Esempio n. 1
def als(X, rank, **kwargs):
    Alternating least-sqaures algorithm to compute the CP decomposition.

    X : tensor_mixin
        The tensor to be decomposed.
    rank : int
        Tensor rank of the decomposition.
    init : {'random', 'nvecs'}, optional
        The initialization method to use.
            - random : Factor matrices are initialized randomly.
            - nvecs : Factor matrices are initialzed via HOSVD.
        (default 'nvecs')
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximium number of iterations of the ALS algorithm.
        (default 500)
    fit_method : {'full', None}
        The method to compute the fit of the factorization
            - 'full' : Compute least-squares fit of the dense approximation of.
                       X and X.
            - None : Do not compute the fit of the factorization, but iterate
                     until ``max_iter`` (Useful for large-scale tensors).
        (default 'full')
    conv : float
        Convergence tolerance on difference of fit between iterations
        (default 1e-5)

    P : ktensor
        Rank ``rank`` factorization of X. ``P.U[i]`` corresponds to the factor
        matrix for the i-th mode. ``P.lambda[i]`` corresponds to the weight
        of the i-th mode.
    fit : float
        Fit of the factorization compared to ``X``
    itr : int
        Number of iterations that were needed until convergence
    exectimes : ndarray of floats
        Time needed for each single iteration

    Create random dense tensor

    >>> from sktensor import dtensor, ktensor
    >>> U = [np.random.rand(i,3) for i in (20, 10, 14)]
    >>> T = dtensor(ktensor(U).toarray())

    Compute rank-3 CP decomposition of ``T`` with ALS

    >>> P, fit, itr, _ = als(T, 3)

    Result is a decomposed tensor stored as a Kruskal operator

    >>> type(P)
    <class 'sktensor.ktensor.ktensor'>

    Factorization should be close to original data

    >>> np.allclose(T, P.totensor())

    .. [1] Kolda, T. G. & Bader, B. W.
           Tensor Decompositions and Applications.
           SIAM Rev. 51, 455–500 (2009).
    .. [2] Harshman, R. A.
           Foundations of the PARAFAC procedure: models and conditions for an 'explanatory' multimodal factor analysis.
           UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 16, (1970).
    .. [3] Carroll, J. D.,  Chang, J. J.
           Analysis of individual differences in multidimensional scaling via an N-way generalization of 'Eckart-Young' decomposition.
           Psychometrika 35, 283–319 (1970).

    # init options
    ainit = kwargs.pop('init', _DEF_INIT)
    maxiter = kwargs.pop('max_iter', _DEF_MAXITER)
    fit_method = kwargs.pop('fit_method', _DEF_FIT_METHOD)
    conv = kwargs.pop('conv', _DEF_CONV)
    dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', _DEF_TYPE)
    if not len(kwargs) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Unknown keywords (%s)' % (kwargs.keys()))

    N = X.ndim
    normX = norm(X)

    U = _init(ainit, X, N, rank, dtype)
    fit = 0
    exectimes = []
    for itr in range(maxiter):
        tic = time.clock()
        fitold = fit

        for n in range(N):
            Unew = X.uttkrp(U, n)
            Y = ones((rank, rank), dtype=dtype)
            for i in (list(range(n)) + list(range(n + 1, N))):
                Y = Y * dot(U[i].T, U[i])
            Unew =
            # Normalize
            if itr == 0:
                lmbda = sqrt((Unew**2).sum(axis=0))
                lmbda = Unew.max(axis=0)
                lmbda[lmbda < 1] = 1
            U[n] = Unew / lmbda

        P = ktensor(U, lmbda)
        if fit_method == 'full':
            normresidual = normX**2 + P.norm()**2 - 2 * P.innerprod(X)
            fit = 1 - (normresidual / normX**2)
            fit = itr
        fitchange = abs(fitold - fit)
        exectimes.append(time.clock() - tic)
        #print('fitchange:', fitchange)
        _log.debug('[%3d] fit: %.5f | delta: %7.1e | secs: %.5f' %
                   (itr, fit, fitchange, exectimes[-1]))
        if itr > 0 and fitchange < conv:

    return P, fit, itr, array(exectimes)
Esempio n. 2
def fold_in(X, Uold, rank, **kwargs):

    # init options
    ainit = kwargs.pop('init', _DEF_INIT)
    maxiter = kwargs.pop('max_iter', _DEF_MAXITER)
    fit_method = kwargs.pop('fit_method', _DEF_FIT_METHOD)
    conv = kwargs.pop('conv', _DEF_CONV)
    dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', _DEF_TYPE)

    if not len(kwargs) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Unknown keywords (%s)' % (kwargs.keys()))

    N = X.ndim
    normX = norm(X)

    U = _init(ainit, X, N, Uold, rank, dtype)
    fit = 0
    O = U[1]
    exectimes = []
    for itr in range(maxiter):
        tic = time.clock()
        fitold = fit
        n = 1  # Mode 1 is the array that changes
        Unew = X.uttkrp(U, n)
        # Can't implement because of memory error
        n, p = U[0].shape
        m, pC = U[2].shape
        print('n -> U[0], m-> U[2] ROWS', n, m)
        C = np.einsum('ij, kj -> ikj', U[0], U[2]).reshape(m * n, p)
        nk, ni, nj = X.shape
        jk = nk * nj
        sess = tf.Session()
        with sess.as_default():
           Xnew = tf.reshape(X, [1,jk])
           Xnew = Xnew.eval()
        print('C shape:', C.shape)
        print('Xnew shape:', Xnew.shape)
        Z =
        Unew = (
        Y = ones((rank, rank), dtype=dtype)
        for i in (list(range(n)) + list(range(n + 1, N))):
            Y = Y * dot(U[i].T, U[i])
        Unew =
        #O = O*Unew/(
        # Normalize

        if itr == 0:
            lmbda = sqrt((Unew**2).sum(axis=0))
            lmbda = Unew.max(axis=0)
            lmbda[lmbda < 1] = 1
        if itr == 0:
            lmbda = sqrt((O ** 2).sum(axis=0))
            lmbda = O.max(axis=0)
            lmbda[lmbda < 1] = 1
        U[1] = Unew / lmbda
        #U[1] = O / lmbda
        P = ktensor(U, lmbda)

        if fit_method == 'full':
            normresidual = normX**2 + P.norm()**2 - 2 * P.innerprod(X)
            #normresidual = normX ** 2 + np.linalg.norm(U[1]) ** 2 - 2 * (np.linalg.norm(U[1]))*(X)
            fit = 1 - (normresidual / normX**2)
            fit = itr

        fitchange = abs(fitold - fit)
        exectimes.append(time.clock() - tic)

        if itr > 0 and fitchange < conv:

    return U[1], P
Esempio n. 3
def als(X, Yl, rank, **kwargs):
    Alternating least-sqaures algorithm to compute the CP decomposition taking into 
    consideration the labels of the set
    Yl -> lx1
    X -> pxuxu

    # init options
    ainit = kwargs.pop('init', _DEF_INIT)
    maxiter = kwargs.pop('max_iter', _DEF_MAXITER)
    fit_method = kwargs.pop('fit_method', _DEF_FIT_METHOD)
    conv = kwargs.pop('conv', _DEF_CONV)
    dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', _DEF_TYPE)
    if not len(kwargs) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Unknown keywords (%s)' % (kwargs.keys()))

    N = X.ndim
    normX = norm(X)

    Yl = np.asarray(Yl)
    Yl = np.reshape(Yl, (-1, 1))
    normYl = np.linalg.norm(Yl)

    U = _init(ainit, X, N, rank, dtype)
    fit = 0

    vecX = np.reshape(X, (np.product(X.shape), ))

    W = ones((rank, 1), dtype=dtype)

    l = Yl.shape[0]
    p = 182
    D = np.zeros((l, p))
    for i in range(l):
        for j in range(l):
            if i == j:
                D[i, j] = 1

    for itr in range(maxiter):
        fitold = fit
        for n in range(N):
            Unew = X.uttkrp(U, n)
            # Y is ZtZ
            Y = ones((rank, rank), dtype=dtype)
            for i in (list(range(n)) + list(range(n + 1, N))):
                Y = Y * dot(U[i].T, U[i])
            if n != 1:
                # Updates remain the same for U0,U2
                Unew =
                Ip = np.identity(p)
                IptIp = dot(Ip.T, Ip)
                GtG = np.kron(Y, IptIp)
                vecA = np.reshape(U[1], (np.product(U[1].shape), 1))
                GtvecX1 = dot(GtG, vecA)

                L = np.kron(W.T, D)
                LtL = dot(L.T, L)

                Sum1 = inv(GtG + LtL)
                dot0 = dot(L.T, Yl)
                Sum2 = GtvecX1 + dot0
                vecA = dot(Sum1, Sum2)

                Unew = np.reshape(vecA, (p, rank))

            # Normalize
            if itr == 0:
                lmbda = sqrt((Unew**2).sum(axis=0))
                lmbda = Unew.max(axis=0)
                lmbda[lmbda < 1] = 1

            U[n] = Unew / lmbda

        # update W
        AtDt = dot(U[1].T, D.T)
        DA = dot(D, U[1])
        inv1 = inv(dot(AtDt, DA))
        #print('ok inv')
        dot2 = dot(AtDt, Yl)
        W = dot(inv1, dot2)

        P = ktensor(U, lmbda)
        A = U[1]
        Ai = A[146:]

        ypred = dot(Ai, W)
        ypred[abs(ypred) > 0.5] = 1
        ypred[abs(ypred) < 0.5] = 0

        DAW = dot(DA, W)
        normDAW = np.linalg.norm(DAW)

        if fit_method == 'full':
            normresidual1 = normX**2 + P.norm()**2 - 2 * P.innerprod(X)
            normresidual2 = normYl**2 + normDAW**2 - 2 * dot(Yl.T, DAW)
            normresidual = normresidual1 + normresidual2
            #fit = 1 - (normresidual / normX ** 2)
            fit = normresidual
            fit = itr

        fitchange = abs(fitold - fit) / fitold

        if itr > 0 and fitchange < conv:

    ypred[abs(ypred) > 0.5] = 1
    ypred[abs(ypred) < 0.5] = 0

    return P, ypred, fit, itr
Esempio n. 4
def orth_als(X, rank, **kwargs):
    Orthogonalized Alternating least-sqaures algorithm to compute the CP decomposition.
    Orth-ALS is a variant of standard ALS where the factor estimates are
    orthogonalized before the ALS step. The orthogonalization may be continued till the end, or
    up to a fixed number of iterations. 

    For more details about Orth-ALS, see reference [4].

    X : tensor_mixin
        The tensor to be decomposed.
    rank : int
        Tensor rank of the decomposition.
    init : {'random', 'nvecs'}, optional
        The initialization method to use.
            - random : Factor matrices are initialized randomly.
            - nvecs :  Factor matrices are initialzed via HOSVD.
        (default 'nvecs')
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximium number of iterations of the ALS algorithm.
        (default 500)
    stop_orth: int, optional
        Number of iterations till which orthogonalization is to be continued
        (default 5)
    fit_method : {'full', None}
        The method to compute the fit of the factorization
            - 'full' : Compute least-squares fit of the dense approximation of.
                       X and X.
            - None : Do not compute the fit of the factorization, but iterate
                     until ``max_iter`` (Useful for large-scale tensors).
        (default 'full')
    conv : float
        Convergence tolerance on difference of fit between iterations
        (default 1e-5)

    P : ktensor
        Rank ``rank`` factorization of X. ``P.U[i]`` corresponds to the factor
        matrix for the i-th mode. ``P.lambda[i]`` corresponds to the weight
        of the i-th mode.
    fit : float
        Fit of the factorization compared to ``X``
    itr : int
        Number of iterations that were needed until convergence
    exectimes : ndarray of floats
        Time needed for each single iteration

    Create random dense tensor

    >>> from sktensor import dtensor, ktensor
    >>> U = [np.random.rand(i,3) for i in (20, 10, 14)]
    >>> T = dtensor(ktensor(U).toarray())

    Compute rank-3 CP decomposition of ``T`` with Orth-ALS/ Hybrid-ALS

    >>> P, fit, itr, _ = als(T, 3)

    Result is a decomposed tensor stored as a Kruskal operator

    >>> type(P)
    <class 'sktensor.ktensor.ktensor'>

    Factorization should be close to original data

    >>> np.allclose(T, P.totensor())

    .. [1] Kolda, T. G. & Bader, B. W.
           Tensor Decompositions and Applications.
           SIAM Rev. 51, 455–500 (2009).
    .. [2] Harshman, R. A.
           Foundations of the PARAFAC procedure: models and conditions for an 'explanatory' multimodal factor analysis.
           UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 16, (1970).
    .. [3] Carroll, J. D.,  Chang, J. J.
           Analysis of individual differences in multidimensional scaling 
           via an N-way generalization of 'Eckart-Young' decomposition.
           Psychometrika 35, 283–319 (1970).
    .. [4] V. Sharan, G. Valiant
           Orthogonalized ALS: A Theoretically Principled Tensor Decomposition Algorithm for Practical Use 
           arXiv:1703.01804, 2017

    # init options
    ainit = kwargs.pop('init', _DEF_INIT)
    maxiter = kwargs.pop('max_iter', _DEF_MAXITER)
    fit_method = kwargs.pop('fit_method', _DEF_FIT_METHOD)
    conv = kwargs.pop('conv', _DEF_CONV)
    stop_orth = kwargs.pop('stop_orth', _DEF_STOP_ORTH)
    dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', _DEF_TYPE)
    if not len(kwargs) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Unknown keywords (%s)' % (kwargs.keys()))

    N = X.ndim
    normX = norm(X)'')
    U = _init(ainit, X, N, rank, dtype)'')
    fit = 0
    exectimes = []
    for itr in range(maxiter):
        tic = time.clock()
        fitold = fit

        if itr != 0 and itr < stop_orth:

            t = U[0].shape
            dim_max = t[0] - 1
            for n in range(N):
                t = U[n].shape
                if (t[0] - 1) < dim_max:
                    dim_max = t[0] - 1

            for n in range(N):

                Q = U[n]
                t = Q.shape
                J = t[1]
                count = 0
                for i in range(J):

                    if LA.norm(Q[:, i] == 0):
                        count += 1
                        # _log.debug(
                        # 'Zero norm, mode %d' % (n)
                        # )
                        Q[:, i] = rand(t[0])
                        Q[:, i] = Q[:, i] / LA.norm(Q[:, i])
                        Q[:, i] = Q[:, i] / LA.norm(Q[:, i])
                    if i <= dim_max:
                        for j in range(i + 1, J):
                            Q[:, j] = Q[:, j] - 1 * np.inner(Q[:, j],
                                                             Q[:, i]) * Q[:, i]
                U[n] = Q

                _log.debug('Zero norm, mode %d, count %d' % (n, count))

        for n in range(N):
            Unew = X.uttkrp(U, n)
            Y = ones((rank, rank), dtype=dtype)
            for i in (list(range(n)) + list(range(n + 1, N))):
                Y = Y * dot(U[i].T, U[i])
            Unew =
            # Normalize
            if itr == 0:
                lmbda = sqrt((Unew**2).sum(axis=0))
                lmbda = Unew.max(axis=0)
                lmbda[lmbda < 1] = 1
            U[n] = Unew / lmbda

        P = ktensor(U, lmbda)
        if fit_method == 'full':
            normresidual = normX**2 + P.norm()**2 - 2 * P.innerprod(X)
            fit = 1 - (normresidual / normX**2)
            fit = itr
        fitchange = abs(fitold - fit)
        exectimes.append(time.clock() - tic)
        _log.debug('[%3d] fit: %.5f | delta: %7.1e | secs: %.5f' %
                   (itr, fit, fitchange, exectimes[-1]))
        if itr > 0 and fitchange < conv:

    return P, fit, itr, array(exectimes)