Esempio n. 1
    def test_full_LOC(self):
        """LOC should behave as expected when initialized with rich data"""
        data = [
            "abc\t def", " 3 \t n", "  abc   \txyz\n\n", "x\t5", "fgh   ",
            "x\t3    "

        class rec(MappedRecord):
            Required = {'abc': []}

        maps = {'abc': list_adder, 'x': int_setter, 'fgh': bool_setter}
        label_splitter = DelimitedSplitter('\t')
        constructor = rec
        strict = True
        loc_bad = LineOrientedConstructor(data, label_splitter, maps,
                                          constructor, strict)
        self.assertRaises(FieldError, loc_bad)
        strict = False
        loc_good = LineOrientedConstructor(data, label_splitter, maps,
                                           constructor, strict)
        result = loc_good()
        assert isinstance(result, rec)
        self.assertEqual(result, {
            'abc': ['def', 'xyz'],
            '3': 'n',
            'fgh': False,
            'x': 3
Esempio n. 2
    def test_parsers(self):
        """DelimitedSplitter should return function with correct behavior"""
        empty = DelimitedSplitter()
        space = DelimitedSplitter(None)
        semicolon = DelimitedSplitter(';')
        twosplits = DelimitedSplitter(';', 2)
        allsplits = DelimitedSplitter(';', None)
        lastone = DelimitedSplitter(';', -1)
        lasttwo = DelimitedSplitter(';', -2)

        self.assertEqual(empty('a   b  c'), ['a', 'b  c'])
        self.assertEqual(empty('abc'), ['abc'])
        self.assertEqual(empty('   '), [])

        self.assertEqual(empty('a  b  c'), space('a  b  c'))
        self.assertEqual(semicolon('  a  ; b   ;  c  d'), ['a', 'b   ;  c  d'])
        self.assertEqual(twosplits('  a  ; b   ;  c  d'), ['a', 'b', 'c  d'])
        self.assertEqual(allsplits(' a ;  b  ; c;;d;e  ;'),
                         ['a', 'b', 'c', '', 'd', 'e', ''])
        self.assertEqual(lastone(' a ;  b  ; c;;d;e  ;'),
                         ['a ;  b  ; c;;d;e', ''])
        self.assertEqual(lasttwo(' a ;  b  ; c;;d;e  ;'),
                         ['a ;  b  ; c;;d', 'e', ''])
        self.assertEqual(lasttwo(''), [])
        self.assertEqual(lasttwo('x'), ['x'])
        self.assertEqual(lasttwo('x;'), ['x', ''])
Esempio n. 3
    def test_label_line_parser(self):
        last_space = DelimitedSplitter(None, -1)
            _label_line_parser(StringIO('abc\tucag'), last_space), ({
                "abc": ["ucag"]
            }, ['abc']))

        with self.assertRaises(ClustalFormatError):
            _label_line_parser(StringIO('abctucag'), last_space)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_splitter(self):
     """StrictFieldWrapper with splitter should use that splitter"""
     fields = ['label', 'count']
     splitter = DelimitedSplitter(':', -1)
     f = StrictFieldWrapper(fields, splitter)
     self.assertEqual(f('n:k:n:a:sd  '), {
         'label': 'n:k:n:a',
         'count': 'sd'
     self.assertEqual(f('nknasd:'), {'label': 'nknasd', 'count': ''})
     self.assertRaises(FieldError, f, '')
Esempio n. 5
            result[key] = [val]
    return result, labels

def _is_clustal_seq_line(line):
    """Returns True if line starts with a non-blank character but not 'CLUSTAL'

    Useful for filtering other lines out of the file.
    return line and (not line[0].isspace()) and\
        (not line.startswith('CLUSTAL')) and (not line.startswith('MUSCLE'))

last_space = DelimitedSplitter(None, -1)

def _delete_trailing_number(line):
    """Deletes trailing number from a line.

    WARNING: does not preserve internal whitespace when a number is removed!
    (converts each whitespace run to a single space). Returns the original
    line if it didn't end in a number.
    pieces = line.split()
        return ' '.join(pieces[:-1])
    except ValueError:  # no trailing numbers
        return line