Esempio n. 1
    def _create_shape_tree(xyz, A, B):
        """ Takes two lists A and B which are forming a tree """
        AA, BB = None, None
        if len(A) == 1:
            AA = si.Sphere(radius, xyz[A[0]])
            if len(B) == 0:
                return AA

        if len(B) == 1:
            BB = si.Sphere(radius, xyz[B[0]])
            if len(A) == 0:
                return BB

        # Quick return if these are the final ones
        if AA and BB:
            return AA | BB

        idx_A1, idx_A2 = np.array_split(A, 2)
        idx_B1, idx_B2 = np.array_split(B, 2)

        if not AA:
            AA = _create_shape_tree(xyz, idx_A1, idx_A2)
        if not BB:
            BB = _create_shape_tree(xyz, idx_B1, idx_B2)

        return AA | BB
Esempio n. 2
    def _create_shape_tree(xyz, A, B=None):
        """ Takes two lists A and B which returns a shape with a binary nesting

        This makes further index handling much faster.
        if B is None or len(B) == 0:
            return _create_shape_tree(xyz, *np.array_split(A, 2))

        AA, BB = None, None
        if len(A) == 1:
            AA = si.Sphere(radius, xyz[A[0]])
            if len(B) == 0:
                return AA

        if len(B) == 1:
            BB = si.Sphere(radius, xyz[B[0]])
            if len(A) == 0:
                return BB

        # Quick return if these are the final ones
        if AA and BB:
            return AA | BB

        if not AA:
            AA = _create_shape_tree(xyz, *np.array_split(A, 2))
        if not BB:
            BB = _create_shape_tree(xyz, *np.array_split(B, 2))

        return AA | BB