Esempio n. 1
    def recode(self, ast, eval):
        """Iterate over items in this ast.  For each sub-ast, decode it;
        other items are taken verbatim.  Form a new item list and use
        it to recreate an ASTNode of the original type.
        #self.logger.debug("RECODE: tag=%s" % ast.tag)

        merge_ok = (ast.tag in ('block', 'block_merge', 'cmdlist'))

        newitems = []
        for item in ast.items:
            if type(item) == ASTNode:
                new_ast = self.decode(item, eval)

                if isinstance(new_ast, ASTNode) and \
                        (new_ast.tag == 'block_merge') and merge_ok:

        # if new item is a code block of some kind, but contains no
        # statements, then change it to a block_merge to be merged
        # into the parent ast node
        if (ast.tag in ('async', 'sync', 'block', 'cmdlist')) and \
           (len(newitems) == 0):
            #return self.nop
            return ASTNode('block_merge')

        return ASTNode(ast.tag, *newitems, **ast.attributes)
Esempio n. 2
    def decode_id_ref(self, ast, eval):
        """Decode a identifier reference.
        assert ast.tag == 'id_ref', ASTerr(ast)

        var = ast.items[0]

        # If this is a variable capturing the result of a DD command
        # then don't decode it as it will be used at execution time
        if re.match(r'^RET\d?$', var):
            return ast

        #print "Getting VAR=%s" % var
        res = eval.getAST(var)
        #print "RES= %s" % str(res)

        if isinstance(res, int) or isinstance(res, float):
            return ASTNode('number', res)

        if isinstance(res, str):
            return ASTNode('string', res)

        # NOP?
        #print "RES= %s" % str(res)

##         if type(res) != ASTNode:
##             raise DecodeError("Unexpected eval result in decoding type: %s='%s' (%s)" % (
##                 var, str(res), str(type(res))))
        if type(res) != Closure:
            raise DecodeError(
                "Unexpected eval result in decoding type: %s='%s' (%s)" %
                (var, str(res), str(type(res))))

        # <-- res is an ASTNode
        return res
Esempio n. 3
    def merge(self, tag, astlist, **astattrs):

        newitems = []
        for item in astlist:
            if type(item) != ASTNode:

                if item.tag == 'block_merge':
                    if (item.tag in ('async', 'sync', 'block', 'block_merge',
                                     'cmdlist')) and (len(item.items) == 0):

        # if new item is a code block of some kind, but contains no
        # statements, then change it to a block_merge to be merged
        # into the parent ast node
        if (tag in ('async', 'sync', 'block', 'cmdlist')) and \
               (len(newitems) == 0):
            return ASTNode('block_merge')

        return ASTNode(tag, *newitems, **astattrs)
Esempio n. 4
    def decode_star_set(self, ast, eval):
        """Decode a *SET statement.

        *SET <param_list>

        Evaluate the parameter list and set the variables within the
        current decoder environment.
        assert ast.tag == 'star_set', ASTerr(ast)
        assert len(ast.items) == 2, ASTerr(ast)

        params_ast = ast.items[0]
        close = (ast.items[1] != None)

        # Decode parameter list--should be no vars left afterward
        params = self._decode_params(params_ast, eval)

        #res = eval.set_params(params_ast, close=delay_eval)
        for var, val_ast in params.items():
            # if they specified any -ALIASOFF we'll delay evaluation
            if close:
                val = make_closure(val_ast, eval)

                val = eval.eval(val_ast)

            params[var] = val


        # See Decoder class Note [1]
        #return self.nop
        return ASTNode('block_merge')
def p_factor6(p):
    """ factor : ID
               | AND
               | OR
               | IN
    p[0] = ASTNode('string', p[1])
def p_command_abs(p):
    """abs_command : factor param_list"""
    p[0] = ASTNode(
Esempio n. 7
    def parse(self, buf, startline=1):

        # Initialize module level error variables

            ast = self.parser.parse(buf, lexer=self.lexer)
            #print "errors=%d, AST=%s" % (self.errors, ast)

            # !!! HACK !!!  MUST FIX PARSER!!!
##             try:
##                 self.errinfo.pop()
##                 self.errors -= 1
##                 ast = self.result
##             except IndexError:
##                 pass
#print ast
#print errors, "errors"

        except Exception, e:
            # capture traceback?  Yacc tracebacks aren't that useful
            ast = ASTNode('ERROR: %s' % str(e))
            # verify errors>0 ???
            #assert(self.errors > 0)
            if self.errors == 0:
                self.errors += 1
Esempio n. 8
 def p_abscmd(self, p):
     """abscmd : factor param_list"""
     p[0] = ASTNode(
Esempio n. 9
 def p_command_abs(self, p):
     """abs_command : STAR_SUB factor param_list"""
     p[0] = ASTNode(
Esempio n. 10
 def p_sync(self, p):
     """sync : exec_command SEMICOLON
             | abs_command SEMICOLON
             | command_block SEMICOLON
             | proc_call SEMICOLON
     p[0] = ASTNode('sync', p[1])
Esempio n. 11
 def p_async(self, p):
     """async : exec_command COMMA
              | abs_command COMMA
              | command_block COMMA
              | proc_call COMMA
     p[0] = ASTNode('async', p[1])
Esempio n. 12
 def p_command_list3(self, p):
     """command_list : async 
                     | sync 
                     | abs_command
                     | special_form
     p[0] = ASTNode('cmdlist', p[1])
Esempio n. 13
    def _decode_merge(self, body_ast, eval):

        new_ast = self.decode(body_ast, eval)

        # if result is a command list, then mark it for merging into
        # one large result
        if isinstance(new_ast, ASTNode) and \
                new_ast.tag == 'cmdlist':
            new_ast = ASTNode('block_merge', *new_ast.items)

        return new_ast
Esempio n. 14
 def p_special_form(self, p):
     """special_form : if_list
                     | star_if_list
                     | star_for_loop
                     | while_loop
                     | raise
                     | star_set_stmnt
                     | let_stmnt
                     | set_stmnt
                     | proc_defn
     p[0] = ASTNode('cmdlist', p[1])
Esempio n. 15
    def parse_opecmd(self, buf, startline=1):

        # Initialize module level error variables

            ast = self.ope_parser.parse(buf, lexer=self.lexer)

        except Exception, e:
            # capture traceback?  Yacc tracebacks aren't that useful
            ast = ASTNode('ERROR: %s' % str(e))
            # verify errors>0
            assert (self.errors > 0)
Esempio n. 16
    def parse_params(self, buf):
        """Hack routine to parse a bare parameter list.
        # TODO: need separate lexer? parser?

        # Initialize module level error variables

            ast = self.param_parser.parse(buf, lexer=self.lexer)

        except Exception, e:
            # capture traceback?  Yacc tracebacks aren't that useful
            ast = ASTNode('ERROR: %s' % str(e))
def p_dyad1(p):
    """dyad : expression MUL expression
            | expression DIV expression
            | expression ADD expression
            | expression SUB expression
            | expression LT expression
            | expression GT expression
            | expression LE expression
            | expression GE expression
            | expression EQ expression
            | expression NE expression
            | expression AND expression
            | expression OR expression
    p[0] = ASTNode('dyad', p[1], p[2], p[3])
Esempio n. 18
    def __init__(self, evaluator, sk_bank, logger):
        """Decoder constructor.  (params) is a dict of the initial
        environment (variables & values) of the decoder.  (sk_bank) is
        used to lookup sk file ASTs and default parameters.

        # Evaluator for all external entities
        self.eval = evaluator
        # Object that lets me look up parsed abstract commands
        self.sk_bank = sk_bank
        self.logger = logger

        self.nop = ASTNode('nop')

        super(Decoder, self).__init__()
Esempio n. 19
    def _decode_string(self, ast, eval):
        """Decode a string interpolation.

        #         cls = make_closure(ast, eval.clone())

        #         ast = ASTNode(ast.tag, ast.items[0])
        #         ast.cls = cls
        #         return ast

        # Only expand variable references in strings in the decoding stage
        res = eval.eval_string_interpolate(ast.items[0], vars_only=True)

        if isinstance(res, str):
            return ASTNode(ast.tag, res)

        name = ast.items[0]
        raise DecodeError("Don't know how to decode type: %s='%s' (%s)" %
                          (name, str(res), str(type(res))))
Esempio n. 20
    def decode_frame_id_ref(self, ast, eval):
        """Decode a frame allocation reference.
        assert ast.tag == 'frame_id_ref', ASTerr(ast)

        # In SOSS, frame id allocations are done in decoding!
        # uncomment this to reserve allocations until execution time
        ##         res = eval.eval_string_interpolate(ast.items[0], vars_only=True)
        ##         if isinstance(res, str):
        ##             return ASTNode('frame_id_ref', res)

        # comment this to reserve allocations until execution time
        res = eval.eval(ast)
        if isinstance(res, str):
            return ASTNode('string', res)

        name = ast.items[0]
        raise DecodeError("Error decoding frame id reference: %s='%s' (%s)" %
                          (name, str(res), str(type(res))))
Esempio n. 21
    def decode_star_if(self, ast, eval):
        """Decode a *IF statement.

        *IF <pred-exp>
        *ELIF <pred-exp>

        AST is a variable number of 'cond' ribs (if-exp, then-exp).  Else
        clause is represented by a final (True, then-exp) cond rib.
        assert ast.tag == 'star_if', ASTerr(ast)

        # Iterate over the set of cond ribs, decode the first then-part
        # for whose predicate evaluates to true.
        for cond_ast in ast.items:
            assert cond_ast.tag == 'cond', ASTerr(cond_ast)

            assert len(cond_ast.items) == 2, ASTerr(cond_ast)
            (pred_ast, then_ast) = cond_ast.items

            if pred_ast == True:
                # ELSE clause
                return self._decode_merge(then_ast, eval)

            # No longer.  Could be dyad or monad...
            #assert pred_ast.tag == 'expression', ASTerr(pred_ast)

            res = eval.eval(pred_ast)
            if eval.isTrue(res):
                return self._decode_merge(then_ast, eval)

        # See Note [1]
        #return self.nop
        return ASTNode('block_merge')
def p_func_call(p):
    """func_call : ID LPAREN expression_list RPAREN"""
    p[0] = ASTNode('func_call', p[1], p[3])
def p_command_list(p):
    """command_list : exec_command
                    | abs_command
    p[0] = ASTNode('cmdlist', p[1])
def p_frame_id_acquisition(p):
    """frame_id_ref : GET_F_NO LSTR"""
    p[0] = ASTNode('frame_id_ref', p[2])
def p_asnum1(p):
    """asnum : LPAREN expression RPAREN"""
    p[0] = ASTNode('asnum', p[2])
def p_expression_list1(p):
    """expression_list : expression"""
    p[0] = ASTNode('expression_list', p[1])
def p_command_exec(p):
    """exec_command : EXEC factor factor param_list"""
    p[0] = ASTNode('exec', p[2], p[3], p[4], None)
def p_param_list1(p):
    """ param_list : empty"""
    p[0] = ASTNode('param_list')
Esempio n. 29
    cmdstr = cmdstr.strip()
    res = sk_bank.parser.parse_opecmd(cmdstr)
    if res[0]:
        raise DecodeError("Error parsing command '%s': %s" % (cmdstr, res[2]))

    ast = res[1]
    assert ast.tag == 'cmdlist', ASTerr(ast)

    ast = ast.items[0]
    assert ast.tag == 'abscmd', ASTerr(ast)
    assert len(ast.items) == 2, ASTerr(ast)

    (ast_cmd_exp, ast_params) = ast.items

    # Make a *SUB ast and decode it
    ast = ASTNode('star_sub', ast_cmd_exp, ast_params)

    decoder = Decoder(eval, sk_bank, logger)

    newast = decoder.decode(ast, eval)

    print newast.AST2str()

    if options.verbose:
        print newast.printAST()

    return 0

def main(options, args):
Esempio n. 30
    def decode_star_sub(self, ast, eval):
        """Decode a *SUB statement.

        *SUB <cmd_exp> <param_list>

        Evaluate the <cmd_exp> to find the name of the abstract command
        being expanded.  Evaluate <param_list> to find the initial values
        for the parameters and decode it.  
        assert ast.tag == 'star_sub', ASTerr(ast)
        assert len(ast.items) == 2, ASTerr(ast)

        (ast_cmd_exp, ast_params) = ast.items

        # evaluate cmd_exp --> abs command name
        cmdname = eval.eval(ast_cmd_exp)
        assert type(
        ) == types.StringType, "command name does not evaluate to a string"

        # Decode actual parameters to abstract command call
        # should be no vars left after this
        actuals = self._decode_params(ast_params, eval)

        # Check for presence of special OBE_ID and OBE_MODE parameters
            obe_id_ast = actuals['obe_id']
        except KeyError:
            raise DecodeError("No parameter set: OBE_ID")
            obe_mode_ast = actuals['obe_mode']
        except KeyError:
            raise DecodeError("No parameter set: OBE_MODE")

        # Remove these two from the actuals (? is this correct?)
        del actuals['obe_id']
        del actuals['obe_mode']

        # Evaluate OBE_ID and OBE_MODE
        obe_id = eval.eval(obe_id_ast)
        assert type(
            obe_id) == types.StringType, "OBE_ID does not evaluate to a string"
        obe_mode = eval.eval(obe_mode_ast)
        assert type(
        ) == types.StringType, "OBE_MODE does not evaluate to a string"

        # Make closures of the actuals
        #cur_eval = eval.clone()
        cur_eval = eval
        for (var, form) in actuals.items():
            actuals[var] = make_closure(form, cur_eval)

        # Look up the skeleton file from our sk_bank
        skbunch = self.sk_bank.lookup(obe_id, obe_mode, cmdname)
        if skbunch.errors > 0:
            # TODO: include verbose error string in this error
            raise DecodeError("%d errors parsing referent skeleton file '%s'" %
                              (skbunch.errors, skbunch.filepath))

        ast = skbunch.ast
        assert ast.tag == 'skeleton', ASTerr(ast)
        assert len(ast.items) == 2, ASTerr(ast)

        (ast_default_params, ast_body) = ast.items

        # Get new evaluator with empty variables
        new_eval = eval.clone(inherit_vars=False)

        # Decode default parameters for abstract command
        # should be no vars left after this
        params = self._decode_params(ast_default_params, new_eval)

        # Make closures of them
        for (var, form) in params.items():
            params[var] = make_closure(form, new_eval)
        #print "Defaults:", params

        # Now substitute actuals overriding defaults as necessary
        #print "Substituting:", actuals.keys()
        #print "Final:", params

        # Store decoded forms into new evaluator

        # Decode the skeleton file body in the new environment
        new_ast_body = self.decode(ast_body, new_eval)

        assert new_ast_body.tag == 'command_section', ASTerr(new_ast_body)
        assert len(new_ast_body.items) == 3, ASTerr(new_ast_body)

        # Extract the preprocessing ASTs from the decoded skeleton file
        # ast.
        (pre_ast, main_ast, post_ast) = new_ast_body.items

        # return our decoded command block.  Each principal section is
        # processed synchronously within the command block.
        #res_ast = ASTNode('block_merge',
        res_ast = ASTNode('block', ASTNode('sync', ASTNode('block', pre_ast)),
                          ASTNode('sync', ASTNode('block', main_ast)),
                          ASTNode('sync', ASTNode('block', post_ast)))
        # Ugh..Because AST constructor was not designed to set name = '%s_%s_%s' % (obe_id.upper(), obe_mode.upper(),

        return res_ast