Esempio n. 1
def _is_distance_factory_callable(metric: Callable) -> bool:
    """Validate if a callable is a distance factory.

    metric: Callable
        Callable to validate if is a valid distance factory.

        Boolean that is true if callable is a valid distance factory and false
        if the callable is an invalid distance factory.
    is_no_python_compiled = is_no_python_compiled_callable(metric)
    if is_no_python_compiled:
        return False
    correct_num_params = len(inspect.signature(metric).parameters) >= 2
    return_type = inspect.signature(metric).return_annotation
    return_num_params = (
        return_type is not float
        and hasattr(return_type, "__len__")
        and len(return_type) == 1
    return correct_num_params and return_num_params
Esempio n. 2
def _is_no_python_distance_callable(metric: Callable) -> bool:
    """Validate if a callable is a no_python compiled distance metric.

    metric: Callable
        Callable to validate if is a valid no_python distance callable.

        Boolean that is true if callable is a valid no_python compiled distance and
        false if the callable is an invalid no_python callable.

    is_no_python_compiled = is_no_python_compiled_callable(metric)
    if not is_no_python_compiled:
        return False
    correct_num_params = len(inspect.signature(metric).parameters) == 2
    return_num_params = inspect.signature(metric).return_annotation is float
    return correct_num_params and return_num_params
Esempio n. 3
    def _distance_alignment_path_factory(
        x: np.ndarray,
        y: np.ndarray,
        return_cost_matrix: bool = False,
        window: float = None,
        itakura_max_slope: float = None,
        bounding_matrix: np.ndarray = None,
        compute_derivative: DerivativeCallable = average_of_slope,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> DistanceAlignmentPathCallable:
        """Create a no_python compiled ddtw distance alignment path callable.

        Series should be shape (d, m), where d is the number of dimensions, m the series
        length. Series can be different lengths.

        x: np.ndarray (2d array of shape (d,m1)).
            First time series.
        y: np.ndarray (2d array of shape (d,m2)).
            Second time series.
        return_cost_matrix: bool, defaults = False
            Boolean that when true will also return the cost matrix.
        window: float, defaults = None
            Float that is the radius of the Sakoe-Chiba window (if using Sakoe-Chiba
            lower bounding). Must be between 0 and 1.
        itakura_max_slope: float, defaults = None
            Gradient of the slope for Itakura parallelogram (if using Itakura
            Parallelogram lower bounding). Must be between 0 and 1.
        bounding_matrix: np.ndarray (2d array of shape (m1,m2)), defaults = None
            Custom bounding matrix to use. If defined then other lower_bounding params
            are ignored. The matrix should be structure so that indexes considered in
            bound should be the value 0. and indexes outside the bounding matrix should
            be infinity.
        compute_derivative: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
                                defaults = average slope difference
            Callable that computes the derivative. If none is provided the average of
            the slope between two points used.
        kwargs: any
            extra kwargs.

        Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], tuple[np.ndarray, float]]
            No_python compiled wdtw distance path callable.

            If the input time series is not a numpy array.
            If the input time series doesn't have exactly 2 dimensions.
            If the sakoe_chiba_window_radius is not an integer.
            If the itakura_max_slope is not a float or int.
            If the compute derivative callable is not no_python compiled.
        _bounding_matrix = resolve_bounding_matrix(x, y, window,

        if not is_no_python_compiled_callable(compute_derivative):
            raise (
                f"The derivative callable must be no_python compiled. The name"
                f"of the callable that must be compiled is "

        if return_cost_matrix is True:

            def numba_ddtw_distance_alignment_path(
                _x: np.ndarray,
                _y: np.ndarray,
            ) -> Tuple[List, float, np.ndarray]:
                _x = compute_derivative(_x)
                _y = compute_derivative(_y)
                cost_matrix = _cost_matrix(_x, _y, _bounding_matrix)
                path = compute_min_return_path(cost_matrix, _bounding_matrix)
                return path, cost_matrix[-1, -1], cost_matrix


            def numba_ddtw_distance_alignment_path(
                _x: np.ndarray,
                _y: np.ndarray,
            ) -> Tuple[List, float]:
                _x = compute_derivative(_x)
                _y = compute_derivative(_y)
                cost_matrix = _cost_matrix(_x, _y, _bounding_matrix)
                path = compute_min_return_path(cost_matrix, _bounding_matrix)
                return path, cost_matrix[-1, -1]

        return numba_ddtw_distance_alignment_path
Esempio n. 4
    def _distance_factory(
        x: np.ndarray,
        y: np.ndarray,
        window: float = None,
        itakura_max_slope: float = None,
        bounding_matrix: np.ndarray = None,
        compute_derivative: DerivativeCallable = _average_of_slope,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> DistanceCallable:
        """Create a no_python compiled ddtw distance callable.

        x: np.ndarray (2d array)
            First timeseries.
        y: np.ndarray (2d array)
            Second timeseries.
        window: float, defaults = None
            Float that is the radius of the sakoe chiba window (if using Sakoe-Chiba
            lower bounding). Must be between 0 and 1.
        itakura_max_slope: float, defaults = None
            Gradient of the slope for itakura parallelogram (if using Itakura
            Parallelogram lower bounding). Must be between 0 and 1.
        bounding_matrix: np.ndarray (2d of size mxn where m is len(x) and n is len(y)),
                                        defaults = None
            Custom bounding matrix to use. If defined then other lower_bounding params
            are ignored. The matrix should be structure so that indexes considered in
            bound should be the value 0. and indexes outside the bounding matrix should
            be infinity.
        compute_derivative: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
                                defaults = average slope difference
            Callable that computes the derivative. If none is provided the average of
            the slope between two points used.
        kwargs: any
            extra kwargs.

        Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float]
            No_python compiled ddtw distance callable.

            If the input timeseries is not a numpy array.
            If the input timeseries doesn't have exactly 2 dimensions.
            If the sakoe_chiba_window_radius is not an integer.
            If the itakura_max_slope is not a float or int.
            If the compute derivative callable is not no_python compiled.
        _bounding_matrix = resolve_bounding_matrix(
            x, y, window, itakura_max_slope, bounding_matrix

        if not is_no_python_compiled_callable(compute_derivative):
            raise (
                f"The derivative callable must be no_python compiled. The name"
                f"of the callable that must be compiled is "

        def numba_ddtw_distance(
            _x: np.ndarray,
            _y: np.ndarray,
        ) -> float:
            _x = compute_derivative(_x)
            _y = compute_derivative(_y)
            cost_matrix = _cost_matrix(_x, _y, _bounding_matrix)
            return cost_matrix[-1, -1]

        return numba_ddtw_distance
Esempio n. 5
    def _distance_factory(
        x: np.ndarray,
        y: np.ndarray,
        window: int = None,
        itakura_max_slope: float = None,
        bounding_matrix: np.ndarray = None,
        compute_derivative: DerivativeCallable = average_of_slope,
        g: float = 0.0,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> DistanceCallable:
        """Create a no_python compiled wddtw distance callable.

        Series should be shape (d, m), where d is the number of dimensions, m the series
        length. Series can be different lengths.

        x: np.ndarray (2d array of shape (d,m1)).
            First time series.
        y: np.ndarray (2d array of shape (d,m2)).
            Second time series.
        window: int, defaults = None
            Integer that is the radius of the sakoe chiba window (if using Sakoe-Chiba
            lower bounding).
        itakura_max_slope: float, defaults = None
            Gradient of the slope for itakura parallelogram (if using Itakura
            Parallelogram lower bounding).
        bounding_matrix: np.ndarray (2d array of shape (m1,m2)), defaults = None
            Custom bounding matrix to use. If defined then other lower_bounding params
            are ignored. The matrix should be structure so that indexes considered in
            bound should be the value 0. and indexes outside the bounding matrix should
            be infinity.
        compute_derivative: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
                                defaults = average slope difference
            Callable that computes the derivative. If none is provided the average of
            the slope between two points used.
        g: float, defaults = 0.
            Constant that controls the curvature (slope) of the function; that is, g
            controls the level of penalisation for the points with larger phase
        kwargs: Any
            Extra kwargs.

        Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float]
            No_python compiled wddtw distance callable.

            If the input time series is not a numpy array.
            If the input time series doesn't have exactly 2 dimensions.
            If the sakoe_chiba_window_radius is not an integer.
            If the itakura_max_slope is not a float or int.
            If the compute derivative callable is not no_python compiled.
            If the value of g is not a float
        _bounding_matrix = resolve_bounding_matrix(x, y, window,

        if not isinstance(g, float):
            raise ValueError(
                f"The value of g must be a float. The current value is {g}")

        if not is_no_python_compiled_callable(compute_derivative):
            raise ValueError(
                f"The derivative callable must be no_python compiled. The name"
                f"of the callable that must be compiled is "

        def numba_wddtw_distance(
            _x: np.ndarray,
            _y: np.ndarray,
        ) -> float:
            _x = compute_derivative(_x)
            _y = compute_derivative(_y)
            cost_matrix = _weighted_cost_matrix(_x, _y, _bounding_matrix, g)
            return cost_matrix[-1, -1]

        return numba_wddtw_distance