def readX(self, correlation, t1=None, t2=None, period=24 * 3600, select=True, stack=None, **kwargs): st = Stream() if t2 is None: file_ = self.getX( correlation, t1, period=period, stack=stack, **kwargs) + '.QHD' if t1 is None: st += read(file_) else: for file_ in glob(file_): st += read(file_) else: if period == 'day' or period >= 3600 or stack >= 3600: iterator = yeargen(t1, t2) else: iterator = timegen(t1, t2, dt=24 * 3600) for t in iterator: file_ = self.getX( correlation, t, period=period, stack=stack, ** kwargs) + '.QHD' try: st += read(file_) except (ValueError, IOError): log.warning( 'An error occured when trying to read file %s' % file_) if select: st ='%r<st.starttime<%r' % (t1 - 0.1, t2 + 0.1)) return st
def main(): stations = 'PB01 PB02 PB03 PB04 PB05' component = 'Z' t1 = UTC('2009-06-01') t2 = UTC('2009-07-01') data = IPOC('test', use_local_LVC=False) data.setXLogger('_test') period = 24 * 3600 ax = None plt.ion() for station in stations.split(): pxxs = [] freqs_old = None i = 0 for t in timegen(t1, t2, period): st = data.getRawStreamFromClient(t, t + period, station, component) st.merge(method=1, interpolation_samples=10, fill_value='interpolate') print st pxx, freqs = st.plotPSD(just_calculate=True) assert np.all(freqs == freqs_old) or not freqs_old freqs_old = freqs if max(pxx[4:]) > 1e7: print 'discard' i += 1 continue pxxs.append(pxx) pxx = sum(pxxs) / len(pxxs) del pxxs tr = Trace(data=pxx, header=dict(is_fft=True, sampling_rate=2 * max(freqs), freq_min=min(freqs), freq_max=max(freqs))) ax = tr.plotPSD(ax=ax, label='%s-%d' % (st[0].stats.station, i), figtitle=None) plt.draw() # embed() ax.legend() fig = ax.get_figure() fig.suptitle('%s %s %s to %s' % (stations, component, t1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), t2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) plt.ioff()
def readX(self, correlation, t1=None, t2=None, period=24 * 3600, select=True, stack=None, **kwargs): st = Stream() if t2 is None: file_ = self.getX(correlation, t1, period=period, stack=stack, **kwargs) + ".QHD" if t1 is None: st += read(file_) else: for file_ in glob(file_): st += read(file_) else: if period == "day" or period >= 3600 or stack >= 3600: iterator = yeargen(t1, t2) else: iterator = timegen(t1, t2, dt=24 * 3600) for t in iterator: file_ = self.getX(correlation, t, period=period, stack=stack, **kwargs) + ".QHD" try: st += read(file_) except (ValueError, IOError): log.warning("An error occured when trying to read file %s" % file_) if select: st ="%r<st.starttime<%r" % (t1 - 0.1, t2 + 0.1)) return st