def initialize_landmark(ekf_state, tree): ''' Initialize a newly observed landmark in the filter state, increasing its dimension by 2. Returns the new ekf_state. ''' range = tree[0] angle = tree[1] xv = ekf_state['x'][0] yv = ekf_state['x'][1] phi = ekf_state['x'][2] xl = range * np.cos(slam_utils.clamp_angle(angle + phi)) + xv yl = range * np.sin(slam_utils.clamp_angle(angle + phi)) + yv ekf_state['x'] = np.append(ekf_state['x'], [xl, yl]) m, n = ekf_state['P'].shape P_new = np.zeros((m + 2, n + 2)) P_new[m, n] = 69.5 P_new[m + 1, n + 1] = 69.5 P_new[0:m, 0:n] = ekf_state['P'] ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(P_new) ekf_state['num_landmarks'] += 1 return ekf_state
def laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, landmark_id): ''' Returns the measurement model for a (range,bearing) sensor observing the mapped landmark with id 'landmark_id' along with its jacobian. Returns: h(x, l_id): the 2x1 predicted measurement vector [r_hat, theta_hat]. dh/dX: For a measurement state with m mapped landmarks, i.e. a state vector of dimension 3 + 2*m, this should return the full 2 by 3+2m Jacobian matrix corresponding to a measurement of the landmark_id'th feature. ''' ### # Implement the measurement model and its Jacobian you derived ### t_st = ekf_state['x'].copy() t_st[2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(t_st[2]) dim = t_st.shape[0] r_x,r_y,phi = t_st[0],t_st[1],t_st[2] m_x,m_y = t_st[3+2*landmark_id],t_st[4+2*landmark_id] del_x = m_x - r_x del_y = m_y - r_y q = (del_x)**2+(del_y)**2 sqrt_q = np.sqrt(q) zhat = [[sqrt_q],[slam_utils.clamp_angle(np.arctan2(del_y,del_x)-phi)]] h = np.array([[-sqrt_q*del_x,-sqrt_q*del_y,0,sqrt_q*del_x,sqrt_q*del_y],[del_y,-del_x,-q,-del_y,del_x]])/q F_x = np.zeros((5,dim)) F_x[:3,:3] = np.eye(3) F_x[3,3+2*landmark_id]=1 F_x[4,4+2*landmark_id]=1 H = np.matmul(h,F_x) return zhat, H
def laser_update(trees, assoc, ekf_state, sigmas, params): ''' Perform a measurement update of the EKF state given a set of tree measurements. trees is a list of measurements, where each measurement is a tuple (range, bearing, diameter). assoc is the data association for the given set of trees, i.e. trees[i] is an observation of the ith landmark. If assoc[i] == -1, initialize a new landmark with the function initialize_landmark in the state for measurement i. If assoc[i] == -2, discard the measurement as it is too ambiguous to use. The diameter component of the measurement can be discarded. Returns the ekf_state. ''' Q = np.diag([sigmas['range']**2, sigmas['bearing']**2]) for i, j in enumerate(assoc): if j == -2: continue elif j == -1: ekf_state = initialize_landmark(ekf_state, trees[i]) n = ekf_state['num_landmarks'] sigma = ekf_state['P'] zhat, H = laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, n - 1) K = np.matmul( np.matmul(sigma, H.T), np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.matmul(H, sigma), H.T) + Q)) z = np.zeros((2, 1)) z[0, 0] = trees[i][0] z[1, 0] = trees[i][1] state_update = np.matmul(K, (z - zhat)) ekf_state['x'] = np.reshape( (np.reshape(ekf_state['x'], (-1, 1)) + state_update), (-1, )) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric( np.matmul((np.eye(ekf_state['x'].shape[0]) - np.matmul(K, H)), sigma)) else: sigma = ekf_state['P'] zhat, H = laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, j) K = np.matmul( np.matmul(sigma, H.T), np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.matmul(H, sigma), H.T) + Q)) z = np.zeros((2, 1)) z[0, 0] = trees[i][0] z[1, 0] = trees[i][1] state_update = np.matmul(K, (z - zhat)) ekf_state['x'] = np.reshape( (np.reshape(ekf_state['x'], (-1, 1)) + state_update), (-1, )) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric( np.matmul((np.eye(ekf_state['x'].shape[0]) - np.matmul(K, H)), sigma)) return ekf_state
def laser_update(trees, assoc, ekf_state, sigmas, params): ''' Perform a measurement update of the EKF state given a set of tree measurements. trees is a list of measurements, where each measurement is a tuple (range, bearing, diameter). assoc is the data association for the given set of trees, i.e. trees[i] is an observation of the ith landmark. If assoc[i] == -1, initialize a new landmark with the function initialize_landmark in the state for measurement i. If assoc[i] == -2, discard the measurement as it is too ambiguous to use. The diameter component of the measurement can be discarded. Returns the ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement the EKF update for a set of range, bearing measurements. ### R = np.diag([sigmas['range']**2, sigmas['bearing']**2]) for i in range(0, len(trees)): if assoc[i] == -2: continue elif assoc[i] == -1: ekf_state = initialize_landmark(ekf_state, trees[i]) P = ekf_state['P'] z_hat, H = laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, ekf_state['num_landmarks'] - 1) r = np.array(np.array(trees[i][0:2]) - np.array(z_hat)) S_inv = np.linalg.inv( np.matmul(np.matmul(H, P), np.transpose(H)) + R) K = np.matmul(np.matmul(P, np.transpose(H)), S_inv) ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] + np.matmul(K, r) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) temp1 = np.identity(P.shape[0]) - np.matmul(K, H) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(np.matmul(temp1, P)) else: P = ekf_state['P'] z_hat, H = laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, assoc[i]) r = np.array(np.array(trees[i][0:2]) - np.array(z_hat)) S_inv = np.linalg.inv( np.matmul(np.matmul(H, P), np.transpose(H)) + R) K = np.matmul(np.matmul(P, np.transpose(H)), S_inv) ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] + np.matmul(K, r) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) temp2 = np.identity(P.shape[0]) - np.matmul(K, H) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(np.matmul(temp2, P)) return ekf_state
def motion_model(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params): ''' Computes the discretized motion model for the given vehicle as well as its Jacobian Returns: f(x,u), a 3x1 vector corresponding to motion x_{t+1} - x_t given the odometry u. df/dX, the 3x3 Jacobian of f with respect to the vehicle state (x, y, phi) ''' ### # Implement the vehicle model and its Jacobian you derived. ### Ve = u[0] alpha = slam_utils.clamp_angle(u[1]) H = vehicle_params['H'] L = vehicle_params['L'] a = vehicle_params['a'] b = vehicle_params['b'] Vc = Ve / (1 - np.tan(alpha) * H / L) # phi = ekf_state['x'][2] phi = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) motion = np.empty([3], dtype=np.float64) motion[0] = dt * (Vc * np.cos(phi) - Vc / L * np.tan(alpha) * (a * np.sin(phi) + b * np.cos(phi))) motion[1] = dt * (Vc * np.sin(phi) + Vc / L * np.tan(alpha) * (a * np.cos(phi) - b * np.sin(phi))) motion[2] = dt * Vc / L * np.tan(alpha) G = np.empty([3, 3], dtype=np.float64) G[0, 0] = 1 G[0, 1] = 0 G[0, 2] = dt * (-Vc * np.sin(phi) - Vc / L * np.tan(alpha) * (a * np.cos(phi) - b * np.sin(phi))) G[1, 0] = 0 G[1, 1] = 1 G[1, 2] = dt * (Vc * np.cos(phi) + Vc / L * np.tan(alpha) * (-a * np.sin(phi) - b * np.cos(phi))) G[2, 0] = 0 G[2, 1] = 0 G[2, 2] = 1 return motion, G
def initialize_landmark(ekf_state, tree): '''turnin -c ese650 -p project2 Initialize a newly observed landmark in the filter state, increasing its dimension by 2. Returns the new ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement this function. ### current_x = ekf_state['x'][0] current_y = ekf_state['x'][1] current_th = ekf_state['x'][2] measurements_r = tree[0] measurements_th = tree[1] ekf_state['x'] = np.hstack( (ekf_state['x'], current_x + measurements_r * np.cos(measurements_th + current_th), current_y + measurements_r * np.sin(measurements_th + current_th))) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['num_landmarks'] = ekf_state['num_landmarks'] + 1 newP = np.zeros((2 * ekf_state['num_landmarks'] + 3, 2 * ekf_state['num_landmarks'] + 3)) newP[-1, -1], newP[-2, -2] = 1000, 1000 newP[:-2, :-2] = ekf_state['P'] ekf_state['P'] = newP return ekf_state
def initialize_landmark(ekf_state, tree): ''' Initialize a newly observed landmark in the filter state, increasing its dimension by 2. Returns the new ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement this function. ### phi = ekf_state["x"][2] mu = ekf_state["x"][0:2] landmarks = np.reshape(mu, (2, 1)) + np.vstack( (tree[0] * np.cos(phi + tree[1]), tree[0] * np.sin(phi + tree[1]))) ekf_state['x'] = np.append(ekf_state['x'], landmarks[0, 0]) ekf_state['x'] = np.append(ekf_state['x'], landmarks[1, 0]) P = ekf_state['P'] # P = np.vstack((P,np.zeros((2,P.shape[0])))) # P = np.hstack((P, np.zeros((P.shape[0],2)))) P_new = np.eye(P.shape[0] + 2) * 1000 # P[-1,-1], P[-2,-2] = 1000,1000 P_new[:-2, :-2] = P ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(P_new) ekf_state['num_landmarks'] += 1 ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) return ekf_state
def odom_predict(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params, sigmas): ''' Perform the propagation step of the EKF filter given an odometry measurement u and time step dt where u = (ve, alpha) as shown in the vehicle/motion model. Returns the new ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement the propagation ### motion, G = motion_model(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params) R = np.diag([ sigmas['xy'] * sigmas['xy'], sigmas['xy'] * sigmas['xy'], sigmas['phi'] * sigmas['phi'] ]) ekf_state['x'][0:3] = ekf_state['x'][0:3] + motion ekf_state['P'][:3, :3] = np.matmul(np.matmul(G, ekf_state['P'][:3, :3]), G.T) + R ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(ekf_state['P']) return ekf_state
def gps_update(gps, ekf_state, sigmas): ''' Perform a measurement update of the EKF state given a GPS measurement (x,y). Returns the updated ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement the GPS update. ### r = np.array(gps - ekf_state['x'][0:2]) P = ekf_state['P'] R = np.diag([sigmas['gps']**2, sigmas['gps']**2]) H = np.zeros((2, ekf_state['x'].size)) H[0, 0] = 1 H[1, 1] = 1 S_inv = np.linalg.inv(P[0:2, 0:2] + R) MD = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.transpose(r), S_inv), r) if MD < chi2.ppf(0.999, df=2): K = np.matmul(np.matmul(P, np.transpose(H)), S_inv) ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] + np.matmul(K, r) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) temp1 = np.identity(ekf_state['x'].size) - np.matmul(K, H) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(np.matmul(temp1, P)) # else: # print("no gps") return ekf_state
def motion_model(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params): ''' Computes the discretized motion model for the given vehicle as well as its Jacobian Returns: f(x,u), a 3x1 vector corresponding to motion x_{t+1} - x_t given the odometry u. df/dX, the 3x3 Jacobian of f with respect to the vehicle state (x, y, phi) ''' v_e = u[0].copy() alpha = u[1].copy() H = vehicle_params['H'] L = vehicle_params['L'] a = vehicle_params['a'] b = vehicle_params['b'] v_c = (v_e)/(1-np.tan(alpha)*(H/L)) t_st = ekf_state['x'].copy() phi = t_st[2] el1 = dt*(v_c*np.cos(phi)-(v_c/L)*np.tan(alpha)*(a*np.sin(phi)+b*np.cos(phi))) el2 = dt*(v_c*np.sin(phi)+(v_c/L)*np.tan(alpha)*(a*np.cos(phi)-b*np.sin(phi))) el3 = dt*(v_c/L)*np.tan(alpha) el31 = slam_utils.clamp_angle(el3) motion = np.array([[el1],[el2],[el31]]) el13 = -dt*v_c*(np.sin(phi)+(1/L)*np.tan(alpha)*(a*np.cos(phi)-b*np.sin(phi))) el23 = dt*v_c*(np.cos(phi)-(1/L)*np.tan(alpha)*(a*np.sin(phi)+b*np.cos(phi))) G = np.array([[1,0,el13],[0,1,el23],[0,0,1]]) return motion, G
def odom_predict(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params, sigmas): ''' Perform the propagation step of the EKF filter given an odometry measurement u and time step dt where u = (ve, alpha) as shown in the vehicle/motion model. Returns the new ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement the propagation ### motion, G = motion_model(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params) P = ekf_state['P'] Q = np.diag([sigmas['xy']**2, sigmas['xy']**2, sigmas['phi']**2]) upd_state = ekf_state['x'][0:3] + motion upd_covariance = np.matmul(np.matmul(G, P[0:3, 0:3]), np.transpose(G)) + Q ekf_state['x'][0:3] = upd_state ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'][0:3, 0:3] = upd_covariance ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(ekf_state['P']) return ekf_state
def gps_update(gps, ekf_state, sigmas): ''' Perform a measurement update of the EKF state given a GPS measurement (x,y). Returns the updated ekf_state. ''' ## #Implement the GPS update. ## H = np.zeros((2, 3 + 2 * ekf_state['num_landmarks'])) H[0, 0] = 1 H[1, 1] = 1 Q = np.eye(2, 2) * (sigmas['gps']**2) Sigma = ekf_state['P'] r = gps - ekf_state['x'][:2] Sinv = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.matmul(H, Sigma), H.T) + Q.T) d = np.matmul(np.matmul(r.T, Sinv), r) if d > chi2.ppf(0.999, df=2): return ekf_state K = np.matmul(np.matmul(Sigma, H.T), Sinv) ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] + np.matmul(K, r) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) Sigma = np.matmul( (np.eye(3 + 2 * ekf_state['num_landmarks'], 3 + 2 * ekf_state['num_landmarks']) - np.matmul(K, H)), Sigma) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(Sigma) # print(ekf_state) return ekf_state
def initialize_landmark(ekf_state, tree): ''' Initialize a newly observed landmark in the filter state, increasing its dimension by 2. Returns the new ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement this function. ### xv, yv, phi = ekf_state['x'][0:3] P = ekf_state['P'] ranges, bearings, dia = tree bearings = slam_utils.clamp_angle(bearings) xl = xv + ranges * np.cos(bearings + phi) yl = yv + ranges * np.sin(bearings + phi) upd_state = np.array(np.append(ekf_state['x'], np.array([xl, yl]))) upd_covariance = np.zeros((upd_state.size, upd_state.size)) upd_covariance[0:P.shape[0], 0:P.shape[1]] = P upd_covariance[upd_state.size - 1, upd_state.size - 1] = 100 upd_covariance[upd_state.size - 2, upd_state.size - 2] = 100 ekf_state['num_landmarks'] += 1 ekf_state['x'] = upd_state ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(upd_covariance) return ekf_state
def odom_predict(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params, sigmas): ''' Perform the propagation step of the EKF filter given an odometry measurement u and time step dt where u = (ve, alpha) as shown in the vehicle/motion model. Returns the new ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement the propagation ### motion, G = motion_model(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params) # motion += np.vstack([ekf_state['x'][0], ekf_state['x'][1], ekf_state['x'][2]]) # G = G + np.eye(3) P = ekf_state['P'][:3, :3] sigma_xy = sigmas['xy']**2 sigma_phi = sigmas['phi']**2 Q = sigma_xy * np.eye(3) Q[2, 2] = sigma_phi ekf_state['x'][:3] = motion.reshape(3, ) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'][:3, :3] =, P), G.T) + Q ekf_state['P'] = fix_P(ekf_state['P']) return ekf_state
def laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, landmark_id): ''' Returns the measurement model for a (range,bearing) sensor observing the mapped landmark with id 'landmark_id' along with its jacobian. Returns: h(x, l_id): the 2x1 predicted measurement vector [r_hat, theta_hat]. dh/dX: For a measurement state with m mapped landmarks, i.e. a state vector of dimension 3 + 2*m, this should return the full 2 by 3+2m Jacobian matrix corresponding to a measurement of the landmark_id'th feature. ''' x, y, p = ekf_state['x'][:3] x_t, y_t = ekf_state['x'][3 + landmark_id * 2:3 + (landmark_id + 1) * 2] H = np.zeros((2, ekf_state['x'].shape[0])) zhat = np.array( [np.sqrt((x_t - x) ** 2 + (y_t - y) ** 2), slam_utils.clamp_angle(np.arctan2(y_t - y, x_t - x) - p)]) H[:, :3] = np.array([[(x - x_t) / zhat[0], (y - y_t) / zhat[0], 0], [-(y - y_t) / zhat[0] ** 2, (x - x_t) / zhat[0] ** 2, -1]]) # middle_H = np.array([[-(2 * x - 2 * x_t) / (2 * ((x - x_t) ** 2 + (y - y_t) ** 2) ** (1 / 2)), # -(2 * y - 2 * y_t) / (2 * ((x - x_t) ** 2 + (y - y_t) ** 2) ** (1 / 2))] # , [(y - y_t) / ((x - x_t) ** 2 + (y - y_t) ** 2), # -(x - x_t) / ((x - x_t) ** 2 + (y - y_t) ** 2)]]) H[:, 3 + landmark_id * 2:3 + (landmark_id + 1) * 2] = -H[:2, :2] return zhat, H
def odom_predict(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params, sigmas): ''' Perform the propagation step of the EKF filter given an odometry measurement u and time step dt where u = (ve, alpha) as shown in the vehicle/motion model. Returns the new ekf_state. ''' # R - process noise R = np.zeros([3, 3]) R[0, 0] = sigmas['xy'] * sigmas['xy'] R[1, 1] = sigmas['xy'] * sigmas['xy'] R[2, 2] = sigmas['phi'] * sigmas['phi'] f, G = motion_model(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params) F = np.zeros((3, ekf_state['x'].size)) F[0:3, 0:3] = np.eye(3) G = G - np.eye(3) G = np.eye(ekf_state['x'].size) + np.matmul(np.matmul(F.T, G), (F)) ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] + np.matmul(F.T, f) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'] = np.matmul(np.matmul(G, ekf_state['P']), G.T) + np.matmul( np.matmul(F.T, R), F) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(ekf_state['P']) return ekf_state
def gps_update(gps, ekf_state, sigmas): ''' Performs a measurement update of the EKF state given a GPS measurement (x,y). Returns the updated ekf_state. ''' ### x = ekf_state["x"].copy() P = ekf_state["P"].copy() H = np.zeros([2, len(x)]) H[0, 0] = 1 H[1, 1] = 1 R_t = (sigmas['gps']**2) * np.eye(2) S = P[0:2, 0:2] + R_t update = gps.reshape(2, 1) - x[0:2].reshape(2, 1) inv_S = slam_utils.invert_2x2_matrix(S) d =, inv_S), update) if d < 13.8: K =[:, 0:2], inv_S) ekf_state['x'] = x +, update).flatten() ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric( -, H)), P)) return ekf_state
def gps_update(gps, ekf_state, sigmas): ''' Perform a measurement update of the EKF state given a GPS measurement (x,y). Returns the updated ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement the GPS update. ### P = ekf_state['P'] residual = np.transpose([gps - ekf_state['x'][:2]]) H_mat = np.matrix(np.zeros([2, P.shape[0]])) H_mat[0, 0], H_mat[1, 1] = 1, 1 R_mat = np.diag([sigmas['gps']**2, sigmas['gps']**2]) S_mat = H_mat * P * H_mat.T + R_mat d = (np.matrix(residual)).T * np.matrix( slam_utils.invert_2x2_matrix(np.array(S_mat))) * np.matrix(residual) if d <= chi2.ppf(0.999, 2): Kt = P * H_mat.T * np.matrix( slam_utils.invert_2x2_matrix(np.array(S_mat))) ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] + np.squeeze( np.array(Kt * np.matrix(residual))) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric( np.array((np.matrix(np.eye(P.shape[0])) - Kt * H_mat) * P)) return ekf_state
def gps_update(gps, ekf_state, sigmas): ''' Perform a measurement update of the EKF state given a GPS measurement (x,y). Returns the updated ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement the GPS update. ### P = ekf_state['P'] dim = P.shape[0]-2 H = np.hstack((np.eye(2),np.zeros((2,dim)))) r = np.transpose([gps - ekf_state['x'][:2]]) Q = (sigmas['gps']**2)*(np.eye(2)) S = np.matmul(np.matmul(H,P),H.T) + Q S_inv = slam_utils.invert_2x2_matrix(S) d = np.matmul(np.matmul(r.T,S_inv),r) if d <= chi2.ppf(0.999, 2): K = np.matmul(np.matmul(P,H.T),S_inv) ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] + np.squeeze(np.matmul(K,r)) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) P_temp = np.matmul((np.eye(P.shape[0])- np.matmul(K,H)),P) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(P_temp) return ekf_state
def laser_update(trees, assoc, ekf_state, sigmas, params): ''' Perform a measurement update of the EKF state given a set of tree measurements. trees is a list of measurements, where each measurement is a tuple (range, bearing, diameter). assoc is the data association for the given set of trees, i.e. trees[i] is an observation of the ith landmark. If assoc[i] == -1, initialize a new landmark with the function initialize_landmark in the state for measurement i. If assoc[i] == -2, discard the measurement as it is too ambiguous to use. The diameter component of the measurement can be discarded. Returns the ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement the EKF update for a set of range, bearing measurements. ### Qt = np.diag([sigmas['range']**2, sigmas['bearing']**2]) z = np.zeros((2, 1)) for i in range(len(trees)): j = assoc[i] if j == -1: ekf_state = initialize_landmark(ekf_state, trees[i]) j =['x']) / 2) - 2 elif j == -2: continue elif j < -2 or j >= ekf_state['num_landmarks']: raise ValueError('Problem in Data Association') zhat, H = laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, j) # Kalman Gain Initialization PHt = np.matmul(ekf_state['P'], np.transpose(H)) HPHt_R_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(H, PHt) + Qt) Kt = np.matmul(PHt, HPHt_R_inv) # Lidar Landmark j measurement z[0] = trees[i][0] z[1] = trees[i][1] # Mean Update change_ut = np.matmul(Kt, z - zhat) ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] + np.squeeze(change_ut) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) # Covariance Update ekf_state['P'] = np.matmul( (np.eye(2 * ekf_state['num_landmarks'] + 3) - np.matmul(Kt, H)), ekf_state['P']) return ekf_state
def laser_update(trees, assoc, ekf_state, sigmas, params): ''' Performs a measurement update of the EKF state given a set of tree measurements. trees is a list of measurements, where each measurement is a tuple (range, bearing, diameter). assoc is the data association for the given set of trees, i.e. trees[i] is an observation of the ith landmark. If assoc[i] == -1, initialize a new landmark with the function initialize_landmark in the state for measurement i. If assoc[i] == -2, discard the measurement as it is too ambiguous to use. The diameter component of the measurement can be discarded. Returns the ekf_state. ''' ### assoc = np.asarray(assoc) trees = np.asarray(trees) n = ekf_state['num_landmarks'] if assoc.shape[0] != 0: new_tree_index = assoc == -1 new_trees = trees[new_tree_index, :] for i in range(new_trees.shape[0]): initialize_landmark(ekf_state, new_trees[i, :]) assoc[new_tree_index] = np.linspace(n, n + new_trees.shape[0] - 1, new_trees.shape[0]) Q = np.diag([sigmas['range']**2, sigmas['bearing']**2]) exisiting_trees_index = assoc > -1 exisiting_trees = trees[exisiting_trees_index, :] landmark_ids = assoc[exisiting_trees_index] for i in range(exisiting_trees.shape[0]): measure = exisiting_trees[i, 0:2].reshape(2, 1) zhat, H = laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, int(landmark_ids[i])) P = ekf_state['P'].copy() K =, H.transpose()), slam_utils.invert_2x2_matrix(, P), H.transpose()) + Q)) ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] +, (measure - zhat))[:, 0] ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric([0]) -, H)), P)) ### return ekf_state
def laser_update(trees, assoc, ekf_state, sigmas, params): """ The diameter component of the measurement can be discarded :param trees: a list of measurements, where each measurement is a tuple (range, bearing, diameter) :param assoc: the data association for the given set of trees, i.e. trees[i] is an observation of the ith landmark. If assoc[i] == -1, initialize a new landmark with the function initialize_landmark in the state for measurement i. If assoc[i] == -2, discard the measurement as it is too ambiguous to use :param ekf_state: :param sigmas: :param params: :return: Returns the ekf_state """ # measurement noise range_noise = sigmas['range'] bearing_noise = sigmas['bearing'] Q = np.diag((range_noise**2, bearing_noise**2)) for i in range(len(trees)): # add state with new landmark if assoc[i] == -1: ekf_state = initialize_landmark(ekf_state, trees[i]) # discard ambiguous measurement elif assoc[i] == -2: continue # update state with existing landmark else: landmark_id = assoc[i] z_t, H = laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, landmark_id) x = ekf_state['x'] P = ekf_state['P'] N = len(ekf_state['x']) # Kalman Gain update K_t =, H.T) K_t = K_t, slam_utils.invert_2x2_matrix(, P), H.T) + Q)) z = np.asarray([trees[i][0], trees[i][1]]).reshape((2, 1)) ekf_state['x'] = x +, (z - z_t)).reshape(-1) ekf_state['P'] = -, H), P) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(ekf_state['P'] + 10e-6) return ekf_state
def laser_update(trees, assoc, ekf_state, sigmas, params): ''' Perform a measurement update of the EKF state given a set of tree measurements. trees is a list of measurements, where each measurement is a tuple (range, bearing, diameter). assoc is the data association for the given set of trees, i.e. trees[i] is an observation of the ith landmark. If assoc[i] == -1, initialize a new landmark with the function initialize_landmark in the state for measurement i. If assoc[i] == -2, discard the measurement as it is too ambiguous to use. The diameter component of the measurement can be discarded. Returns the ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement the EKF update for a set of range, bearing measurements. ### Q = np.eye(2, 2) Q[0][0] = sigmas['range']**2 Q[1][1] = sigmas['bearing']**2 for i in range(len(assoc)): j = assoc[i] if (j == -1): ekf_state = initialize_landmark(ekf_state, trees[i]) j = ekf_state['num_landmarks'] - 1 if (j != -2): z_hat, H = laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, j) K = np.matmul( np.matmul(ekf_state['P'], H.T), np.linalg.inv( (np.matmul(np.matmul(H, ekf_state['P']), H.T) + Q.T))) z = trees[i][:2] ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] + np.matmul( K, (np.asarray(z) - z_hat)) ekf_state['P'] = np.matmul( (np.eye(np.shape(ekf_state['P'])[0]) - np.matmul(K, H)), ekf_state['P']) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(ekf_state['P']) return ekf_state
def odom_predict(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params, sigmas): ''' Perform the propagation step of the EKF filter given an odometry measurement u and time step dt where u = (ve, alpha) as shown in the vehicle/motion model. Returns the new ekf_state. ''' motion, G = motion_model(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params) ekf_state['x'][:3] = motion ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'][:3, :3] = np.matmul(np.matmul(G, ekf_state['P'][:3, :3]), G.T) + \ np.diag([sigmas['xy'] ** 2, sigmas['xy'] ** 2, sigmas['phi'] ** 2]) # + \ # 10**-6*np.eye(3) ekf_state['P'] = fix_cov(ekf_state['P']) return ekf_state
def laser_update(trees, assoc, ekf_state, sigmas, params): ''' Perform a measurement update of the EKF state given a set of tree measurements. trees is a list of measurements, where each measurement is a tuple (range, bearing, diameter). assoc is the data association for the given set of trees, i.e. trees[i] is an observation of the ith landmark. If assoc[i] == -1, initialize a new landmark with the function initialize_landmark in the state for measurement i. If assoc[i] == -2, discard the measurement as it is too ambiguous to use. The diameter component of the measurement can be discarded. Returns the ekf_state. ''' ### # Implement the EKF update for a set of range, bearing measurements. ### Q_t = np.array([[sigmas['range']**2, 0], [0, sigmas['bearing']**2]]) for i in range(len(trees)): j = assoc[i] if j == -1: ekf_state = initialize_landmark(ekf_state, trees[i]) j =['x'])/2) - 2 elif j == -2: continue dim = ekf_state['x'].shape[0] z_hat, H = laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, j) S = np.matmul(H,np.matmul(ekf_state['P'],H.T)) + Q_t S_inv = np.linalg.inv(S) K = np.matmul(np.matmul(ekf_state['P'],H.T), S_inv) z = np.zeros((2, 1)) z[0,0] = trees[i][0] z[1,0] = trees[i][1] inno = z - z_hat temp_st = ekf_state['x'] + np.squeeze(np.matmul(K, inno)) temp_st[2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(temp_st[2]) ekf_state['x'] = temp_st temp_p = np.matmul((np.eye(dim) - np.matmul(K, H)), ekf_state['P']) temp_p = slam_utils.make_symmetric(temp_p) ekf_state['P'] = temp_p return ekf_state
def laser_update(trees, assoc, ekf_state, sigmas, params): ''' # Perform a measurement update of the EKF state given a set of tree measurements. # trees is a list of measurements, where each measurement is a tuple (range, bearing, diameter). # assoc is the data association for the given set of trees, i.e. trees[i] is an observation of the # ith landmark. If assoc[i] == -1, initialize a new landmark with the function initialize_landmark # in the state for measurement i. If assoc[i] == -2, discard the measurement as # it is too ambiguous to use. The diameter component of the measurement can be discarded. Returns the ekf_state. ''' assoc = np.array(assoc) measurements = np.array(trees)[:, 0:2] good_assoc = assoc[assoc > -1] good_measurements = measurements[assoc > -1] Q = np.diag( np.array([ sigmas['range'] * sigmas['range'], sigmas['bearing'] * sigmas['bearing'] ])) Kg = np.zeros([ekf_state['x'].shape[0], 2 * good_assoc.size]) residuals = np.zeros((2 * good_measurements.shape[0])) H = np.zeros([2 * good_assoc.size, ekf_state['x'].shape[0]]) for i in range(good_assoc.size): zhat, H[i:i + 2, :] = laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, good_assoc[i]) Kg[:, i:i+2] = np.matmul(ekf_state['P'] , np.matmul(H[i:i+2,:].T, \ np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(H[i:i+2,:], np.matmul(ekf_state['P'], H[i:i+2,:].T))+ Q))) residuals[i:i + 2] = good_measurements[i] - zhat ekf_state['x'] = ekf_state['x'] + np.matmul(Kg, residuals) ekf_state['x'][2] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2]) ekf_state['P'] = np.matmul( (np.eye(ekf_state['P'].shape[0]) - np.matmul(Kg, H)), ekf_state['P']) ekf_state['P'] = slam_utils.make_symmetric(ekf_state['P']) ekf_state['P'] = make_positive_definite(ekf_state['P']) new_measurements = measurements[assoc == -1] for i in range(new_measurements.shape[0]): ekf_state = initialize_landmark(ekf_state, new_measurements[i]) return ekf_state
def motion_model(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params): ''' Computes the discretized motion model for the given vehicle as well as its Jacobian Returns: f(x,u), a 3x1 vector corresponding to motion x_{t+1} - x_t given the odometry u. df/dX, the 3x3 Jacobian of f with respect to the vehicle state (x, y, phi) ''' ### # Implement the vehicle model and its Jacobian you derived. ### a = vehicle_params['a'] b = vehicle_params['b'] H = vehicle_params['H'] L = vehicle_params['L'] ve = u[0] alpha = u[1] vc = ve / (1 - np.tan(alpha) * H / L) motion = ekf_state['x'] xv = ekf_state['x'][0] + dt * ( vc * np.cos(ekf_state['x'][2]) - vc / L * np.tan(alpha) * (a * np.sin(ekf_state['x'][2]) + b * np.cos(ekf_state['x'][2]))) yv = ekf_state['x'][1] + dt * ( vc * np.sin(ekf_state['x'][2]) + vc / L * np.tan(alpha) * (a * np.cos(ekf_state['x'][2]) - b * np.sin(ekf_state['x'][2]))) theta = slam_utils.clamp_angle(ekf_state['x'][2] + dt * vc / L * np.tan(alpha)) motion[:3] = [xv, yv, theta] G = np.zeros([3, ekf_state['x'].shape[0]]) xv_G = [ 1, 0, dt * (-vc * np.sin(ekf_state['x'][2]) - vc / L * np.tan(alpha) * (a * np.cos(ekf_state['x'][2]) - b * np.sin(ekf_state['x'][2]))) ] yv_G = [ 0, 1, dt * (vc * np.cos(ekf_state['x'][2]) + vc / L * np.tan(alpha) * (-a * np.sin(ekf_state['x'][2]) - b * np.cos(ekf_state['x'][2]))) ] theta_G = [0, 0, 1] G[:3, :3] = np.vstack([xv_G, yv_G, theta_G]) return motion, G
def motion_model(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params): ''' Computes the discretized motion model for the given vehicle as well as its Jacobian Returns: f(x,u), a 3x1 vector corresponding to motion x_{t+1} - x_t given the odometry u. df/dX, the 3x3 Jacobian of f with respect to the vehicle state (x, y, phi) ''' ### # Implement the vehicle model and its Jacobian you derived. ### H = vehicle_params['H'] L = vehicle_params['L'] a = vehicle_params['a'] b = vehicle_params['b'] alpha = u[1] v_c = u[0] / (1 - np.tan(alpha) * (H / L)) phi = ekf_state['x'][2] motion = np.array( [[ dt * (v_c * np.cos(phi) - (v_c / L) * np.tan(alpha) * (a * np.sin(phi) + b * np.cos(phi))) ], [ dt * (v_c * np.sin(phi) + (v_c / L) * np.tan(alpha) * (a * np.cos(phi) - b * np.sin(phi))) ], [slam_utils.clamp_angle(dt * (v_c / L) * np.tan(alpha))]]) jacobian_process = np.array([[ 1, 0, -dt * v_c * (np.sin(phi) + (1 / L) * np.tan(alpha) * (a * np.cos(phi) - b * np.sin(phi))) ], [ 0, 1, dt * v_c * (np.cos(phi) - (1 / L) * np.tan(alpha) * (a * np.sin(phi) + b * np.cos(phi))) ], [0, 0, 1]]) return motion, jacobian_process
def laser_measurement_model(ekf_state, landmark_id): """ Returns the measurement model for a (range,bearing) sensor observing the mapped landmark with id 'landmark_id' along with its jacobian. :param ekf_state: :param landmark_id: :return: h(x, l_id): the 2x1 predicted measurement vector [r_hat, theta_hat]. dh/dX: For a measurement state with m mapped landmarks, i.e. a state vector of dimension 3 + 2*m, this should return the full 2 by 3+2m Jacobian matrix corresponding to a measurement of the landmark_id'th feature. """ # landmark ekf_state x_l = ekf_state['x'][3 + landmark_id * 2] y_l = ekf_state['x'][4 + landmark_id * 2] x = ekf_state['x'][0] y = ekf_state['x'][1] phi = ekf_state['x'][2] ### Observation Model ### z_t = np.zeros((2, 1)) q = np.sqrt((x_l - x)**2 + (y_l - y)**2) z_t[0, :] = q z_t[1, :] = np.arctan2(y_l - y, x_l - x) - phi z_t[1, :] = slam_utils.clamp_angle(z_t[1, :]) # Compute Jacobian for observation H = np.zeros((2, len(ekf_state['x']))) H[0, 0] = -(x_l - x) / q H[0, 1] = -(y_l - y) / q H[0, 2] = 0 H[0, 3 + landmark_id * 2] = (x_l - x) / q H[0, 4 + landmark_id * 2] = (y_l - y) / q H[1, 0] = (y_l - y) / q**2 H[1, 1] = -(x_l - x) / q**2 H[1, 2] = -1 H[1, 3 + landmark_id * 2] = -(y_l - y) / q**2 H[1, 4 + landmark_id * 2] = (x_l - x) / q**2 return z_t, H
def motion_model(u, dt, ekf_state, vehicle_params): """ Computes the discretized motion model for the given vehicle as well as its Jacobian :param u: :param dt: :param ekf_state: :param vehicle_params: :return: f(x,u), a 3x1 vector corresponding to motion x_{t+1} - x_t given the odometry u. df/dX, the 3x3 Jacobian of f with respect to the vehicle state (x, y, phi) """ # vehicle parameters a = vehicle_params['a'] b = vehicle_params['b'] L = vehicle_params['L'] H = vehicle_params['H'] # transform between ve and vc ve = u[0] alpha = u[1] vc = ve / (1 - math.tan(alpha) * H / L) # parameters for motion model x, y, phi = ekf_state['x'][0], ekf_state['x'][1], ekf_state['x'][2] # make sure phi is between -pi and +pi phi = slam_utils.clamp_angle(phi) # create motion model motion = np.zeros((3, 1)) motion[0, 0] = dt * (vc * math.cos(phi) - (vc / L) * math.tan(alpha) * (a * math.sin(phi) + b * math.cos(phi))) motion[1, 0] = dt * (vc * math.sin(phi) + (vc / L) * math.tan(alpha) * (a * math.cos(phi) - b * math.sin(phi))) motion[2, 0] = dt * (vc * math.tan(alpha)) / L # create prediction model G = np.identity(3) G[0, 2] = dt * (-vc * math.sin(phi) - vc / L * math.tan(alpha) * (a * math.cos(phi) - b * math.sin(phi))) G[1, 2] = dt * (vc * math.cos(phi) + vc / L * math.tan(alpha) * (-a * math.sin(phi) - b * math.cos(phi))) return motion, G