Esempio n. 1
def eval_genome(genome, config):
    net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config)
    fitnesses = []

    for runs in range(runs_per_net):
        game = Game(20, 20)

        # Run the given simulation for up to num_steps time steps.
        fitness = 0.0
        while True:
            inputs = game.get_normalized_state()
            action = net.activate(inputs)

            # Apply action to the simulated snake
            valid = game.step(np.argmax(action))

            # Stop if the network fails to keep the snake within the boundaries or hits itself.
            # The per-run fitness is the number of pills eaten
            if not valid:

            fitness =


    # The genome's fitness is its worst performance across all runs.
    return min(fitnesses)
Esempio n. 2
def eval_genome(genome, config):
    net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config)

    fitnesses = []

    for runs in range(runs_per_net):

        #screen = pygame.display.set_mode((20 * 16,20 * 16))

        sim = Game(20, 20)

        # Run the given simulation for up to num_steps time steps.
        fitness = 0.0
        while True:
            inputs = sim.get_normalized_state()
            action = net.activate(inputs)

            # Apply action to the simulated snake
            valid = sim.step(np.argmax(action))

            # Stop if the network fails to keep the snake within the boundaries or hits itself.
            # The per-run fitness is the number of pills eaten
            if not valid:

            fitness = sim.score


    # The genome's fitness is its worst performance across all runs.
    return min(fitnesses)