Esempio n. 1
    def test_no_filter_just_algorithm(self):
        """Just supplying a filter but no algorithm should work.

        algorithm, filter, dataset, settings = EngineTest.simpleScenario(lambda x, y: x*2), None, dataset, settings)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_extract_algorithm_multi_parameter(self):
        """Passes multiple extract parameters to the compute step.

        result =*EngineTest.extractMultiScenario(lambda x, y: x*2))

        self.assertEqual(len(result), 3)

        self.assertEqual([e.point for e in result[0]], [])
        self.assertEqual([e.point for e in result[1]], [0, 7])
        self.assertEqual([e.point for e in result[2]], [3])
Esempio n. 3
    def test_simple_algorithm_result_not_filtered(self):
        """If the dataset calls the engine with the correct parameters,
        then the filter method should produce the desired result.

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        result =*EngineTest.simpleScenario(lambda x, y: x*2))

        self.assertEqual(len(result), 3)

        self.assertEqual([e.point for e in result[0]], [])
        self.assertEqual([e.point for e in result[1]], [7])
        self.assertEqual([e.point for e in result[2]], [3])
Esempio n. 4
    def test_filter_points_also_removed_from_dataset_labels(self):
        """Filtering out events also removes the corresponding points from the
        labels array in the dataset.

        algorithm, filter, dataset, settings = EngineTest.simpleScenario(lambda x, y: x*2)

        result =, filter, dataset, settings)

        for channel, channelValue in dataset.dataSources.items():
            for key, dataSource in channelValue.items():
                for event in

                    self.assertTrue(channel != 1 or event.point == 7)

                    self.assertTrue(channel != 2 or event.point == 3)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_intervalReturn_algorithm_computeStep_result(self):
        """Tests whether the correct labels are set to the dataset, given interval
        return values in the compute step.

        algorithm, filter, dataset, _ = EngineTest.intervalReturnScenario()

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        result =, filter, dataset)

        self.assertEqual(len(dataset.labels), 3)

        self.assertEqual(dataset.labels[0].tolist(), [])
        self.assertEqual(dataset.labels[1].tolist(), [[0,1], [7,8]])
        self.assertEqual(dataset.labels[2].tolist(), [[3,4]])
Esempio n. 6
    def test_simple_algorithm_computeStep_result(self):
        """Tests whether the correct labels are set to the dataset.

        algorithm, filter, dataset, _ = EngineTest.simpleScenario(lambda x, y: x*2)

        # remove filter method
        algorithm.filter = lambda events, data: events

        result =, filter, dataset)

        self.assertEqual(len(dataset.labels), 3)

        self.assertEqual(dataset.labels[0].tolist(), [])
        self.assertEqual(dataset.labels[1].tolist(), [0, 7])
        self.assertEqual(dataset.labels[2].tolist(), [3])
Esempio n. 7
    def test_filter_events_also_removed_from_dataSource(self):
        """Filtering out events also removes the from the dataSource. Checks every
        dataSource. The only events that should have remained after the filter step
        are at sample 7 and sample 3.

        algorithm, filter, dataset, settings = EngineTest.simpleScenario(lambda x, y: x*2)

        result =, filter, dataset, settings)

        for channel, channelValue in dataset.dataSources.items():
            for key, dataSource in channelValue.items():
                for event in

                    self.assertTrue(channel != 1 or event.point == 7)

                    self.assertTrue(channel != 2 or event.point == 3)
Esempio n. 8
    def __computeEvents(self):
        """Computes the events given algorithm and filter. The dataset is also
        loaded at this step based on the path that is currently selected.
        The settings are inherited from the parent. Note that in this case 'parent'
        does not refer to a super-class but to the application calling this

        dataset = self.__loadDataset()


            settings = self.parent.settings

            return, self.filter, dataset,
                              settings), dataset

        except AttributeError:
            return dataset.labels, dataset
Esempio n. 9
    def test_just_filter_no_algorithm_with_labels(self):
        """Just supplying a filter but no algorithm should work and return events
        for the labels that already are in the dataset. Also the amplitudes should
        be filtered.

        _, filter, dataset, settings = EngineTest.simpleScenario(lambda x, y: x*2)

        dataset.labels = np.array([np.array([1, 6]), np.array([]), np.array([4])])

        result =, filter, dataset, settings)

        self.assertEqual([e.point for e in result[0]], [1,6])
        self.assertEqual([e.point for e in result[1]], [])
        self.assertEqual([e.point for e in result[2]], [4])

        settings.plotFiltered = True

        self.assertEqual([e.amplitude for e in result[0]], [.8,1.2])
        self.assertEqual([e.amplitude for e in result[1]], [])
        self.assertEqual([e.amplitude for e in result[2]], [1.0])
Esempio n. 10
from import TestSignal
from sleepy.processing.engine import Engine
from sleepy.processing.algorithms.massimi import Massimi
from sleepy.processing.filters.bandpass.core import BandPassFilter

# Prepare the algorithm and filter instances (we keep the standard values)
algorithm = Massimi().render()
filter = BandPassFilter().render()

# Create a dataset providing the necessary interface to use it in the Engine API
dataset = TestSignal.generateDataset(scale = 2, numberOfSamples = 300, size=50)

# Run the engine API with the given dataset and return a list of events
detected =, filter, dataset)