Esempio n. 1
def test_bad_images():
    g2, lag_steps = multi_tau_auto_corr(4, num_bufs, rois, img_stack)
    # introduce bad images
    bad_img_list = [3, 21, 35, 48]
    # convert each bad image to np.nan array
    images = bad_to_nan_gen(img_stack, bad_img_list)

    # then use new images (including bad images)
    g2_n, lag_steps_n = multi_tau_auto_corr(4, num_bufs, rois, images)

    assert_array_almost_equal(g2[:, 0], g2_n[:, 0], decimal=3)
    assert_array_almost_equal(g2[:, 1], g2_n[:, 1], decimal=3)
def test_bad_images():
    g2, lag_steps = multi_tau_auto_corr(4, num_bufs,
                                        rois, img_stack)
    # introduce bad images
    bad_img_list = [3, 21, 35, 48]
    # convert each bad image to np.nan array
    images = bad_to_nan_gen(img_stack, bad_img_list)

    # then use new images (including bad images)
    g2_n, lag_steps_n = multi_tau_auto_corr(4, num_bufs,
                                            rois, images)

    assert_array_almost_equal(g2[:, 0], g2_n[:, 0], decimal=3)
    assert_array_almost_equal(g2[:, 1], g2_n[:, 1], decimal=3)
def test_lazy_vs_original():
    # run the correlation on the full stack
    full_gen_one = lazy_one_time(
        img_stack, num_levels, num_bufs, rois)
    for gen_state_one in full_gen_one:

    g2, lag_steps = multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels, num_bufs,
                                        rois, img_stack)

    assert np.all(g2 == gen_state_one.g2)
    assert np.all(lag_steps == gen_state_one.lag_steps)

    full_gen_two = lazy_two_time(rois, img_stack, stack_size,
                                 num_bufs, num_levels)
    for gen_state_two in full_gen_two:
    final_gen_result_two = two_time_state_to_results(gen_state_two)

    two_time = two_time_corr(rois, img_stack, stack_size,
                             num_bufs, num_levels)

    assert np.all(two_time[0] == final_gen_result_two.g2)
    assert np.all(two_time[1] == final_gen_result_two.lag_steps)
Esempio n. 4
def test_lazy_vs_original():
    # run the correlation on the full stack
    full_gen_one = lazy_one_time(
        img_stack, num_levels, num_bufs, rois)
    for gen_state_one in full_gen_one:

    g2, lag_steps = multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels, num_bufs,
                                        rois, img_stack)

    assert np.all(g2 == gen_state_one.g2)
    assert np.all(lag_steps == gen_state_one.lag_steps)

    full_gen_two = lazy_two_time(rois, img_stack, stack_size,
                                 num_bufs, num_levels)
    for gen_state_two in full_gen_two:
    final_gen_result_two = two_time_state_to_results(gen_state_two)

    two_time = two_time_corr(rois, img_stack, stack_size,
                             num_bufs, num_levels)

    assert np.all(two_time[0] == final_gen_result_two.g2)
    assert np.all(two_time[1] == final_gen_result_two.lag_steps)
Esempio n. 5
def one_time_correlation(data: np.ndarray,
                         labels: np.ndarray,
                         num_bufs: int = 16,
                         num_levels: int = 8) -> Tuple[da.array, da.array]:

    g2, tau = corr.multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels, num_bufs,
                                       labels.astype(, np.asarray(data))
    g2 = g2.squeeze()
    return g2, tau
Esempio n. 6
def test_one_time_from_two_time():
    num_lev = 1
    num_buf = 10  # must be even
    x_dim = 10
    y_dim = 10
    stack = 10
    imgs = np.random.randint(1, 3, (stack, x_dim, y_dim))
    imgs[:, 0, 0] += 5
    roi = np.zeros_like(imgs[0])
    # make sure that the ROIs can be any integers greater than 1.
    # They do not have to start at 1 and be continuous
    roi[0:x_dim // 5, 0:y_dim // 10] = 5
    roi[x_dim // 10:x_dim // 5 + 1, y_dim // 10:y_dim // 5] = 3

    g2, lag_steps, _state = two_time_corr(roi, imgs, stack, num_buf, num_lev)
    g2_t, _ = multi_tau_auto_corr(num_lev, num_buf, roi, imgs)

    one_time, error_one_time = one_time_from_two_time(g2, calc_errors=True)
            [1.02222222, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.98148148, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
        one_time[0].mean() / one_time[1].mean(),
        g2_t.T[0].mean() / g2_t.T[1].mean(),

            np.std(np.diagonal(g2[0], offset=x)) / np.sqrt(x)
            for x in range(1, g2[0].shape[0])
Esempio n. 7
def calculate_g2(data,mask=None,g2q=180,center = [265,655]):
    Calculates the intensity-intensity temporal autocorrelation using
    scikit-beam packages on the back detector
    for a q-range (g2q) and width (width, num_rings,spacing) 

    # -- parameters
    inner_radius = g2q#180 # radius of the first ring
    width = 1
    spacing = 0
    num_rings = 10
    #center = (273, 723) # center of the speckle pattern
    dpix = 0.055 # The physical size of the pixels
    energy = 8.4 #keV
    h = 4.135667516*1e-18#kev*sec
    c = 3*1e8 #m/s
    lambda_ = h*c/energy*1e10 # wavelength of the X-rays  
    Ldet = 5080. # # detector to sample distance 

    # -- average and mask data
    avg_data = np.average(data,axis=0)#*mask

    # -- ring array
    edges = roi.ring_edges(inner_radius, width, spacing, num_rings)

    # -- convert ring to q
    two_theta = utils.radius_to_twotheta(Ldet, edges*dpix)
    q_val = utils.twotheta_to_q(two_theta, lambda_)
    q_ring = np.mean(q_val, axis=1)
    # -- ring mask
    rings = roi.rings(edges, center, data[0].shape)
    ring_mask = rings*mask

    # -- calulate g2
    num_levels = 1#7
    num_bufs = 100#2
    g2, lag_steps = corr.multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels,num_bufs,ring_mask,mask*data)
    # -- average
    g2_avg = np.average(g2,axis=1)
    qt = np.average(q_ring)

    # -- standard error
    g2_err = np.std(g2,axis=1)/np.sqrt(len(g2[0,:]))

    return qt,lag_steps[1:],g2_avg[1:],g2_err[1:]
Esempio n. 8
def one_time_correlation(
    images: np.ndarray,
    rois: Iterable[pg.ROI] = None,
    image_item: pg.ImageItem = None,
    num_bufs: int = 16,
    num_levels: int = 8,
) -> Tuple[da.array, da.array, da.array, np.ndarray]:
    if images.ndim < 3:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Cannot compute correlation on data with {images.ndim} dimensions."

    labels = get_label_array(images, rois=rois, image_item=image_item)
    if labels.max() == 0:
            "Please add an ROI over which to calculate one-time correlation.")
        raise ValueError(
            "Please add an ROI over which to calculate one-time correlation.")

    # Trim the image based on labels, and resolve to memory
    si, se = np.where(np.flipud(labels))
    trimmed_images = np.asarray(images[:,
                                       si.min():si.max() + 1,
                                       se.min():se.max() + 1])
    trimmed_labels = np.asarray(
        np.flipud(labels)[si.min():si.max() + 1,
                          se.min():se.max() + 1])

    # trimmed_images[trimmed_images <= 0] = np.NaN   # may be necessary to mask values

    trimmed_images -= np.min(trimmed_images, axis=0)

    g2, tau = corr.multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels, num_bufs,
    g2 = g2[1:].squeeze()
    # FIXME: is it required to trim the 0th value off the tau and g2 arrays?
    return g2.T, tau[1:], images, labels
	def calculateG2(self, g2q=180, center=[265,655]):
        	Method: SpecklePattern.calculateG2
		Calculates the intensity-intensity temporal autocorrelation using
		scikit-beam packages on the back detector
		for a q-range (g2q) and width (width, num_rings,spacing)
        	Usage: mySpeckles.calculateG2()
		data - data stored as numpy 3D array
		Arguments: (optional)
		g2q - at which q (pixels) you wanna calculate g2
		center - beam position in the data array (y, x)
		Returns tuple with:
		qt - q (in Ang-1) at which you calculated g2
		lag_steps[1:] - time array
		g2_avg[1:] - g2 average array
		g2_err[1:] - g2 uncertainty array
    		# -- parameters
    		inner_radius = g2q#180 # radius of the first ring
    		width = 1
    		spacing = 0
    		num_rings = 10
    		#center = (273, 723) # center of the speckle pattern
    		dpix = 0.055 # The physical size of the pixels
    		energy = 8.4 #keV
    		h = 4.135667516*1e-18#kev*sec
    		c = 3*1e8 #m/s
    		lambda_ = h*c/energy*1e10 # wavelength of the X-rays
    		Ldet = 5080. # # detector to sample distance
    		# -- average and mask data
    		avg_data = np.average(,axis=0)#*mask
    		# -- ring array
    		edges = roi.ring_edges(inner_radius, width, spacing, num_rings)
    		# -- convert ring to q
    		two_theta = utils.radius_to_twotheta(Ldet, edges*dpix)
    		q_val = utils.twotheta_to_q(two_theta, lambda_)
    		q_ring = np.mean(q_val, axis=1)
    		# -- ring mask
    		rings = roi.rings(edges, center,[0].shape)
    		ring_mask = rings*mask
    		# -- calulate g2
    		num_levels = 1 #7
    		num_bufs = 100 #2
    		g2, lag_steps = corr.multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels,num_bufs,ring_mask,self.mask*
    		# -- average
    		g2_avg = np.average(g2,axis=1)
    		qt = np.average(q_ring)
    		# -- standard error
    		g2_err = np.std(g2,axis=1)/np.sqrt(len(g2[0,:]))
    		return qt, lag_steps[1:], g2_avg[1:], g2_err[1:]
Esempio n. 10
    im = ax.imshow(image, interpolation='none', norm=LogNorm())
    im = ax.imshow(tt.reshape(*img_dim), cmap='Paired',

roi_names = ['gray', 'orange', 'brown']
tt = np.zeros(img_stack.shape[1:]).ravel()
tt[pixel_list] = roi_indices

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
overlay_rois(ax, roi_indices, pixel_list,
             img_stack.shape[1:], img_stack[0])

# g2 one time correlation results for 3 ROI's
g2, lag_steps = corr.multi_tau_auto_corr(
    num_levels, num_bufs, labeled_roi_array, img_stack)
# lag_staps are delays for multiple tau analysis
lag_time = 0.001
lag_step = lag_steps[:g2.shape[0]]
lags = lag_step*lag_time

fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rings, sharex=True, figsize=(5,10))
for i, roi_color in zip(range(num_rings), roi_names):
    axes[i].semilogx(lags, g2[:, i], 'o', markerfacecolor=roi_color, markersize=10)
    axes[i].set_ylim(bottom=1, top=np.max(g2[1:, i]))
Esempio n. 11
 def evaluate(self):
     self.g2.value, self.lag_steps.value = corr.multi_tau_auto_corr(self.num_levels.value,
Esempio n. 12
    def calculateG2(self, g2q=180, center=[265, 655]):
        	Method: SpecklePattern.calculateG2
		Calculates the intensity-intensity temporal autocorrelation using
		scikit-beam packages on the back detector
		for a q-range (g2q) and width (width, num_rings,spacing)
        	Usage: mySpeckles.calculateG2()
		data - data stored as numpy 3D array
		Arguments: (optional)
		g2q - at which q (pixels) you wanna calculate g2
		center - beam position in the data array (y, x)
		Returns tuple with:
		qt - q (in Ang-1) at which you calculated g2
		lag_steps[1:] - time array
		g2_avg[1:] - g2 average array
		g2_err[1:] - g2 uncertainty array
        # -- parameters
        inner_radius = g2q  #180 # radius of the first ring
        width = 1
        spacing = 0
        num_rings = 10
        #center = (273, 723) # center of the speckle pattern
        dpix = 0.055  # The physical size of the pixels
        energy = 8.4  #keV
        h = 4.135667516 * 1e-18  #kev*sec
        c = 3 * 1e8  #m/s
        lambda_ = h * c / energy * 1e10  # wavelength of the X-rays
        Ldet = 5080.  # # detector to sample distance

        # -- average and mask data
        avg_data = np.average(, axis=0)  #*mask

        # -- ring array
        edges = roi.ring_edges(inner_radius, width, spacing, num_rings)

        # -- convert ring to q
        two_theta = utils.radius_to_twotheta(Ldet, edges * dpix)
        q_val = utils.twotheta_to_q(two_theta, lambda_)
        q_ring = np.mean(q_val, axis=1)

        # -- ring mask
        rings = roi.rings(edges, center,[0].shape)
        ring_mask = rings * mask

        # -- calulate g2
        num_levels = 1  #7
        num_bufs = 100  #2
        g2, lag_steps = corr.multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels, num_bufs,
                                                 self.mask *

        # -- average
        g2_avg = np.average(g2, axis=1)
        qt = np.average(q_ring)

        # -- standard error
        g2_err = np.std(g2, axis=1) / np.sqrt(len(g2[0, :]))

        return qt, lag_steps[1:], g2_avg[1:], g2_err[1:]