Esempio n. 1
def calc_outofbag(n_samples, rf):
        Recovers samples used to create trees in scikit-learn RandomForest objects.


        n_samples : int
            The number of samples used to fit the scikit-learn RandomForest object.
        forest : RandomForest
            Regressor or Classifier object that is already fit by scikit-learn.

        sample_idx: list
            The indices of the samples used to train each tree.

    assert rf.bootstrap == True, "Forest was not trained with bootstrapping."

    n_trees = rf.n_estimators
    sample_idx = []
    n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(n_samples, rf.max_samples)

    for t_idx in range(n_trees):
                                        n_samples, n_samples_bootstrap))
    return sample_idx
Esempio n. 2
    def _set_oob_score(self, X, y):
        """Calculate out of bag predictions and score."""
        X = check_array(X, dtype=DTYPE)

        n_samples = X.shape[0]
        event, time = y

        predictions = np.zeros(n_samples)
        n_predictions = np.zeros(n_samples)

        n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(n_samples,

        for estimator in self.estimators_:
            unsampled_indices = _generate_unsampled_indices(
                estimator.random_state, n_samples, n_samples_bootstrap)
            p_estimator = estimator.predict(X[unsampled_indices, :],

            predictions[unsampled_indices] += p_estimator
            n_predictions[unsampled_indices] += 1

        if (n_predictions == 0).any():
            warnings.warn("Some inputs do not have OOB scores. "
                          "This probably means too few trees were used "
                          "to compute any reliable oob estimates.")
            n_predictions[n_predictions == 0] = 1

        predictions /= n_predictions
        self.oob_prediction_ = predictions

        self.oob_score_ = concordance_index_censored(event, time,
Esempio n. 3
    def _set_oob_score(self, X, y):
        """Compute out-of-bag score."""
        X = check_array(X, dtype=DTYPE, accept_sparse="csr")

        n_classes_ = self.n_classes_
        n_samples = y.shape[0]

        oob_decision_function = []
        oob_score = 0.0
        predictions = [
            np.zeros((n_samples, n_classes_[k]))
            for k in range(self.n_outputs_)

        for sampler, estimator in zip(self.samplers_, self.estimators_):
            X_resample = X[sampler.sample_indices_]
            y_resample = y[sampler.sample_indices_]

            n_sample_subset = y_resample.shape[0]
            n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(
                n_sample_subset, self.max_samples)

            unsampled_indices = _generate_unsampled_indices(
                estimator.random_state, n_sample_subset, n_samples_bootstrap)
            p_estimator = estimator.predict_proba(
                X_resample[unsampled_indices, :], check_input=False)

            if self.n_outputs_ == 1:
                p_estimator = [p_estimator]

            for k in range(self.n_outputs_):
                indices = sampler.sample_indices_[unsampled_indices]
                predictions[k][indices, :] += p_estimator[k]

        for k in range(self.n_outputs_):
            if (predictions[k].sum(axis=1) == 0).any():
                warn("Some inputs do not have OOB scores. "
                     "This probably means too few trees were used "
                     "to compute any reliable oob estimates.")

            with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"):
                # with the resampling, we are likely to have rows not included
                # for the OOB score leading to division by zero
                decision = predictions[k] / predictions[k].sum(
                    axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
            mask_scores = np.isnan(np.sum(decision, axis=1))
            oob_score += np.mean(
                y[~mask_scores, k] == np.argmax(predictions[k][~mask_scores],

        if self.n_outputs_ == 1:
            self.oob_decision_function_ = oob_decision_function[0]
            self.oob_decision_function_ = oob_decision_function

        self.oob_score_ = oob_score / self.n_outputs_
Esempio n. 4
    def _set_oob_score(self, X, y):
        """Compute out-of-bag score"""
        X = check_array(X, dtype=DTYPE, accept_sparse='csr')
        if self.n_classes_[0] > 2:
            n_classes_ = list(np.asarray(self.n_classes_) -
                              1)  # CHANGED TO K-1
            n_classes_ = self.n_classes_
        n_samples = y.shape[0]

        n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(n_samples,

        oob_decision_function = []
        oob_score = 0.0
        predictions = []

        for k in range(self.n_outputs_):
            predictions.append(np.zeros((n_samples, n_classes_[k])))

        for estimator in self.estimators_:
            unsampled_indices = _generate_unsampled_indices(
                estimator.random_state, n_samples, n_samples_bootstrap)
            p_estimator = estimator.predict_cum_proba(X[unsampled_indices, :],

            if self.n_outputs_ == 1:
                p_estimator = [p_estimator]

            for k in range(self.n_outputs_):
                predictions[k][unsampled_indices, :] += p_estimator[k]

        for k in range(self.n_outputs_):
            if (predictions[k].sum(axis=1) == 0).any():
                warn("Some inputs do not have OOB scores. "
                     "This probably means too few trees were used "
                     "to compute any reliable oob estimates.")

            decision = (predictions[k] /
                        predictions[k].sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis])
            if self.n_classes_[0] <= 2:
                oob_score += np.mean(y[:, k] == np.argmax(predictions[k],
                class_index = np.sum((predictions[k] > 0.5).astype(,
                oob_score += np.mean(y[:, k] == class_index, axis=0)

        if self.n_outputs_ == 1:
            self.oob_decision_function_ = oob_decision_function[0]
            self.oob_decision_function_ = oob_decision_function

        self.oob_score_ = oob_score / self.n_outputs_
Esempio n. 5
def _get_unsampled_indices(tree, n_samples):
    An interface to get unsampled indices regardless of sklearn version.
    if LooseVersion(sklearn.__version__) >= LooseVersion("0.24"):
        # Version 0.24 moved forest package name
        from sklearn.ensemble._forest import _get_n_samples_bootstrap
        n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(n_samples, n_samples)
        return _generate_unsampled_indices(tree.random_state, n_samples,
    elif LooseVersion(sklearn.__version__) >= LooseVersion("0.22"):
        # Version 0.22 or newer uses 3 arguments.
        from sklearn.ensemble.forest import _get_n_samples_bootstrap
        n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(n_samples, n_samples)
        return _generate_unsampled_indices(tree.random_state, n_samples,
        # Version 0.21 or older uses only two arguments.
        return _generate_unsampled_indices(tree.random_state, n_samples)
Esempio n. 6
    def _set_oob_score(self, X, y):
        """Compute out-of-bag score."""
        check_X_y(X, y)
        check_X(X, enforce_univariate=True)

        n_classes_ = self.n_classes_
        n_samples = y.shape[0]

        oob_decision_function = []
        oob_score = 0.0
        predictions = [
            np.zeros((n_samples, n_classes_[k]))
            for k in range(self.n_outputs_)

        n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(n_samples,

        for estimator in self.estimators_:
            final_estimator = estimator.steps[-1][1]
            unsampled_indices = _generate_unsampled_indices(
                final_estimator.random_state, n_samples, n_samples_bootstrap)
            p_estimator = estimator.predict_proba(X.iloc[unsampled_indices, :])

            if self.n_outputs_ == 1:
                p_estimator = [p_estimator]

            for k in range(self.n_outputs_):
                predictions[k][unsampled_indices, :] += p_estimator[k]

        for k in range(self.n_outputs_):
            if (predictions[k].sum(axis=1) == 0).any():
                warn("Some inputs do not have OOB scores. "
                     "This probably means too few trees were used "
                     "to compute any reliable oob estimates.")

            decision = predictions[k] / predictions[k].sum(axis=1)[:,
            oob_score += np.mean(y[:, k] == np.argmax(predictions[k], axis=1),

        if self.n_outputs_ == 1:
            self.oob_decision_function_ = oob_decision_function[0]
            self.oob_decision_function_ = oob_decision_function

        self.oob_score_ = oob_score / self.n_outputs_
Esempio n. 7
    def _set_oob_score(self, X, y):
        Compute out-of-bag scores."""
        X, y = check_X_y(X, y, enforce_univariate=True)

        n_samples = y.shape[0]

        predictions = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_outputs_))
        n_predictions = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_outputs_))

        n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(
            n_samples, self.max_samples

        for estimator in self.estimators_:
            final_estimator = estimator.steps[-1][1]
            unsampled_indices = _generate_unsampled_indices(
                final_estimator.random_state, n_samples, n_samples_bootstrap)
            p_estimator = estimator.predict(
                X[unsampled_indices, :], check_input=False)

            if self.n_outputs_ == 1:
                p_estimator = p_estimator[:, np.newaxis]

            predictions[unsampled_indices, :] += p_estimator
            n_predictions[unsampled_indices, :] += 1

        if (n_predictions == 0).any():
            warn("Some inputs do not have OOB scores. "
                 "This probably means too few trees were used "
                 "to compute any reliable oob estimates.")
            n_predictions[n_predictions == 0] = 1

        predictions /= n_predictions
        self.oob_prediction_ = predictions

        if self.n_outputs_ == 1:
            self.oob_prediction_ = \
                self.oob_prediction_.reshape((n_samples, ))

        self.oob_score_ = 0.0

        for k in range(self.n_outputs_):
            self.oob_score_ += r2_score(y[:, k],
                                        predictions[:, k])

        self.oob_score_ /= self.n_outputs_
Esempio n. 8
    def _get_oof_pred_proba(self, X, y, **kwargs):
        if self._daal:
            raise AssertionError(
                'DAAL forest backend does not support out-of-bag predictions.')
        if not self.model.bootstrap:
            raise ValueError(
                'Forest models must set `bootstrap=True` to compute out-of-fold predictions via out-of-bag predictions.'

        # TODO: This can also be done via setting `oob_score=True` in model params,
        #  but getting the correct `pred_time_val` that way is not easy, since we can't time the internal call.
        if (getattr(self.model, "oob_decision_function_", None) is None and getattr(self.model, "oob_prediction_", None) is None) \
                and callable(getattr(self.model, "_set_oob_score", None)):
            X = self.preprocess(X)

            if getattr(self.model, "n_classes_", None) is not None:
                if self.model.n_outputs_ == 1:
                    self.model.n_classes_ = [self.model.n_classes_]
            from sklearn.tree._tree import DTYPE, DOUBLE
            X, y = self.model._validate_data(X,
            if y.ndim == 1:
                # reshape is necessary to preserve the data contiguity against vs
                # [:, np.newaxis] that does not.
                y = np.reshape(y, (-1, 1))
            if getattr(y, "dtype", None) != DOUBLE or not y.flags.contiguous:
                y = np.ascontiguousarray(y, dtype=DOUBLE)
            self.model._set_oob_score(X, y)
            if getattr(self.model, "n_classes_", None) is not None:
                if self.model.n_outputs_ == 1:
                    self.model.n_classes_ = self.model.n_classes_[0]

        if getattr(self.model, "oob_decision_function_", None) is not None:
            y_oof_pred_proba = self.model.oob_decision_function_
            self.model.oob_decision_function_ = None  # save memory
        elif getattr(self.model, "oob_prediction_", None) is not None:
            y_oof_pred_proba = self.model.oob_prediction_
            self.model.oob_prediction_ = None  # save memory
            raise AssertionError(
                f'Model class {type(self.model)} does not support out-of-fold prediction generation.'

        # TODO: Regression does not return NaN for missing rows, instead it sets them to 0. This makes life hard.
        #  The below code corrects the missing rows to NaN instead of 0.
        # Don't bother if >60 trees, near impossible to have missing
        # If using 68% of data for training, chance of missing for each row is 1 in 11 billion.
        if self.problem_type == REGRESSION and self.model.n_estimators <= 60:
            from sklearn.ensemble._forest import _get_n_samples_bootstrap, _generate_unsampled_indices
            n_samples = len(y)

            n_predictions = np.zeros(n_samples)
            n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(
                n_samples, self.model.max_samples)
            for estimator in self.model.estimators_:
                unsampled_indices = _generate_unsampled_indices(
                    estimator.random_state, n_samples, n_samples_bootstrap)
                n_predictions[unsampled_indices] += 1
            missing_row_mask = n_predictions == 0
            y_oof_pred_proba[missing_row_mask] = np.nan

        # fill missing prediction rows with average of non-missing rows
        if np.isnan(np.sum(y_oof_pred_proba)):
            if len(y_oof_pred_proba.shape) == 1:
                col_mean = np.nanmean(y_oof_pred_proba)
                y_oof_pred_proba[np.isnan(y_oof_pred_proba)] = col_mean
                col_mean = np.nanmean(y_oof_pred_proba, axis=0)
                inds = np.where(np.isnan(y_oof_pred_proba))
                y_oof_pred_proba[inds] = np.take(col_mean, inds[1])

        return self._convert_proba_to_unified_form(y_oof_pred_proba)
Esempio n. 9
    def _compute_oob_predictions(self, X, y):
        """Compute and set the OOB score.

        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The data matrix.
        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_outputs)
            The target matrix.

        oob_pred : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes, n_outputs) or \
                (n_samples, 1, n_outputs)
            The OOB predictions.
        # Prediction requires X to be in CSR format
        if issparse(X):
            X = X.tocsr()

        n_samples = y.shape[0]
        n_outputs = self.n_outputs_

        if is_classifier(self) and hasattr(self, "n_classes_"):
            # n_classes_ is a ndarray at this stage
            # all the supported type of target will have the same number of
            # classes in all outputs
            oob_pred_shape = (n_samples, self.n_classes_[0], n_outputs)
            # for regression, n_classes_ does not exist and we create an empty
            # axis to be consistent with the classification case and make
            # the array operations compatible with the 2 settings
            oob_pred_shape = (n_samples, 1, n_outputs)

        oob_pred = np.zeros(shape=oob_pred_shape, dtype=np.float64)
        n_oob_pred = np.zeros((n_samples, n_outputs), dtype=np.int64)

        for sampler, estimator in zip(self.samplers_, self.estimators_):
            X_resample = X[sampler.sample_indices_]
            y_resample = y[sampler.sample_indices_]

            n_sample_subset = y_resample.shape[0]
            n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(
                n_sample_subset, self.max_samples)

            unsampled_indices = _generate_unsampled_indices(
                estimator.random_state, n_sample_subset, n_samples_bootstrap)

            y_pred = self._get_oob_predictions(
                estimator, X_resample[unsampled_indices, :])

            indices = sampler.sample_indices_[unsampled_indices]
            oob_pred[indices, ...] += y_pred
            n_oob_pred[indices, :] += 1

        for k in range(n_outputs):
            if (n_oob_pred == 0).any():
                    "Some inputs do not have OOB scores. This probably means "
                    "too few trees were used to compute any reliable OOB "
                n_oob_pred[n_oob_pred == 0] = 1
            oob_pred[..., k] /= n_oob_pred[..., [k]]

        return oob_pred
Esempio n. 10
def get_oob_indices(tree, n_samples):
    n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap(n_samples, n_samples)
    return _generate_unsampled_indices(
        tree.random_state, n_samples, n_samples_bootstrap)