Esempio n. 1
def bin_ent(row_count):
    d = {}
    for el in range(1, row_count + 1):
        # print(el)
        ext_part = util.partition(el)
        MH = 0
        for part in ext_part:
            ExpH = 0
            logger.debug("Next partition: " + str(part))
            # print(part)
            H = 0
            for value in part:
                H += q_inf(part, value)
            H /= len(part)
            if H == 0:
                ExpH = 0
                P = p_coef(part)
                #   print(H,P)
                ExpH = H * P
            # print(ExpH)
            MH += ExpH
            #   print("MH:",MH)
        d[el] = MH
    return d
Esempio n. 2
def q_inf(list, value):
    base = len(list)
    value = list.count(value)
    if base == 1 and value == 1:
        return config.log11
    l = math.log(value, base)
    logger.debug("QI: log(base=%s, value=%s) = %s " % (base, value, l))
    return l
Esempio n. 3
def q_inf_table(tablecol, nrows, rulerow, col_Idx, arg, arg_ind):
    logger.debug("    Quantity of information in table start")
    # print("строк:", nrows, "правило", rulerow, "индексы правила:", col_Idx, "arg: ",arg, "arg_ind:",arg_ind)
    c_rulerow = count_rulerow(tablecol, nrows, rulerow, col_Idx, arg, arg_ind)
    value = c_rulerow['value']
    base = c_rulerow['base']
    # print(base, value, arg)
    if value == 0 or base == 0:
        logger.debug("    QoI: value == 0 or base == 0")
        logger.debug("    Quantity of information in table end")
        return 0
    l = config.log11
    if not (base == 1 and value == 1):
        l = math.log(value, base)
    logger.debug("    QoI: qoi = " + str(l) + "; arg = " + str(arg) +
                 "; rulerow = " + str(rulerow) + ";")
    logger.debug("    Quantity of information in table end")
    return l
Esempio n. 4
def generate_rules(ncols, col_ind):
    logger.debug("Generate rules start")
    l = list(range(0, ncols))
    for value, key in enumerate(l):
        l[key] = str(value) + 'c'
    logger.debug("Generate rules, list of columns: " + str(l))
    rules = []
    sublist = list(l)
    sublist.remove(str(col_ind) + 'c')
    rules.append([str(col_ind) + 'c'])
    for L in range(0, len(sublist) + 1):
        for subset in itertools.combinations(sublist, L):
            if subset:
                logger.debug("Generate rules, next rule: " + str(list(subset)) + " -> " + str(col_ind) + 'c')
    logger.debug("Generated rules: " + str(rules))
    logger.debug("Generate rules end.")
    return rules  # list of lists
Esempio n. 5
def p_coef(extended_part):
    n = len(extended_part)
    k = len(Counter(extended_part).keys())
    logger.debug("    k:" + str(k))
    p = 1
    number_of_elements = Counter(extended_part).values()
    logger.debug("    NOE:" + str(number_of_elements))
    for pc in number_of_elements:
        logger.debug("    p:" + str(pc))
        p *= math.factorial(pc)
    s = 1
    number_of_v = Counter(list(Counter(extended_part).values())).values()
    for sc in number_of_v:
        logger.debug("    s:" + str(sc))
        s *= math.factorial(sc)
    logger.debug("    n:" + str(n))
    result = math.factorial(n) * math.factorial(n) / (
        (n**n) * math.factorial(n - k) * p * s)
    logger.debug("    " + str(result))
    logger.debug("    ----------------------------------")
    return result
Esempio n. 6
def columnrules(tablecol, nrows, arg_ind, mh):
    logger.debug("Column rules start")
    maincol = tablecol[arg_ind]
    len_maincol = len(maincol)
    prob = {}
    unique_args = set(maincol)
    for value in unique_args:
        prob[value] = maincol.count(value) / len_maincol
    logger.debug("Column rules, prob = " + str(prob))
    # generate rules
    rules = util.generate_rules(len(tablecol), arg_ind)
    valid_rules = []
    for rule in rules:
        # list of columns in rule
        col_Idx = [int(c_column[:-1]) for c_column in rule]  # index is integer
        # print("col_Idx:", col_Idx)
        # TODO: unique self-rule actions
        ruletable = []
        if len(col_Idx) == 1 and col_Idx[0] == arg_ind:
            logger.debug("Column rules; Detected self-rule: " +
                         str(col_Idx[0]) + "rule = " + str(arg_ind) + "arg")
            ruletable = [
                q_inf(tablecol[arg_ind], value) for value in unique_args
            # print(nrows)
            rules_rows = (list(
                list(tablecol[col_ind][row_ind] for col_ind in col_Idx)
                for row_ind in range(0, nrows)))
            # print(rules_rows)
            unique_rr = util.dedup(rules_rows)
            # print(unique_rr)
            for rulerow in unique_rr:
                ruletablerow = []
                for arg in unique_args:
                    # вычисляем количество информации для конкретного аргумента конкретной строки правила
                    qi = q_inf_table(tablecol, nrows, rulerow, col_Idx, arg,
                    # print("row:",rulerow, "args:",arg)
            Hy = rule_properties(tablecol, nrows, unique_rr, col_Idx,
                                 unique_args, arg_ind, ruletable, rules_rows)
            # print(Hy)
            if Hy > mh:
                # TODO: узнать у Юли о дополнительной проверке
                logger.debug("   VALID!   rule:" + str(rule) +
                             "  --  Hy > Mh:" + str(Hy) + ">" + str(mh))
                logger.debug("   rule:" + str(rule) + "  --  Hy < Mh:" +
                             str(Hy) + "<" + str(mh))
        logger.debug("Column rules:" + str(ruletable) + " for rule: " +
                     str(rule) + "-> " + str(arg_ind) + 'c')
            "Column rules: ---------------------------------------------------------"
        # print(ruletable)
        # print("---------------------------------------------------------")
    logger.debug("Column rules end")
    return valid_rules