Esempio n. 1
def test_move(state, movestring):
    """ Test placing a simple tile move """
    coord, word = movestring.split(u' ')
    rowid = Board.ROWIDS
    row, col = 0, 0
    xd, yd = 0, 0
    horiz = True
    if coord[0] in rowid:
        row = rowid.index(coord[0])
        col = int(coord[1:]) - 1
        yd = 1
        row = rowid.index(coord[-1])
        col = int(coord[0:-1]) - 1
        xd = 1
        horiz = False
    move = Move(word, row, col, horiz)
    next_is_blank = False
    for c in word:
        if c == u'?':
            next_is_blank = True
        if not state.board().is_covered(row, col):
            move.add_cover(row, col, u'?' if next_is_blank else c, c)
            next_is_blank = False
        row += xd
        col += yd
    legal = state.check_legality(move)
    if legal != Error.LEGAL:
        print(u"Play is not legal, code {0}".format(Error.errortext(legal)))
        return False
    print(u"Play {0} is legal and scores {1} points".format(move, state.score(move)))
    return True
Esempio n. 2
def test_game(players, silent):
    """ Go through a whole game by pitting two AutoPlayers against each other """
    # The players parameter is a list of tuples: (playername, constructorfunc)
    # where constructorfunc accepts a State parameter and returns a freshly
    # created AutoPlayer (or subclass thereof) that will generate moves
    # on behalf of the player.

    # Initial, empty game state
    state = State(tileset = NewTileSet, drawtiles = True)

    print(u"After initial draw, bag contains {0} tiles".format(state.bag().num_tiles()))
    print(u"Bag contents are:\n{0}".format(state.bag().contents()))
    print(u"Rack 0 is {0}".format(state.rack(0)))
    print(u"Rack 1 is {0}".format(state.rack(1)))

    # Set player names
    for ix in range(2):
        state.set_player_name(ix, players[ix][0])

    if not silent:
        print(state.__str__()) # This works in Python 2 and 3

    # Generate a sequence of moves, switching player sides automatically

    t0 = time.time()

    while not state.is_game_over():

        # Call the appropriate player creation function
        apl = players[state.player_to_move()][1](state)

        g0 = time.time()
        move = apl.generate_move()
        g1 = time.time()

        legal = state.check_legality(move)
        if legal != Error.LEGAL:
            # Oops: the autoplayer generated an illegal move
            print(u"Play is not legal, code {0}".format(Error.errortext(legal)))

        if not silent:
            print(u"Play {0} scores {1} points ({2:.2f} seconds)".format(move, state.score(move), g1 - g0))

        # Apply the move to the state and switch players

        if not silent:

    # Tally the tiles left and calculate the final score
    p0, p1 = state.scores()
    t1 = time.time()

    if not silent:
        print(u"Game over, final score {4} {0} : {5} {1} after {2} moves ({3:.2f} seconds)".format(p0, p1,
            state.num_moves(), t1 - t0, state.player_name(0), state.player_name(1)))

    return state.scores()
Esempio n. 3
def test_exchange(state, numtiles):
    """ Test exchange move """
    exch = state.player_rack().contents()[0:numtiles]
    move = ExchangeMove(exch)
    legal = state.check_legality(move)
    if legal != Error.LEGAL:
        print(u"Play is not legal, code {0}".format(Error.errortext(legal)))
        return False
    print(u"Play {0} is legal and scores {1} points".format(move, state.score(move)))
    return True
Esempio n. 4
def test_challenge(state):
    """ Test challenge move """
    move = ChallengeMove()
    legal = state.check_legality(move)
    msg = ""
    if isinstance(legal, tuple):
        legal, msg = legal
    if legal != Error.LEGAL:
        print(u"Play is not legal, code {0} {1}".format(Error.errortext(legal), msg))
        return False
    print(u"Play {0} is legal and scores {1} points".format(move, state.score(move)))
    return True
Esempio n. 5
def test_exchange(state, numtiles):
    """ Test exchange move """
    exch = state.player_rack().contents()[0:numtiles]
    move = ExchangeMove(exch)
    legal = state.check_legality(move)
    msg = ""
    if isinstance(legal, tuple):
        legal, msg = legal
    if legal != Error.LEGAL:
        print(u"Play is not legal, code {0} {1}".format(Error.errortext(legal), msg))
        return False
    print(u"Play {0} is legal and scores {1} points".format(move, state.score(move)))
    return True
Esempio n. 6
def test_challenge(state):
    """ Test challenge move """
    move = ChallengeMove()
    legal = state.check_legality(move)
    msg = ""
    if isinstance(legal, tuple):
        legal, msg = legal
    if legal != Error.LEGAL:
        print(u"Play is not legal, code {0} {1}".format(
            Error.errortext(legal), msg))
        return False
    print(u"Play {0} is legal and scores {1} points".format(
        move, state.score(move)))
    return True
Esempio n. 7
def test_move(state, movestring):
    """ Test placing a simple tile move """
    coord, word = movestring.split(u' ')
    rowid = Board.ROWIDS
    xd, yd = 0, 0
    horiz = True
    if coord[0] in rowid:
        row = rowid.index(coord[0])
        col = int(coord[1:]) - 1
        yd = 1
        row = rowid.index(coord[-1])
        col = int(coord[0:-1]) - 1
        xd = 1
        horiz = False
    move = Move(word, row, col, horiz)
    next_is_blank = False
    for c in word:
        if c == u'?':
            next_is_blank = True
        if not state.board().is_covered(row, col):
            move.add_cover(row, col, u'?' if next_is_blank else c, c)
            next_is_blank = False
        row += xd
        col += yd
    legal = state.check_legality(move)
    msg = ""
    if isinstance(legal, tuple):
        legal, msg = legal
    if legal != Error.LEGAL:
        print(u"Play is not legal, code {0} {1}".format(
            Error.errortext(legal), msg))
        return False
    print(u"Play {0} is legal and scores {1} points".format(
        move, state.score(move)))
    return True
Esempio n. 8
def test_game(players, silent):
    """ Go through a whole game by pitting two AutoPlayers against each other """
    # The players parameter is a list of tuples: (playername, constructorfunc)
    # where constructorfunc accepts a State parameter and returns a freshly
    # created AutoPlayer (or subclass thereof) that will generate moves
    # on behalf of the player.

    # Initial, empty game state
    state = State(tileset=NewTileSet, drawtiles=True)

    print(u"After initial draw, bag contains {0} tiles".format(
    print(u"Bag contents are:\n{0}".format(state.bag().contents()))
    print(u"Rack 0 is {0}".format(state.rack(0)))
    print(u"Rack 1 is {0}".format(state.rack(1)))

    # Set player names
    for ix in range(2):
        state.set_player_name(ix, players[ix][0])

    if not silent:
        print(state.__str__())  # This works in Python 2 and 3

    # Generate a sequence of moves, switching player sides automatically

    t0 = time.time()

    while not state.is_game_over():

        # Call the appropriate player creation function
        apl = players[state.player_to_move()][1](state)

        g0 = time.time()
        move = apl.generate_move()
        g1 = time.time()

        legal = state.check_legality(move)
        if legal != Error.LEGAL:
            # Oops: the autoplayer generated an illegal move
            print(u"Play is not legal, code {0}".format(

        if not silent:
            print(u"Play {0} scores {1} points ({2:.2f} seconds)".format(
                move, state.score(move), g1 - g0))

        # Apply the move to the state and switch players

        if not silent:

    # Tally the tiles left and calculate the final score
    p0, p1 = state.scores()
    t1 = time.time()

    if not silent:
            u"Game over, final score {4} {0} : {5} {1} after {2} moves ({3:.2f} seconds)"
            .format(p0, p1, state.num_moves(), t1 - t0, state.player_name(0),

    return state.scores()