def test_ibd_integration(caplog): # just testing the basics: if we set up 2 threads, one with a coinstate, and one without, will the chain propagate? caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) coinstate = _read_chain_from_disk(5) thread_a = NetworkingThread(coinstate, 12412, FakeDiskInterface()) thread_a.start() _try_to_connect('', 12412) thread_b = NetworkingThread(, 12413, FakeDiskInterface()) thread_b.local_peer.network_manager.disconnected_peers = load_peers_from_list( [('', 12412, "OUTGOING")]) thread_b.start() try: start_time = time() while True: if thread_b.local_peer.chain_manager.coinstate.head().height == 5: break if time() > start_time + 5: print("\n".join(str(r) for r in caplog.records)) raise Exception("IBD failed") sleep(0.01) finally: thread_a.stop() thread_a.join() thread_b.stop() thread_b.join()
def read_chain_from_disk() -> CoinState: if os.path.isfile('chain.cache'): print("Reading cached chain") with open('chain.cache', 'rb') as file: coinstate = CoinState.load(lambda: pickle.load(file)) else: coinstate = rewrite = False if os.path.isdir('chain'): # the code below is no longer needed by normal users, but some old testcases still rely on it: for filename in sorted(os.listdir('chain')): (height_str, hash_str) = filename.split("-") (height, hash) = (int(height_str), computer(hash_str)) if hash not in coinstate.block_by_hash: if height % 1000 == 0: print(filename) if os.path.getsize(f"chain/{filename}") == 0: print("Stopping at empty block file: %s" % filename) break with open(Path("chain") / filename, 'rb') as f: try: block = Block.stream_deserialize(f) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Corrupted block on disk: %s" % filename) from e try: coinstate = coinstate.add_block_no_validation(block) except Exception: print("Failed to add block at height=%d, previous_hash=%s" % (block.height, human(block.header.summary.previous_block_hash))) break rewrite = True if rewrite: DiskInterface().write_chain_cache_to_disk(coinstate) return coinstate
def build_pkb2(coinstate: CoinState) -> immutables.Map[PublicKey, PKBalance2]: public_key_balances_2: immutables.Map[PublicKey, PKBalance2] = immutables.Map() for height in range(coinstate.head().height + 1): block = coinstate.at_head.block_by_height[height] public_key_balances_2 = build_pkb2_block(coinstate, block, public_key_balances_2) return public_key_balances_2
def test_construct_pow_evidence_genesis_block(): coinstate = CoinState.empty() transactions = [ construct_coinbase_transaction(0, [], immutables.Map(), b"Political statement goes here", example_public_key), ] summary = construct_minable_summary_genesis(transactions, 1231006505, 0) evidence = construct_pow_evidence(coinstate, summary, 0, transactions) evidence.serialize()
def _read_chain_from_disk(max_height): coinstate = for file_path in sorted(CHAIN_TESTDATA_PATH.iterdir()): height = int("-")[0]) if height > max_height: return coinstate block = Block.stream_deserialize(open(file_path, 'rb')) coinstate = coinstate.add_block_no_validation(block) return coinstate
def read_chain_from_disk(): print("Reading chain from disk") coinstate = for filename in sorted(os.listdir('chain')): height = int(filename.split("-")[0]) if height % 1000 == 0: print(filename) block = Block.stream_deserialize(open(Path('chain') / filename, 'rb')) coinstate = coinstate.add_block_no_validation(block) return coinstate
def _read_chain_from_disk(max_height): # the requirement to run these tests from an environment that has access to the real blockchain is hard-coded (for # now) coinstate = for filename in sorted(os.listdir('chain')): height = int(filename.split("-")[0]) if height > max_height: return coinstate block = Block.stream_deserialize(open(Path('chain') / filename, 'rb')) coinstate = coinstate.add_block_no_validation(block) return coinstate
def read_chain_from_disk(): print("Reading chain from disk") coinstate = for filename in sorted(os.listdir('chain')): height = int(filename.split("-")[0]) if height % 1000 == 0: print(filename) try: block = Block.stream_deserialize(open(Path('chain') / filename, 'rb')) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Corrupted block on disk: %s" % filename) from e coinstate = coinstate.add_block_no_validation(block) return coinstate
def test_validate_block_by_itself_invalid_coinbase_transaction(): coinstate = CoinState.empty() transactions = [ Transaction(inputs=[ Input( OutputReference(b'x' * 32, 1), SECP256k1Signature(b'y' * 64), ) ], outputs=[Output(1, example_public_key)]) ] summary = construct_minable_summary(coinstate, transactions, 1615209942, 39) evidence = construct_pow_evidence(coinstate, summary, 0, transactions) block = Block(BlockHeader(summary, evidence), transactions) with pytest.raises(ValidateTransactionError, match=".*thin air.*"): validate_block_by_itself(block, 1615209942)
def write_chain_cache_to_disk(self, coinstate: CoinState) -> None: # Currently this takes about 2 seconds. It could be optimized further # if we switch to an appendable file format for the cache. with open('chain.cache.tmp', 'wb') as file: coinstate.dump(lambda data: pickle.dump(data, file)) os.replace('chain.cache.tmp', 'chain.cache')
def read_chain_from_disk() -> CoinState: if os.path.isfile('chain.cache'): print("Reading cached chain") with open('chain.cache', 'rb') as file: coinstate = CoinState.load(lambda: pickle.load(file)) else: try: print("Pre-download blockchain from trusted source to ''") with urllib.request.urlopen(TRUSTED_BLOCKCHAIN_ZIP) as resp: with open('', 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write( print("Reading initial chain from zipfile") coinstate = with zipfile.ZipFile('') as zip: for entry in zip.infolist(): if not entry.is_dir(): filename = entry.filename.split('/')[1] height = int(filename.split("-")[0]) if height % 1000 == 0: print(filename) data = block = Block.stream_deserialize(BytesIO(data)) coinstate = coinstate.add_block_no_validation(block) except Exception: print( "Error reading zip file. We'll start with an empty blockchain instead." + traceback.format_exc()) coinstate = rewrite = False if os.path.isdir('chain'): # the code below is no longer needed by normal users, but some old testcases still rely on it: for filename in sorted(os.listdir('chain')): (height_str, hash_str) = filename.split("-") (height, hash) = (int(height_str), computer(hash_str)) if hash not in coinstate.block_by_hash: if height % 1000 == 0: print(filename) if os.path.getsize(f"chain/{filename}") == 0: print("Stopping at empty block file: %s" % filename) break with open(Path("chain") / filename, 'rb') as f: try: block = Block.stream_deserialize(f) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Corrupted block on disk: %s" % filename) from e try: coinstate = coinstate.add_block_no_validation(block) except Exception: print( "Failed to add block at height=%d, previous_hash=%s" % (block.height, human(block.header.summary.previous_block_hash))) break rewrite = True if rewrite: DiskInterface().write_chain_cache_to_disk(coinstate) return coinstate
def test_faster_read(): with open('test.tmp', 'rb') as file: with cProfile.Profile() as pr: pr.runcall(lambda: CoinState.load(lambda: pickle.load(file))) pr.print_stats()
def build_explorer(coinstate: CoinState) -> None: explorer_dir = Path(os.environ["EXPLORER_DIR"]) public_key_balances_2: immutables.Map[PublicKey, PKBalance2] = immutables.Map() for height in range(coinstate.head().height + 1): print("Block", height) block = coinstate.at_head.block_by_height[height] potential_message = block.transactions[0].inputs[0].signature.signature if all([(32 <= b < 127) or (b == 10) for b in potential_message]): msg = "```\n" + str(potential_message, encoding="ascii") + "\n```" else: msg = "" unspent_transaction_outs = get_unspent_transaction_outs_before_block( coinstate, block) public_key_balances_2 = build_pkb2_block(coinstate, block, public_key_balances_2) with open(explorer_dir / (human(block.hash()) + '.md'), 'w') as block_f: block_f.write(f"""## Block {human(block.hash())} Attribute | Value --- | --- Height | {block.height} Hash | {human(block.hash())} Timestamp | {datetime.fromtimestamp(block.timestamp, tz=timezone.utc).isoformat()} Target | {human(} Merke root | {human(block.merkle_root_hash)} Nonce | {block.nonce} {msg} ### Transactions Hash | Amount --- | --- """) for transaction in block.transactions: h = human(transaction.hash()) v = show_coin(sum(o.value for o in transaction.outputs)) block_f.write(f"""[{h}]({h}.md) | {v} \n""") with open(explorer_dir / (human(transaction.hash()) + ".md"), 'w') as transaction_f: transaction_f.write( f"""## Transaction {human(transaction.hash())} In block [{human(block.hash())}]({human(block.hash())}.md) ### Inputs Transaction | Output Index | Value | Address --- | --- | --- | --- """) for input in transaction.inputs: output_reference = input.output_reference if output_reference.hash != 32 * b'\x00': output: Output = unspent_transaction_outs[ output_reference] h = human(output_reference.hash) v = show_coin(output.value) a = "SKE" + human( output.public_key.public_key) + "PTI" transaction_f.write( f"""[{h}]({h}.md) | {output_reference.index} | """ f"""{v} | [{a}]({a}.md)\n""") else: h = human(output_reference.hash) v = "" a = "Thin Air" transaction_f.write( f"""{h} | {output_reference.index} | """ f"""{v} | {a}\n""") transaction_f.write("""### Outputs Value | Address --- | --- """) for output in transaction.outputs: v = show_coin(output.value) a = "SKE" + human(output.public_key.public_key) + "PTI" transaction_f.write(f"""{v} | [{a}]({a}.md)\n""") for pk, pkb2 in public_key_balances_2.items(): v = show_coin(pkb2.value) address = "SKE" + human(pk.public_key) + "PTI" with open(explorer_dir / (address + ".md"), 'w') as address_f: address_f.write(f"""## {address} Current balance: {v} (as of block {coinstate.head().height}) ## Received in Transaction | Output Index --- | --- """) for output_reference in pkb2.all_output_references: h = human(output_reference.hash) address_f.write( f"""[{h}]({h}.md) | {output_reference.index}\n""") if len(pkb2.spent_in_transactions) > 0: address_f.write(""" ## Spent in Transaction | ... --- | --- """) for transaction in pkb2.spent_in_transactions: address_f.write(f"""{human(transaction.hash())} | ...\n""") else: address_f.write(""" ## Spent in -- not spent -- """)