Esempio n. 1
def generate_q_bins(rmax, qmax, pixel_size, distance, wavelength):
    Generate the Q bins at the resolution of the detector
    rmax: float
        The maximum radial distance on the detector
    qmax: float
        The maximum Q on the detector
    pixel_size: float
        The size of the pixels, in the same units as rmax
    distance: float
        The sample to detector distance, in the same units as rmax
    wavelength: float
        The wavelength of the x-rays

        The bin edges, suitable for np.histogram or
    base_pixels = np.arange(0, rmax, pixel_size)
    pixel_bottom = base_pixels
    pixel_top = base_pixels + pixel_size
    tthb = np.arctan(pixel_bottom / distance)
    ttht = np.arctan(pixel_top / distance)
    dq = twotheta_to_q(ttht, wavelength) - twotheta_to_q(tthb, wavelength)
    fq = np.linspace(0, qmax, len(dq))
    b = np.zeros(len(fq) + 1)
    b[1:] = dq + fq
    return b
Esempio n. 2
def test_q_twotheta_conversion():
    wavelength = 1
    q = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 100)
                                  core.q_to_twotheta(q, wavelength),
    two_theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
                                  core.twotheta_to_q(two_theta, wavelength),
Esempio n. 3
def test_q_twotheta_conversion():
    wavelength = 1
    q = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 100)
                                  core.q_to_twotheta(q, wavelength),
    two_theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
	def angularIntegrationBackDetector(n_bins=100,center=(265,655),min_bin=40,max_bin=800,threshold=(0.001,10000)):
	    Does the circular integration and q-calibration on the back
	    detector, with an additional threshold masking
	    # -- parameters
	    Ldet = 5080. # detector to sample distance 
	    dpix = 0.055 # um (pixel size)
	    energy = 8.4 #keV
	    # -- constants
	    h = 4.135667516*1e-18 #kev*sec
	    c = 3*1e8 #m/s
	    lambda_ = h*c/energy*1e10 # wavelength of the X-rays
	    # -- calulate q-range
	    width,spacing = float(max_bin-min_bin)/float(n_bins),0
	    edges = roi.ring_edges(min_bin, width, spacing, n_bins)
	    two_theta = utils.radius_to_twotheta(Ldet, edges*dpix)
	    q_val = utils.twotheta_to_q(two_theta, lambda_)
	    q = np.mean(q_val, axis=1)
	    # -- apply threshold mask data[data<threshold[0]]=0[data>threshold[1]]=0
	    # -- angular average 
	    Iq= circularAverage(,calibrated_center=center,nx=n_bins,min_x=min_bin,max_x=max_bin)
	    print q.shape,Iq[1].shape
	    return Iq[0],Iq[1]
Esempio n. 5
def generate_q_bins(rmax, pixel_size, distance, wavelength, rmin=0):
    Generate the Q bins at the resolution of the detector
    rmax: float
        The maximum radial distance on the detector in distance units.
        Note that this should go to the bottom edge of the pixel.
    pixel_size: float
        The size of the pixels, in the same units as rmax
    distance: float
        The sample to detector distance, in the same units as rmax
    wavelength: float
        The wavelength of the x-rays
    rmin: float, optional
        The minimum radial distance on the detector in distance units. Defaults
        to zero. Note that this should be the bottom of the pixel

        The bin edges, suitable for np.histogram or
    pixel_bottom = np.arange(rmin, rmax, pixel_size)
    pixel_top = pixel_bottom + pixel_size

    bottom_tth = np.arctan(pixel_bottom[0] / distance)
    top_tth = np.arctan(pixel_top / distance)

    top_q = twotheta_to_q(top_tth, wavelength)

    bins = np.zeros(len(top_q) + 1)

    bins[0] = twotheta_to_q(bottom_tth, wavelength)
    bins[1:] = top_q
    return bins
Esempio n. 6
def calculate_g2(data,mask=None,g2q=180,center = [265,655]):
    Calculates the intensity-intensity temporal autocorrelation using
    scikit-beam packages on the back detector
    for a q-range (g2q) and width (width, num_rings,spacing) 

    # -- parameters
    inner_radius = g2q#180 # radius of the first ring
    width = 1
    spacing = 0
    num_rings = 10
    #center = (273, 723) # center of the speckle pattern
    dpix = 0.055 # The physical size of the pixels
    energy = 8.4 #keV
    h = 4.135667516*1e-18#kev*sec
    c = 3*1e8 #m/s
    lambda_ = h*c/energy*1e10 # wavelength of the X-rays  
    Ldet = 5080. # # detector to sample distance 

    # -- average and mask data
    avg_data = np.average(data,axis=0)#*mask

    # -- ring array
    edges = roi.ring_edges(inner_radius, width, spacing, num_rings)

    # -- convert ring to q
    two_theta = utils.radius_to_twotheta(Ldet, edges*dpix)
    q_val = utils.twotheta_to_q(two_theta, lambda_)
    q_ring = np.mean(q_val, axis=1)
    # -- ring mask
    rings = roi.rings(edges, center, data[0].shape)
    ring_mask = rings*mask

    # -- calulate g2
    num_levels = 1#7
    num_bufs = 100#2
    g2, lag_steps = corr.multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels,num_bufs,ring_mask,mask*data)
    # -- average
    g2_avg = np.average(g2,axis=1)
    qt = np.average(q_ring)

    # -- standard error
    g2_err = np.std(g2,axis=1)/np.sqrt(len(g2[0,:]))

    return qt,lag_steps[1:],g2_avg[1:],g2_err[1:]
def angular_integration_back_detector(data,
                                      center=(265, 655),
                                      threshold=(0.001, 10000)):
    Does the circular integration and q-calibration on the back
    detector, with an additional threshold masking

    # -- parameters
    Ldet = 5080.  # detector to sample distance
    dpix = 0.055  # um (pixel size)
    energy = 8.4  #keV

    # -- constants
    h = 4.135667516 * 1e-18  #kev*sec
    c = 3 * 1e8  #m/s
    lambda_ = h * c / energy * 1e10  # wavelength of the X-rays

    # -- calulate q-range
    width, spacing = float(max_bin - min_bin) / float(n_bins), 0
    edges = roi.ring_edges(min_bin, width, spacing, n_bins)
    two_theta = utils.radius_to_twotheta(Ldet, edges * dpix)
    q_val = utils.twotheta_to_q(two_theta, lambda_)
    q = np.mean(q_val, axis=1)

    # -- apply threshold mask data
    data[data < threshold[0]] = 0
    data[data > threshold[1]] = 0

    # -- angular average
    Iq = circular_average(data,
    print q.shape, Iq[1].shape
    return Iq[0], Iq[1]
	def calculateG2(self, g2q=180, center=[265,655]):
        	Method: SpecklePattern.calculateG2
		Calculates the intensity-intensity temporal autocorrelation using
		scikit-beam packages on the back detector
		for a q-range (g2q) and width (width, num_rings,spacing)
        	Usage: mySpeckles.calculateG2()
		data - data stored as numpy 3D array
		Arguments: (optional)
		g2q - at which q (pixels) you wanna calculate g2
		center - beam position in the data array (y, x)
		Returns tuple with:
		qt - q (in Ang-1) at which you calculated g2
		lag_steps[1:] - time array
		g2_avg[1:] - g2 average array
		g2_err[1:] - g2 uncertainty array
    		# -- parameters
    		inner_radius = g2q#180 # radius of the first ring
    		width = 1
    		spacing = 0
    		num_rings = 10
    		#center = (273, 723) # center of the speckle pattern
    		dpix = 0.055 # The physical size of the pixels
    		energy = 8.4 #keV
    		h = 4.135667516*1e-18#kev*sec
    		c = 3*1e8 #m/s
    		lambda_ = h*c/energy*1e10 # wavelength of the X-rays
    		Ldet = 5080. # # detector to sample distance
    		# -- average and mask data
    		avg_data = np.average(,axis=0)#*mask
    		# -- ring array
    		edges = roi.ring_edges(inner_radius, width, spacing, num_rings)
    		# -- convert ring to q
    		two_theta = utils.radius_to_twotheta(Ldet, edges*dpix)
    		q_val = utils.twotheta_to_q(two_theta, lambda_)
    		q_ring = np.mean(q_val, axis=1)
    		# -- ring mask
    		rings = roi.rings(edges, center,[0].shape)
    		ring_mask = rings*mask
    		# -- calulate g2
    		num_levels = 1 #7
    		num_bufs = 100 #2
    		g2, lag_steps = corr.multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels,num_bufs,ring_mask,self.mask*
    		# -- average
    		g2_avg = np.average(g2,axis=1)
    		qt = np.average(q_ring)
    		# -- standard error
    		g2_err = np.std(g2,axis=1)/np.sqrt(len(g2[0,:]))
    		return qt, lag_steps[1:], g2_avg[1:], g2_err[1:]
geo = Geometry(
    detector='Perkin', pixel1=.0002, pixel2=.0002,
    poni1=.209, poni2=.207,
    # rot1=.0128, rot2=-.015, rot3=-5.2e-8,
r = geo.rArray((2048, 2048))
q = geo.qArray((2048, 2048))
pixels = np.arange(0, np.max(r), geo.pixel1)
pixel_bottom = pixels
pixel_top = pixels + geo.pixel1
tthb = np.arctan(pixel_bottom / geo.dist)
ttht = np.arctan(pixel_top / geo.dist)
dq = twotheta_to_q(ttht, .143) - twotheta_to_q(tthb, .143)
fq = np.linspace(0, np.max(q), len(dq))

b = np.zeros(len(fq)+1)
b[1:] = dq + fq
int_q = np.zeros(q.shape,
for i in range(len(b)-1):
    t_array = (b[i] <= q) & (q < b[i+1])
    int_q[t_array] = i - 1

save_stem = '/mnt/bulk-data/Masters_Thesis/dp/figures/'

for j in [100, 300, 500, 1000]:
    #make some sample data
    Z = 100*np.cos(50*r)**2 + 150
Esempio n. 10
    def calculateG2(self, g2q=180, center=[265, 655]):
        	Method: SpecklePattern.calculateG2
		Calculates the intensity-intensity temporal autocorrelation using
		scikit-beam packages on the back detector
		for a q-range (g2q) and width (width, num_rings,spacing)
        	Usage: mySpeckles.calculateG2()
		data - data stored as numpy 3D array
		Arguments: (optional)
		g2q - at which q (pixels) you wanna calculate g2
		center - beam position in the data array (y, x)
		Returns tuple with:
		qt - q (in Ang-1) at which you calculated g2
		lag_steps[1:] - time array
		g2_avg[1:] - g2 average array
		g2_err[1:] - g2 uncertainty array
        # -- parameters
        inner_radius = g2q  #180 # radius of the first ring
        width = 1
        spacing = 0
        num_rings = 10
        #center = (273, 723) # center of the speckle pattern
        dpix = 0.055  # The physical size of the pixels
        energy = 8.4  #keV
        h = 4.135667516 * 1e-18  #kev*sec
        c = 3 * 1e8  #m/s
        lambda_ = h * c / energy * 1e10  # wavelength of the X-rays
        Ldet = 5080.  # # detector to sample distance

        # -- average and mask data
        avg_data = np.average(, axis=0)  #*mask

        # -- ring array
        edges = roi.ring_edges(inner_radius, width, spacing, num_rings)

        # -- convert ring to q
        two_theta = utils.radius_to_twotheta(Ldet, edges * dpix)
        q_val = utils.twotheta_to_q(two_theta, lambda_)
        q_ring = np.mean(q_val, axis=1)

        # -- ring mask
        rings = roi.rings(edges, center,[0].shape)
        ring_mask = rings * mask

        # -- calulate g2
        num_levels = 1  #7
        num_bufs = 100  #2
        g2, lag_steps = corr.multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels, num_bufs,
                                                 self.mask *

        # -- average
        g2_avg = np.average(g2, axis=1)
        qt = np.average(q_ring)

        # -- standard error
        g2_err = np.std(g2, axis=1) / np.sqrt(len(g2[0, :]))

        return qt, lag_steps[1:], g2_avg[1:], g2_err[1:]