Esempio n. 1
def test_base_estimator():
    # Test different base estimators.
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

    # XXX doesn't work with y_class because RF doesn't support classes_
    # Shouldn't AdaBoost run a LabelBinarizer?
    clf = AdaBoostClassifier(RandomForestClassifier()), y_regr)

    clf = AdaBoostClassifier(SVC(), algorithm="SAMME"), y_class)

    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

    clf = AdaBoostRegressor(RandomForestRegressor(), random_state=0), y_regr)

    clf = AdaBoostRegressor(SVR(), random_state=0), y_regr)

    # Check that an empty discrete ensemble fails in fit, not predict.
    X_fail = [[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]]
    y_fail = ["foo", "bar", 1, 2]
    clf = AdaBoostClassifier(SVC(), algorithm="SAMME")
    assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, "worse than random",
               , X_fail, y_fail)
Esempio n. 2
def test_ovr_partial_fit_exceptions():
    ovr = OneVsRestClassifier(MultinomialNB())
    X = np.abs(np.random.randn(14, 2))
    y = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
    ovr.partial_fit(X[:7], y[:7], np.unique(y))
    # A new class value which was not in the first call of partial_fit
    # It should raise ValueError
    y1 = [5] + y[7:-1]
    assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, r"Mini-batch contains \[.+\] while "
                                     r"classes must be subset of \[.+\]",
                         ovr.partial_fit, X=X[7:], y=y1)
Esempio n. 3
def test_ransac_resid_thresh_no_inliers():
    # When residual_threshold=0.0 there are no inliers and a
    # ValueError with a message should be raised
    base_estimator = LinearRegression()
    ransac_estimator = RANSACRegressor(base_estimator, min_samples=2,
                                       residual_threshold=0.0, random_state=0,

    msg = ("RANSAC could not find a valid consensus set")
    assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, msg,, X, y)
    assert ransac_estimator.n_skips_no_inliers_ == 5
    assert ransac_estimator.n_skips_invalid_data_ == 0
    assert ransac_estimator.n_skips_invalid_model_ == 0
Esempio n. 4
def test_ransac_no_valid_model():
    def is_model_valid(estimator, X, y):
        return False

    base_estimator = LinearRegression()
    ransac_estimator = RANSACRegressor(base_estimator,

    msg = ("RANSAC could not find a valid consensus set")
    assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, msg,, X, y)
    assert ransac_estimator.n_skips_no_inliers_ == 0
    assert ransac_estimator.n_skips_invalid_data_ == 0
    assert ransac_estimator.n_skips_invalid_model_ == 5
Esempio n. 5
def test_ovo_partial_fit_predict():
    temp = datasets.load_iris()
    X, y =,
    ovo1 = OneVsOneClassifier(MultinomialNB())
    ovo1.partial_fit(X[:100], y[:100], np.unique(y))
    ovo1.partial_fit(X[100:], y[100:])
    pred1 = ovo1.predict(X)

    ovo2 = OneVsOneClassifier(MultinomialNB()), y)
    pred2 = ovo2.predict(X)
    assert len(ovo1.estimators_) == n_classes * (n_classes - 1) / 2
    assert np.mean(y == pred1) > 0.65
    assert_almost_equal(pred1, pred2)

    # Test when mini-batches have binary target classes
    ovo1 = OneVsOneClassifier(MultinomialNB())
    ovo1.partial_fit(X[:60], y[:60], np.unique(y))
    ovo1.partial_fit(X[60:], y[60:])
    pred1 = ovo1.predict(X)
    ovo2 = OneVsOneClassifier(MultinomialNB())
    pred2 =, y).predict(X)

    assert_almost_equal(pred1, pred2)
    assert len(ovo1.estimators_) == len(np.unique(y))
    assert np.mean(y == pred1) > 0.65

    ovo = OneVsOneClassifier(MultinomialNB())
    X = np.random.rand(14, 2)
    y = [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2]
    ovo.partial_fit(X[:7], y[:7], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
    ovo.partial_fit(X[7:], y[7:])
    pred = ovo.predict(X)
    ovo2 = OneVsOneClassifier(MultinomialNB())
    pred2 =, y).predict(X)
    assert_almost_equal(pred, pred2)

    # raises error when mini-batch does not have classes from all_classes
    ovo = OneVsOneClassifier(MultinomialNB())
    error_y = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2]
    message_re = escape("Mini-batch contains {0} while "
                        "it must be subset of {1}".format(
                            np.unique(error_y), np.unique(y)))
    assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, message_re, ovo.partial_fit, X[:7],
                         error_y, np.unique(y))

    # test partial_fit only exists if estimator has it:
    ovr = OneVsOneClassifier(SVC())
    assert not hasattr(ovr, "partial_fit")
Esempio n. 6
def test_ransac_exceed_max_skips():
    def is_data_valid(X, y):
        return False

    base_estimator = LinearRegression()
    ransac_estimator = RANSACRegressor(base_estimator,

    msg = ("RANSAC skipped more iterations than `max_skips`")
    assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, msg,, X, y)
    assert ransac_estimator.n_skips_no_inliers_ == 0
    assert ransac_estimator.n_skips_invalid_data_ == 4
    assert ransac_estimator.n_skips_invalid_model_ == 0
Esempio n. 7
def test_check_1d_vectors():
    # test check_1d_vectors function
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)

    dim = rng.randint(50, 100)
    # check (dim, )
    a = _check_1d_vector(np.ones((dim, )))
    assert_equal(1, len(a.shape))
    assert_equal(dim, a.shape[0])

    # check (dim, 1)
    b = _check_1d_vector(np.ones((dim, 1)))
    assert_equal(1, len(b.shape))
    assert_equal(dim, b.shape[0])

    # check (dim, 2)
    c = np.ones((dim, 2))
    assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, r"^Vector is not 1-d array:",
                         _check_1d_vector, c)
Esempio n. 8
def test_group_kfold():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)

    # Parameters of the test
    n_groups = 15
    n_samples = 1000
    n_splits = 5

    X = y = np.ones(n_samples)

    # Construct the test data
    tolerance = 0.05 * n_samples  # 5 percent error allowed
    groups = rng.randint(0, n_groups, n_samples)

    ideal_n_groups_per_fold = n_samples // n_splits

    # Get the test fold indices from the test set indices of each fold
    folds = np.zeros(n_samples)
    lkf = StratifiedGroupKFold(n_splits=n_splits)
    for i, (_, test) in enumerate(lkf.split(X, y, groups)):
        folds[test] = i

    # Check that folds have approximately the same size
    assert len(folds) == len(groups)
    for i in np.unique(folds):
        assert (tolerance >= abs(sum(folds == i) - ideal_n_groups_per_fold))

    # Check that each group appears only in 1 fold
    for group in np.unique(groups):
        assert len(np.unique(folds[groups == group])) == 1

    # Check that no group is on both sides of the split
    groups = np.asarray(groups, dtype=object)
    for train, test in lkf.split(X, y, groups):
        assert len(np.intersect1d(groups[train], groups[test])) == 0

    # Construct the test data
    groups = np.array([
        'Albert', 'Jean', 'Bertrand', 'Michel', 'Jean', 'Francis', 'Robert',
        'Michel', 'Rachel', 'Lois', 'Michelle', 'Bernard', 'Marion', 'Laura',
        'Jean', 'Rachel', 'Franck', 'John', 'Gael', 'Anna', 'Alix', 'Robert',
        'Marion', 'David', 'Tony', 'Abel', 'Becky', 'Madmood', 'Cary', 'Mary',
        'Alexandre', 'David', 'Francis', 'Barack', 'Abdoul', 'Rasha', 'Xi',

    n_groups = len(np.unique(groups))
    n_samples = len(groups)
    n_splits = 5
    tolerance = 0.05 * n_samples  # 5 percent error allowed
    ideal_n_groups_per_fold = n_samples // n_splits

    X = y = np.ones(n_samples)

    # Get the test fold indices from the test set indices of each fold
    folds = np.zeros(n_samples)
    for i, (_, test) in enumerate(lkf.split(X, y, groups)):
        folds[test] = i

    # Check that folds have approximately the same size
    assert len(folds) == len(groups)
    for i in np.unique(folds):
        assert (tolerance >= abs(sum(folds == i) - ideal_n_groups_per_fold))

    # Check that each group appears only in 1 fold
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning)
        for group in np.unique(groups):
            assert len(np.unique(folds[groups == group])) == 1

    # Check that no group is on both sides of the split
    groups = np.asarray(groups, dtype=object)
    for train, test in lkf.split(X, y, groups):
        assert len(np.intersect1d(groups[train], groups[test])) == 0

    # groups can also be a list
    cv_iter = list(lkf.split(X, y, groups.tolist()))
    for (train1, test1), (train2, test2) in zip(lkf.split(X, y, groups),
        assert_array_equal(train1, train2)
        assert_array_equal(test1, test2)

    # Should fail if there are more folds than groups
    groups = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2])
    X = y = np.ones(len(groups))
    assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, "Cannot have number of splits.*greater",
                         StratifiedGroupKFold(n_splits=3).split(X, y, groups))