Esempio n. 1
def _validate(cp):
    """ Validate configuration file against the following criteria:
        - There must a valid url for the default calendar
        - Each calendar must have a valid url defined
        - If log level is provided the level must be valid and file must be provided.
        - If log file is provided but log level is optional. Log level will default to DEBUG
    if cp.has_option(section='general', option='default_calendar'):
        general_cal_url = cp.get(section='general', option='default_calendar')
        if not is_uri(general_cal_url):
            raise configparser.ParsingError(
                F'{general_cal_url} is not a valid url')
        raise configparser.NoOptionError('Missing default_calendar')
    for section in cp.sections():
        for auth_field in ['username', 'password']:
            has_cal_auth = cp.has_option(section=section, option=auth_field) \
                or cp.has_option(section=section, option=F'{auth_field}.eval')
            has_global_auth = cp.has_option(section='general', option=auth_field) \
                or cp.has_option(section='general', option=F'{auth_field}.eval')
            if has_global_auth is None and has_cal_auth is None:
                raise configparser.NoOptionError(
                    F'Cannot find a {auth_field} to authenticate {section} calendar'
            if cp.has_option(section=section, option='url'):
                cal_url = cp.get(section=section, option='url')
                if not is_uri(cal_url):
                    raise configparser.ParsingError(
                        F'{cal_url} is not a valid url')
                raise configparser.NoOptionError(
                    F'Missing calendar url for {section}')
    def remove_comment(self, section, option=None):
        Remove the comment from a section or option.

        @type section: str
        @param section: The section to remove from.

        @type option: str or None
        @param option: The option to remove from or None to remove a section's

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if a comment was removed and False if no comment was

        if not section:
            section = configparser.DEFAULTSECT
        elif not self.has_section(section) and \
                section != configparser.DEFAULTSECT:
            raise configparser.NoSectionError(section)

        if option:
            option = self.optionxform(option)
            if not self.has_option(section, option):
                raise configparser.NoOptionError(option, section)
            # setting section comment
            option = '__name__'

        del self._comments[section][option]
    def has_comment(self, section, option=None):
        Return if the given section heading or option within a section has an
        associated comment.

        @type section: str
        @type option: str or None
        @rtype: bool

        @raise NoSectionError: The provided section does not exist

        if not section:
            section = configparser.DEFAULTSECT

        if not self.has_section(section) and \
                section != configparser.DEFAULTSECT:
            raise configparser.NoSectionError(section)

        if option:
            option = self.optionxform(option)
            if not self.has_option(section, option):
                raise configparser.NoOptionError(option, section)
            # looking for section comment
            option = '__name__'

        return bool(
            self._comments.get(section, False)
            and self._comments[section].get(option, False))
    def set_comment(self, comment, section, option=None):
        Set the comment for a section or option

        @type comment: str or None
        @type section: str
        @type option: str or None

        if not section:
            section = configparser.DEFAULTSECT

        if not self.has_section(section) and \
                section != configparser.DEFAULTSECT:
            raise configparser.NoSectionError(section)

        if section not in self._comments:
            self._comments[section] = self._dict()

        if option:
            option = self.optionxform(option)
            if not self.has_option(section, option):
                raise configparser.NoOptionError(option, section)
            # setting section comment
            option = '__name__'

        self._comments[section][option] = comment
Esempio n. 5
    def test_empty_render_ignore_no_option(self):
        self.config.get.side_effect = ConfigParser.NoOptionError(
            'files', 'render_ignore')

        s = Settings(self.interface, self.config)

        self.assertEqual(s.render_ignore_globs(), [])
Esempio n. 6
 def do_get(section, option):
     val = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.get(self,
     if len(val.strip()) == 0:
         raise ConfigParser.NoOptionError(option, section)
     return val
Esempio n. 7
 def get_value(self, section, option):
     for cfg in self._configs:
             return cfg.get_value(section, option)
         except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
     if not self.has_section(section):
         raise configparser.NoSectionError(section)
     raise configparser.NoOptionError(option, section)
Esempio n. 8
 def get(self, section, option, **kwargs):
     fallback = kwargs.pop('fallback', NotImplemented)
     for cfg in self.configs:
             return cfg.get(section, option, **kwargs)
         except configparser.NoOptionError:
     if fallback is not NotImplemented:
         return fallback
     raise configparser.NoOptionError((section, option))
Esempio n. 9
    def get_provider_ssl_args(self, protocol):
        Extract the ssl arguments

        :type  cfg: :class:`configparser.SafeConfigParser`
        :param cfg: Configuration
        :type  protocol_prefix: :class:`str`
        :param protocol_prefix: Prefix of the protocol configuration
        :rtype: :class:`dict`
        :return: SSL arguments for this protocol configuration
        ssl_args = {}

        # Try to get the certdir from environment variable or .certdir option
        certdir = os.environ.get('CERTDIR')
        if certdir is None:
                certdir_key = '%s.%s.%s.certdir' % (
                    EndpointSection.PROTOCOL_PREFIX, protocol,
                certdir = self._get_value(Sections.ENDPOINT, certdir_key)
            except configparser.NoOptionError:
                # But don't complain yet

        for ssl_key in ('ca_certs', 'certfile', 'keyfile'):
            option = '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (
                EndpointSection.PROTOCOL_PREFIX, protocol,
                EndpointSection.PROTOCOL_SSL_SUFFIX, ssl_key)
            file_name = None
                file_name = self._get_value(Sections.ENDPOINT, option)
            except configparser.NoOptionError:
                # ca_certs, certfile and keyfile are optional, so don't complain
                # if they are not present

            if file_name is not None:
                if certdir is None:
                    # If one of ca_certs, certfile, keyfile is specified
                    # and certdir is not specified, then raise an error
                        'Specify certificate absolute directory path '
                        'either by setting environment variable '
                        'CERTDIR or by setting %s.certdir in the '
                        'properties file', EndpointSection.PROTOCOL_SSL_SUFFIX)
                    raise configparser.NoOptionError(
                        '%s.certdir' % EndpointSection.PROTOCOL_SSL_SUFFIX,
                    file_path = os.path.join(certdir, file_name)
                    ssl_args[ssl_key] = file_path
        return ssl_args
Esempio n. 10
    def test_get_data_db_client_parsing_error(self, mock_parser,
        _mock_parser = mock.Mock()
        mock_parser.return_value = _mock_parser
        mock_parser.NoOptionError = configparser.NoOptionError
        mock_get_client.side_effect = configparser.NoOptionError(
            'option', 'section')
        with self.assertRaises(configparser.NoOptionError):
Esempio n. 11
    def get_location(self, section, option):
        """Get location information for an option value in a given section.

        Returns a tuple (filename, line_number) if location information
        exists, and None otherwise.

        if not self.has_section(section):
            raise configparser.NoSectionError(section)
        elif not self.has_option(section, option):
            raise configparser.NoOptionError(option, section)
        option = self.optionxform(option)
        loc = self._option_lines[section].get(option)
        if loc is None and option in self._defaults:
            return self._option_lines[configparser.DEFAULTSECT].get(option)
        return loc
Esempio n. 12
    def set_location(self, section, option, location):
        """Explicitly set location information for an option value in a given
        section. `location' must be a tuple of (filename, line_number).

        if not self.has_section(section):
            raise configparser.NoSectionError(section)
        elif not self.has_option(section, option):
            raise configparser.NoOptionError(option, section)

        if location is not None:
                filename, lineno = location
            except ValueError:
                err = ValueError("location must be (filename, lineno) or None")
                six.raise_from(err, None)
        option = self.optionxform(option)
        self._option_lines[section][option] = location
    def get_comment(self, section, option=None):
        Get the comment for a section[.option]

        @type section: str
        @param section: Section heading to check for a comment, or the section
        heading that the target option is located under.

        @type option: str or None
        @param option: If checking for an option's comment, this is the option
        under the given section to check. If checking for a section's comment,
        this should be None.

        @rtype: str or None
        @return: The section or option comment if there is one, or None if there
        is no comment for the specified section or option.

        if not section:
            section = configparser.DEFAULTSECT

        if not self.has_section(section) and \
                section != configparser.DEFAULTSECT:
            raise configparser.NoSectionError(section)

        if option:
            option = self.optionxform(option)
            if not self.has_option(section, option):
                raise configparser.NoOptionError(option, section)

            # looking for section comment
            option = '__name__'

        # Combined statement to handle both section and option requests.
        return (self._comments.get(section, None)
                and self._comments[section].get(option, None))
Esempio n. 14
 def get(self, section, option):
     if self.config_parser:
         return self.config_parser.get(section, option)
     raise configparser.NoOptionError(section, option)