def test_writeTempOverride_diffDir(self, mock_open, mock_os_open,
                                       mock_os_close, mock_fcntl, mock_scd):
        source_filepath = '/path/to/file.png'
        target_dir = '/some/other/dir'

        d = DataFileElement(source_filepath)
        fp = d.write_temp(temp_dir=target_dir)

        ntools.assert_not_equal(fp, source_filepath)
        ntools.assert_equal(os.path.dirname(fp), target_dir)

        # subsequent call to write temp should not invoke creation of a new file
        fp2 = d.write_temp()
        ntools.assert_equal(fp2, source_filepath)

        # request in same dir should return same path as first request with that
        # directory
        fp3 = d.write_temp(target_dir)
        ntools.assert_equal(fp, fp3)

        # request different target dir
        target2 = '/even/different/path'
        fp4 = d.write_temp(target2)
        ntools.assert_equal(os.path.dirname(fp4), target2)
        ntools.assert_not_equal(fp, fp4)
        ntools.assert_equal(len(d._temp_filepath_stack), 2)
    def test_writeTempOverride(self, mock_DataElement_wt):
        # no manual directory, should return the base filepath
        expected_filepath = '/path/to/file.txt'
        d = DataFileElement(expected_filepath)
        fp = d.write_temp()

        ntools.assert_equal(expected_filepath, fp)
 def test_cleanTemp(self):
     # a write temp and clean temp should not affect original file
     source_file = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'test_file.dat')
     d = DataFileElement(source_file)
     ntools.assert_equal(len(d._temp_filepath_stack), 0)
    def test_writeTempOverride_sameDir(self, mock_DataElement_wt):
        expected_filepath = '/path/to/file.txt'
        target_dir = '/path/to'

        d = DataFileElement(expected_filepath)
        fp = d.write_temp(temp_dir=target_dir)

        ntools.assert_equal(fp, expected_filepath)
Esempio n. 5
        def iqr_ingest_file():
            Ingest the file with the given UID, getting the path from the

            :return: status message
            :rtype: str

            # TODO: Add status dict with a "GET" method branch for getting that
            #       status information.

            # Start the ingest of a FID when POST
            if flask.request.method == "POST":
                iqr_sess = self.get_current_iqr_session()
                fid = flask.request.form['fid']

                self.log.debug("[%s::%s] Getting temporary filepath from "
                               "uploader module", iqr_sess.uuid, fid)
                upload_filepath = self.mod_upload.get_path_for_id(fid)

                # Extend session ingest -- modifying
                with iqr_sess:
                    self.log.debug("[%s::%s] Adding new file to extension "
                                   "ingest", iqr_sess.uuid, fid)
                    sess_upload = osp.join(iqr_sess.work_dir,
                    os.rename(upload_filepath, sess_upload)
                    upload_data = DataFileElement(sess_upload)

                # Compute feature for data -- non-modifying
                self.log.debug("[%s::%s] Computing feature for file",
                               iqr_sess.uuid, fid)
                feat = iqr_sess.descriptor.compute_descriptor(upload_data)

                # Extend indexer model with feature data -- modifying
                with iqr_sess:
                    self.log.debug("[%s::%s] Extending indexer model with "
                                   "feature", iqr_sess.uuid, fid)
                    iqr_sess.indexer.extend_model({upload_data.uuid(): feat})

                    # of course, add the new data element as a positive

                return "Finished Ingestion"
 def test_content_type(self):
     d = DataFileElement('foo.txt')
     ntools.assert_equal(d.content_type(), 'text/plain')