Esempio n. 1
def read(read, wiki):
    src = read['src']
    t = read['t']
    page = read['txt']

    if sms.extend_number(src, page) in wiki:
        page = sms.extend_number(src, page)

    if page in wiki:
        entry = wiki[page]
        content = entry['content']
        author = entry['author']
        sms.send(src, "%s %s/%s" % (content, sms.localize_number(author, src), time_ago(entry['mtime'])))
        print "Read on page '%s' from %s." % (page, src)
        print "Read on unknown page '%s' from %s." % (page, src)
        sms.send(src, '%s Not found' % ERROR_MARK)
Esempio n. 2
def write(write, wiki):
    src = write['src']
    t = int(write['t'])

    idx = write['txt'].find(' ')
    page = write['txt'][:idx]
    content = write['txt'][idx+1:]
    # Check append flag
    if page.endswith('+'):
        page = page[:-1]
        append_flag = True
        append_flag = False
    # Check if a profile page
    potential_profile_page = sms.extend_number(src, page)
    if potential_profile_page in wiki and potential_profile_page != src:
        sms.send(src, "### Not authorized")
        print "Unauthorized write attempt on '%s' from %s." % (page, src)
    elif potential_profile_page == src:
        page = potential_profile_page
    # Append modifier
    if append_flag and page in wiki:
        content = ' '.join([wiki[page]['content'], content])
    wiki[page] = {
        'page': page,
        'content': content,
        'author': src,
        'mtime': t,}
    sms.send(src, "%s %s/%s" % (content, sms.localize_number(src, src), time_ago(t)))
    print "Write on page '%s' from %s." % (page, src)