Esempio n. 1
    def cluster_spectral(self, W, num_clusters, spectral_cluster=None):
        if spectral_cluster is None:
            spectral_cluster = SpectralClustering()
            I = spectral_cluster.fit_predict(W)
            print 'Spectral clustering failed, clustering on identity matrix'
                #I = spectral_cluster.fit_predict(np.eye(W.shape[0]))
                I = np.random.choice(range(0, num_clusters), W.shape[0])
                I = np.random.choice(range(0, num_clusters), W.shape[0])

        return spectral_cluster, I
Esempio n. 2
    def cluster_reproducibility(self, repeats=None, clusters=50):
        """ Given the tag co-occurence arrays generated by the train
        method, use the spectral clustering method in sklearn and the
        known (or desired) number of clusters to assign tags to
        specific clusters.
        Required input:
        Optional input:
            repeats - a set of co-occurence arrays to cluster using
                spectral methods. If not supplied, this method
                defaults to self.repeats which is the data generated
                by the train() method.
            labels - the tags corresponding to the feature vectors.
                Labels must be correctly ordered, obviously.
            None ----BUT---- generates the following analysis in the
            self namespace.'
            1. self.reproduction_matrices: a reorganization of the
                repeats data into block diagonal form.
            2. self.reproduction_analysis: a list of dictionaries.
                Each dictionary has two keys: 'members' and 'sizes'.
                'members' lists the tag membership of each cluster
                in terms of the indices of the feature vectors represented
                by samples in train(),arranged by size.
                'sizes' gives the size of each
                cluster. The index of the self.reproduction_analysis
                list gives the number of clusters remainging from
                the agglomeration. For example,
                self.reproduction_analysis[10][4]['members'] lists the
                tag indices of the 5th largest cluster when there are
                11 clusters remaining from the agglomeration.
        def _find(where, what):
            """ Helper """
            return np.where(where == what[0])[0].tolist()
        from sklearn.cluster import SpectralClustering
        from collections import Counter

        if repeats == None:
            repeats = self.repeats
        spectral = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=1, affinity="precomputed")

        cluster = 0
        shape = (clusters,)+repeats.shape[1:]
        self.reproduction_matrices = np.zeros(shape, np.uint8)
        self.reproduction_analysis = []

        for idx, repeat in enumerate(repeats[:clusters]):

            # run the spectral clustering on the current repeat array.
            # this is the rate limiting step, and already uses all
            # available cpu cores.
            labels = spectral.labels_

            # order the clusters by size. keys in members are strings
            # as required for json dumps
            count = Counter(spectral.labels_)
            by_size = [(k, v) for k, v in count.items()]
            by_size.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
            members = {str(t[0]+cluster):_find(labels, t) for t in by_size}
            order = np.hstack([members[str(t[0]+cluster)] for t in by_size])

            rearr = repeat[order].transpose()[order]
            sizes = [[str(k), len(v)] for k, v in members.items()]
            sizes.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
            # m gives the counts for each pair of tags. 3d array.
            # shape: [nclusters-1,ntags,ntags]. members are the tag
            # indices; self.graph.graph.nodes()[members] gives members as words.
            # sizes are the number of tags in each cluster, sorted by size
            tmp = {'members':members, 'sizes':sizes}
            rescale = (rearr*255./rearr.max()).astype(np.uint8)
            self.reproduction_matrices[idx] = rescale
            cluster += idx+1
Esempio n. 3
    def cluster_reproducibility(self, repeats=None, clusters=50):
        """ Given the tag co-occurence arrays generated by the train
        method, use the spectral clustering method in sklearn and the
        known (or desired) number of clusters to assign tags to
        specific clusters.
        Required input:
        Optional input:
            repeats - a set of co-occurence arrays to cluster using
                spectral methods. If not supplied, this method
                defaults to self.repeats which is the data generated
                by the train() method.
            labels - the tags corresponding to the feature vectors.
                Labels must be correctly ordered, obviously.
            None ----BUT---- generates the following analysis in the
            self namespace.'
            1. self.reproduction_matrices: a reorganization of the
                repeats data into block diagonal form.
            2. self.reproduction_analysis: a list of dictionaries.
                Each dictionary has two keys: 'members' and 'sizes'.
                'members' lists the tag membership of each cluster
                in terms of the indices of the feature vectors represented
                by samples in train(),arranged by size.
                'sizes' gives the size of each
                cluster. The index of the self.reproduction_analysis
                list gives the number of clusters remainging from
                the agglomeration. For example,
                self.reproduction_analysis[10][4]['members'] lists the
                tag indices of the 5th largest cluster when there are
                11 clusters remaining from the agglomeration.
        def _find(where, what):
            """ Helper """
            return np.where(where == what[0])[0].tolist()

        from sklearn.cluster import SpectralClustering
        from collections import Counter

        if repeats == None:
            repeats = self.repeats
        spectral = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=1, affinity="precomputed")

        cluster = 0

        shape = (clusters, ) + repeats.shape[1:]
        self.reproduction_matrices = np.zeros(shape, np.uint8)
        self.reproduction_analysis = []

        for idx, repeat in enumerate(repeats[:clusters]):

            # run the spectral clustering on the current repeat array.
            # this is the rate limiting step, and already uses all
            # available cpu cores.
            spectral.set_params(n_clusters=idx + 1)
            labels = spectral.labels_

            # order the clusters by size. keys in members are strings
            # as required for json dumps
            count = Counter(spectral.labels_)
            by_size = [(k, v) for k, v in count.items()]
            by_size.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
            members = {str(t[0] + cluster): _find(labels, t) for t in by_size}
            order = np.hstack([members[str(t[0] + cluster)] for t in by_size])

            rearr = repeat[order].transpose()[order]
            sizes = [[str(k), len(v)] for k, v in members.items()]
            sizes.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])

            # m gives the counts for each pair of tags. 3d array.
            # shape: [nclusters-1,ntags,ntags]. members are the tag
            # indices; self.graph.graph.nodes()[members] gives members as words.
            # sizes are the number of tags in each cluster, sorted by size
            tmp = {'members': members, 'sizes': sizes}

            rescale = (rearr * 255. / rearr.max()).astype(np.uint8)
            self.reproduction_matrices[idx] = rescale
            cluster += idx + 1