Esempio n. 1
def main():
    # Load the dataset
    df = pd.read_csv('linear_regression_test_data.csv')
    # Load x and y only
    input_data = df[['x', 'y']]
    pca_object = My_PCA()
    eigen_values, eigen_vectors, projections = pca_object.performPCA(
        input_data, False)
    print 'Eigen Values are: '
    print eigen_values
    print 'Eigen Vectors are: '
    print eigen_vectors
    print 'Projections are: '
    print projections

    linear_regression = LinearRegression()

    estimated_y = linear_regression.linear_regression(input_data)
    # Now plot all together


    # --------- Question 2------------
    # Linear Regression using scikit-learn
    y_predicted, testing_dataset, training_dataset = linear_regression.linear_regression_sklearn(
    )  #Diabetes dataset

    plot_diabetes_regression(y_predicted, testing_dataset)