def getSURFFeatures2(image, threshold, levels):
    image = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (3, 3), 0)
    images = []
    zero0 = np.zeros(np.shape(image))
    zero1 = np.zeros(np.shape(image))
    # zero2=removepadd(zero1,40)
    # zero3=removepadd(zero1,40)
    maxs = [0]
    for i in range(1, levels):
        temp = hessian_matrix_det(image, sigma=i)
        # temp=removepadd(temp,40)
        cv2.imwrite(str(i) + ".jpg", temp * 255)
        maxs.append(np.max(temp) / 2)
    images = np.array(images)

    row, col = np.shape(images[0])
    finalCoord = []
    for i in range(1, row - 1):
        for j in range(1, col - 1):
            for k in range(1, len(images) - 1):
                img = images[k]
                point = img[i][j]
                if (img[i][j] > min(threshold, maxs[k])):
                    grid = images[k - 1:k + 2, i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2]
                    if (np.where(grid >= point)[0].shape[0] == 1):
                        finalCoord.append([i, j, k])
    return np.array(finalCoord)
def getSURFFeatures(image, threshold, levels):
    image = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (3, 3), 0)
    images = []
    for i in range(1, levels):
        temp = hessian_matrix_det(image, sigma=i)
        temp = removepadd(temp, 40)
        cv2.imwrite(str(i) + ".jpg", temp * 255)

    row, col = np.shape(images[0])
    finalCoord = []
    for i in range(1, row - 1, 5):
        for j in range(1, col - 1, 6):
            maxPt = -1
            coord = [-1, -1, -1]
            for k in range(1, levels):
                img = images[k - 1]
                box = img[i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2]
                val = np.amax(box)
                if (val > maxPt):
                    maxPt = val
                    x, y = np.unravel_index(box.argmax(), box.shape)
                    coord = [x - 1 + i + 20, y - 1 + j + 20, k]
            img = np.array(images)[:, i - 1:i + 2, j - 1:j + 2]
            if (maxPt > threshold):
    return np.array(finalCoord)
Esempio n. 3
def hessian(img):
	scales = []
	s = 2
	k = math.pow(2,0.25)
	for i in range(12):
		image = hessian_matrix_det(img, sigma=1.2*i)
		# image = hessian_matrix_det(img, sigma=math.pow(k,i)*s)
		Hrr, Hrc, Hcc = hessian_matrix(integral_image(img), sigma=math.pow(k,i)*s, order='rc')
		det = Hrr*Hcc - np.power((0.9*Hrc),2)
	keypts = keypt(scales)
	return keypts
def get_surf_feat(sigmas, image):
    integral_img = integral_image(image)
    # integral_image = np.float(integral_img)
    surf_keypts = []

    for idx, sigma in enumerate(sigmas):
        det_o_hess = feature.hessian_matrix_det(image, sigma=sigma)
        lmax_pts = feature.peak_local_max(det_o_hess, num_peaks=50)

        for iidx in range(lmax_pts.shape[0]):
            surf_keypts.append((lmax_pts[iidx, 0], lmax_pts[iidx, 1], sigma))

    return surf_keypts
def get_feature_vector_database(img):

    integral_img = integral_image(img)
    features = []

    for sig in (sigmas):

        determinant_hessian = hessian_matrix_det(img, sigma=sig)
        coordinates = peak_local_max(determinant_hessian, num_peaks=50)

        for i in range(coordinates.shape[0]):
            features.append([coordinates[i][0], coordinates[i][1], sig])

    return features
def test_hessian_matrix_det_3d(im3d):
    D = hessian_matrix_det(im3d)
    D0 = D[D.shape[0] // 2]
    row_center, col_center = np.array(D0.shape) // 2
    # testing in 3D is hard. We test this by showing that you get the
    # expected flat-then-low-then-high 2nd derivative response in a circle
    # around the midplane of the sphere.
    circles = [draw.circle_perimeter(row_center, col_center, r, shape=D0.shape)
               for r in range(1, D0.shape[1] // 2 - 1)]
    response = np.array([np.mean(D0[c]) for c in circles])
    lowest = np.argmin(response)
    highest = np.argmax(response)
    assert lowest < highest
    assert response[lowest] < 0
    assert response[highest] > 0
Esempio n. 7
def test_hessian_matrix_det_3d(im3d):
    D = hessian_matrix_det(im3d)
    D0 = D[D.shape[0] // 2]
    row_center, col_center = np.array(D0.shape) // 2
    # testing in 3D is hard. We test this by showing that you get the
    # expected flat-then-low-then-high 2nd derivative response in a circle
    # around the midplane of the sphere.
    circles = [draw.circle_perimeter(row_center, col_center, r, shape=D0.shape)
               for r in range(1, D0.shape[1] // 2 - 1)]
    response = np.array([np.mean(D0[c]) for c in circles])
    lowest = np.argmin(response)
    highest = np.argmax(response)
    assert lowest < highest
    assert response[lowest] < 0
    assert response[highest] > 0
Esempio n. 8
    def read_image(self, image_name, size=None):
        options = self.get_options()

        if size:
            im = np.array("L").resize(size))
            im = np.array("L"))

        options["image"] = im
        feature = hessian_matrix_det(**options)

        # plt.imshow(feature)

        return feature.reshape((1, feature.shape[0] * feature.shape[1]))[0]
def find_feature_vector(image):
    # Integral Images
    feature_vector = []
    integrated_img = integral_image(image)
    S = [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5]

    for s in S:
        hess_matrix = hessian_matrix_det(image, sigma=s)
        potential_keypoints = peak_local_max(hess_matrix, num_peaks=50)

        for p in potential_keypoints:
            point = [(float)(s), (float)(p[0]), (float)(p[1])]

    refined_keypoints = remove_overlapping_blobs(feature_vector)
    return list(feature_vector)
Esempio n. 10
def surf(img, is_test=False):
    itgl_img = integral_image(img)
    threshold = 0.0002
    num_octaves = 4
    octaves = np.array([[9, 15, 21, 27], [15, 27, 39, 51], [27, 51, 75, 99],
                        [51, 99, 147, 195]])
    filter_maps = [0] * 16
    (h, w) = itgl_img.shape[:2]
    step = 1
    sigma_list = np.zeros(octaves.shape[0] * octaves.shape[1])
    for i in range(octaves.shape[0]):
        for j in range(octaves.shape[1]):
            cur_filter = octaves[i, j]
            sigma_list[i * octaves.shape[1] + j] = cur_filter * (1.2 / 9)
            filter_maps[i * octaves.shape[1] + j] = hessian_matrix_det(
                img.astype(np.float64), sigma_list[i * octaves.shape[1] + j])

    filtered_imgs = np.stack(filter_maps, axis=-1)
    extremas = find_extrema(filtered_imgs, img)

    em = extremas.astype(np.float64)
    sigmas_of_peaks = sigma_list[extremas[:, -1]]
    sigmas_of_peaks = np.expand_dims(sigmas_of_peaks, axis=1)
    em = np.hstack([em[:, :-1], sigmas_of_peaks])
    overlap = 0.2
    blobs = _prune_blobs(em, overlap)
    # print (blobs.shape)
    if is_test:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        nh, nw = img.shape
        count = 0
        ax.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest', cmap="gray")
        for blob in blobs:
            y, x, r = blob
            c = plt.Circle((x, y),
                           r * 1.414,
    #descriptor = get_descriptor(blobs, itgl_img)

    return blobs
Esempio n. 11
def find_blobs_hessian(img):
    size = 20
    img0 = np.zeros((img.shape[0]+ 2*size, img.shape[1]+ 2*size))
    img0[size:size+img.shape[0], size:size+img.shape[1]] = img

    blobs = blob_doh(img0, max_sigma=10, num_sigma=10)

    true_blobs = []
    for y0, x0, b0 in blobs:
        p0 = util.neighbour(img0, y0, x0, 1)
        y, x  = np.unravel_index(p0.argmax(), p0.shape)
        y0 += y - 1
        x0 += x - 1

        p0 = util.neighbour(img0, y0, x0, 2*b0)

        if True:
            # method 1 (hessian diagonal)
            hs0, hs1, hs2 = hessian_matrix(p0, 0.5*b0)
            q0 = 0.5 *(hs0 + hs2)
            if b0 >= 2 \
                and b0 <= 8 \
                and q0[2*b0,2*b0] > 0.95*util.neighbour(q0,2*b0,2*b0,b0).max():
            # method 2 (hessian determinant)
            q0 = hessian_matrix_det(p0, b0)
            print b0, q0[2*b0, 2*b0], util.neighbour(q0, 2*b0,2*b0,b0).max()
            if b0 >= 2 \
                and b0 <= 8 \
                and q0[2*b0,2*b0] > 0.8*util.neighbour(q0,2*b0,2*b0,b0).max():
                    true_blobs.append([y0, x0, b0])
    if len(true_blobs) > 0:
        true_blobs = np.array(true_blobs) - [size, size, 0]
    if len(blobs) > 0:
        blobs = blobs - [size, size, 0]
    return true_blobs, blobs
Esempio n. 12
def get_surf_vector(image):
    #Preprocess Image
    feature = []
    image = cv2.resize(image, DIM, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
    gray_temp = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY).astype('float')
    image = cv2.normalize(gray_temp, None, 0, 1, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
    #Get Interal/Summation Representation
    image = integral_image(image)
    for scale in scale_values:
        #Get Hessian Determinant and Get Local Maximums
        det = hessian_matrix_det(image, scale)
        blobs = peak_local_max(det)
        #We Need to Add the Scale Information to the feature
        for blob in blobs:
            x_coordinate = blob[0]
            y_coordinate = blob[1]
            point = [float(x_coordinate), float(y_coordinate), scale]
    return feature
Esempio n. 13
def get_hessian_det(data, sigma=None):
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = np.ones(data.ndim)
    dets = hessian_matrix_det(data, sigma)
    return dets
Esempio n. 14
keypointlist = []
images_path = []
for mm in range(1,11):
    strk = "images" + str(mm) + ".pickle"
    strm = "imagesname" + str(mm) + ".pickle"
    img = pickle.load(open(strk,"rb"))
    imgname = pickle.load(open(strm,"rb"))
    for ind in range(len(imgname)):
        im = cv2.resize(img[ind], (int(np.shape(img[ind])[1]/4), int(np.shape(img[ind])[0]/4) ), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
        im1 = deepcopy(im)
        img[ind] = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        img[ind] = img[ind]/255
        arr = []
        for i in range(len(sigmalist)):
            conv = hessian_matrix_det(img[ind], int(sigmalist[i]))
        t = sorted(np.reshape(arr,(np.shape(arr)[0]*np.shape(arr)[1]*np.shape(arr)[2])))[::-1][6000]
        im, blobs = nonmaxsuppr(sigmalist, im1, arr, t)
        blobs = blob._prune_blobs(np.array(blobs),0.6)
        for x in blobs:
            i = x[0]
            j = x[1]
            r = x[2]
  , (j, i), r, (0,0,255), 1)
        strr = "./surfblob/" + imgname[ind].split("\\")[1]
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print((stop - start)/len(keypointlist))
Esempio n. 15
def test_hessian_matrix_det():
    image = np.zeros((5, 5))
    image[2, 2] = 1
    det = hessian_matrix_det(image, 5)
    assert_almost_equal(det, 0, decimal=3)
Esempio n. 16
def test_hessian_matrix_det():
    image = np.zeros((5, 5))
    image[2, 2] = 1
    det = hessian_matrix_det(image, 5)
    assert_almost_equal(det, 0, decimal=3)
Esempio n. 17
 def time_hessian_matrix_det(self):
     result = feature.hessian_matrix_det(self.image, 4)
Esempio n. 18
        glcm=feature.greycomatrix(r+g+b, [1],[0,np.pi/4,np.pi/2,3*np.pi/4,np.pi], levels=3*256)#
        greycghg=feature.greycoprops(glcm, prop='homogeneity')/(256*256*9)#size1*5
        greycgcl=feature.greycoprops(glcm, prop='correlation')/(256*256*9)
        greycgeg=feature.greycoprops(glcm, prop='energy')/(256*256*9)
        greycgasm=feature.greycoprops(glcm, prop='ASM')/(256*256*9)
        greycgctt=feature.greycoprops(glcm, prop='contrast')/(256*256*9)
        lbp=feature.local_binary_pattern(imgrey, 8, np.pi/4)#size同图片
        plm=feature.peak_local_max(imgrey, min_distance=1)#多个坐标对
        st=feature.structure_tensor(imgrey, sigma=1, mode='constant', cval=0)#三个同图片一样大的矩阵
#        hmf=feature.hessian_matrix(image, sigma=1, mode='constant', 
#                                   cval=0, order=None)#6个三通道的原图大小矩阵
        hmd=feature.hessian_matrix_det(imgrey, sigma=1)#原图大小矩阵
#        hme=feature.hessian_matrix_eigvals(hmf, Hxy=None, Hyy=None)
        si=feature.shape_index(imgrey, sigma=1, mode='constant', cval=0)#原图大小矩阵
#        ckr=feature.corner_kitchen_rosenfeld(image, mode='constant', cval=0) ##原图大小矩阵 三通道               
#        ch=feature.corner_harris(imgrey, method='k', k=0.05, eps=1e-06, sigma=1)#原图大小矩阵
#        cht=feature.corner_shi_tomasi(imgrey, sigma=1)#原图大小矩阵
#        cfs=feature.corner_foerstner(imgrey, sigma=1)#2个 #原图大小矩阵
#        csb=feature.corner_subpix(image, ch, window_size=11, alpha=0.99)
        cps=feature.corner_peaks(imgrey, min_distance=1, threshold_abs=None, 
                                 threshold_rel=0.1, exclude_border=True, indices=True, 
                                 footprint=None, labels=None)#一堆坐标值
#        cmr=feature.corner_moravec(imgrey, window_size=1)#原图大小矩阵
#        cft=feature.corner_fast(imgrey, n=12, threshold=0.15)#原图大小矩阵
        corners = feature.corner_peaks(feature.corner_fast(imgrey, 9), min_distance=1)#一堆坐标
        corts=feature.corner_orientations(imgrey, corners, octagon(3, 2))#一维矩阵长度不定
#        mtem=feature.match_template(image, template, pad_input=False,
Esempio n. 19
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage.transform import integral_image as integral_image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage.feature import hessian_matrix_det
from skimage.feature import hessian_matrix, peak_local_max

# In[129]:

for m in range(len(images)):
    image = io.imread("images/" + images[m])
    image = rgb2gray(image)
    image = integral_image(image)
    scales = np.linspace(1, 8, 20)
    hessians = []
    for s in scales:
        h = hessian_matrix_det(image, s)

    h_cuboid = np.dstack(hessians)
    blobs = peak_local_max(h_cuboid)
    d = [blobs[i] for i in range(1, len(blobs), 500)]
    a = image
    Dict = []
    for i in d:
        Dict.append((i[0].item(), i[1].item(), i[2].item()))
    D = {images[m]: Dict}

    with open(images[m][:-4] + 'surf.json', 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(D, fp)
    print("Saved", images[m][:-4] + "surf.json")
Esempio n. 20
    file = path + name
    image = cv2.imread(file, 0)

    # In[11]:

    image = image / 255

    # In[13]:

    sizes = list(range(2, 11))

    # In[45]:

    g_images = []
    for i in sizes:
        temp = hessian_matrix_det(image, i)

    # In[46]:

    scale_space = np.zeros((9, image.shape[0], image.shape[1]),
    for i in range(9):
        scale_space[i] = g_images[i]

    # In[47]:

    d = []
    for i in range(9):
        s = set()
        Rmax = generic_filter(g_images[i], np.max, footprint=np.ones((3, 3)))