def state_estimation(weight_matrices, file_name, state_estimation_mode): X = weight_matrices.T # X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) if(state_estimation_mode == 'clustering_DBSCAN'): model = DBSCAN().fit(X) #eps=0.3, min_samples=10 hard_states = model.labels_ n_clusters = len(set(hard_states)) - (1 if -1 in hard_states else 0) elif(state_estimation_mode == 'NMF'): model = NMF(n_components=min(10,num_windows-1)) #alpha = 0.1, l1_ratio =0.1 #n_components=min(10,num_windows) try: W = model.fit_transform(X-np.min(X)) H = model.components_ #array, [n_components, n_features] # print(H.shape) # print(W.shape) # print(np.argmax(H,axis=0)) # print(np.argmax(H,axis=1)) # print(np.argmax(W,axis=0)) # print(np.argmax(W,axis=1)) hard_states = np.argmax(H,axis=0) except Exception as e: hard_states = np.zeros((weight_matrices.shape[0],)) n_states = len(set(hard_states)) print(file_name) print(' Estimated number of states: %d' % n_states) print(' state trajectory: ', hard_states) return hard_states
# clusters assignments for different parameter values of min_samples and eps mglearn.plots.plot_dbsacn() # after data scaling using StandardScaler or MinMaxScaler may help to find a good setting for eps X, y = make_moons(n_samples=200, noise=0.05, random_state=0) # rescale the training data to zero mean and unit variance scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = scaler.transform(X) dbscan = DBSCAN() clusters = dbscan.fit_transform(X_scaled) plt.scatter(X_scaled[:, 0], X_scaled[:, 1], c=clusters, cmap=mglearn.cm2, s=60) plt.xlabel('feature 0') plt.ylabel('feature 1') ### caompare and evaluate clustering algorithms # ARI(adjusted rand index) and NMI(normalized mutual information) are measurements to assess the outcome of a clustering algorithms relative to a ground truth clustering from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score X, y = make_moons(n_samples=200, noise=0.05, random_state=0) # rescale the training data to zero mean and unit variance scaler = StandardScaler()
class Clusterer: """ TODO - Take into account graph data - Take into account locked and unlocked papers - Add an option to lock entire slots? :type papers: list[ClusterPaper] :type data_list : list[list[string]] :type slots: list[ClusterSlot] """ bandwith_factor = 0 func = "" eps = 0.02 clusters_merged = 0 using_dbs = False paper_graph = [] papers = [] data = [] schedule = [] schedule_settings = [] slots = [] current_cluster = 1 cluster_function = None first_clustering = True num_clusters = 6 graph_dataset = None using_graph_data = False using_abstracts = False using_titles = False cluster_function = "" vocab = [] nd_data = [] def __init__(self, papers: list, schedule: list, schedule_settings: list, func): self.slots = [] self.vocab = [] self.cluster_function = func self.papers = [] self.active_papers = [] = [] self.schedule = [] self.schedule_settings = [] self.current_cluster = 1 self.num_clusters = 12 self.graph_dataset = None self.add_papers(papers) self.reset_papers() self.schedule = schedule self.schedule_settings = schedule_settings self.first_clustering = True self.get_slots() # Needed, since clustering cannot be performed if n_samples < n_clusters def set_custom_vocabulary(self, vocab_string): if vocab_string != '': words = vocab_string.split(' ') for word in words: self.vocab.append(word) def set_cluster_function(self, func): #print("num clusters: ", self.num_clusters) self.func = func self.using_dbs = False if len(self.papers) < self.num_clusters: self.num_clusters = len(self.papers) if func == 'aff': self.clusters_merged = 0 self.cluster_function = AffinityPropagation() #print("AFF: ",self.cluster_function.preferences) if func =='dbs': self.using_dbs = True self.cluster_function = DBSCAN(eps=0.02, min_samples=2) if func == 'hie': self.cluster_function = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=self.num_clusters) if func == 'kme': self.cluster_function = KMeans(n_clusters=self.num_clusters) if func == 'msh': self.cluster_function = MeanShift() if func == 'kmm': self.cluster_function = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=self.num_clusters) def add_papers(self, papers: list): for paper in papers: paper_to_add = ClusterPaper(paper) self.papers.append(paper_to_add) self.active_papers = self.papers def add_slot_times(self, schedule_settings: list): self.schedule_settings = schedule_settings def add_graph(self, con_str): """ Constructs a graph based on the papers currently in the class, and a string describing connections in the graph. The graph is stored in self.paper_graph. On top of that, a dataset created from the graph is stored in self.graph_dataset :param con_str: string :return: None """ con_list = ast.literal_eval(con_str) self.paper_graph = PaperGraph() # First, add paper ids as nodes for paper in self.papers: self.paper_graph.add_node( # Then add connections for con in con_list: id1 = con[0] id2 = con[1] weight = con[2] # id1 and id2 are submission ids of a paper and need to be converted into regular ids found1 = False found2 = False for paper in self.papers: if paper.paper.submission_id == id1: id1 = found1 = True break for paper in self.papers: if paper.paper.submission_id == id2: id2 = found2 = True break # Then we can add the connection if found1 == True and found2 == True: self.paper_graph.add_connection(id1, id2, weight) # Create a probability matrix # self.paper_graph.create_probability_matrix() """ print(self.paper_graph.prob_matrix[0]) print(self.paper_graph.nodes[0]) print("sums") """ graph_dataset = [] for node in self.paper_graph.nodes: pr = self.paper_graph.get_pr(node) graph_dataset.append(pr.tolist()) self.graph_dataset = graph_dataset def get_slots(self): """ Calculates the slots that will have to be filled based on the schedule structure and saves their lengths it into self.slot_lengths. Also saves the amount of slots into self.num_slot. Also saves the type of slot into self.parallel_slots :return: None """ # Each unfilled schedule slot (a slot with no assigned papers) requires its own cluster for d,day in enumerate(self.schedule): for r,row in enumerate(day): if(len(row) > 1): is_parallel = True parent_slot = ClusterSlot() for c, col in enumerate(row): if col == []: sub_slot = ClusterSlot() sub_slot.length = self.schedule_settings[d][r][c] sub_slot.coords = [d,r,c] sub_slot.is_parallel = is_parallel parent_slot.is_parallel = True parent_slot.sub_slots.append(sub_slot) # The parent slot length can be defined as the sum of all subslot lengths parent_slot.length += sub_slot.length self.slots.append(parent_slot) else: is_parallel = False for c,col in enumerate(row): if col == []: slot_to_add = ClusterSlot() slot_to_add.length = self.schedule_settings[d][r][c] slot_to_add.coords = [d,r,c] slot_to_add.is_parallel = is_parallel self.slots.append(slot_to_add) def simple_get_slots(self): for d,day in enumerate(self.schedule): for r,row in enumerate(day): if(len(row) > 1): is_parallel = True else: is_parallel = False for c,col in enumerate(row): if col == []: slot_to_add = ClusterSlot() slot_to_add.length = self.schedule_settings[d][r][c] slot_to_add.coords = [d,r,c] slot_to_add.is_parallel = is_parallel self.slots.append(slot_to_add) def create_dataset(self): self.data_list = [] abstracts = [] titles = [] #print("VOCAB: ", self.vocab) if self.vocab == []: count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english') else: count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=self.vocab) tfid_transformer = TfidfTransformer() abstract_data = None title_data = None graph_data = None for paper in self.papers: abstracts.append(paper.paper.abstract) titles.append(paper.paper.title) if self.using_abstracts == True: #print("using abstract data") abstract_count = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(abstracts) abstract_tfid = tfid_transformer.fit_transform(abstract_count) abstract_data = abstract_tfid #print(abstract_data) if self.using_titles == True: #print("using title data") title_count = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(titles) abstract_tfid = tfid_transformer.fit_transform(title_count) title_data = abstract_tfid #print(title_data.toarray(), len(self.papers)) if self.using_graph_data == True: #print("using graph data") graph_data = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(np.matrix(self.graph_dataset)) #print(graph_data) = [] for paper in self.papers:[1]) #print("MAT ", if abstract_data != None: = scipy.sparse.hstack([, abstract_data]) if title_data != None: = scipy.sparse.hstack([, title_data]) if graph_data != None: = scipy.sparse.hstack([, graph_data]) # Reduce data to two dimensions #print("nd data: ", self.nd_data = #print("SHAPE ",[1]) if[1] > 50: svd_data = TruncatedSVD(n_components=50).fit_transform( tsne_data = TSNE(n_components=2, metric='cosine').fit_transform(svd_data) elif[1] < 10: #print("PCA") svd_data = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform( tsne_data = svd_data if len(tsne_data) == 1: tsne_data = [[1,0]] else: svd_data = tsne_data = TSNE(n_components=2, metric='cosine').fit_transform(svd_data) = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(tsne_data) = # Normalize data to max x and y == 1 #print("before normalization: ", max_x = 0 max_y = 0 min_x = 0 min_y = 0 for row in x = row[0] y = row[1] if x > max_x: max_x = x if y > max_y: max_y = y if x < min_x: min_x = x if y < min_y: min_y = y for row in if(max_x-min_x != 0): row[0] = (row[0] - min_x) / (max_x - min_x) else: row[0] = 0 if(max_y-min_y != 0): row[1] = (row[1] - min_y) / (max_y - min_y) else: row[1] = 0 if(self.func == "msh"): try: band = estimate_bandwidth( except ValueError: return False band = band*(self.bandwith_factor/100) if band == 0: return False self.cluster_function = MeanShift(bandwidth=band) return True def basic_clustering(self): data = #print("2d data: ", data) cluster_values = self.cluster_function.fit_predict(data).tolist() if self.func == 'kmm' or self.func == 'kme': cluster_distances = self.cluster_function.fit_transform(data) else: cluster_distances = [] for paper in self.papers: d = [] for a in range(0,len(cluster_values)): d.append(0) cluster_distances.append(d) if self.using_dbs: #print("USING DBS") ok_clusters = cluster_values.count(1) if ok_clusters == 0: self.eps += 0.002 self.cluster_function = DBSCAN(eps=self.eps, min_samples=5) if self.eps > 1: print("DBS ERROR") return return self.basic_clustering() for index,distance in enumerate(cluster_distances): self.papers[index].cluster_distances = distance for index,value in enumerate(cluster_values): self.papers[index].cluster = value # Assign basic clusters to papers if self.first_clustering == True: #print("first clustering") for index,paper in enumerate(self.papers): #print("assigned ", paper.cluster, "to paper " ,paper.paper.title) paper.paper.simple_cluster = paper.cluster+1 paper.paper.simple_visual_x =[index][0] paper.paper.simple_visual_y =[index][1] paper.paper.visual_x =[index][0] paper.paper.visual_y =[index][1] self.first_clustering = False # Get coordinates for visualization self.get_coords() #for i in range(0,len(self.cluster_distances)): # print(self.papers[i].title, "-", self.cluster_distances[i]) for index,paper in enumerate(self.papers): pass #print(self.num_clusters, " assigned ", paper.cluster, "to paper " ,paper.paper.title) def find_papers_with_sum(self, set, subset, desired_sum, curr_index, result): # return after finding 10 combinations if len(result) >= 10: return lens = [p.paper.length for p in subset] if sum(lens) == desired_sum: indexes = [] for paper in subset: indexes.append(self.papers.index(paper)) result.append(indexes) return if sum(lens) > desired_sum: return for i in range(curr_index, len(set)): self.find_papers_with_sum(set, subset + [set[i]], desired_sum, i+1, result) def get_coords(self): if(len(self.papers) == 1): visual_coords_x = [0] visual_coords_y = [0] else: self.create_dataset() #print("--------------COORDS------------") #print(pca_data[:,0]) #print(pca_data[:,1]) visual_coords_x =[:,0] visual_coords_y =[:,1] for index, x in enumerate(visual_coords_x): #self.papers[index].paper.visual_x = x self.papers[index] for index, y in enumerate(visual_coords_y): #self.papers[index].paper.visual_y = y self.papers[index] def reset_papers(self): for paper in self.papers: paper.paper.add_to_day = -1 paper.paper.add_to_row = -1 paper.paper.add_to_col = -1 paper.paper.cluster = 0 paper.paper.simple_cluster = 0 def fit_to_schedule2(self): #print("started fitting") """ An alternate approach approach: 1.) Perform clustering with basic_clustering - done manually in the view 2.) Select a cluster with papers most similar to one another and fill a slot 3.) Fill slots in the following order: single slots, parallel slots 4.) With parallel slots, each slot should be filled with papers from a different cluster - prefferebly the cluster centroids of such clusters should be as far away as possible 5.) Repeat untill all slots are filled """ # The following is repeated for every cluster independently # Slot lengths are initialized in __init__ previous_clusters = [] # Used when picking clusters for parallel slots slots_to_delete = [] while self.slots != []: #print("slots") #for slot in self.slots: #print(slot.length, slot.is_parallel, slot.sub_slots) do_break = False # Get biggest empty slot - only select parallel slots once all non-parallel slots have already been filled slot_length = 0 slot_index = 0 sub_slot = None num_nonparallel = 0 for slot in self.slots: if slot.is_parallel == False: num_nonparallel += 1 for index,slot in enumerate(self.slots): if slot.length > slot_length: # Skip parallel slots until there are no other options if num_nonparallel > 0 and slot.is_parallel == True: continue if slot.is_parallel: # Ignore empty slots - they will be deleted later if(len(slot.sub_slots) == 0): previous_clusters = [] slots_to_delete.append(index) continue # For parallel slots, pick the first unfilled subslot. If all subslots have been filled, # delete the slot and continue else: sub_slot = slot.sub_slots[0] slot_length = sub_slot.length else: # slot is not parallel slot_length = slot.length slot_index = index # If slot is not parallel, select a single cluster if slot_length == 0: break if not self.slots[slot_index].is_parallel: # Select biggest cluster cluster_values = [paper.cluster for paper in self.papers] max_cluster_index = max(cluster_values) #print("values ", cluster_values) cluster_sizes = [cluster_values.count(i) for i in range(0, max_cluster_index+1)] max_cluster = cluster_sizes.index(max(cluster_sizes)) # Get papers from that cluster cluster_papers = [p for p in self.papers if p.cluster == max_cluster] else: # If the slot is parallel, then consider previous clusters cluster_values = [paper.cluster for paper in self.papers] cluster_sizes = [cluster_values.count(i) for i in range(0, len(self.papers))] max_size = 0 max_cluster = None for index,size in enumerate(cluster_sizes): if index in previous_clusters: #print("PREVIOUS CLUSTER") continue if size > max_size: max_size = size max_cluster = index if max_cluster == None: max_cluster = cluster_sizes.index(max(cluster_sizes)) # This means that there is not enough clusters to ignore previous clusters, so we don't pass cluster_papers = [p for p in self.papers if p.cluster == max_cluster] #print(cluster_sizes) #print("SELECTED ", max_cluster, " with size", len(cluster_papers)) # If slot is parallel, then the previous clusters must also be considered - simultaneous parallel slots should # be filled whith papers from different clusters # Select papers that fit into the slot papers = [] #print("finding papers") self.find_papers_with_sum(cluster_papers, [], slot_length, 0, papers) #print("found papers") #print(papers) if papers == []: # This happens when there are no papers, that can completely fill a slot in the largest cluster. # In this case, it makes sense to rerun clustering with less clusters, as that should produce clusters # with more papers. # If even that doesnt help, then the function should end end report this to the user if self.func=="msh": cond = (self.bandwith_factor >= 300) if self.func=="hie" or self.func=="kmm" or self.func == "kme": cond = (self.num_clusters == 0) if self.func=="aff": #print("starting merge") merged = [] # This one is problematic - manually merge clusters cond = False centers = self.cluster_function.cluster_centers_ self.clusters_merged += 1 if self.clusters_merged >= 20: print("failed to cluster") return False for x in range(self.clusters_merged): # Merge 2 nearest clusters min_dist = 1000000 cluster1 = 0 cluster2 = 0 for i in range(len(centers)): coord1 = np.array(centers[i]) if i in merged: continue for j in range(i+1,len(centers)): if j in merged: continue coord2 = np.array(centers[j]) if np.linalg.norm(coord1-coord2) < min_dist: cluster1 = i cluster2 = j min_dist = np.linalg.norm(coord1-coord2) #print("merged ", cluster1, cluster2) merged.append(cluster1) # Change paper clusters for paper in self.papers: if paper.cluster == cluster1: paper.cluster = cluster2 return self.fit_to_schedule2() if cond: print("failed to cluster") return False else: # Needed, since clustering cannot be performed if n_samples < n_clusters self.num_clusters -= 1 if self.num_clusters == 0 and (self.func=="hie" or self.func=="kmm" or self.func == "kme"): print("failed to cluster") return False self.bandwith_factor += 10 self.set_cluster_function(self.func) if not self.create_dataset(): print("failed to cluster") return False self.basic_clustering() #print("NO SUITABLE COMBINATION FOUND2") return self.fit_to_schedule2() else: # if there are multiple fitting groups in the same cluster, select the group with the smallest error selected_index = 0 if len(papers) > 1: min_error = 9999999999999 for index,subset in enumerate(papers): error = 0 for paper in subset: error += self.papers[paper].cluster_distances[max_cluster]*self.papers[paper].cluster_distances[max_cluster] if error < min_error: selected_index = index min_error = error # Update the papers' add_to_day/row/col fields. This fields will then be used to add the papers into the schedule # Also update the papers' cluster field ids = [self.papers[i] for i in papers[selected_index]] papers_to_update = [(self.papers[i],i) for i in papers[selected_index]] #print("PAPERS TO UPATE: ", papers_to_update) # Return the cluster coordinates - used for visualization for paper, index in papers_to_update: paper.paper.cluster = self.current_cluster if not self.slots[slot_index].is_parallel: coords = self.slots[slot_index].coords else: coords = sub_slot.coords paper.paper.add_to_day = coords[0] paper.paper.add_to_row = coords[1] paper.paper.add_to_col = coords[2] #print("COORD ", index, self.visual_coords_x[index], self.visual_coords_y[index]) self.current_cluster += 1 # remove the assigned papers from this class, since they no longer need to be assigned offset = 0 for paper, index in papers_to_update: self.papers.remove(paper) # Remove the relevant line from graph dataset if self.using_graph_data == True: graph = len(self.graph_dataset) del self.graph_dataset[index - offset] # since indexes are sorted in asending order, they must be updated, which is handled by offset offset += 1 # also remove the information about the slot if not self.slots[slot_index].is_parallel: del self.slots[slot_index] else: previous_clusters.append(max_cluster) del self.slots[slot_index].sub_slots[0] # delete marked slot #print("SLOTS TO DELETE: ", slots_to_delete, len(self.slots)) if len(slots_to_delete) > 0: del self.slots[slots_to_delete[0]] del slots_to_delete[0]
class Clusterer: """ TODO - Take into account graph data - Take into account locked and unlocked papers - Add an option to lock entire slots? :type papers: list[ClusterPaper] :type data_list : list[list[string]] :type slots: list[ClusterSlot] """ bandwith_factor = 0 func = "" eps = 0.02 clusters_merged = 0 using_dbs = False paper_graph = [] papers = [] data = [] schedule = [] schedule_settings = [] paper_schedule = [] # Needed when filling non-empty slots slots = [] locked_slots = [] # Slots containing a locked paper current_cluster = 1 first_clustering = True num_clusters = 6 graph_dataset = None using_graph_data = False using_abstracts = False using_titles = False cluster_function = "" vocab = [] nd_data = [] def __init__(self, papers: list, schedule: list, schedule_settings: list, paper_schedule: list, func): self.slots = [] self.vocab = [] self.cluster_function = func self.papers = [] self.active_papers = [] = [] self.schedule = [] self.schedule_settings = [] self.current_cluster = 1 self.num_clusters = 12 self.graph_dataset = None self.add_papers(papers) self.reset_papers() self.schedule = schedule self.schedule_settings = schedule_settings self.paper_schedule = paper_schedule self.first_clustering = True self.get_slots() # Needed, since clustering cannot be performed if n_samples < n_clusters def set_custom_vocabulary(self, vocab_string): if vocab_string != '': words = vocab_string.split(' ') for word in words: self.vocab.append(word) def set_cluster_function(self, func): # print("num clusters: ", self.num_clusters) self.func = func self.using_dbs = False if len(self.papers) < self.num_clusters: self.num_clusters = len(self.papers) if func == 'aff': self.clusters_merged = 0 self.cluster_function = AffinityPropagation() # print("AFF: ",self.cluster_function.preferences) if func == 'dbs': self.using_dbs = True self.cluster_function = DBSCAN(eps=0.02, min_samples=2) if func == 'hie': self.cluster_function = AgglomerativeClustering( n_clusters=self.num_clusters) if func == 'kme': self.cluster_function = KMeans(n_clusters=self.num_clusters) if func == 'msh': self.cluster_function = MeanShift() if func == 'kmm': self.cluster_function = MiniBatchKMeans( n_clusters=self.num_clusters) def add_papers(self, papers: list): for paper in papers: paper_to_add = ClusterPaper(paper) self.papers.append(paper_to_add) self.active_papers = self.papers def add_slot_times(self, schedule_settings: list): self.schedule_settings = schedule_settings def add_graph(self, con_str): """ Constructs a graph based on the papers currently in the class, and a string describing connections in the graph. The graph is stored in self.paper_graph. On top of that, a dataset created from the graph is stored in self.graph_dataset :param con_str: string :return: None """ con_list = ast.literal_eval(con_str) self.paper_graph = PaperGraph() # First, add paper ids as nodes for paper in self.papers: self.paper_graph.add_node( # Then add connections for con in con_list: id1 = con[0] id2 = con[1] weight = con[2] # id1 and id2 are submission ids of a paper and need to be converted into regular ids found1 = False found2 = False for paper in self.papers: if paper.paper.submission_id == id1: id1 = found1 = True break for paper in self.papers: if paper.paper.submission_id == id2: id2 = found2 = True break # Then we can add the connection if found1 == True and found2 == True: self.paper_graph.add_connection(id1, id2, weight) # Create a probability matrix # self.paper_graph.create_probability_matrix() """ print(self.paper_graph.prob_matrix[0]) print(self.paper_graph.nodes[0]) print("sums") """ graph_dataset = [] for node in self.paper_graph.review_preferences_graph.nodes(): pr = self.paper_graph.get_pr(node) graph_dataset.append(pr.tolist()) self.graph_dataset = graph_dataset #nx.draw(self.paper_graph.review_preferences_graph, node_color='c', edge_color='k', with_labels=True) #plt.draw() def get_slots(self): """ Calculates the slots that will have to be filled based on the schedule structure and saves their lengths it into self.slot_lengths. Also saves the amount of slots into self.num_slot. Also saves the type of slot into self.parallel_slots :return: None """ # Each unfilled schedule slot (a slot with no assigned papers) requires its own cluster for d, day in enumerate(self.schedule): for r, row in enumerate(day): if (len(row) > 1): is_parallel = True parent_slot = ClusterSlot() for c, col in enumerate(row): # Empty slots if col == []: sub_slot = ClusterSlot() sub_slot.length = self.schedule_settings[d][r][c] sub_slot.coords = [d, r, c] sub_slot.is_parallel = is_parallel parent_slot.is_parallel = True parent_slot.sub_slots.append(sub_slot) # The parent slot length can be defined as the sum of all subslot lengths parent_slot.length += sub_slot.length # filled slots else: sub_slot = ClusterSlot() sub_slot.length = self.schedule_settings[d][r][c] sub_slot.coords = [d, r, c] self.locked_slots.append(sub_slot) print("Locked slot " + str(sub_slot.coords)) self.slots.append(parent_slot) else: is_parallel = False for c, col in enumerate(row): if col == []: slot_to_add = ClusterSlot() slot_to_add.length = self.schedule_settings[d][r][ c] slot_to_add.coords = [d, r, c] slot_to_add.is_parallel = is_parallel self.slots.append(slot_to_add) else: sub_slot = ClusterSlot() sub_slot.length = self.schedule_settings[d][r][c] sub_slot.coords = [d, r, c] self.locked_slots.append(sub_slot) print("Locked slot " + str(sub_slot.coords)) def simple_get_slots(self): for d, day in enumerate(self.schedule): for r, row in enumerate(day): if (len(row) > 1): is_parallel = True else: is_parallel = False for c, col in enumerate(row): if col == []: slot_to_add = ClusterSlot() slot_to_add.length = self.schedule_settings[d][r][c] slot_to_add.coords = [d, r, c] slot_to_add.is_parallel = is_parallel self.slots.append(slot_to_add) def create_dataset(self): self.data_list = [] abstracts = [] titles = [] # print("VOCAB: ", self.vocab) if self.vocab == []: count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english') else: count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=self.vocab) tfid_transformer = TfidfTransformer() abstract_data = None title_data = None graph_data = None for paper in self.papers: abstracts.append(paper.paper.abstract) titles.append(paper.paper.title) if self.using_abstracts == True: # print("using abstract data") abstract_count = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(abstracts) abstract_tfid = tfid_transformer.fit_transform(abstract_count) abstract_data = abstract_tfid # print(abstract_data) if self.using_titles == True: # print("using title data") title_count = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(titles) abstract_tfid = tfid_transformer.fit_transform(title_count) title_data = abstract_tfid # print(title_data.toarray(), len(self.papers)) if self.using_graph_data == True: # print("using graph data") graph_data = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(np.matrix(self.graph_dataset)) # print(graph_data) = [] for paper in self.papers:[1]) = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( # print("MAT ", if abstract_data != None: = scipy.sparse.hstack([, abstract_data]) if title_data != None: = scipy.sparse.hstack([, title_data]) if graph_data != None: = scipy.sparse.hstack([, graph_data]) # Reduce data to two dimensions # print("nd data: ", self.nd_data = # print("SHAPE ",[1]) """ if[1] > 50: svd_data = TruncatedSVD(n_components=50).fit_transform( tsne_data = TSNE(n_components=2, metric='cosine').fit_transform(svd_data) elif[1] < 10: # print("PCA") svd_data = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform( tsne_data = svd_data if len(tsne_data) == 1: tsne_data = [[1, 0]] else: svd_data = tsne_data = TSNE(n_components=2, metric='cosine').fit_transform(svd_data) = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(tsne_data) """ = # Normalize data to max x and y == 1 # print("before normalization: ", max_x = 0 max_y = 0 min_x = 0 min_y = 0 for row in x = row[0] y = row[1] if x > max_x: max_x = x if y > max_y: max_y = y if x < min_x: min_x = x if y < min_y: min_y = y for row in if max_x - min_x != 0: row[0] = (row[0] - min_x) / (max_x - min_x) else: row[0] = 0 if max_y - min_y != 0: row[1] = (row[1] - min_y) / (max_y - min_y) else: row[1] = 0 if self.func == "msh": try: band = estimate_bandwidth( except ValueError: return False band = band * (self.bandwith_factor / 100) if band == 0: return False self.cluster_function = MeanShift(bandwidth=band) return True def basic_clustering(self): data = # print("2d data: ", data) cluster_values = self.cluster_function.fit_predict(data).tolist() if self.func == 'kmm' or self.func == 'kme': cluster_distances = self.cluster_function.fit_transform(data) else: cluster_distances = [] for paper in self.papers: d = [] for a in range(0, len(cluster_values)): d.append(0) cluster_distances.append(d) if self.using_dbs: # print("USING DBS") ok_clusters = cluster_values.count(1) if ok_clusters == 0: self.eps += 0.002 self.cluster_function = DBSCAN(eps=self.eps, min_samples=5) if self.eps > 1: print("DBS ERROR") return return self.basic_clustering() for index, distance in enumerate(cluster_distances): self.papers[index].cluster_distances = distance for index, value in enumerate(cluster_values): self.papers[index].cluster = value # Assign basic clusters to papers if self.first_clustering == True: # print("first clustering") for index, paper in enumerate(self.papers): # print("assigned ", paper.cluster, "to paper " ,paper.paper.title) paper.paper.simple_cluster = paper.cluster + 1 paper.paper.simple_visual_x =[index][0] paper.paper.simple_visual_y =[index][1] paper.paper.visual_x =[index][0] paper.paper.visual_y =[index][1] self.first_clustering = False # Get coordinates for visualization self.get_coords() # for i in range(0,len(self.cluster_distances)): # print(self.papers[i].title, "-", self.cluster_distances[i]) for index, paper in enumerate(self.papers): pass # print(self.num_clusters, " assigned ", paper.cluster, "to paper " ,paper.paper.title) def find_papers_with_sum(self, set, subset, desired_sum, curr_index, result): # return after finding 10 combinations if len(result) >= 10: return lens = [p.paper.length for p in subset] if sum(lens) == desired_sum: indexes = [] for paper in subset: indexes.append(self.papers.index(paper)) result.append(indexes) return if sum(lens) > desired_sum: return for i in range(curr_index, len(set)): self.find_papers_with_sum(set, subset + [set[i]], desired_sum, i + 1, result) def get_coords(self): if (len(self.papers) == 1): visual_coords_x = [0] visual_coords_y = [0] else: self.create_dataset() # print("--------------COORDS------------") # print(pca_data[:,0]) # print(pca_data[:,1]) visual_coords_x =[:, 0] visual_coords_y =[:, 1] for index, x in enumerate(visual_coords_x): # self.papers[index].paper.visual_x = x self.papers[index] for index, y in enumerate(visual_coords_y): # self.papers[index].paper.visual_y = y self.papers[index] def reset_papers(self): for paper in self.papers: paper.paper.add_to_day = -1 paper.paper.add_to_row = -1 paper.paper.add_to_col = -1 paper.paper.cluster = 0 paper.paper.simple_cluster = 0 def fit_to_schedule2(self): # print("started fitting") """ An alternate approach approach: 1.) Perform clustering with basic_clustering - done manually in the view 2.) Select a cluster with papers most similar to one another and fill a slot 3.) Fill slots in the following order: single slots, parallel slots 4.) With parallel slots, each slot should be filled with papers from a different cluster - prefferebly the cluster centroids of such clusters should be as far away as possible 5.) Repeat untill all slots are filled """ # The following is repeated for every cluster independently # Slot lengths are initialized in __init__ previous_clusters = [] # Used when picking clusters for parallel slots slots_to_delete = [] # First fill out slots with locked papers by filling them with similar papers # Since there is no guarantee multiple locked papers will be from the same cluster only look at one of them for locked_slot in self.locked_slots: # Find first locked paper of the slot - all non locked are already removed at this point day = locked_slot.coords[0] row = locked_slot.coords[1] col = locked_slot.coords[2] locked_paper_id = self.paper_schedule[day][row][col][0] # Find ths cluster containing the paper containing_cluster = 0 for paper in self.papers: if paper.paper.submission_id == locked_paper_id: containing_cluster = paper.cluster # The length of papers in the slot must be subtracted from the slot length for paper_id in self.paper_schedule[day][row][col]: for paper in self.papers: if paper.paper.submission_id == paper_id: locked_slot.length -= paper.paper.length # Fit slot with papers from the same cluster, if able cluster_papers = [ p for p in self.papers if p.cluster == containing_cluster ] papers = [] self.find_papers_with_sum(cluster_papers, [], locked_slot.length, 0, papers) # If the cluster does not contain enough papers, try with all papers if len(papers) == 0: self.find_papers_with_sum(self.papers, [], locked_slot.length, 0, papers) # If a valid combination cannut be found even with this, the slot cannot be fitted if len(papers) == 0: continue # if there are multiple fitting groups in the same cluster, select the group with the smallest error selected_index = 0 if len(papers) > 1: min_error = 9999999999999 for index, subset in enumerate(papers): error = 0 for paper in subset: error += self.papers[paper].cluster_distances[containing_cluster] * \ self.papers[paper].cluster_distances[containing_cluster] if error < min_error: selected_index = index min_error = error print(str(len(self.papers))) print(str(len(papers))) # ids = [self.papers[i] for i in papers[selected_index]] papers_to_update = [(self.papers[i], i) for i in papers[selected_index]] print('papers_to_update in locked slot', papers_to_update) # print("PAPERS TO UPATE: ", papers_to_update) # Return the cluster coordinates - used for visualization for paper, index in papers_to_update: paper.paper.cluster = self.current_cluster coords = locked_slot.coords paper.paper.add_to_day = coords[0] paper.paper.add_to_row = coords[1] paper.paper.add_to_col = coords[2] # print("COORD ", index, self.visual_coords_x[index], self.visual_coords_y[index]) self.current_cluster += 1 # remove the assigned papers from this class, since they no longer need to be assigned offset = 0 for paper, index in papers_to_update: self.papers.remove(paper) # Remove the relevant line from graph dataset if self.using_graph_data == True: graph = len(self.graph_dataset) del self.graph_dataset[index - offset] # since indexes are sorted in asending order, they must be updated, which is handled by offset offset += 1 # also remove the information about the slot del locked_slot # delete marked slot # print("SLOTS TO DELETE: ", slots_to_delete, len(self.slots)) if len(slots_to_delete) > 0: del self.slots[slots_to_delete[0]] del slots_to_delete[0] while self.slots != []: # print("slots") # for slot in self.slots: # print(slot.length, slot.is_parallel, slot.sub_slots) do_break = False # Get biggest empty slot - only select parallel slots once all non-parallel slots have already been filled slot_length = 0 slot_index = 0 sub_slot = None num_nonparallel = 0 for slot in self.slots: if slot.is_parallel == False: num_nonparallel += 1 for index, slot in enumerate(self.slots): if slot.length > slot_length: # Skip parallel slots until there are no other options if num_nonparallel > 0 and slot.is_parallel == True: continue if slot.is_parallel: # Ignore empty slots - they will be deleted later if (len(slot.sub_slots) == 0): previous_clusters = [] slots_to_delete.append(index) continue # For parallel slots, pick the first unfilled subslot. If all subslots have been filled, # delete the slot and continue else: sub_slot = slot.sub_slots[0] slot_length = sub_slot.length else: # slot is not parallel slot_length = slot.length slot_index = index # If slot is not parallel, select a single cluster if slot_length == 0: break if not self.slots[slot_index].is_parallel: # Select biggest cluster cluster_values = [paper.cluster for paper in self.papers] max_cluster_index = max(cluster_values) # print("values ", cluster_values) cluster_sizes = [ cluster_values.count(i) for i in range(0, max_cluster_index + 1) ] max_cluster = cluster_sizes.index(max(cluster_sizes)) # Get papers from that cluster cluster_papers = [ p for p in self.papers if p.cluster == max_cluster ] else: # If the slot is parallel, then consider previous clusters cluster_values = [paper.cluster for paper in self.papers] cluster_sizes = [ cluster_values.count(i) for i in range(0, len(self.papers)) ] max_size = 0 max_cluster = None for index, size in enumerate(cluster_sizes): if index in previous_clusters: # print("PREVIOUS CLUSTER") continue if size > max_size: max_size = size max_cluster = index if max_cluster == None: max_cluster = cluster_sizes.index(max(cluster_sizes)) # This means that there is not enough clusters to ignore previous clusters, so we don't pass cluster_papers = [ p for p in self.papers if p.cluster == max_cluster ] print('cluster_papers', cluster_papers) # print(cluster_sizes) print("SELECTED ", max_cluster, " with size", len(cluster_papers)) # If slot is parallel, then the previous clusters must also be considered - simultaneous parallel slots should # be filled whith papers from different clusters # Select papers that fit into the slot papers = [] # print("finding papers") self.find_papers_with_sum(cluster_papers, [], slot_length, 0, papers) print("papers_with_sum", papers) # print(papers) if papers == []: # This happens when there are no papers, that can completely fill a slot in the largest cluster. # In this case, it makes sense to rerun clustering with less clusters, as that should produce clusters # with more papers. # If even that doesnt help, then the function should end end report this to the user if self.func == "msh": cond = (self.bandwith_factor >= 300) if self.func == "hie" or self.func == "kmm" or self.func == "kme": cond = (self.num_clusters == 0) if self.func == "aff": # print("starting merge") merged = [] # This one is problematic - manually merge clusters cond = False centers = self.cluster_function.cluster_centers_ self.clusters_merged += 1 if self.clusters_merged >= 20: print("failed to cluster") return False for x in range(self.clusters_merged): # Merge 2 nearest clusters min_dist = 1000000 cluster1 = 0 cluster2 = 0 for i in range(len(centers)): coord1 = np.array(centers[i]) if i in merged: continue for j in range(i + 1, len(centers)): if j in merged: continue coord2 = np.array(centers[j]) if np.linalg.norm(coord1 - coord2) < min_dist: cluster1 = i cluster2 = j min_dist = np.linalg.norm(coord1 - coord2) # print("merged ", cluster1, cluster2) merged.append(cluster1) # Change paper clusters for paper in self.papers: if paper.cluster == cluster1: paper.cluster = cluster2 return self.fit_to_schedule2() if cond: print("failed to cluster") return False else: # Needed, since clustering cannot be performed if n_samples < n_clusters self.num_clusters -= 1 if self.num_clusters == 0 and (self.func == "hie" or self.func == "kmm" or self.func == "kme"): print("failed to cluster") return False self.bandwith_factor += 10 self.set_cluster_function(self.func) if not self.create_dataset(): print("failed to cluster") return False self.basic_clustering() # print("NO SUITABLE COMBINATION FOUND2") return self.fit_to_schedule2() else: # if there are multiple fitting groups in the same cluster, select the group with the smallest error selected_index = 0 if len(papers) > 1: min_error = 9999999999999 for index, subset in enumerate(papers): error = 0 for paper in subset: error += self.papers[paper].cluster_distances[max_cluster] * \ self.papers[paper].cluster_distances[max_cluster] if error < min_error: selected_index = index min_error = error # Update the papers' add_to_day/row/col fields. This fields will then be used to add the papers into the schedule # Also update the papers' cluster field ids = [self.papers[i] for i in papers[selected_index]] papers_to_update = [(self.papers[i], i) for i in papers[selected_index]] # print("PAPERS TO UPATE: ", papers_to_update) # Return the cluster coordinates - used for visualization for paper, index in papers_to_update: paper.paper.cluster = self.current_cluster if not self.slots[slot_index].is_parallel: coords = self.slots[slot_index].coords else: coords = sub_slot.coords paper.paper.add_to_day = coords[0] paper.paper.add_to_row = coords[1] paper.paper.add_to_col = coords[2] # print("COORD ", index, self.visual_coords_x[index], self.visual_coords_y[index]) self.current_cluster += 1 # remove the assigned papers from this class, since they no longer need to be assigned offset = 0 for paper, index in papers_to_update: self.papers.remove(paper) # Remove the relevant line from graph dataset if self.using_graph_data == True: graph = len(self.graph_dataset) del self.graph_dataset[index - offset] # since indexes are sorted in asending order, they must be updated, which is handled by offset offset += 1 # also remove the information about the slot if not self.slots[slot_index].is_parallel: del self.slots[slot_index] else: previous_clusters.append(max_cluster) del self.slots[slot_index].sub_slots[0] # delete marked slot # print("SLOTS TO DELETE: ", slots_to_delete, len(self.slots)) if len(slots_to_delete) > 0: del self.slots[slots_to_delete[0]] del slots_to_delete[0]