Esempio n. 1
 def _comets(self) -> DataFrame:
     with as f:
         return (
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    f =

    t0 = time()
    c = mpc.load_comets_dataframe(f)
    print(time() - t0, 'seconds for load_comets_dataframe()')
    assert len(c) == 864

    t0 = time()
    c = mpc.load_comets_dataframe_slow(f)
    print(time() - t0, 'seconds for load_comets_dataframe_slow()')
    assert len(c) == 864
Esempio n. 3
def get_comet(name, timestamp):

    # name = "C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)"
    with as f:
        comets = mpc.load_comets_dataframe(f)

    comets = (comets.sort_values('reference')
              .groupby('designation', as_index=False).last()
              .set_index('designation', drop=False))

    row = comets.loc[name]
    ts = load.timescale()
    eph = load('de421.bsp')
    sun, earth = eph['sun'], eph['earth']

    comet = sun + mpc.comet_orbit(row, ts, GM_SUN)

    t = ts.utc(timestamp.year, timestamp.month,, timestamp.hour, timestamp.minute)
    ra, dec, distance =

    result = {}
    result['name'] = name
    result['designation'] = row['designation']
    result['timestamp'] = str(timestamp)
    result['ra'] = str(ra)
    result['dec'] = str(dec)
    result['ra_decimal'] = str(ra.hours * 15)
    result['dec_decimal'] = str(dec.degrees)
    result['distance'] = str(distance)
    result['magnitude_g'] = row['magnitude_g']
    result['magnitude_k'] = row['magnitude_k']
    result['visual_magnitude'] = row['magnitude_k']
    result['row'] = row
    return result,comet
Esempio n. 4
def test_comet_with_eccentricity_of_exactly_one():
    ts = load.timescale()
    t = ts.utc(2020, 8, 13)
    planets = load('de421.bsp')
    earth, sun = planets['earth'], planets['sun']

    data = (b'    CK15A020  2015 08  1.8353  5.341055  1.000000  208.8369  '
            b'258.5042  109.1696            10.5  4.0  C/2015 A2 (PANSTARRS)'
            b'                                    MPC 93587')

    with BytesIO(data) as f:
        df = mpc.load_comets_dataframe(f)

    df = df[df['designation'] == 'C/2015 A2 (PANSTARRS)']
    comet = mpc.comet_orbit(df.iloc[0], ts, GM_SUN)
    ra, dec, distance = + comet).radec()

    # These are exactly the RA and declination from the Minor Planet
    # Center for this comet!  (The RA seconds returned by Skyfield
    # actually say "46.45s", which would round up to 46.5, but what's a
    # tenth of an arcsecond among friends?)
    assert str(ra).startswith('18h 46m 46.4')
    assert str(dec).startswith("-72deg 05' 33.")
Esempio n. 5
# time `t` we use for everything else.

ts = load.timescale()
t_comet = ts.utc(2020, 7, range(17, 27))
t = t_comet[len(t_comet) // 2]  # middle date

# An ephemeris from the JPL provides Sun and Earth positions.

eph = load('de421.bsp')
sun = eph['sun']
earth = eph['earth']

# The Minor Planet Center data file provides the comet orbit.

with as f:
    comets = mpc.load_comets_dataframe(f)

comets = comets.set_index('designation', drop=False)
row = comets.loc['C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)']
comet = sun + mpc.comet_orbit(row, ts, GM_SUN)

# The Hipparcos mission provides our star catalog.

with as f:
    stars = hipparcos.load_dataframe(f)

# And the constellation outlines come from Stellarium.  We make a list
# of the stars at which each edge stars, and the star at which each edge
# ends.

url = (''
Esempio n. 6
def create_starmap(command, observation_id):

    # The comet is plotted on several dates `t_comet`.  But the stars only
    # need to be drawn once, so we take the middle comet date as the single
    # time `t` we use for everything else.

    ts = load.timescale()
    t_comet = ts.utc(2020, 8, range(1, 10))
    t = t_comet[len(t_comet) // 2]  # middle date

    # An ephemeris from the JPL provides Sun and Earth positions.

    eph = load('de421.bsp')
    sun = eph['sun']
    earth = eph['earth']

    # The Minor Planet Center data file provides the comet orbit.

    with as f:
        comets = mpc.load_comets_dataframe(f)

    comets = (comets.sort_values('reference')
              .groupby('designation', as_index=False).last()
              .set_index('designation', drop=False))

    row = comets.loc['C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)']
    comet = sun + mpc.comet_orbit(row, ts, GM_SUN)

    # The Hipparcos mission provides our star catalog.

    # with as f:
    with as f:
        stars = hipparcos.load_dataframe(f)

    # And the constellation outlines come from Stellarium.  We make a list
    # of the stars at which each edge stars, and the star at which each edge
    # ends.

    url = (''

    with as f:
        constellations = stellarium.parse_constellations(f)

    edges = [edge for name, edges in constellations for edge in edges]
    edges_star1 = [star1 for star1, star2 in edges]
    edges_star2 = [star2 for star1, star2 in edges]

    # We will center the chart on the comet's middle position.

    center =
    projection = build_stereographic_projection(center)
    field_of_view_degrees = 30.0
    limiting_magnitude = 8.0

    # Now that we have constructed our projection, compute the x and y
    # coordinates that each star and the comet will have on the plot.

    star_positions =
    stars['x'], stars['y'] = projection(star_positions)

    comet_x, comet_y = projection(

    # Create a True/False mask marking the stars bright enough to be
    # included in our plot.  And go ahead and compute how large their
    # markers will be on the plot.

    bright_stars = (stars.magnitude <= limiting_magnitude)
    magnitude = stars['magnitude'][bright_stars]
    marker_size = (0.5 + limiting_magnitude - magnitude) ** 2.0

    # The constellation lines will each begin at the x,y of one star and end
    # at the x,y of another.  We have to "rollaxis" the resulting coordinate
    # array into the shape that matplotlib expects.

    xy1 = stars[['x', 'y']].loc[edges_star1].values
    xy2 = stars[['x', 'y']].loc[edges_star2].values
    lines_xy = np.rollaxis(np.array([xy1, xy2]), 1)

    # Time to build the figure!

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[9, 9])

    # Draw the constellation lines.

    ax.add_collection(LineCollection(lines_xy, colors='#00f2'))

    # Draw the stars.

    ax.scatter(stars['x'][bright_stars], stars['y'][bright_stars],
               s=marker_size, color='k')

    # Draw the comet positions, and label them with dates.

    comet_color = '#f00'
    offset = 0.002

    ax.plot(comet_x, comet_y, '+', c=comet_color, zorder=3)

    for xi, yi, tstr in zip(comet_x, comet_y, t_comet.utc_strftime('%m/%d')):
        tstr = tstr.lstrip('0')
        text = ax.text(xi + offset, yi - offset, tstr, color=comet_color,
                       ha='left', va='top', fontsize=9, weight='bold', zorder=-1)

    # Finally, title the plot and set some final parameters.

    angle = np.pi - field_of_view_degrees / 360.0 * np.pi
    limit = np.sin(angle) / (1.0 - np.cos(angle))

    ax.set_xlim(-limit, limit)
    ax.set_ylim(-limit, limit)
    ax.set_title('Comet NEOWISE {} through {}'.format(
        t_comet[0].utc_strftime('%Y %B %d'),
        t_comet[-1].utc_strftime('%Y %B %d'),

    # Save.
    filename = 'starmap.png'
    path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, filename)

    fig.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight')

    image_url = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_URL, filename)
    return image_url