Esempio n. 1
def test_find_t_sys_gain():
    Tests the find_t_sys_gain function
    pulsar_1= "J2234+2114"
    pulsar_2= "J2330-2005"
    md_1 = mwa_metadb_utils.get_common_obs_metadata(obsid_1) #this is to speed up the tests
    md_2 = mwa_metadb_utils.get_common_obs_metadata(obsid_2)
    q_1 = psrqpy.QueryATNF(psrs=[pulsar_1], loadfromdb=ATNF_LOC)
    q_2 = psrqpy.QueryATNF(psrs=[pulsar_2], loadfromdb=ATNF_LOC)
    test_cases = []
    test_cases.append((pulsar_1, obsid_1, 1223042887, 600, q_1, md_1,\
                325.17339020027805, 6.5034678040055613, 0.12547449408456718, 0.095633857616224477))
    test_cases.append((pulsar_2, obsid_2, None, None, q_2, md_2,\
                295.73944858721245, 5.9147889717442492, 0.29127750035795497, 0.049367868667752078))

    for pulsar, obsid, beg, t_int, query, metadata,\
        exp_t_sys, exp_t_sys_err, exp_gain, exp_gain_err in test_cases:
        t_sys, t_sys_err, gain, gain_err = snfe.find_t_sys_gain(pulsar, obsid, beg=beg,
                t_int=t_int, query=query, obs_metadata=metadata,
        assert_almost_equal(exp_t_sys, t_sys, decimal=6)
        assert_almost_equal(exp_t_sys_err, t_sys_err, decimal=6)
        assert_almost_equal(exp_gain, gain, decimal=6)
        assert_almost_equal(exp_gain_err, gain_err, decimal=6)
Esempio n. 2
def test_find_t_sys_gain():
    Tests the find_t_sys_gain function
    obsid_1 = 1223042480
    pulsar_1 = "J2234+2114"
    obsid_2 = 1222697776
    pulsar_2 = "J2330-2005"

    md_1 = md_dict[str(obsid_1)][0]
    full_md_1 = md_dict[str(obsid_1)][1]
    md_2 = md_dict[str(obsid_2)][0]
    full_md_2 = md_dict[str(obsid_2)][1]

    q_1 = psrqpy.QueryATNF(psrs=[pulsar_1], loadfromdb=data_load.ATNF_LOC)
    q_2 = psrqpy.QueryATNF(psrs=[pulsar_2], loadfromdb=data_load.ATNF_LOC)
    test_cases = []
    test_cases.append((pulsar_1, obsid_1, 1223042887, q_1, md_1, full_md_1,\
                325.16928459135534, 6.5034678040055613, 0.1405071004856564, 0.1065230048864121))
    test_cases.append((pulsar_2, obsid_2, None, q_2, md_2, full_md_2,\
                295.7376541472588, 5.914753082945176, 0.29127739909167133, 0.049367851504392074))

    for pulsar, obsid, beg, query, metadata, full_meta,\
        exp_t_sys, exp_t_sys_err, exp_gain, exp_gain_err in test_cases:
        t_sys, t_sys_err, gain, gain_err = snfe.find_t_sys_gain(pulsar, obsid, beg=beg,\
                query=query, obs_metadata=metadata, full_meta=full_meta)
        assert_almost_equal(exp_t_sys, t_sys, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(exp_t_sys_err, t_sys_err, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(exp_gain, gain, decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(exp_gain_err, gain_err, decimal=4)
Esempio n. 3
def flux_cal_and_submit(time_obs,
    time_obs: the time in seconds of the dectection from the metadata
    metadata: list from the function get_obs_metadata
    bestprof_data: list from the function get_from_bestprof
    trcvr: the file location of antena temperatures
    #unpack the bestprof_data
    #[obsid, pulsar, dm, period, period_uncer, obsstart, obslength, profile, bin_num]
    obsid, prof_psr, dm, period, _, beg, t_int, profile, num_bins = bestprof_data
    if not pulsar:
        pulsar = prof_psr
    period = float(period)
    num_bins = int(num_bins)

    #get r_sys and gain
    t_sys, _, gain, u_gain = snfe.find_t_sys_gain(pulsar, obsid, obs_metadata=metadata,\
                                    beg=beg, end=(t_int + beg - 1))

    #estimate S/N
        prof_dict = prof_utils.auto_gfit(profile,\
                    period = period, plot_name="{0}_{1}_{2}_bins_gaussian_fit.png".format(obsid, pulsar, num_bins))
    except (prof_utils.ProfileLengthError, prof_utils.NoFitError) as _:
        prof_dict = None

    if not prof_dict:
            "Profile couldn't be fit. Using old style of profile analysis")
        prof_dict = prof_utils.auto_analyse_pulse_prof(profile, period)
        if prof_dict:
            sn = prof_dict["sn"]
            u_sn = prof_dict["sn_e"]
            w_equiv_bins = prof_dict["w_equiv_bins"]
            u_w_equiv_bins = prof_dict["w_equiv_bins_e"]
            w_equiv_ms = period / num_bins * w_equiv_bins
            u_w_equiv_ms = period / num_bins * u_w_equiv_bins
            scattering = prof_dict[
                "scattering"] * period / num_bins / 1000  #convert to seconds
            u_scattering = prof_dict["scattering_e"] * period / num_bins / 1000
            scattered = prof_dict["scattered"]
            logger.warn("Profile could not be analysed using any methods")
            sn = None
            u_sn = None
            w_equiv_bins = None
            u_w_equiv_bins = None
            w_equiv_ms = None
            u_w_equiv_ms = None
            scattering = None
            u_scattering = None
            scattered = None
            S_mean = None
            u_S_mean = None
        sn = prof_dict["sn"]
        u_sn = prof_dict["sn_e"]
        w_equiv_bins = prof_dict["Weq"]
        u_w_equiv_bins = prof_dict["Weq_e"]
        w_equiv_ms = period / num_bins * w_equiv_bins
        u_w_equiv_ms = period / num_bins * u_w_equiv_bins
        scattering = prof_dict[
            "Wscat"] * period / num_bins / 1000  #convert to seconds
        u_scattering = prof_dict["Wscat_e"] * period / num_bins / 1000
        scattered = prof_dict["scattered"]

    if prof_dict:"Profile scattered? {0}".format(scattered))"S/N: {0} +/- {1}".format(sn, u_sn))
        logger.debug("Gain {0} K/Jy".format(gain))
        logger.debug("Equivalent width in bins: {0}".format(w_equiv_bins))
        logger.debug("T_sys: {0} K".format(t_sys))
        logger.debug("Bandwidth: {0}".format(bandwidth))
        logger.debug("Detection time: {0}".format(t_int))
        logger.debug("NUmber of bins: {0}".format(num_bins))

        if scattered == False:
            #final calc of the mean fluxdesnity in mJy
            S_mean = sn * t_sys / ( gain * math.sqrt(2. * float(t_int) * bandwidth)) *\
                    math.sqrt( w_equiv_bins / (num_bins - w_equiv_bins)) * 1000.
            #constants to make uncertainty calc easier
            S_mean_cons = t_sys / ( math.sqrt(2. * float(t_int) * bandwidth)) *\
                    math.sqrt( w_equiv_bins / (num_bins - w_equiv_bins)) * 1000.
            u_S_mean = math.sqrt( math.pow(S_mean_cons * u_sn / gain , 2)  +\
                                math.pow(sn * S_mean_cons * u_gain / math.pow(gain,2) , 2) )

  'Smean {0:.2f} +/- {1:.2f} mJy'.format(
                S_mean, u_S_mean))
  "Profile is scattered. Flux cannot be estimated")
            S_mean = None
            u_S_mean = None

    #calc obstype
    if (maxfreq - minfreq) == 23:
        obstype = 1
        obstype = 2

    subbands = get_subbands(metadata)
    web_address, auth = get_db_auth_addr()

    #get cal id
    if coh:
        cal_list = client.calibrator_list(web_address, auth)
        cal_already_created = False
        for c in cal_list:
            if (c[u'observationid'] == int(
                    args.cal_id)) and (c[u'caltype'] == calibrator_type):
                cal_already_created = True
                cal_db_id = c[u'id']
        if not cal_already_created:
            cal_db_id = int(
        cal_db_id = None

    if S_mean is not None:
        #prevent TypeError caused by trying to format Nones given to fluxes for highly scattered pulsars
        S_mean = float("{0:.2f}".format(S_mean))
        u_S_mean = float("{0:.2f}".format(u_S_mean))

    #format data for uploading
    if w_equiv_ms:
        w_equiv_ms = float("{0:.2f}".format(w_equiv_ms))
    if u_w_equiv_ms:
        u_w_equiv_ms = float("{0:.2f}".format(u_w_equiv_ms))
    if scattering:
        scattering = float("{0:.5f}".format(scattering))
    if u_scattering:
        u_scattering = float("{0:.5f}".format(u_scattering))

    det_kwargs = {}
    det_kwargs["observationid"] = int(obsid)
    det_kwargs["pulsar"] = str(pulsar)
    det_kwargs["subband"] = int(subbands)
    det_kwargs["coherent"] = coh,
    det_kwargs["observation_type"] = int(obstype)
    det_kwargs["calibrator"] = cal_db_id
    det_kwargs["startcchan"] = int(minfreq)
    det_kwargs["stopcchan"] = int(maxfreq)
    det_kwargs["flux"] = S_mean
    det_kwargs["flux_error"] = u_S_mean
    det_kwargs["width"] = w_equiv_ms
    det_kwargs["width_error"] = u_w_equiv_ms
    det_kwargs["scattering"] = scattering
    det_kwargs["scattering_error"] = u_scattering
    det_kwargs["dm"] = float(dm)
        client.detection_create(web_address, auth, **det_kwargs)
    except:"Detection already on database so updating the values")
        client.detection_update(web_address, auth, **det_kwargs)"Observation submitted to database")
    return subbands
Esempio n. 4
def flux_cal_and_submit(time_detection, time_obs, metadata, bestprof_data,
                        pul_ra, pul_dec, coh, auth,
    time_detection: the time in seconds of the dectection from the bestprof file
    time_obs: the time in seconds of the dectection from the metadata
    metadata: list from the function get_obs_metadata
    bestprof_data: list from the function get_from_bestprof
    trcvr: the file location of antena temperatures
    #unpack the bestprof_data
    #[obsid, pulsar, dm, period, period_uncer, obsstart, obslength, profile, bin_num]
    obsid, pulsar, _, period, _, beg, t_int, profile, num_bins = bestprof_data

    #get r_sys and gain
    t_sys, _, gain, u_gain = snfe.find_t_sys_gain(pulsar, obsid, obs_metadata=metadata,\
                                    beg=beg, t_int=t_int)

    #estimate S/N
    sn, u_sn, _, w_equiv_bins, _, w_equiv_ms, u_w_equiv_ms, scattered = snfe.analyse_pulse_prof(prof_data=profile, period=period, verbose=True)"Profile scattered? {0}".format(scattered))"S/N: {0} +/- {1}".format(sn, u_sn))
    logger.debug("Gain {0} K/Jy".format(gain))
    logger.debug("Equivalent width in bins: {0}".format(w_equiv_bins))
    logger.debug("T_sys: {0} K".format(t_sys))
    logger.debug("Bandwidth: {0}".format(bandwidth))
    logger.debug("Detection time: {0}".format(time_detection))
    logger.debug("NUmber of bins: {0}".format(num_bins))

    if scattered == False:
        #final calc of the mean fluxdesnity in mJy
        S_mean = sn * t_sys / ( gain * math.sqrt(2. * float(time_detection) * bandwidth)) *\
                 math.sqrt( w_equiv_bins / (num_bins - w_equiv_bins)) * 1000.
        #constants to make uncertainty calc easier
        S_mean_cons = t_sys / ( math.sqrt(2. * float(time_detection) * bandwidth)) *\
                 math.sqrt( w_equiv_bins / (num_bins - w_equiv_bins)) * 1000.
        u_S_mean = math.sqrt( math.pow(S_mean_cons * u_sn / gain , 2)  +\
                              math.pow(sn * S_mean_cons * u_gain / math.pow(gain,2) , 2) )'Smean {0:.2f} +/- {1:.2f} mJy'.format(S_mean, u_S_mean))
    else:"Profile is scattered. Flux cannot be estimated")
        S_mean = None
        u_S_mean = None

    #calc obstype
    if (maxfreq - minfreq) == 23:
        obstype = 1
        obstype = 2

    #calc scattering
    scat_height = max(profile) / 2.71828
    scat_bins = 0
    for p in profile:
        if p > scat_height:
            scat_bins = scat_bins + 1
    scattering = float(scat_bins + 1) * float(period) /1000. #in s
    u_scattering = 1. * float(period) /1000. # assumes the uncertainty is one bin

    #calc sub-bands
    subbands = 1
    for b in range(len(channels)):
        if b == 0:
        if not (channels[b] - channels[b-1]) == 1:
            subbands = subbands + 1

    #get cal id
    if coh:
        cal_list = client.calibrator_list(web_address, auth)
        cal_already_created = False
        for c in cal_list:
            if ( c[u'observationid'] == int(args.cal_id) ) and ( c[u'caltype'] == calibrator_type ):
                cal_already_created = True
                cal_db_id = c[u'id']
        if not cal_already_created:
            cal_db_id = int(client.calibrator_create(web_address, auth,
                                                  observationid = str(args.cal_id),
                                                  caltype = calibrator_type)[u'id'])
        cal_db_id = None

    if S_mean is not None:
        #prevent TypeError caused by trying to format Nones given to fluxes for
        #highly scattered pulsars
        S_mean = float("{0:.2f}".format(S_mean))
        u_S_mean = float("{0:.2f}".format(u_S_mean))

        client.detection_create(web_address, auth,
                               observationid = int(obsid),
                               pulsar = str(pulsar),
                               subband = int(subbands),
                               coherent = coh,
                               observation_type = int(obstype),
                               calibrator = cal_db_id,
                               startcchan = int(minfreq), stopcchan = int(maxfreq),
                               flux = S_mean,
                               flux_error = u_S_mean,
                               width = float("{0:.2f}".format(w_equiv_ms)),
                               width_error = float("{0:.2f}".format(u_w_equiv_ms)),
                               scattering = float("{0:.5f}".format(scattering)),
                               scattering_error = float("{0:.5f}".format(u_scattering)),
                               dm = float(dm))
    except:"Detection already on database so updating the values")
        client.detection_update(web_address, auth,
                               observationid = int(obsid),
                               pulsar = str(pulsar),
                               subband = str(subbands),
                               coherent = coh,
                               observation_type = int(obstype),
                               calibrator = cal_db_id,
                               startcchan = int(minfreq), stopcchan = int(maxfreq),
                               flux = S_mean,
                               flux_error = u_S_mean,
                               width = float("{0:.2f}".format(w_equiv_ms)),
                               width_error = float("{0:.2f}".format(u_w_equiv_ms)),
                               scattering = float("{0:.5f}".format(scattering)),
                               scattering_error = float("{0:.5f}".format(u_scattering)),
                               dm = float(dm))"Observation submitted to database")

    return subbands