Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, env, spec, aeb=(0, 0, 0)):
        # essential reference variables
        self.agent = None  # set later
        self.env = env
        self.spec = spec
        # agent, env, body index for multi-agent-env
        self.a, self.e, self.b = self.aeb = aeb

        # variables set during init_algorithm_params
        self.explore_var = np.nan  # action exploration: epsilon or tau
        self.entropy_coef = np.nan  # entropy for exploration

        # debugging/logging variables, set in train or loss function
        self.loss = np.nan
        self.mean_entropy = np.nan
        self.mean_grad_norm = np.nan

        # total_reward_ma from eval for model checkpoint saves
        self.best_total_reward_ma = -np.inf
        self.total_reward_ma = np.nan

        # dataframes to track data for analysis.analyze_session
        # track training data per episode
        self.train_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
            'epi', 't', 'wall_t', 'opt_step', 'frame', 'fps', 'total_reward',
            'total_reward_ma', 'loss', 'lr', 'explore_var', 'entropy_coef',
            'entropy', 'grad_norm'

        # in train@ mode, override from saved train_df if exists
        if util.in_train_lab_mode() and self.spec['meta']['resume']:
            train_df_filepath = util.get_session_df_path(self.spec, 'train')
            if os.path.exists(train_df_filepath):
                self.train_df =

        # track eval data within run_eval. the same as train_df except for reward
        if self.spec['meta']['rigorous_eval']:
            self.eval_df = self.train_df.copy()
            self.eval_df = self.train_df

        # the specific agent-env interface variables for a body
        self.observation_space = self.env.observation_space
        self.action_space = self.env.action_space
        self.observable_dim = self.env.observable_dim
        self.state_dim = self.observable_dim['state']
        self.action_dim = self.env.action_dim
        self.is_discrete = self.env.is_discrete
        # set the ActionPD class for sampling action
        self.action_type = policy_util.get_action_type(self.action_space)
        self.action_pdtype = ps.get(spec,
        if self.action_pdtype in (None, 'default'):
            self.action_pdtype = policy_util.ACTION_PDS[self.action_type][0]
        self.ActionPD = policy_util.get_action_pd_cls(self.action_pdtype,
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, env, agent_spec, aeb=(0, 0, 0)):
        # essential reference variables
        self.agent = None  # set later
        self.env = env
        # agent, env, body index for multi-agent-env
        self.a, self.e, self.b = self.aeb = aeb

        # variables set during init_algorithm_params
        self.explore_var = np.nan  # action exploration: epsilon or tau
        self.entropy_coef = np.nan  # entropy for exploration

        # debugging/logging variables, set in train or loss function
        self.loss = np.nan
        self.mean_entropy = np.nan
        self.mean_grad_norm = np.nan

        self.ckpt_total_reward = np.nan
        self.total_reward = 0  # init to 0, but dont ckpt before end of an epi
        self.total_reward_ma = np.nan
        self.ma_window = 100
        # store current and best reward_ma for model checkpointing and early termination if all the environments are solved
        self.best_reward_ma = -np.inf
        self.eval_reward_ma = np.nan

        # dataframes to track data for analysis.analyze_session
        # track training data per episode
        self.train_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
            'epi', 't', 'wall_t', 'opt_step', 'frame', 'fps', 'total_reward',
            'total_reward_ma', 'loss', 'lr', 'explore_var', 'entropy_coef',
            'entropy', 'grad_norm'
        # track eval data within run_eval. the same as train_df except for reward
        self.eval_df = self.train_df.copy()

        # the specific agent-env interface variables for a body
        self.observation_space = self.env.observation_space
        self.action_space = self.env.action_space
        self.observable_dim = self.env.observable_dim
        self.state_dim = self.observable_dim['state']
        self.action_dim = self.env.action_dim
        self.is_discrete = self.env.is_discrete
        # set the ActionPD class for sampling action
        self.action_type = policy_util.get_action_type(self.action_space)
        self.action_pdtype = agent_spec[self.a]['algorithm'].get(
        if self.action_pdtype in (None, 'default'):
            self.action_pdtype = policy_util.ACTION_PDS[self.action_type][0]
        self.ActionPD = policy_util.get_action_pd_cls(self.action_pdtype,