Esempio n. 1
	def setUp(self):

		# if not os.path.exists('tests/gp_2d.pkl'):
			#Because it takes too long: pickle a gp

		x = np.array([[x1,x2] for x1 in range(10) for x2 in range(10)],dtype=np.float64)  #np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 30)).T
		w = np.array([0.04,0.04])
		v = 2
		vt = 0#.01

		theta = np.zeros(2+len(w))

		theta[0] = np.log(v)
		theta[1] = np.log(vt)
		theta[2:2+len(w)] = np.log(w)

		y = GaussianProcess.get_realisation(x, GaussianCovariance(), theta)
		t = y + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(x)) #-> vt = 0.01

		self.gp_est = GaussianProcess(x, t, cov=GaussianCovariance())

		means, variances = self.gp_est.estimate_many(x)
		sigma = np.sqrt(variances)

		for i in range(len(x)):
			self.assertAlmostEqual(means[i], y[i], delta=4 * sigma[i])
Esempio n. 2
	def test_pickle(self):
		x = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 30)).T
		w = np.array([0.04])
		v = 2
		vt = 0#.01
		theta = np.zeros(2+len(w))
		theta[0] = np.log(v)
		theta[1] = np.log(vt)
		theta[2:2+len(w)] = np.log(w)
		y = GaussianProcess.get_realisation(x, GaussianCovariance(), theta)
		t = y + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(x)) #-> vt = 0.01

		gp_est = GaussianProcess(x, t, GaussianCovariance())
		output = open('gp.pkl', 'wb')

		pickle.dump(gp_est, output,protocol=0)

		pkl_file = open('gp.pkl', 'rb')
		if sys.version_info.major == 3:
			gp_unpickled = pickle.load(pkl_file, encoding='latin1')
			gp_unpickled = pickle.load(pkl_file)

		means, variances = gp_est.estimate_many(x)
		sigma = np.sqrt(variances)
		meansp, variancesp = gp_unpickled.estimate_many(x)
		sigmap = np.sqrt(variancesp)

		for i in range(len(x)):
			self.assertEqual(means[i], meansp[i])
			self.assertEqual(sigma[i], sigmap[i])
Esempio n. 3
	def test_covariance(self):
		gc = GaussianCovariance()

		x = np.array([[x1,x2] for x1 in range(10) for x2 in range(10)])  #np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 30)).T
		theta = np.log(np.array([2,0.01,0.04,0.04]))

		cov = gc.cov_matrix(x,theta)
		cov_super = Covariance.cov_matrix(gc,x,theta)

		dcov = gc._d_cov_matrix_d_theta(x,theta,2)
		dcov_super = Covariance._d_cov_matrix_d_theta(gc,x,theta,2)


		t = GaussianProcess.get_realisation(x, GaussianCovariance(), theta)
		#t = y + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(x)) #-> vt = 0.01

		dndt = gc._d_nll_d_theta(x,t,theta)
		dndt_est = []
		for j in range(len(theta)):
			d = np.zeros(len(theta))
			d[j] = 1e-5
			#d = np.log(1+d/np.exp(theta)) # Addition of log: log(x+y) = log(x) + log(1+y/x)
			dndt_est.append( (gc._negativeloglikelihood(x,t,theta+d) - gc._negativeloglikelihood(x,t,theta-d))/2e-5 )

		dndt_est = np.array(dndt_est)
		print(np.abs(dndt_est - dndt))
		self.assertTrue((np.abs(dndt_est - dndt) < 5e-1).all())
Esempio n. 4
	def setUp(self):

		# if not os.path.exists('tests/metis_gp.pkl'):
		# if os.path.exists('skgpuppy/tests/metis_data.pkl'):
		# 	with open('skgpuppy/tests/metis_data.pkl', 'rb') as output:
		# 		if sys.version_info.major == 3:
		# 			(collection,x,t) = pickle.load(output, encoding='latin1')
		# 		else:
		# 			(collection,x,t) = pickle.load(output)
		# else:
		# 	raise RuntimeError("Test data not found!")

		from skgpuppy.tests.metis_data import x,t

		self.gp_est = GaussianProcess(x, t,GaussianCovariance())
		# 	with open('tests/metis_gp.pkl', 'wb') as output:
		# 		pickle.dump(self.gp_est, output, protocol=-1)
		# else:
		# 	with open('tests/metis_gp.pkl', 'rb') as output:
		# 		self.gp_est = pickle.load(output)

		min = np.array([0.1,		0,		0])#,		200
		max = np.array([30, 		10,		0.05])#,		1000
		self.mean = (min+max)/2
		self.Sigma = np.diag([2**2,1**2,0.005**2])
Esempio n. 5
	def setUp(self):

		self.x = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 30)).T
		w = np.array([0.04])
		v = 2
		vt = 0#.01
		theta = np.zeros(2+len(w))

		theta[0] = np.log(v)
		theta[1] = np.log(vt)
		theta[2:2+len(w)] = np.log(w)
		y = GaussianProcess.get_realisation(self.x, GaussianCovariance(),theta)
		self.t = y + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(self.x)) #-> vt = 0.01

		self.gp_est = GaussianProcess(self.x, self.t, cov=GaussianCovariance())
Esempio n. 6
	def test_gp(self):
		x = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 100)).T
		w = np.array([0.04])
		v = 2
		vt = 0#.01
		theta = np.zeros(2+len(w))
		theta[0] = np.log(v)
		theta[1] = np.log(vt)
		theta[2:2+len(w)] = np.log(w)

		y = GaussianProcess.get_realisation(x, GaussianCovariance(),theta)
		t = y + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(x)) #-> vt = 0.01

		n = 10
		xt = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 200)).T

		gp_est = GaussianProcess(x, t,GaussianCovariance())
		print("Theta:", np.exp(gp_est.theta_min[0:3]))
		means_gp, variances_gp = gp_est.estimate_many(xt)
		sigma_gp = np.sqrt(variances_gp)

		spgpcov = SPGPCovariance(n)
		gp_est = GaussianProcess(x, t,spgpcov)
		print("Theta:", np.exp(gp_est.theta_min[0:3]))
		means, variances = gp_est.estimate_many(xt)
		theta_start = spgpcov.get_theta(x,t)
		print("Thetastart:", np.exp(theta_start[0:3]))
		#means = spgpcov.estimate(x,t,gp_est.theta_min,xt)

		sigma = np.sqrt(variances)

		# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
		# fig = plt.figure()
		# plt.plot(x,y,x,t,'o',xt,means,xt,means_gp)
		# plt.fill_between(xt.ravel(), means + 1.96 * sigma, means - 1.96 * sigma, facecolor='red',alpha=0.5)
		# plt.fill_between(xt.ravel(), means_gp + 1.96 * sigma_gp, means_gp - 1.96 * sigma_gp, facecolor='lightblue',alpha=0.5)
		# plt.title('own')
		# plt.legend(['Realisation','Noisy','Estimation','EstimationGP'])

		for i in range(len(x)):
			self.assertAlmostEqual(means_gp[i*2], y[i], delta=4 * sigma[i*2])
			self.assertAlmostEqual(means[i*2], y[i], delta=4 * sigma[i*2])
Esempio n. 7
	def test_gaussian_cov_derivative(self):
		x = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 50)).T
		w = np.array([0.02])
		v = 2
		vt = 0.01

		n,d = np.shape(x)

		theta_min = np.ones(2+d)
		theta_min[0] = np.log(v)
		theta_min[1] = np.log(vt)
		theta_min[2:2+d] = np.log(w)

		n,d = np.shape(x)
		cov = GaussianCovariance()
		for xi in x:
			for xj in x:
				for j in range(2+d):
Esempio n. 8
	def test_spgp_nll(self):

		x = np.array([[x1,x2] for x1 in range(10) for x2 in range(10)])  #np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 30)).T
		w = np.array([0.04,0.04])
		v = 2
		vt = 0#.01
		theta = np.zeros(2+len(w))

		theta[0] = np.log(v)
		theta[1] = np.log(vt)
		theta[2:2+len(w)] = np.log(w)
		y = GaussianProcess.get_realisation(x, GaussianCovariance(), theta)
		t = y + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(x)) #-> vt = 0.01

		spgpcov = SPGPCovariance(10)
		gc = GaussianCovariance()
		theta = spgpcov.get_theta(x,t)
		theta_gc = gc.get_theta(x,t)

		start = time.time()
		res_g = gc._negativeloglikelihood(x,t,theta_gc)
		print("Gaussian NLL: ",res_g)
		print("Time: ",time.time()-start)

		start = time.time()
		res = Covariance._negativeloglikelihood(spgpcov,x,t,theta)
		print("My NLL: ",res)
		print("Time: ",time.time()-start)

		res_s =  spgpcov._negativeloglikelihood(x,t,theta)
		print("Snelson NLL: ", res_s)
		print("Time: ", time.time()-start)

Esempio n. 9
	def test_gp_2D(self):

		x = np.array([[x1,x2] for x1 in range(10) for x2 in range(10)])  #np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 30)).T
		w = np.array([0.04,0.04])
		v = 2
		vt = 0#.01
		theta = np.zeros(2+len(w))

		theta[0] = np.log(v)
		theta[1] = np.log(vt)
		theta[2:2+len(w)] = np.log(w)
		y = GaussianProcess.get_realisation(x, GaussianCovariance(), theta)
		t = y + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(x)) #-> vt = 0.01

		# gp_est = GaussianProcess(x, t)
		# x_new = np.array([[x1/2.0,x2/2.0] for x1 in xrange(20) for x2 in xrange(20)])
		# #x_new = x
		# means, variances = gp_est.estimate_many(x_new)
		# sigma = np.sqrt(variances)
		# import pylab as p
		# # #import matplotlib.axes3d as p3
		# import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3

		gp_est = GaussianProcess(x, t,SPGPCovariance(10))
		#gp_est = GaussianProcess(x, t,GaussianCovariance())

		means, variances = gp_est.estimate_many(x)
		sigma = np.sqrt(variances)

		for i in range(len(x)):
			self.assertAlmostEqual(means[i], y[i], delta=5 * sigma[i])
Esempio n. 10
	def test_spgp_covariance(self):

		spgpc = SPGPCovariance(10)
		gc = GaussianCovariance()
		x = np.array([[x1,x2] for x1 in range(10) for x2 in range(10)])  #np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 30)).T
		w = np.array([0.04,0.04])
		v = 2
		vt = 0#.01
		theta = np.zeros(2+len(w))

		theta[0] = np.log(v)
		theta[1] = np.log(vt)
		theta[2:2+len(w)] = np.log(w)

		y = GaussianProcess.get_realisation(x, GaussianCovariance(),theta)
		t = y + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(x)) #-> vt = 0.01

		theta = spgpc.get_theta(x,t)
		cov = spgpc.cov_matrix(x,theta)
		cov_super = Covariance.cov_matrix_ij(spgpc,x,x,theta)
		invcov = np.linalg.inv(cov)
		invcov2 = spgpc.inv_cov_matrix(x,theta)


		# theta_gc = gc.get_theta(x,t)
		# gcov = gc.cov_matrix(x,theta_gc)
		# invgcov = np.linalg.inv(gcov)
		# print np.max(np.abs(gcov-cov)/gcov)
		# print np.max(np.abs(invgcov-invcov)/invgcov)

		start = time.time()

		delta = 1e-5
		dndt_est = []
		for j in range(len(theta)):
			d = np.zeros(len(theta))
			d[j] = delta
			#dndt_est.append( (spgpc.negativeloglikelihood(x,t,theta+d) - spgpc.negativeloglikelihood(x,t,theta-d))/2/delta )
			dndt_est.append( (Covariance._negativeloglikelihood(spgpc,x,t,theta+d) - Covariance._negativeloglikelihood(spgpc,x,t,theta-d))/2/delta )

		print("TIME numerical: ",time.time() -start)

		# j = 0
		# d = np.zeros(len(theta))
		# d[j] = delta
		# d_cov_dt = (spgpc.cov_matrix(x,theta+d)-spgpc.cov_matrix(x,theta-d))/2/delta
		# print spgpc.d_cov_matrix_d_theta(x,theta,j) - d_cov_dt

		start = time.time()
		dndt = Covariance._d_nll_d_theta(spgpc,x,t,theta)
		print("TIME classic: ",time.time() -start)

		dot = Dot()
		start = time.time()
		dndt = spgpc._d_nll_d_theta(x,t,theta)
		print("TIME opt: ",time.time() -start)

Esempio n. 11
    # return 3*x+4+np.random.normal(0, 0.01)

ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 5), (0, 2), colspan=3, rowspan=2)

# x_data = np.linspace(0, 4, 5).reshape(-1,1)
x_data = np.random.uniform(0, 4, 7).reshape(-1, 1)
y_data = np.array([func(i) for i in x_data])  #
plt.plot(x_data, y_data, '+k')

x_real = np.linspace(0, 4, 100).reshape(-1, 1)
y_real = np.array([func(i) for i in x_real])
# plt.plot(x_real, y_real, '-g')

gp_est = GaussianProcess(x_data, y_data, GaussianCovariance())

x_n = np.array([1.26])
m, s = gp_est.estimate(x_n)
plt.plot(x_n, m, '*r')

print(m, s)

x_new = np.linspace(0, 6, 100).reshape(-1, 1)
means, variances = gp_est.estimate_many(x_new)
# print(means)

# GPy
# kernel = GPy.kern.RBF(input_dim=1, variance=10.9, lengthscale=0.5)
# gpy = GPy.models.GPRegression(x_data, y_data, kernel)
# my = np.zeros(len(x_new))
Esempio n. 12
x = np.array([[x1, x2] for x1 in xrange(10) for x2 in xrange(10)
              ])  # 2d sim input (no need to be a neat grid in practice)
w = np.array([0.04, 0.04])  # GP bandwidth parameter
v = 2  # GP variance parameter
vt = 0.01  # GP variance of the error epsilon

# Preparing the parameter vector
theta = np.zeros(2 + len(w))
theta[0] = np.log(
)  # We actually use the log of the parameters as it is easier to optimize (no > 0 constraint etc.)
theta[1] = np.log(vt)
theta[2:2 + len(w)] = np.log(w)

# Simulating simulation data by drawing data from a random Gaussian process
t = GaussianProcess.get_realisation(x, GaussianCovariance(), theta)

# The regression step is pretty easy:
# Input data x (list of input vectors)
# Corresponding simulation output t (just a list of floats of the same length as x)
# Covariance function of your choice (only GaussianCovariance can be used for uncertainty propagation at the moment)
gp_est = GaussianProcess(x, t, GaussianCovariance())

# Getting some values from the regression GP for plotting
x_new = np.array([[x1 / 2.0, x2 / 2.0] for x1 in xrange(20)
                  for x2 in xrange(20)])
means, variances = gp_est.estimate_many(x_new)

# Plotting the output
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D