional translation
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(CT['b'], psi)
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_gate)
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(CT['b'], psi)
        # Qubit rotation
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(self.rxp, psi)
        # Conditional translation
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(CT['e'], psi)
        # Qubit rotation
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(self.rxm, psi)
        # Troterized conditional translation
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(CT['b'], psi)
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_gate)
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(CT['b'], psi)
        # Qubit gates
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(Phase, psi)
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(self.hadamard, psi)
        # Readout of finite duration
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_read)
        psi, msmt = measurement(psi, self.P)
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_read)
        # Feedback delay
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_feedback)
        # Flip qubit conditioned on the measurement
        psi_final = tf.where(msmt == 1, psi, tf.linalg.matvec(, psi))

        return psi_final, psi_final, msmt
    def _control_circuit(self, psi, action):
            psi (Tensor([batch_size,N], c64)): batch of states
            action (dict, 'alpha' : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'beta'  : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'phi'   : Tensor([batch_size,1], tf.float32))

        Returns: see parent class docs

        # Extract parameters
        alpha = hf.vec_to_complex(action['alpha'])
        beta = hf.vec_to_complex(action['beta'])
        phi = action['phi']

        # Construct gates
        Hadamard = tf.stack([self.hadamard] * self.batch_size)
        sx = tf.stack([] * self.batch_size)
        I = tf.stack([self.I] * self.batch_size)
        Phase = self.rotate_qb_z(tf.squeeze(phi))
        T, CT = {}, {}
        T['a'] = self.translate(alpha)
        T['b'] = self.translate(beta / 2.0)
        CT['b'] = self.ctrl(I, T['b'])

        # Feedback translation
        psi_cached = batch_dot(T['a'], psi)
        # Between-round wait time
        psi = self.simulate(psi_cached, self.t_idle)
        # Qubit gates
        psi = batch_dot(Hadamard, psi)
        # Conditional translation
        psi = batch_dot(CT['b'], psi)
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_gate)
        psi = batch_dot(CT['b'], psi)
        # Qubit gates
        psi = batch_dot(Phase, psi)
        psi = batch_dot(Hadamard, psi)
        # Readout of finite duration
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_read)
        psi, msmt = measurement(psi, self.P)
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_read)
        # Feedback delay
        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_feedback)
        # Flip qubit conditioned on the measurement
        psi_final = psi * tf.cast((msmt == 1), c64)
        psi_final += batch_dot(sx, psi) * tf.cast((msmt == -1), c64)

        return psi_final, psi_cached, msmt
Esempio n. 13
    def _quantum_circuit(self, psi, action):
            psi (Tensor([batch_size,N], c64)): batch of states
            action (dict, 'beta'    : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'epsilon' : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32,
                          'phi'     : Tensor([batch_size,1])))

        Returns: see parent class docs

        # extract parameters
        beta = hf.vec_to_complex(action['beta'])
        epsilon = hf.vec_to_complex(action['epsilon'])
        phi = action['phi']

        Kraus = {}
        T = {}
        T['+b'] = self.translate(beta / 2.0)
        T['-b'] = tf.linalg.adjoint(T['+b'])
        T['+e'] = self.translate(epsilon / 2.0)
        T['-e'] = tf.linalg.adjoint(T['+e'])

        chunk1 = 1j*batch_dot(T['-b'], batch_dot(T['+e'], T['+b'])) \
                - 1j*batch_dot(T['-b'], batch_dot(T['-e'], T['+b'])) \
                + batch_dot(T['-b'], batch_dot(T['-e'], T['-b'])) \
                + batch_dot(T['-b'], batch_dot(T['+e'], T['-b']))

        chunk2 = 1j*batch_dot(T['+b'], batch_dot(T['-e'], T['-b'])) \
                - 1j*batch_dot(T['+b'], batch_dot(T['+e'], T['-b'])) \
                + batch_dot(T['+b'], batch_dot(T['-e'], T['+b'])) \
                + batch_dot(T['+b'], batch_dot(T['+e'], T['+b']))

        Kraus[0] = 1 / 4 * (chunk1 + self.phase(phi) * chunk2)
        Kraus[1] = 1 / 4 * (chunk1 - self.phase(phi) * chunk2)

        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_round + self.t_idle)
        psi_final, msmt = measurement(normalize(psi), Kraus)

        return psi_final, psi_final, msmt
Esempio n. 14
    def reward_stabilizers_v2(self, beta, Delta, sample):
        Use finite-energy stabilizers instead of ideal stabilizers. These have 
        a parameter 'Delta' controlling the squeezing level and 'beta'
        controlling the stabilizer magnitude (the direction is randomly
        sampled to be e^{0j} or e^{1j*pi/2}).
        See this paper by Baptiste Royer for more details:
        # return 0 on all intermediate steps of the episode
        if self._elapsed_steps < self.episode_length:
            return tf.zeros(self.batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)

        # sample random stabilizer directions (+/-x, +/-p)
        mask = tf.random.uniform([self.batch_size])
        theta_x = tf.where(mask > 3 / 4, 0., pi) * tf.where(
            mask > 1 / 2, 1., 0.)
        theta_p = tf.where(mask > 1 / 4, pi / 2, -pi / 2) * tf.where(
            mask < 1 / 2, 1., 0.)
        theta = theta_x + theta_p
        theta = tf.cast(theta, c64)

        if self.tensorstate:
            raise ValueError('Only <Oscillator> Hilbert space is supported.')

        eps = beta * Delta**2
        # Create Kraus operators corresponding to finite-energy stabilizers
        D_e = self.displace((eps + 0j) * tf.math.exp(1j * theta) / 2)
        D_b = self.displace(-1j * beta * tf.math.exp(1j * theta) / 2)

        chunk1 = tf.linalg.matmul(D_b, D_e - 1j * tf.linalg.adjoint(D_e))
        chunk2 = tf.linalg.matmul(tf.linalg.adjoint(D_b), \
                                  -1j*D_e + tf.linalg.adjoint(D_e))
        Kraus = {}
        Kraus[0] = 1 / (2 * sqrt(2)) * (chunk2 + chunk1)
        Kraus[1] = 1 / (2 * sqrt(2)) * (chunk2 - chunk1)

        psi, z = measurement(self._state, Kraus, sample=sample)
        return tf.squeeze(z)
Esempio n. 15
    def reward_Fock(self, target_projector, *args):
        Reward only on last time step using the measurement of a given Fock 
        state of the oscillator.

        if self._elapsed_steps < self.episode_length:
            z = tf.zeros(self.batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
            if self.tensorstate:
                # measure qubit to disentangle from oscillator
                psi, _ = measurement(self._state, self.P, sample=True)
                psi = self._state
            overlap = expectation(psi, target_projector, reduce_batch=False)
            z = tf.reshape(tf.math.real(overlap), shape=[self.batch_size])

            obs = tfp.distributions.Bernoulli(probs=z).sample()
            obs = 2 * obs - 1  # convert to {-1,1}
            z = tf.cast(obs, dtype=tf.float32)
        return z
Esempio n. 16
    def phase_estimation(self, psi, U, angle, sample=False):
        One round of phase estimation.

            psi -- batch of state vectors; shape=[batch_size,N]
            U -- unitary on which to do phase estimation. shape=(batch_size,N,N)
            angle -- angle along which to measure qubit. shape=(batch_size,)
            sample -- bool flag to sample or return expectation value

            psi -- batch of collapsed states if sample==True, otherwise same
                   as input psi; shape=[batch_size,N]
            z -- batch of measurement outcomes if sample==True, otherwise
                 batch of expectation values of qubit sigma_z.

        Kraus = {}
        Kraus[0] = 1 / 2 * (self.I + self.phase(angle) * U)
        Kraus[1] = 1 / 2 * (self.I - self.phase(angle) * U)

        return measurement(psi, Kraus, sample)
    def _quantum_circuit(self, psi, action):
            psi (Tensor([batch_size,N], c64)): batch of states
            action (dict, 'alpha'   : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'beta'    : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'epsilon' : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32))

        Returns: see parent class docs

        # extract parameters
        alpha = hf.vec_to_complex(action['alpha'])
        beta = hf.vec_to_complex(action['beta'])
        epsilon = hf.vec_to_complex(action['epsilon'])

        Kraus = {}
        T = {}
        T['a'] = self.translate(alpha)
        T['+b'] = self.translate(beta/2.0)
        T['-b'] = tf.linalg.adjoint(T['+b'])
        T['+e'] = self.translate(epsilon/2.0)
        T['-e'] = tf.linalg.adjoint(T['+e'])

        chunk1 = batch_dot(T['-e'], T['-b']) - 1j*batch_dot(T['-e'], T['+b'])
        chunk2 = batch_dot(T['+e'], T['-b']) + 1j*batch_dot(T['+e'], T['+b'])

        Kraus[0] = 1/2/sqrt(2)*(chunk1 + chunk2)
        Kraus[1] = 1/2/sqrt(2)*(chunk1 - chunk2)

        psi = self.simulate(psi, self.t_feedback)
        psi_cached = batch_dot(T['a'], psi)
        psi = self.simulate(psi_cached, self.t_round + self.t_idle)
        psi_final, msmt = measurement(psi, Kraus)

        return psi_final, psi_cached, msmt
    def _control_circuit(self, psi, action):
            psi (Tensor([batch_size,N], c64)): batch of states
            action (dict, 'alpha' : Tensor([batch_size,2], tf.float32),
                          'theta' : Tensor([batch_size,10], tf.float32))

        Returns: see parent class docs

        # Extract parameters
        alpha = hf.vec_to_complex(action['alpha'])
        theta = action['theta']

        # Build gates
        displace = self.displace(alpha)
        snap = self.SNAP_miscalibrated(theta)

        # Apply gates
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(displace, psi)
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(snap, psi)
        psi = tf.linalg.matvec(tf.linalg.adjoint(displace), psi)

        # Either implement a measurement with a random qubit projection, or
        # project on the specified 'self.bit_string' sequence of qubit states.
        if self.bit_string is not None:
            s = int(self.bit_string[self._elapsed_steps])
            psi = tf.linalg.matvec(self.P[s], psi)
            if s == 1: psi = tf.linalg.matvec(, psi)
            psi, norm = normalize(psi)
            msmt = tf.ones((self.batch_size, 1)) * (1 if s == 0 else -1)
        else:  # Readout with feedback to flip the qubit
            psi, msmt = measurement(psi, self.P)
            psi = tf.where(msmt == 1, psi, tf.linalg.matvec(, psi))

        return psi, psi, msmt
Esempio n. 19
    def reward_overlap(self, target_projector, postselect_0):
        Reward only on last time step using the overlap of the cached state 
        with the target state. The cached state is measured prior to computing
        the overlap, to make sure that the oscillator and qubit are disentangled.
        The agent can learn to arrange things so that this measurement doesn't
        matter (i.e. if they are already disentangled before the measurement). 

        if self._elapsed_steps < self.episode_length:
            z = tf.zeros(self.batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
            if self.tensorstate:
                if postselect_0:  # project qubit to |0>
                    psi = tf.linalg.matvec(self.P[0], self._state)
                    psi, _ = normalize(psi)
                else:  # randomly project qubit with a measurement
                    psi, _ = measurement(self._state, self.P, sample=True)
                psi = self._state
            overlap = expectation(psi, target_projector, reduce_batch=False)
            z = tf.reshape(tf.math.real(overlap), shape=[self.batch_size])
  ['psi_cached'] = psi
        return z
Esempio n. 20
    def reward_tomography(self, target_state, window_size, tomography,
        Reward only on last time step using the empirical approximation of the 
        overlap of the prepared state with the target state. This overlap is
        computed in characteristic-function-tomography-like fashing.
        The state is measured prior to acquiring a tomography point on the 
        oscillator to make sure that the oscillator and qubit are disentangled.
        The agent can learn to arrange things so that this measurement doesn't
        matter (i.e. if they are already disentangled before the measurement). 

        # return 0 on all intermediate steps of the episode
        if self._elapsed_steps < self.episode_length:
            return tf.zeros(self.batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)

        def alpha_sample_schedule(n):
            return 1

        def msmt_sample_schedule(n):
            return 1

        alpha_samples = alpha_sample_schedule(self._episodes_completed)
        msmt_samples = msmt_sample_schedule(self._episodes_completed)

        # populate a new small mini-buffer for each epoch
        if not sample_from_buffer:
            mini_buffer, target_vals = self.fill_buffer(target_state,

        z = 0
        for i in range(alpha_samples):
            if sample_from_buffer:
                # uniformly sample points from the large buffer; each batch
                # member will get its own phase space point
                samples, buffer_size = self.batch_size, len(self.buffer)
                index = tf.math.round(
                    tf.random.uniform([samples]) * buffer_size)
                targets = tf.gather(self.target_vals, tf.cast(index, tf.int32))
                points = tf.gather(self.buffer, tf.cast(index, tf.int32))
                # take 1 point from the buffer and replicate it for the batch
                targets = tf.broadcast_to(target_vals[i], [self.batch_size])
                points = tf.broadcast_to(mini_buffer[i], [self.batch_size])

            M = 0 + 1e-10
            Z = 0
            for j in range(msmt_samples):
                # first measure the qubit to disentangle from oscillator
                psi =['psi_cached']
                if self.tensorstate:
                    psi, m = measurement(psi, self.P, sample=True)
                    mask = tf.squeeze(tf.where(m == 1, 1.0, 0.0))
                    mask = tf.ones([self.batch_size])

                # do tomography in one phase space point
                if tomography == 'wigner':
                    translations = self.translate(-points)
                    psi = tf.linalg.matvec(translations, psi)
                    _, msmt = self.phase_estimation(psi,
                if tomography == 'characteristic_fn':
                    translations = self.translate(points)
                    _, msmt = self.phase_estimation(psi,

                # Make a noisy Monte Carlo estimate of the overlap integral.
                # If using characteristic_fn, this would work only for symmetric
                # states (GKP, Fock etc)
                # Mask out trajectories where qubit was measured in |e>
                Z += tf.squeeze(msmt) * tf.math.sign(targets) * mask
                M += mask
            z += Z / msmt_samples
        z /= alpha_samples
        return z