def body_tracking(image):
        This function get the head, body and tail by performing geodesic in images with boundaries
        Is too slow for the pi ~1-3 FPS
    # first we get the geodesic distance
    # because mice and rats are fluffy the torso is the furthest away distance
    distance = skfmm.distance(image)
    # get the highest point
    bx, by = np.unravel_index(distance.argmax(), distance.shape)
    # the furthest away point from this is the tail
    # create a boolen mask
    mask = ~image.astype(bool)
    # we mark with 0 the body
    tail = np.ones_like(image)
    tail[bx][by] = 0
    t =, mask)
    # get the distance from 0
    # the highest one is the tip of the tail
    tail_distance = skfmm.distance(t)
    # same to get the head, but calculate it from the tip of the tail
    head = np.ones_like(image)
    tx, ty = np.unravel_index(tail_distance.argmax(), tail_distance.shape)
    head[tx][ty] = 0
    h =, mask)
    head_distance = skfmm.distance(h)
    # get the exact point
    hx, hy = np.unravel_index(head_distance.argmax(), head_distance.shape)
    body_points = (by, bx)
    tail_points = (ty, tx)
    head_points = (hy, hx)
    points = [body_points, tail_points, head_points]
    return distance, tail_distance, head_distance, points
Esempio n. 2
def test_zero_dx():
        distance([1, 0, 1, 1], 0)
    except Exception as ex:
        assert ValueError.__name__ == ex.__class__.__name__
        assert ex.args[0] == "dx must be greater than zero"
        raise Exception("no exception thrown")
Esempio n. 3
def test10():
    """ test c error handling """
        distance([-1, 1], self_test=44)
    except Exception as ex:
        assert ValueError.__name__ == ex.__class__.__name__
        raise Exception("no exception raised")
Esempio n. 4
def test_dx_shape():
        distance([0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
    except Exception as ex:
        assert ValueError.__name__ == ex.__class__.__name__
        assert ex.args[0] == "dx must be of length len(phi.shape)"
        raise Exception("no exception thrown")
Esempio n. 5
def test():
    """ simple test two point test"""
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(distance([-1, 1]), [-0.5, 0.5])

    np.testing.assert_allclose(distance([-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1]),
                               [-2.5, -1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5])

    np.testing.assert_allclose(distance([1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1]),
                               [2.5, 1.5, 0.5, -0.5, -1.5, -2.5])
Esempio n. 6
def test11():
    """ check array type test """
        distance(np.array(["a", "b"]))
    except Exception as ex:
        assert ValueError.__name__ == ex.__class__.__name__
        assert ex.args[0] == "phi must be a 1 to 12-D array of doubles"
        raise Exception("no exception raised")
Esempio n. 7
def ssmdt(dt, ssmiter):
    dt = ssm(dt, anisotropic=True, iterations=ssmiter)
    dt[dt < filters.threshold_otsu(dt)] = 0
    dt = skfmm.distance(dt, dx=5e-2)
    dt = skfmm.distance(np.logical_not(dt), dx=5e-3)
    dt[dt > 0.04] = 0.04
    dt = dt.max() - dt
    dt[dt <= 0.038] = 0
    return dt
Esempio n. 8
def test7():
    """ no zero level set test """
        distance([1, 1], self_test=False)
    except Exception as ex:
        assert ValueError.__name__ == ex.__class__.__name__
        assert ex.args[
            0] == "the array phi contains no zero contour (no zero level set)"
        raise Exception("no exception thrown")
Esempio n. 9
 def findIntersection( self, dw ):
     lvl0 = 1. - 1./self.patch.ppe
     tol = max(self.patch.dX)
     gd0 = lvl0 - dw.get('gDist', self.dwis[0])
     gd1 = lvl0 - dw.get('gDist', self.dwis[1])
     sh = gd0.shape
     phi0 = gd0.reshape(self.patch.Nc)
     phi1 = gd1.reshape(self.patch.Nc)
     dist0 = skfmm.distance( phi0, self.patch.dX )
     dist1 = skfmm.distance( phi1, self.patch.dX )
     gmask = (dist0.reshape(sh)<tol)*(dist1.reshape(sh)<tol)
     gmask = gmask*((dist0.reshape(sh)+dist1.reshape(sh))<tol/2./self.patch.ppe)
     self.nodes = np.where( gmask == True )[0]        
Esempio n. 10
 def findIntersection(self, dw):
     lvl0 = 1. - 1. / self.patch.ppe
     tol = max(self.patch.dX)
     gd0 = lvl0 - dw.get('gDist', self.dwis[0])
     gd1 = lvl0 - dw.get('gDist', self.dwis[1])
     sh = gd0.shape
     phi0 = gd0.reshape(self.patch.Nc)
     phi1 = gd1.reshape(self.patch.Nc)
     dist0 = skfmm.distance(phi0, self.patch.dX)
     dist1 = skfmm.distance(phi1, self.patch.dX)
     gmask = (dist0.reshape(sh) < tol) * (dist1.reshape(sh) < tol)
     gmask = gmask * ((dist0.reshape(sh) + dist1.reshape(sh)) <
                      tol / 2. / self.patch.ppe)
     self.nodes = np.where(gmask == True)[0]
Esempio n. 11
 def _make_dt(self):
     Make the distance transform according to the speed type
     self._dt = skfmm.distance(self._bimg, dx=5e-2)  # Boundary DT
     if self._speed == 'ssm':
         if not self._silence:
             print('--SSM with GVF...')
         self._dt = ssm(self._dt, anisotropic=True, iterations=40)
         img = self._dt > threshold_otsu(self._dt)
         self._dt = skfmm.distance(img, dx=5e-2)
         self._dt = skfmm.distance(np.logical_not(self._dt), dx=5e-3)
         self._dt[self._dt > 0.04] = 0.04
         self._dt = self._dt.max() - self._dt
Esempio n. 12
def calc_sdf(x):
    """ calculates thes signed distance function for a batch of input data
    x -- nbatch x Heiht x Width [ x 1]
    if x.ndim == 2 or x.ndim == 3:  # H x W [ x 1 ] optional single channel
        sdf = skfmm.distance(np.squeeze(0.5 - x))
    elif x.ndim == 4:  # batched example Nbatch x H x W x 1
        sdf = np.zeros(x.shape)
        for i in range(x.shape[0]):
            sdf[i, :, :, :] = skfmm.distance(np.squeeze(0.5 - x[i, :, :, :]))
        print("Error, invalid array dimension for calc_sdf", x.shape)

    return sdf
Esempio n. 13
def glb_sdf(fac_file, fac_num):
    fac_mtr = grdecl_read(fac_file, 200, 100, 75)
    fac_mtr[fac_mtr != fac_num] = -1
    fac_mtr[fac_mtr == fac_num] = 1
    fac_sd = skfmm.distance(fac_mtr)

    return fac_sd
Esempio n. 14
    def getRegressionData(self, mapDim, numContours=15):
        masked = self.getFaceImage(mapDim)
        regressionMap = None
        contours = []
        contourLengths = {}

            cellSize = 1 / mapDim
            regressionMap = skfmm.distance(masked, dx=cellSize) * 2
            regmax = np.amax(regressionMap)
            regressionMap = regressionMap[:, :].copy()
                masked == 0)] = regmax  # Make the core black

            for dist in np.linspace(0, regmax, numContours):
                contourLengths[dist] = 0
                layerContours = measure.find_contours(regressionMap,
                for contour in layerContours:
                    contourLengths[dist] += geometry.length(contour)

        except ValueError:  # If there aren't any contours, do nothing

        return (masked, regressionMap, contours, contourLengths)
 def set_multi_goal(self, goal_map):
     traversible_ma = ma.masked_values(self.traversible * 1, 0)
     traversible_ma[goal_map == 1] = 0
     dd = skfmm.distance(traversible_ma, dx=1)
     dd = ma.filled(dd, np.max(dd) + 1)
     self.fmm_dist = dd
Esempio n. 16
 def generateRegressionMap(self):
     """Uses the fast marching method to generate an image of how the grain regresses from the core map. The map
     is stored under self.regressionMap."""
     masked =, self.mask)
     cellSize = 1 / self.mapDim
     self.regressionMap = skfmm.distance(masked, dx=cellSize) * 2
     self.wallWeb = self.unNormalize(np.amax(self.regressionMap))
Esempio n. 17
    def initialize(self, img, dx, seed):
        from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
        from scipy.ndimage import label
        import skfmm

        smoothed = gaussian_filter(img, self.sigma)
        thresholded = img > smoothed
        labels, _ = label(thresholded)

        if labels[self._seed_to_index(seed)] > 0:
            seed_ = seed
            nonzero = numpy.array(numpy.nonzero(labels)).T
            nonzero *= dx
            dists = numpy.linalg.norm(nonzero - seed, axis=1)
            seed_ = nonzero[dists.argmin()]

        mask = labels == labels[self._seed_to_index(seed_)]

        inds = numpy.indices(img.shape, dtype=float)
        for i in range(inds.shape[0]):
            inds[i] -= seed_[i]
            inds[i] *= dx[i]

        dist_to_seed = (inds**2).sum(axis=0)**0.5
        dist_to_boundary = skfmm.distance(mask, dx)

        return dist_to_seed < dist_to_boundary[self._seed_to_index(seed_)]
def extend_imbie_masks(res, basins, bedFileName):

    outFileName = 'imbie/basinNumbers_{}.nc'.format(res)
    if os.path.exists(outFileName):

    ds = xarray.Dataset()
    print('  Extending IMBIE basins beyond ice fronts...')
    with xarray.open_dataset(bedFileName) as dsIn:
        nx = dsIn.sizes['x']
        ny = dsIn.sizes['y']
        ds['x'] = dsIn.x
        ds['y'] = dsIn.y

    minDistance = 1e30 * numpy.ones((ny, nx))
    basinNumber = -1 * numpy.zeros((ny, nx), int)
    for index, basinName in enumerate(basins.keys()):
        print('    {}'.format(basinName))
        imageFileName = 'imbie/basins_{}/{}.png'.format(res, basinName)
        image = misc.imread(imageFileName)
        basinFraction = 1. - image[::-1, :, 0] / 255.
        distance = skfmm.distance(-2. * basinFraction + 1)
        mask = distance < minDistance
        basinNumber[mask] = index
        minDistance[mask] = distance[mask]

    ds['basinNumber'] = (('y', 'x'), basinNumber)
Esempio n. 19
def phage_randomwalk(space, dt, log, phage, biomass_containers, rate):
    """Move them, go."""

    if phage.n == 0:

    biomass_containers = to_list(biomass_containers)
    step_dt = (2 * space.dl * space.dl) / phage.diffusivity
    nsteps = dt / step_dt * phage.remainder

    biomass = to_grid(space, biomass_containers, "mass")
    distance = -np.array(
        skfmm.distance(biofilm_edge(space, biomass), dx=space.dl), dtype=float)
    distance[distance < 0] = 0
    # rem = 1 - np.exp(-rate * step_dt * distance ** 2)
    remove = 1 - np.exp(
        -rate * 2 * space.dl**2 * distance**2 / phage.P.diffusivity)

    slows = np.zeros(space.shape)
    for cntnr in biomass_containers:, cntnr.location,
                  cntnr.slow * cntnr.mass / space.dV)
    location = np.array(np.unravel_index(phage.location, space.shape)).T

    if space.dimensions == 2:
        location, remainder = _rw_stuck_2D(location, nsteps, step_dt, slows,
                                           np.array(space.shape), remove)
    elif space.dimensions == 3:
        location, remainder = _rw_stuck_3D(location, nsteps, step_dt, slows,
                                           np.array(space.shape), remove)

    remainder[nsteps > 0] = remainder[nsteps > 0] / nsteps[nsteps > 0]
    phage.location = np.ravel_multi_index(location.T, space.shape)
    phage.remainder = remainder
Esempio n. 20
def make_sdf(a, thr=None, return_contour=False):
    Make signed distance array
    contour = segmentation.find_boundaries(a)
    if (contour.sum() == 0):
        contour[0, :] = 1
        contour[-1, :] = 1
        contour[:, 0] = 1
        contour[:, -1] = 1

    a_ls = np.ones(contour.shape)
    a_ls[contour] = -1

    sdf = skfmm.distance(a_ls)
    sdf += 0.5

    # make values outside positive
    sdf[a] = -sdf[a]

    if (thr is not None):
        if (return_contour):
            return np.clip(sdf, -thr, thr), contour
            return np.clip(sdf, -thr, thr)

        if (return_contour):
            return sdf, contour
            return sdf
Esempio n. 21
    def calc_fmm(self, ped, wait=1):

        :param ped:
        :param wait:
        p, speed = ped
        if self.fmm_distance.size == 0:
            t_grid = np.array(np.ones_like(self.grid), dtype=np.double)
            mask = np.array(0 * np.ones_like(self.grid), dtype=bool)
            t_grid[,] = -1
            for i in self.obstacles:
                mask[i.row][i.col] = True
            phi =, mask)
            self.fmm_distance = skfmm.distance(phi)
            self.grid[p[0]][p[1]].initial_predicted_time = self.fmm_distance[p[0]][p[1]] / self.speed[p[0]][p[1]]
   = skfmm.travel_time(phi, self.speed, self.dx)
            for z in self.pedestrian_fmm:
                self.grid[z[0][0]][z[0][1]].initial_predicted_time = self.fmm_distance[z[0][0]][z[0][1]] / z[1]
        for i in self.obstacles:
            self.fmm_distance[i.row][i.col] = sys.maxsize
        d = np.copy(self.fmm_distance)
        t = np.copy(
        for j in self.pedestrian:
            d[j.row, j.col] *= ((wait * (1 + (1 / (d[j.row, j.col]) * 10))) + 1 / d[j.row, j.col])
        return self.calc_fmm_path(d, t, p, speed)
Esempio n. 22
def ind2mesh(indicator, h0, bbox, pfix=None, maxt=300, maxit=3000, imax=2048, jmax=2048):
    border = 5.0*h0
    xlength, ylength = bbox[1,0]-bbox[0,0]+2*border, bbox[1,1]-bbox[0,1]+2*border

    dx = xlength/imax
    dy = ylength/jmax

# Wrap indicator function to allow some space arund the bounding box
# and transform to 0,0 lower left corner
    def ind_wrap(a, b):
        return indicator(a-bbox[0,0]-border, b-bbox[0,1]-border)

# Fill mesh with indicator values
    ind_mesh = numpy.zeros((imax, jmax))
    for i, x in enumerate(numpy.linspace(0.0, dx*imax, imax)):
        for j, y in enumerate(numpy.linspace(0.0, dy*jmax, jmax)):
            ind_mesh[i,j] = ind_wrap(x,y)

# Compute distance values via fast marching
    phi_mesh = skfmm.distance(ind_mesh, dx=[dx, dy])

# Wrap bilinear interpolation of phi values
    def phi(p):
        return bil_interpolate(p, phi_mesh, dx, dy)

# Generate mesh via distmesh2d
    shift_pfix = pfix + border
    shift_bbox = bbox + border
    p, t = distmesh2d(phi, h0, shift_bbox, pfix=shift_pfix, maxt=maxt, maxit=maxit)

    return p-border, t
Esempio n. 23
def compute_shortest_path(centroid_y, centroid_x, radius, n):
    l = 20
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-l / 2, l / 2, n),
                       np.linspace(-l / 2, l / 2, n))

    phi = np.ones((n, n))
    phi[np.logical_and(X == -10, Y == -10)] = 0
    mask = np.less_equal(
        np.sqrt((X - (centroid_y - 10))**2 + (Y - (centroid_y - 10))**2),
    phi =, mask)
    distance = skfmm.distance(phi)
    distance = distance.T

    #compute gradient with Sobel method
    dx = cv2.Sobel(distance, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=1)
    dy = cv2.Sobel(distance, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=1)

    path = gradient_descent(0.001, 1000000, distance, dx, dy, X, Y, [9.9, 9.8])

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
    plt.contour(X, Y, phi, [0], linewidths=(3), colors='black')
    plt.contour(X, Y, phi.mask, [0], linewidths=(3), colors='red')
    plt.contour(X, Y, distance.T, 100)

    return fig
Esempio n. 24
def compute_visibility_for_all(obj, h, w, radius=np.inf):
    image = obj2img(obj, h, w)
    image = image * 1.0 / image.max()  # rescale to [0,1]
    dx = 1.0 / h
    phi = distance(
        (image - .5) * 2 * dx,
        dx)  # do we need to convert to signed distance function? yes

    notVis = {}  # dictionary containing {position: [non visible positions] }

    # create a grid for circular mask
    x = np.linspace(0, w - 1, w)
    y = np.linspace(0, h - 1, h)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    for i in range(
            0, h
    ):  # for now we have to skip borders until i have time to modify the edge cases for vis2d
        for j in range(0, w):
            if phi[i, j] == 0:
                continue  # ignore positions inside obstacles
            mask = createCircle([i, j], radius, x, y)
            psi = vis2d(phi, [i, j])
            psi = 1 * (psi > 0) * mask
            I, J = np.where(psi == 0)  # subscripts of obstacles
            occluded = (I * w + J).tolist()
            notVis[i * w + j] = set(occluded)
    return notVis
Esempio n. 25
 def prop_edt3(cls, vxhit, pose_raw, cube, caminfo):
     from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt
     step = caminfo.hmap_size
     scale = int(vxhit.shape[0] / step)
     vol_shape = (step, step, step)
     if 1 == scale:
         vxhit_hmap = vxhit
         vxhit_hmap = np.zeros(vol_shape)
         for i0 in np.mgrid[0:scale, 0:scale, 0:scale].reshape(3, -1).T:
             vxhit_hmap += vxhit[i0[0]::scale, i0[1]::scale, i0[2]::scale]
         # print(np.sum(vxhit_hmap) - np.sum(vxhit))
     mask = (1e-4 > vxhit_hmap)
     masked_edt =,
     # masked_edt =
     #     vxhit_hmap,
     #     mask)
     grid = regu_grid()
     grid.from_cube(cube, step)
     indices = grid.putit(pose_raw)
     vol_l = []
     for index in indices:
         # phi = np.zeros_like(masked_edt)
         # phi[index[0], index[1], index[2]] = 1.
         phi = masked_edt.copy()
         phi[index[0], index[1], index[2]] = 0.
         df = skfmm.distance(phi, dx=1e-1)
         df_max = np.max(df)
         df = (df_max - df) / df_max
         df[mask] = 0.
     return np.stack(vol_l, axis=3)
Esempio n. 26
    def compute_fmm_distance_and_angle(self, mask_value=1000):
        Compute the fmm distance based on the goal array and mask array.

        # Mask the goal array
        if self.mask_grid_mn is not None:
            phi =, self.mask_grid_mn) # mask the obstacle_occupancy_grid invalid
            phi = self.goal_grid_mn

        # Compute the fmm distance
        fmm_distance = skfmm.distance(phi, dx=self.fmm_distance_map.map_scale*np.ones(2))
        # Return the signed distance from the *zero contour* of the array phi.
        # in phi, goal: -1, else 1, obstacle being masked

        # Assign some distance at the mask
        if self.mask_grid_mn is not None:
            fmm_distance = fmm_distance.filled(mask_value)
            # Return a copy of self, with masked values filled with a given value.
            #         **However**, if there are no masked values to fill, self will be
            #         returned instead as an ndarray.
            # Here, Mask obstacles to be 1000, and goals to be 1, and elsewhere, sign-distance to goals

        # Compute the fmm angle
        gradient_y, gradient_x = np.gradient(fmm_distance, self.fmm_distance_map.map_scale) # Return the gradient of an N-dimensional array
        fmm_angle = np.arctan2(-gradient_y, -gradient_x) # use arctan(y/x) to compute angle

        # Assign fmm distance map and angle
        self.fmm_distance_map.voxel_function_mn = tf.constant(fmm_distance, dtype=tf.float32) # Assign the distance map to fmm_distance_map object, used in compute_voxel_function
        self.fmm_angle_map.voxel_function_mn = tf.constant(fmm_angle, dtype=tf.float32) # Assign the angle to fmm_angle_map object, used in compute_voxel_function
Esempio n. 27
 def distances(self,goal):
     traversible_ma = ma.masked_values(self.traversible*1, 0)
     goal_x, goal_y = int(goal[0]),int(goal[1])
     if goal_y >= traversible_ma.shape[0] or goal_x >= traversible_ma.shape[1] or goal_y < 0 or goal_x < 0:
         return np.ones_like(traversible_ma)*np.inf
     traversible_ma[goal_y, goal_x] = 0
     return skfmm.distance(traversible_ma, dx=1)
Esempio n. 28
def get_SDMmap(img):  #take l_train as input
    filled_reverted_l_train = 1 - ndimage.binary_fill_holes(img).astype(
        int)  #[1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1]
    filled_reverted_l_train[filled_reverted_l_train == 0] = -1
    dis = skfmm.distance(filled_reverted_l_train, dx=1)

    return dis, np.absolute(dis)
    def compute_fmm_distance_and_angle(self, mask_value=1000):
        Compute the fmm distance based on the goal array and mask array.

        # Mask the goal array
        # If the mask grid was given, mask the goal grid to flip the 1's and 0's
        if False:  #self.mask_grid_mn is not None: (goal_grid_mn seems to be the best here)
            phi =, self.mask_grid_mn)
            phi = self.goal_grid_mn

        # Compute the fmm distance
        fmm_distance = skfmm.distance(phi,
                                      dx=self.fmm_distance_map.map_scale *

        # Assign some distance at the mask
        if False:  #self.mask_grid_mn is not None: # Dont think I want to do this
            fmm_distance = fmm_distance.filled(mask_value)

        # Compute the fmm angle
        gradient_y, gradient_x = np.gradient(fmm_distance,
        fmm_angle = np.arctan2(-gradient_y, -gradient_x)

        # Assign fmm distance map and angle
        self.fmm_distance_map.voxel_function_mn = tf.constant(fmm_distance,
        self.fmm_angle_map.voxel_function_mn = tf.constant(fmm_angle,
Esempio n. 30
    def compute_desired_velocity(self):
        To compute the geodesic distance to the doors in using \
        a fast-marching method. The opposite of the gradient of this distance
        corresponds to the desired velocity which permits to reach the closest


        door_distance : numpy array
            distance to the closest door
        desired_velocity_X : numpy array
            opposite of the gradient of the door distance, x component
        desired_velocity_Y : numpy array
            opposite of the gradient of the door distance, y component
        mask_red = (self.image_red == 255) \
                  *(self.image_green == 0) \
                  *(self.image_blue == 0)
        ind_red = sp.where(mask_red)
        phi = sp.ones(self.image_red.shape)
        phi[ind_red] = 0
        phi =, mask=self.mask)
        self.door_distance = skfmm.distance(phi, dx=self.pixel_size)
        tmp_dist = self.door_distance.filled(9999)
        grad = sp.gradient(tmp_dist, edge_order=2)
        grad_X = -grad[1] / self.pixel_size
        grad_Y = -grad[0] / self.pixel_size
        norm = sp.sqrt(grad_X**2 + grad_Y**2)
        norm = (norm > 0) * norm + (norm == 0) * 0.001
        self.desired_velocity_X = grad_X / norm
        self.desired_velocity_Y = grad_Y / norm
        return self.door_distance, self.desired_velocity_X, self.desired_velocity_Y
Esempio n. 31
def fac_samples_rbnsd(facies_ndarray_file, samples_size, fac_nums, norm_thresh,
                      i_dim, j_dim, k_dim):
    This is the function to calcualte signed distance for monte carlo facies samples,
    The results are Radial Based Normalization of SD (RBN-SD)
    ## facies_ndarray_file: the file location of facies samples,facies ndarray format: n_samples x grid_dim
    ## fac_nums: the 1d array of facies type numbers that is used for the signed distance calculation
    ## norm_thresh: the starting point of the Radial Based Normalization
    ## i_dim, j_dim, k_dim: x, y, z dimensions of grid model
    m_dim = i_dim * j_dim * k_dim

    fac_rbnsd_all = np.zeros(
        (samples_size, len(fac_nums) * i_dim * j_dim * k_dim))

    for facindex in range(len(fac_nums)):
        facies_array = np.load(facies_ndarray_file)
        facies_array[facies_array != fac_nums[facindex]] = -1
        facies_array[facies_array == fac_nums[facindex]] = 1

        for i in tqdm(range(samples_size)):
            sdf_val = skfmm.distance(facies_array[i].reshape(
                k_dim, j_dim, i_dim))
            sdf_val[sdf_val<=-norm_thresh] =\
                -norm_thresh - sdf_val[sdf_val<=-norm_thresh]/min(sdf_val[sdf_val<=-norm_thresh])
            sdf_val[sdf_val>norm_thresh] = \
                norm_thresh + sdf_val[sdf_val>=norm_thresh]/max(sdf_val[sdf_val>=norm_thresh])
            fac_rbnsd_all[i, m_dim * (facindex):m_dim *
                          (facindex + 1)] = sdf_val.flatten()

    return fac_rbnsd_all
def compute_distance_fmm(geometry: Geometry,
                         grid: Grid,
    Compute the distance to start in geometry.
    :param geometry: Geometry to use
    :param grid: Grid to use
    :param start: start cells
    :param mask: masked cells
    :param speed: speed field
    :return: distance to start by ffm
    inside = grid.inside_cells

    phi = inside - 5 * start
    phi =, mask)

    if speed is None:
        distance = skfmm.distance(phi, dx=grid.cellsize)
        distance = skfmm.travel_time(phi, speed, dx=grid.cellsize)

    return distance
def perform_fast_marching(D,start_points):
        Implementation of the fast marching algorithm in 2Ds using the skfmm library
        D : 2D weight matrix, must be positive
        start_points : 2 x n array, start_points[:,i] is the ith starting point
    D_temp = np.copy(D)
    D_temp[start_points[0,:],start_points[1,:]] = 0
    return fmm.distance(D_temp) + 1e-15
Esempio n. 34
 def _make_dt(self):
     Make the distance transform according to the speed type
     if self._speed:
         self._dt = self.img.astype(float)  # The input image
         self._dt /= self._dt.max()
         self._dt = skfmm.distance(self._bimg, dx=5e-2)  # Boundary DT
Esempio n. 35
def make_skdt(imshape, swc, K, a=6):
    skimg = make_sk_img(imshape, swc)
    dm = math.floor(K / 2)
    dt = skfmm.distance(skimg, dx=1)
    include_region = dt <= 1.5 * dm
    zeromask = dt >= dm
    dt = np.exp(a * (1 - dt / dm)) - 1
    dt[zeromask] = 0

    return dt, include_region
Esempio n. 36
 def findIntersection( self, dw ):
     lvl0 = 1. - np.sqrt(2.)/self.patch.ppe
     tol0 = max(self.patch.dX)/2.
     tol = 0.
     gd0 = lvl0 - dw.get('gDist', self.dwis[0])
     gd1 = lvl0 - dw.get('gDist', self.dwis[1])
     sh = gd0.shape
     phi0 = gd0.reshape(self.patch.Nc)
     phi1 = gd1.reshape(self.patch.Nc)
     dist0 = skfmm.distance( phi0, self.patch.dX )
     dist1 = skfmm.distance( phi1, self.patch.dX )
     gmask = (dist0.reshape(sh)<tol0)*(dist1.reshape(sh)<tol0)
     gmask = gmask*((dist0.reshape(sh)+dist1.reshape(sh))<=tol)
     #dd0 = dw.get('gDist', self.dwis[0])
     #dd1 = dw.get('gDist', self.dwis[1])
     #dd0[:] = dist0.reshape(sh)
     #dd1[:] = dist0.reshape(sh) + dist1.reshape(sh)
     self.nodes = np.where( gmask == True )[0]                
Esempio n. 37
def updatefig(*args):
    global P, frame
    for i in xrange(50):
        P = update_phi(P)
    P = skfmm.distance(P) #reinitialization
    # if frame % 50:
    #     save_figure(P)
    frame = frame + 1 
    return im,
Esempio n. 38
def split_organ_by_two_vessels(data, lab):
    Input of function is ndarray with 2 labeled vessels and data.
    Output is segmented organ by vessls using minimum distance criterium.
    l1 = 1
    l2 = 2

    # dist se tady počítá od nul jenom v jedničkách
    # dist1 = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(
    #     lab != l1,
    #     sampling=data['voxelsize_mm']
    # )
    # dist2 = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(
    #     lab != l2,
    #     sampling=data['voxelsize_mm']
    # )
    import skfmm
    dist1 = skfmm.distance(
        lab != l1,
    dist2 = skfmm.distance(
        lab != l2,
    # print 'skfmm'
    # from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtRemoveInputHook; pyqtRemoveInputHook()
    # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

    # from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtRemoveInputHook
    # pyqtRemoveInputHook()
    # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # BREAKPOINT

    # segm = (dist1 < dist2) * (data['segmentation'] != data['slab']['none'])
    segm = (((data['segmentation'] != 0) * (dist1 < dist2)).astype('int8') +
            (data['segmentation'] != 0).astype('int8'))

    return segm, dist1, dist2
Esempio n. 39
def test0():
    "circular level"
    N = 1500
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1,1,N),np.linspace(-1,1,N))
    r = 0.5
    dx = [2./(N-1),2./(N-1)]
    phi = (X)**2 + (Y)**2-r**2
    phi = np.ones_like(phi)
    d = distance(phi,dx)
    print "benchmark time", t1-t0
    return d
Esempio n. 40
def state_to_tsdf(state, trunc_dist, mode='accurate', return_all=False):

  assert mode in ['accurate', 'projective']

  # observe from the left
  depth = _state_to_pixel_depth(state)

  if mode == 'accurate':
    # make mask where visible surface is zero
    mask = _state_to_visibility_mask(state, depth)
    # fill to make a SDF
    sdf = skfmm.distance(mask)
    for i in range(state.shape[0]):
      if depth[i] == np.inf:
        sdf[i,:] = np.inf
    # make region behind surface negative
    for i in range(state.shape[0]):
      d = depth[i]
      if d != np.inf:
        sdf[i,d+1:] *= -1
        # sdf[i,d+1+trunc_dist:] = -trunc_dist

  elif mode == 'projective':
    # projective point-to-point metric
    # fill in sdf by marching away from surface
    sdf = np.zeros_like(state, dtype=float)
    for i in range(state.shape[0]):
      d = depth[i]
      if d == np.inf:
        sdf[i,:] = np.inf
        for j in range(state.shape[1]):
          sdf[i,j] = d - j

    raise NotImplementedError

  tsdf = np.clip(sdf, -trunc_dist, trunc_dist)

  if return_all: return tsdf, sdf, depth
  return tsdf
Esempio n. 41
def get_sdf(img):
  given an image (m,n,3) it returns the signed distance field.
  def flood_fill(mask):
    All entries inside the boundary are +1, outside -1.
    Starts filling from (0,0) [assumes (0,0) is outside.
     - Mask is a matrix of 0s and 1s.
     - Boundary is specified with 1s. Background with 0s.
    def in_range(x,y):
      nx,ny = mask.shape
      return (0 <= x < nx) and (0 <= y < ny) 

    seg       = np.ones_like(mask, dtype='float64')
    processed = np.zeros_like(mask, dtype='bool')
    queue     = [(0,0)]

    while len(queue) != 0:
      cx,cy = queue.pop()
      processed[cx,cy] = True 

      ## check if in the background:
      if mask[cx,cy]==0: 
        seg[cx,cy] = -1
        ## add neighbors:
        for dx,dy in [(-1,0), (1,0), (0,-1), (0,1)]:
          mx,my = cx+dx, cy+dy
          if in_range(mx,my) and not processed[mx,my]:        
    return seg

  mask = ((img[:,:,0] != 255) | (img[:,:,1] != 255) | (img[:,:,2] != 255)).astype('float64')
  seg_mask = flood_fill(mask)
  sdf = skfmm.distance(seg_mask)
  return sdf
Esempio n. 42
    def detect(self, bimg, simple=False, silent=False):
        Automatic detection of soma volume unless the iterations are given.

        # Smooth iterations
        smoothing = 1
        # A float number controls the weight of internal energy
        lambda1 = 1
        # A float number controls the weight of external energy
        lambda2 = 1.5
        # Manually set the number of iterations required for the soma
        # The type of iterations is int
        iterations = -1
        bimg = bimg.astype('int')  # Segment
        dt = skfmm.distance(bimg, dx=1.1)  # Boundary DT

        # somaradius : the approximate value of
        # soma radius estimated from distance transform
        # the type of somaradius is float64
        # somaradius is just a float number
        somaradius = dt.max()

        # somapos : the coordinate of estimated soma centroid
        # the type of somapos is int64
        # the shape of somapos is (3,)
        # somapos is array-like
        somapos = np.asarray(np.unravel_index(dt.argmax(), dt.shape))

        # Soma detection is required
        if not simple:
            if not silent: print('Reconstructing Soma with SRET')
            ratioxz = bimg.shape[0] / bimg.shape[2]
            ratioyz = bimg.shape[1] / bimg.shape[2]
            sqrval = (somaradius**0.5 * max(ratioxz, ratioyz))
            sqrval = np.floor(min(max(sqrval, 3), (somaradius**0.5) * 6))

            startpt = somapos - 3 * sqrval
            endpt = somapos + 3 * sqrval

            # # To constrain the soma growth region inside the cubic region
            # # Python index start from 0
            startpt[0] = min(max(0, startpt[0]), bimg.shape[0] - 1)
            startpt[1] = min(max(0, startpt[1]), bimg.shape[1] - 1)
            startpt[2] = min(max(0, startpt[2]), bimg.shape[2] - 1)

            endpt[0] = min(max(0, endpt[0]), bimg.shape[0] - 1)
            endpt[1] = min(max(0, endpt[1]), bimg.shape[1] - 1)
            endpt[2] = min(max(0, endpt[2]), bimg.shape[2] - 1)
            startpt = startpt.astype(int)  # Convert type to int for indexing
            endpt = endpt.astype(int)

            # # Extract soma region for fast soma detection
            somaimg = bimg[startpt[0]:endpt[0], startpt[1]:endpt[1], startpt[2]:
            centerpt = np.zeros(3)
            centerpt[0] = somaimg.shape[0] / 2
            centerpt[1] = somaimg.shape[1] / 2
            centerpt[2] = somaimg.shape[2] / 2
            centerpt = np.floor(centerpt)

            # Morphological ACWE. Initialization of the level-set.
            macwe = MorphACWE(somaimg, startpt, endpt, smoothing, lambda1, lambda2)
            macwe.levelset = circle_levelset(somaimg.shape,
                                             np.floor(centerpt), sqrval)

            # -1 means the automatic detection
            # Positive integers means the number of iterations
            if iterations == -1:
                macwe.autoconvg()  # automatic soma detection
                # Input the iteration number manually
                for i in range(iterations):

            # The following achieves the automatic somtic box extension
            # The maximum somatic region extension iteration
            # It is set to 10 avoid infinite loops
            for i in range(1, 11):
                # if not silent:
                    # print('The somatic region extension iteration is', i)
                if macwe.enlrspt is None:

                # Copy the values to new variables for the safe purpose
                startpt = macwe.enlrspt.copy()
                endpt = macwe.enlrept.copy()
                startpt[0] = min(max(0, startpt[0]), bimg.shape[0])
                startpt[1] = min(max(0, startpt[1]), bimg.shape[1])
                startpt[2] = min(max(0, startpt[2]), bimg.shape[2])

                endpt[0] = min(max(0, endpt[0]), bimg.shape[0])
                endpt[1] = min(max(0, endpt[1]), bimg.shape[1])
                endpt[2] = min(max(0, endpt[2]), bimg.shape[2])
                somaimg = bimg[startpt[0]:endpt[0], startpt[1]:endpt[1], startpt[2]:
                full_soma_mask = np.zeros((bimg.shape[0], bimg.shape[1], bimg.shape[2]))

                # Put the detected somas into the whole image
                # It is either true or false
                    0], macwe.startpoint[1]:macwe.endpoint[1], macwe.startpoint[2]:
                            macwe.endpoint[2]] = macwe._u

                # The newlevelset is the initial soma volume from previous iteration
                #(the automatic converge operation)
                newlevelset = full_soma_mask[startpt[0]:endpt[0], startpt[1]:endpt[1],

                # The previous macwe class is released
                # To avoid the conflicts with the new initialisation of the macwe class
                del macwe

                # Initialisation for the new class
                macwe = MorphACWE(somaimg, startpt, endpt, smoothing, lambda1,
                del somaimg, full_soma_mask, startpt, endpt

                # Reuse the soma volume from previous iteration

                # Release memory to avoid conflicts with previous newlevelset
                del newlevelset

            # The automatic smoothing operation to remove the interferes with dendrites

            # Initialise soma mask image
            full_soma_mask = np.zeros((bimg.shape[0], bimg.shape[1], bimg.shape[2]))

            # There are two possible scenarios
            # The first scenrio is that the automatic box extension is not necessary
            if macwe.enlrspt is None:
                startpt = macwe.startpoint.copy()
                endpt = macwe.endpoint.copy()
            # The second scenrio is that the automatic box extension operations has been performed
                startpt = macwe.enlrspt.copy()
                endpt = macwe.enlrept.copy()

            startpt[0] = min(max(0, startpt[0]), bimg.shape[0])
            startpt[1] = min(max(0, startpt[1]), bimg.shape[1])
            startpt[2] = min(max(0, startpt[2]), bimg.shape[2])

            endpt[0] = min(max(0, endpt[0]), bimg.shape[0])
            endpt[1] = min(max(0, endpt[1]), bimg.shape[1])
            endpt[2] = min(max(0, endpt[2]), bimg.shape[2])
            # The soma mask image contains only two possible values
            # Each element is either 0 or 40
            # Value 40 is assigned for the visualisation purpose.
            full_soma_mask[startpt[0]:endpt[0], startpt[1]:endpt[1], startpt[2]:endpt[
                2]] = macwe._u > 0

            # Calculate the new centroid using the soma volume
            newsomapos = center_of_mass(full_soma_mask)

            # Round the float coordinates into integers
            newsomapos = [math.floor(p) for p in newsomapos]
            self.centroid = newsomapos
            self.radius = somaradius
            self.mask = full_soma_mask
            if not silent: print('Reconstructing Soma with Simple Mask')
            self.centroid = somapos
            self.radius = somaradius
Esempio n. 43
    def process_data(self, input_id, input_data, output_data):
        """Process one inference and return data to visualize."""
        # assume the only output is a CHW image where C is the number
        # of classes, H and W are the height and width of the image
        class_data = output_data[output_data.keys()[0]].astype('float32')

        # Is this binary segmentation?
        is_binary = class_data.shape[0] == 2

        # retain only the top class for each pixel
        class_data = np.argmax(class_data, axis=0).astype('uint8')

        # remember the classes we found
        found_classes = np.unique(class_data)

        # convert using color map (assume 8-bit output)
            fill_data = ( * 255).astype('uint8')
            fill_data = np.ndarray((class_data.shape[0], class_data.shape[1], 4), dtype='uint8')
            for x in xrange(3):
                fill_data[:, :, x] = class_data.copy()

        # Assuming that class 0 is the background
        mask = np.greater(class_data, 0)
        fill_data[:, :, 3] = mask * 255
        line_data = fill_data.copy()
        seg_data = fill_data.copy()

        # Black mask of non-segmented pixels
        mask_data = np.zeros(fill_data.shape, dtype='uint8')
        mask_data[:, :, 3] = (1 - mask) * 255

        def normalize(array):
            mn = array.min()
            mx = array.max()
            return (array - mn) * 255 / (mx - mn) if (mx - mn) > 0 else array * 255

        except TypeError:
            # If input_data can not be converted to an image,
            # normalize and convert to uint8
            input_data = normalize(input_data).astype('uint8')

        # Generate outlines around segmented classes
        if len(found_classes) > 1:
            # Assuming that class 0 is the background.
            line_mask = np.zeros(class_data.shape, dtype=bool)
            max_distance = np.zeros(class_data.shape, dtype=float) + 1
            for c in (x for x in found_classes if x != 0):
                c_mask = np.equal(class_data, c)
                # Find the signed distance from the zero contour
                distance = skfmm.distance(c_mask.astype('float32') - 0.5)
                # Accumulate the mask for all classes
                line_width = 3
                line_mask |= c_mask & np.less(distance, line_width)
                max_distance = np.maximum(max_distance, distance + 128)

            line_data[:, :, 3] = line_mask * 255
            max_distance = np.maximum(max_distance, np.zeros(max_distance.shape, dtype=float))
            max_distance = np.minimum(max_distance, np.zeros(max_distance.shape, dtype=float) + 255)
            seg_data[:, :, 3] = max_distance

        # Input image with outlines
        input_max = input_data.max()
        input_min = input_data.min()
        input_range = input_max - input_min
        if input_range > 255:
            input_data = (input_data - input_min) * 255.0 / input_range
        elif input_min < 0:
            input_data -= input_min
        input_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(input_data.astype('uint8'))
        input_image.format = 'png'

        # Fill image
        fill_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(fill_data)
        fill_image.format = 'png'

        # Fill image
        line_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(line_data)
        line_image.format = 'png'

        # Seg image
        seg_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(seg_data)
        seg_image.format = 'png''seg.png')

        # Mask image
        mask_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(mask_data)
        mask_image.format = 'png'

        # legend for this instance
        legend = self.get_legend_for(found_classes, skip_classes=[0])

        return {
            'input_id': input_id,
            'input_image': input_image,
            'fill_image': fill_image,
            'line_image': line_image,
            'seg_image': seg_image,
            'mask_image': mask_image,
            'legend': legend,
            'is_binary': is_binary,
            'class_data': class_data,
Esempio n. 44
def plan_path(start_position, goal_position, image):
    image = cv2.resize(image, (250, 250))
    # pyplot.imshow(image)

    # Make an image of ones
    img_ones = np.ones_like(image[:, :, 2])

    # Find the white lines
    white_lines = image[:, :, 2] > 200
    # cv2.imshow("whites", np.uint8(white_lines) * 255)
    # cv2.waitKey(0)

    img_ones[white_lines] = 0

    gdt_initial = distance(img_ones)
    # allow leeway when following lines
    safe_space = distance(img_ones) > 10

    img_ones[safe_space] = 0
    gdt_safe = distance(img_ones)

    # pyplot.imshow(gdt_safe, interpolation = 'nearest')
    target_contour = np.ones_like(image[:, :, 2])
    target_contour[goal_position] = 0
    masked_array =, safe_space)
    gdt_final = distance(masked_array)
    pyplot.imshow(gdt_final, interpolation = 'nearest')
    current = np.array(start_position)

    path = []
    prev_cost = np.inf
    best_cost = np.inf
    _next = current
    while(not np.allclose(_next, np.array(goal_position))):
        current = _next
        #if best_cost == prev_cost:
        #    return None # Failed to find path
        prev_cost = best_cost
        for x in [-1, 0, 1]:
            for y in [-1, 0, 1]:
                xy = np.array([x, y])

                    summed = current +  xy
                    cost = gdt_final[summed[0], summed[1]]


                if cost < best_cost:
                    best_cost = cost
                    _next = current + xy

        path.append((_next[1], _next[0]))
        cv2.line(image, (_next[1], _next[0]), (current[1], current[0]), (0, 255, 0), 2)

    pyplot.imshow(image, interpolation = 'nearest')

    return path
Esempio n. 45
from filtering.morphology import ssm
from import * 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skfmm

ITER = 30

img = loadimg('/home/siqi/ncidata/rivuletpy/tests/data/test-crop.tif')
bimg = (img > 0).astype('int')
dt = skfmm.distance(bimg, dx=1)
sdt = ssm(dt, anisotropic=True, iterations=ITER)

    from skimage import filters
except ImportError:
    from skimage import filter as filters

s_seg = s > filters.threshold_otsu(s)

plt.title('img > 0')
plt.imshow((img > 0).max(-1))
Esempio n. 46
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
from skfmm import distance

from skimage import io


data = img[:,:,0].astype(np.double)
data = (data-data.max()/2.0)/data.max()

dist = distance(data)
plt.contour(dist,20, colors="black", linestyles="solid")
plt.contour(dist,[0], colors="black", linewidths=3)

Esempio n. 47
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import skfmm

X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1,1,200), np.linspace(-1,1,200))
phi = -1*np.ones_like(X)

phi[X>-0.5] = 1
phi[np.logical_and(np.abs(Y)<0.25, X>-0.75)] = 1

pl.contour(X, Y, phi,[0], linewidths=(3), colors='black')
pl.title('Boundary location: the zero contour of phi')

d = skfmm.distance(phi, dx=1e-2)
pl.title('Distance from the boundary')
pl.contour(X, Y, phi,[0], linewidths=(3), colors='black')
pl.contour(X, Y, d, 15)

speed = np.ones_like(X)
speed[Y>0] = 1.5
t = skfmm.travel_time(phi, speed, dx=1e-2)

pl.title('Travel time from the boundary')
pl.contour(X, Y, phi,[0], linewidths=(3), colors='black')
pl.contour(X, Y, t, 15)
Esempio n. 48
def reintegrate(m):
  import skfmm
  d = skfmm.distance(m)
  d /= abs(d).max()
  return d
Esempio n. 49
def save_figure(P, number=99):
    with open(str(number)+'p.pickle', 'w') as f:
        pickle.dump(skfmm.distance(P), f)
Esempio n. 50
import msfm
from import *
import skfmm
import os

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
img = loadimg(os.path.join(dir_path, 'data/test.tif'))
dt = skfmm.distance(img > 0, dx=1) # Boundary DT
somaradius = dt.max()
somapos = np.asarray(np.unravel_index(dt.argmax(), dt.shape))
print('somapos in python', somapos, somapos.dtype)
print('dt[soma pos] in python: %f' % dt[somapos[0], somapos[1], somapos[2]])
print('Running MSFM...')
T =, somapos, False, True)
import skfmm

X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1,1,501), np.linspace(-1,1,501))
phi = (X+0.8)**2+(Y+0.8)**2 - 0.01
speed = 1+X**2+Y**2

plt.title("Zero-contour of phi")
plt.contour(X, Y, phi, [0], colors='black', linewidths=(3))
plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([])

plt.contour(X, Y, phi, [0], colors='black', linewidths=(3))
plt.contour(X, Y, skfmm.distance(phi, dx=2.0/500), 15)
plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([])

plt.title("Distance with x- \nand y- directions periodic")
plt.contour(X, Y, phi, [0], colors='black', linewidths=(3))
plt.contour(X, Y, skfmm.distance(phi, dx=2.0/500, periodic=True), 15)
plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([])

plt.title("Travel time with y- \ndirection periodic ")
plt.contour(X, Y, phi, [0], colors='black', linewidths=(3))
plt.contour(X, Y, skfmm.travel_time(phi, speed, dx=2.0/500, periodic=(1,0)), 15)
Esempio n. 52
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
import skfmm

X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1,1,201), np.linspace(-1,1,201))
phi = -1*np.ones_like(X)

phi[X>-0.5] = 1
phi[np.logical_and(np.abs(Y)<0.25, X>-0.75)] = 1
plt.contour(X, Y, phi,[0], linewidths=(3), colors='black')
plt.title('Boundary location: the zero contour of phi')

d = skfmm.distance(phi, dx=1e-2)
plt.title('Distance from the boundary')
plt.contour(X, Y, phi,[0], linewidths=(3), colors='black')
plt.contour(X, Y, d, 15)

speed = np.ones_like(X)
speed[Y>0] = 1.5
t = skfmm.travel_time(phi, speed, dx=1e-2)

plt.title('Travel time from the boundary')
plt.contour(X, Y, phi,[0], linewidths=(3), colors='black')
plt.contour(X, Y, t, 15)
Esempio n. 53
def evolve_contour(lv, roi, deltaT=0.1, alpha1=1, alpha2=1, alpha3=0.1, eps=1 / np.pi, eta=1e-5, n_reinit=10, n_max = 100):
    evolve_contour performs an active contour algorithm on a level set curve,
    specifically on the zero level of a signed distance function. The zero-level
    is represented by discrete points on a grid.
    Each point is evolved in the direction where some energy function decreases most
    :param lv: 64 x 64 binary array predicted
    :param roi: 64 x 64 region of interest (gray scale) actual image
    :param deltaT: the step size in time
    :param alpha1, alpha2, alpha3: parameters for energy components
    :param eps: parameter for the function approximating the delta_0 function
    :return: evolved level set function
        # error handling: inputs must be 64 x 64
        # if np.shape(lv) != (64, 64) | np.shape(roi)!= (64, 64):
        #    raise TypeError("lv and roi must be 64 x 64")
        if np.unique(lv).size > 2:
            raise TypeError("lv must be binary")

        # Initialize phi as a signed distance function which looks like a ice cream cone. It
        # computes for each point in the 64 x 64 region of interest its distance to
        # the closest contour point in the binary image LV.

        phi = copy.deepcopy(lv)
        phi[phi == 1] = -1
        phi[phi == 0] = 1
        phi = 10 * skfmm.distance(phi)  # now phi is a signed distance function which is negative inside the contour and

        # positive outside
        # we will store the initialization of phi again in an extra variable because
        # we have to recall it in every evolution step
        phi0 = copy.deepcopy(phi)
        convergence = False
        cIter = 1
        # create imshow object. in each iteration update that figure

        while not convergence:

            # 1. compute all finite differences
            # this will be done by the divergence function, so forget about this step
            # if cIter == 521:
            #    pdb.set_trace()
            # 2. compute averages inside and outside contour
            # 2a. average outside
            c1 = np.sum(roi * heavyside(phi)) / (phi[phi >= 0].size + 0.00000001)
            c2 = np.sum(roi * heavyside(-phi)) / (phi[phi < 0].size + 0.00000001)

            # 2. compute averages inside and outside contour
            # 2a. determine which pixels are inside the contour and which are outside
            # a pixel at (i,j) is inside the contour if phi(i,j) < 0
            # Create a mask which is True if phi<=0 and False else
            phi_mask = copy.deepcopy(-phi) # now phi is 1 inside contour and -1 outside
            phi_mask[phi_mask < 0] = 0     # now phi is 1 inside contour and 0 outside
            phi_mask = # create mask

            # 2b. Compute average roi pixel value inside the contour (i.e. where phi <= 0)
            # Wherever mask == True -> apply_mask_to_roi = 1, wherever mask == False -> apply_mask_to_roi = 0
            avg_roi_inside = np.mean(roi[phi_mask])
            avg_roi_outside = np.mean(roi[-phi_mask])
            c1 = avg_roi_outside
            c2 = avg_roi_inside

            # pdb.set_trace()

            # 3. Compute divergence
            old_phi = copy.deepcopy(phi)
            div = get_div(phi)

            # 4. Evolve contour
            # pdb.set_trace()
            #force = delta_eps(phi, eps) * (alpha1 * div + (alpha2 * np.power(roi - c2, 2))
            #                                             - (alpha2 * np.power(roi - c1, 2))
            #                                                    - (2 * alpha3 * (phi - phi0)))
            # pdb.set_trace()
            force = alpha1 * div + alpha2 * np.power(roi - c2, 2) - alpha2 * np.power(roi - c1, 2) - 2 * alpha3 * (phi - phi0)

            phi += deltaT * force

            # 6. stop if phi has converged or maximum number of iterations has been reached
            if (np.linalg.norm(phi - old_phi, 'fro') < eta) | (cIter == n_max):
                convergence = True
                # Draw final level set function
                contour = copy.deepcopy(phi)
                contour[contour >= 0] = 0
                contour[contour < 0] = 1

            elif cIter % n_reinit == 0:  # Check if we have to reinitialize phi
                # reinitialize by figuring out where phi is neg. and where pos -> define intermediate contour as points
                # where phi is non-positive and reinitialize as signed distance mapping
                phiSmallerZero = phi <= 0  # is an array of bools with True where phi>=0 and False else
                intermediate_contour = phiSmallerZero.astype(int)  # is a binary array that has 1 where phi<=0 and
                # and 0 else
                intermediate_contour[intermediate_contour == 1] = -1  # skfmm.distance wants the inner part of the contour
                # to be -1...
                intermediate_contour[intermediate_contour == 0] = 1  # ...and the outer part +1
                phi = skfmm.distance(intermediate_contour)  # reinitialize phi as signed distance function
                cIter += 1
                cIter += 1
                #print("cIter", cIter)
                # draw contour: update the pixels and then draw the figure
                # pdb.set_trace()
                if cIter % n_max == 0:
                    contour = copy.deepcopy(phi)
                    contour[contour > 0] = 0
                    contour[contour < 0] = 1
                    contour = contour + roi
        return contour

        print "Returning LV as evolution failed."
        return lv
	centroids = remove_some(centroids)
	centroids = np.array(centroids).flatten()
	centroids = centroids.reshape(len(centroids)/2,2)
	cx,cy = np.transpose(centroids)
	plt.scatter(x=cx, y=cy, c='g', s=14)

	fmm = np.ones((1024,1024))
	for i in xrange(len(centroids)):
		x1 = int(centroids[i][0])
		y1 = int(centroids[i][1])
		fmm[y1][x1] = -1
	dist_mat = skfmm.distance(fmm)
	speed = 1 - np.copy(slice2) + 0.1
	print np.amax(slice2)
	print np.amin(slice2)
	print np.amax(speed)
	print np.amin(speed)
	t = skfmm.travel_time(fmm, speed)
	print np.shape(t)
	plt.contour(np.flipud(t), 55)
Esempio n. 55
def buildmap(image, mapname, settingsfile, visualise):

    with open(settingsfile, 'r') as f:
        settings = json.load(f)

    # Read in map
    print("Reading and processing map image '{0}'...".format(image))
    mapim = imread(image)
    if mapim.ndim < 3:
        print("The bitmaps need to be 3 layers!")
    if mapim.shape[2] > 3:
        mapim = mapim[:, :, 0:3]  # ignore alpha

    # Pad with border
    pwidth = settings['mapbuilder']['padPixels']
    mapim = np.pad(mapim, ((pwidth, pwidth), (pwidth, pwidth), (0, 0)),
                   'constant', constant_values=0)

    w, h, d = mapim.shape

    # Find start (full green pixels)
    startim = np.logical_and(mapim[:, :, 0] != 255, mapim[:, :, 1] == 255,
                             mapim[:, :, 2] != 255)

    # Find end (full red pixels)
    endim = np.logical_and(mapim[:, :, 0] == 255, mapim[:, :, 1] != 255,
                           mapim[:, :, 2] != 255)

    # Make occupancy grid (black pixels)
    occmap = np.logical_and(mapim[:, :, 0] == 0, mapim[:, :, 1] == 0,
                            mapim[:, :, 2] == 0)

    # Calculate distance to walls
    print("Calculating distance to walls...")
    distintowall = skfmm.distance(~occmap)
    distouttowall = skfmm.distance(occmap)
    distmap = distintowall - distouttowall

    # Calculate start->end potential field
    print("Calculating flow field to end...")
    distfromend = skfmm.distance(, occmap))

    dfyi, dfxi = np.gradient(-distfromend)
    dfyo, dfxo = np.gradient(, ~occmap))
    dfy, dfx = norm_layer(combine_layers(dfyi, dfyo),
                          combine_layers(dfxi, dfxo))

    distfromend = distfromend.filled(0) + distouttowall

    # Calculate wall normals
    print("Calculating wall normals...")
    blurmap = gaussian_filter((~occmap).astype(float),

    dny, dnx = norm_layer(*np.gradient(blurmap))

    # plotting
    if visualise:
        print("Making plots...")
        skip = (slice(None, None, 20), slice(None, None, 20))
        y, x = np.mgrid[0:w, 0:h]

        fig = pl.figure()
        pl.imshow(occmap,, interpolation='none')
        pl.title('Occupancy map')

        pl.imshow(startim,, interpolation='none')
        pl.title('Start point')

        pl.imshow(endim,, interpolation='none')
        pl.title('End point')

        pl.quiver(x[skip], y[skip], dnx[skip], dny[skip], color='r',
        pl.imshow(distmap, interpolation='none',
        pl.title('Distance to walls, wall normals')

        pl.quiver(x[skip], y[skip], dfx[skip], dfy[skip], color='r',
        pl.imshow(distfromend, interpolation='none',
        pl.title('Distance to end, flow to end')

        pl.imshow(mapim, interpolation='none')
        pl.title('Original map image')

        # pl.figure()
        # skip = (slice(None, None, 1), slice(None, None, 1))
        # pl.quiver(x[skip], y[skip], dfx[skip], dfy[skip], color='r',
        #           angles='xy')
        # pl.gca().invert_yaxis()
        # pl.imshow(distfromend, interpolation='none',
        # pl.title('Distance to end, flow to end')

    # Process output names
    print("Saving results...")
    mapnamebits = image.partition('.')
    mapname = mapnamebits[0] if mapname is None else mapname.partition[0]

    # Save padded map
    print('\t- padded image')
    imsave(mapname+'_padded.'+mapnamebits[2], mapim)

    # Binary layers for engine
    print('\t- binary layers')
    save_bool_map(mapname+'_start', startim)
    save_bool_map(mapname+'_end', endim)
    save_bool_map(mapname+'_occupancy', occmap)
    save_float32_map(mapname+'_walldist', distmap)
    save_float32_map(mapname+'_enddist', distfromend)
    save_float32_map(mapname+'_wnormx', dnx)
    save_float32_map(mapname+'_wnormy', dny, vec=True)
    save_float32_map(mapname+'_flowx', dfx)
    save_float32_map(mapname+'_flowy', dfy, vec=True)

    # Easy to read formats for players
    print('\t- csv layers')
    save_text_bool_map(mapname+'_start', startim)
    save_text_bool_map(mapname+'_end', endim)
    save_text_bool_map(mapname+'_occupancy', occmap)
    save_text_float32_map(mapname+'_enddist', distfromend)
    save_text_float32_map(mapname+'_flowx', dfx)
    save_text_float32_map(mapname+'_flowy', dfy, vec=True)

Esempio n. 56
def smooth_to_sdf(phi):
  import skfmm
  return skfmm.distance(phi)
Esempio n. 57
    def process_data(self, input_id, input_data, output_data):
        Process one inference and return data to visualize
        # assume the only output is a CHW image where C is the number
        # of classes, H and W are the height and width of the image
        class_data = output_data[output_data.keys()[0]].astype("float32")
        # retain only the top class for each pixel
        class_data = np.argmax(class_data, axis=0).astype("uint8")

        # remember the classes we found
        found_classes = np.unique(class_data)

        # convert using color map (assume 8-bit output)
            fill_data = ( * 255).astype("uint8")
            fill_data = np.ndarray((class_data.shape[0], class_data.shape[1], 4), dtype="uint8")
            for x in xrange(3):
                fill_data[:, :, x] = class_data.copy()

        # Assuming that class 0 is the background
        mask = np.greater(class_data, 0)
        fill_data[:, :, 3] = mask * 255

        # Black mask of non-segmented pixels
        mask_data = np.zeros(fill_data.shape, dtype="uint8")
        mask_data[:, :, 3] = (1 - mask) * 255

        # Generate outlines around segmented classes
        if len(found_classes) > 1:
            # Assuming that class 0 is the background.
            line_mask = np.zeros(class_data.shape, dtype=bool)
            for c in (x for x in found_classes if x != 0):
                c_mask = np.equal(class_data, c)
                # Find the signed distance from the zero contour
                distance = skfmm.distance(c_mask.astype("float32") - 0.5)
                # Accumulate the mask for all classes
                line_width = 3
                line_mask |= c_mask & np.less(distance, line_width)

            # add the outlines to the input image
            for x in xrange(3):
                input_data[:, :, x] = input_data[:, :, x] * (1 - line_mask) + fill_data[:, :, x] * line_mask

        # Input image with outlines
        input_max = input_data.max()
        input_min = input_data.min()
        input_range = input_max - input_min
        if input_range > 255:
            input_data = (input_data - input_min) * 255.0 / input_range
        elif input_min < 0:
            input_data -= input_min
        input_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(input_data.astype("uint8"))
        input_image.format = "png"

        # Fill image
        fill_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(fill_data)
        fill_image.format = "png"

        # Mask image
        mask_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(mask_data)
        mask_image.format = "png"

        # legend for this instance
        legend = self.get_legend_for(found_classes, skip_classes=[0])

        return {
            "input_id": input_id,
            "input_image": input_image,
            "fill_image": fill_image,
            "mask_image": mask_image,
            "legend": legend,
            "class_data": class_data,
Esempio n. 58
# data = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(data, zoom)
##data = 1/(data + data.min() + 0.001)
# data *= 10
# data[-1,:] = -1

data = scipy.ndimage.imread("imagem.jpg", True)

plt.imshow(data, interpolation="bilinear", cmap="gray")

# marker = [47*zoom,20*zoom]
# plt.plot(marker[1], marker[0], 'or')

# phi = numpy.ones_like(data)
# phi[-1,data.shape[1]/4:3*data.shape[1]/4] = -1

# mapa = skfmm.travel_time(phi, data*50)
# print mapa
# plt.imshow(mapa, interpolation='nearest', cmap='flag')

mapa = skfmm.distance(data)
# mapa = skfmm.travel_time(mapa[mapa==mapa.max()], mapa)
plt.imshow(mapa, interpolation="nearest", cmap="gray")

# path = runalongshortestpath(energymap, marker)
# plt.plot(path[:,1], path[:,0], '-', lw=1, ms=2, mew=0, color='yellow')
Esempio n. 59
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt

from skfmm import distance

x, dx = np.linspace(0, 1, N, retstep=True)
X, Y  = np.meshgrid(x, x)

phi = np.ones_like(X)
phi[Y==0] = 0
mask = np.zeros_like(phi, dtype=bool)
mask[np.logical_and(X>0.5, Y==0.5)] = True
phi =,mask)
d = distance(phi,dx=dx)

exact = np.where(np.logical_not(np.logical_and(Y>0.5, X>0.5)),
exact =,mask)

