Esempio n. 1
class native_StrExactMatch(object):
    exact string comparison match

    __slots__ = __attr_comparison__ = ('_hash', 'exact', 'case_sensitive',
    __metaclass__ = generic_equality

    def __init__(self, exact, case_sensitive=True, negate=False):
        :param exact: exact string to match
        :param case_sensitive: should the match be case sensitive?
        :param negate: should the match results be negated?

        sf = object.__setattr__
        sf(self, "negate", negate)
        sf(self, "case_sensitive", case_sensitive)
        if not case_sensitive:
            sf(self, "exact", str(exact).lower())
            sf(self, "exact", str(exact))
        sf(self, "_hash", hash((self.exact, self.negate, self.case_sensitive)))

    def match(self, value):
        if self.case_sensitive:
            return (self.exact == value) != self.negate
            return (self.exact == value.lower()) != self.negate

    __hash__ = reflective_hash('_hash')
Esempio n. 2
def hashed_base(name, bases, scope):
    scope.setdefault("__hash__", reflective_hash('_hash'))
    slots = scope.get("__slots__", None)
    if slots is not None:
        if "_hash" not in slots:
            slots = scope["__slots__"] = slots + ("_hash",)
        scope.setdefault("__attr_comparison__", slots)
    return generic_equality(name, bases, scope)
Esempio n. 3
def hashed_base(name, bases, scope):
    scope.setdefault("__hash__", reflective_hash('_hash'))
    slots = scope.get("__slots__", None)
    if slots is not None:
        if "_hash" not in slots:
            slots = scope["__slots__"] = slots + ("_hash", )
        scope.setdefault("__attr_comparison__", slots)
    return generic_equality(name, bases, scope)
Esempio n. 4
class StrExactMatch(base, metaclass=generic_equality):
    """exact string comparison match"""

    __slots__ = __attr_comparison__ = ('_hash', 'exact', 'case_sensitive',
    __inst_caching__ = True

    def __init__(self, exact, case_sensitive=True, negate=False):
        :param exact: exact string to match
        :param case_sensitive: should the match be case sensitive?
        :param negate: should the match results be negated?

        sf = object.__setattr__
        sf(self, "negate", negate)
        sf(self, "case_sensitive", case_sensitive)
        if not case_sensitive:
            sf(self, "exact", str(exact).lower())
            sf(self, "exact", str(exact))
        sf(self, "_hash", hash((self.exact, self.negate, self.case_sensitive)))

    def match(self, value):
        value = str(value)
        if self.case_sensitive:
            return (self.exact == value) != self.negate
            return (self.exact == value.lower()) != self.negate

    def intersect(self, other):
        s1, s2 = self.exact, other.exact
        if other.case_sensitive and not self.case_sensitive:
            s1 = s1.lower()
        elif self.case_sensitive and not other.case_sensitive:
            s2 = s2.lower()
        if s1 == s2 and self.negate == other.negate:
            if other.case_sensitive:
                return other
            return self
        return None

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.negate:
            string = '<%s %r negated @%#8x>'
            string = '<%s %r @%#8x>'
        return string % (self.__class__.__name__, self.exact, id(self))

    def __str__(self):
        if self.negate:
            return f'!= {self.exact}'
        return f'== {self.exact}'

    __hash__ = reflective_hash('_hash')
Esempio n. 5
class atom(boolean.AndRestriction):
    """Currently implements gentoo ebuild atom parsing.

    Should be converted into an agnostic dependency base.

    # note we don't need _hash
    __slots__ = ("blocks", "blocks_strongly", "op", "cpvstr", "negate_vers",
                 "use", "slot_operator", "slot", "subslot", "category",
                 "version", "revision", "fullver", "package", "key", "repo_id",

    type = packages.package_type

    negate = False

    _evaluate_collapse = True

    __attr_comparison__ = ("cpvstr", "op", "blocks", "negate_vers", "use",
                           "slot", "subslot", "slot_operator", "repo_id")

    # hack; combine these 2 metaclasses at some point...
    locals().pop("__eq__", None)
    locals().pop("__ne__", None)
    __metaclass__ = generic_equality
    __inst_caching__ = True


    # overrided in child class if it's supported
    evaluate_depset = None

    def blocks_temp_ignorable(self):
        return not self.blocks_strongly

    weak_blocker = alias_attr("blocks_temp_ignorable")

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.op == '=*':
            atom = "=%s*" % self.cpvstr
            atom = self.op + self.cpvstr
        if self.blocks:
            atom = '!' + atom
        if self.blocks:
            if self.blocks_strongly:
                atom = '!!' + atom
                atom = '!' + atom
        attrs = [atom]
        if self.use:
            attrs.append('use=%r' % (self.use, ))
        if self.slot is not None:
            attrs.append('slot=%r' % (self.slot, ))
        if self.subslot is not None:
            attrs.append('subslot=%r' % (self.subslot, ))
        if self.repo_id is not None:
            attrs.append('repo_id=%r' % (self.repo_id, ))
        return '<%s %s @#%x>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ' '.join(attrs),

    def __reduce__(self):
        return (atom, (str(self), self.negate_vers))

    def iter_dnf_solutions(self, full_solution_expansion=False):
        if full_solution_expansion:
            return boolean.AndRestriction.iter_dnf_solutions(self, True)
        return iter([[self]])

    def iter_cnf_solutions(self, full_solution_expansion=False):
        if full_solution_expansion:
            return boolean.AndRestriction.iter_cnf_solutions(self, True)
        return iter([[self]])

    def cnf_solutions(self, full_solution_expansion=False):
        if full_solution_expansion:
            return boolean.AndRestriction.cnf_solutions(self, True)
        return [[self]]

    def is_simple(self):
        return len(self.restrictions) == 2

    def __str__(self):
        if self.op == '=*':
            s = "=%s*" % self.cpvstr
            s = self.op + self.cpvstr
        if self.blocks:
            if self.blocks_strongly:
                s = '!!' + s
                s = '!' + s
        if self.slot:
            s += ":%s" % self.slot
            if self.subslot and self.slot_operator == "=":
                s += "/%s=" % self.subslot
        if self.repo_id:
            s += "::%s" % self.repo_id
        if self.use:
            s += "[%s]" % ",".join(self.use)
        return s

    __hash__ = reflective_hash('_hash')

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.restrictions)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.restrictions[index]

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            raise TypeError("other isn't of %s type, is %s" %
                            (self.__class__, other.__class__))

        c = cmp(self.category, other.category)
        if c:
            return c

        c = cmp(self.package, other.package)
        if c:
            return c

        c = cmp(self.op, other.op)
        if c:
            return c

        c = cpv.ver_cmp(self.version, self.revision, other.version,
        if c:
            return c

        c = cmp(self.blocks, other.blocks)
        if c:
            # invert it; cmp(True, False) == 1
            # want non blockers then blockers.
            return -c

        c = cmp(self.blocks_strongly, other.blocks_strongly)
        if c:
            # want !! prior to !
            return c

        c = cmp(self.negate_vers, other.negate_vers)
        if c:
            return c

        def f(v):
            return '' if v is None else v

        c = cmp(f(self.slot), f(other.slot))
        if c:
            return c

        c = cmp(self.use, other.use)
        if c:
            return c

        return cmp(self.repo_id, other.repo_id)

    def intersects(self, other):
        """Check if a passed in atom "intersects" this restriction's atom.

        Two atoms "intersect" if a package can be constructed that
        matches both:

        - if you query for just "dev-lang/python" it "intersects" both
          "dev-lang/python" and ">=dev-lang/python-2.4"
        - if you query for "=dev-lang/python-2.4" it "intersects"
          ">=dev-lang/python-2.4" and "dev-lang/python" but not

        USE and slot deps are also taken into account.

        The block/nonblock state of the atom is ignored.
        # Our "key" (cat/pkg) must match exactly:
        if self.key != other.key:
            return False
        # Slot dep only matters if we both have one. If we do they
        # must be identical:
        if (self.slot is not None and other.slot is not None
                and self.slot != other.slot):
            return False

        if (self.repo_id is not None and other.repo_id is not None
                and self.repo_id != other.repo_id):
            return False

        # Use deps are similar: if one of us forces a flag on and the
        # other forces it off we do not intersect. If only one of us
        # cares about a flag it is irrelevant.

        # Skip the (very common) case of one of us not having use deps:
        if self.use and other.use:
            # Set of flags we do not have in common:
            flags = set(self.use) ^ set(other.use)
            for flag in flags:
                # If this is unset and we also have the set version we fail:
                if flag[0] == '-' and flag[1:] in flags:
                    return False

        # Remaining thing to check is version restrictions. Get the
        # ones we can check without actual version comparisons out of
        # the way first.

        # If one of us is unversioned we intersect:
        if not self.op or not other.op:
            return True

        # If we are both "unbounded" in the same direction we intersect:
        if (('<' in self.op and '<' in other.op)
                or ('>' in self.op and '>' in other.op)):
            return True

        # Trick used here: just use the atoms as sufficiently
        # package-like object to pass to these functions (all that is
        # needed is a version and revision attr).

        # If one of us is an exact match we intersect if the other matches it:
        if self.op == '=':
            if other.op == '=*':
                return self.fullver.startswith(other.fullver)
            return restricts.VersionMatch(other.op, other.version,
        if other.op == '=':
            if self.op == '=*':
                return other.fullver.startswith(self.fullver)
            return restricts.VersionMatch(self.op, self.version,

        # If we are both ~ matches we match if we are identical:
        if self.op == other.op == '~':
            return (self.version == other.version
                    and self.revision == other.revision)

        # If we are both glob matches we match if one of us matches the other.
        if self.op == other.op == '=*':
            return (self.fullver.startswith(other.fullver)
                    or other.fullver.startswith(self.fullver))

        # If one of us is a glob match and the other a ~ we match if the glob
        # matches the ~ (ignoring a revision on the glob):
        if self.op == '=*' and other.op == '~':
            return other.fullver.startswith(self.version)
        if other.op == '=*' and self.op == '~':
            return self.fullver.startswith(other.version)

        # If we get here at least one of us is a <, <=, > or >=:
        if self.op in ('<', '<=', '>', '>='):
            ranged, other = self, other
            ranged, other = other, self

        if '<' in other.op or '>' in other.op:
            # We are both ranged, and in the opposite "direction" (or
            # we would have matched above). We intersect if we both
            # match the other's endpoint (just checking one endpoint
            # is not enough, it would give a false positive on <=2 vs >2)
            return (restricts.VersionMatch(other.op, other.version,
                    and restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version,

        if other.op == '~':
            # Other definitely matches its own version. If ranged also
            # does we're done:
            if restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version,
                return True
            # The only other case where we intersect is if ranged is a
            # > or >= on other's version and a nonzero revision. In
            # that case other will match ranged. Be careful not to
            # give a false positive for ~2 vs <2 here:
            return ranged.op in ('>', '>=') and restricts.VersionMatch(
                other.op, other.version, other.revision).match(ranged)

        if other.op == '=*':
            # The fun one, since glob matches do not correspond to a
            # single contiguous region of versions.

            # a glob match definitely matches its own version, so if
            # ranged does too we're done:
            if restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version,
                return True
            if '<' in ranged.op:
                # Remaining cases where this intersects: there is a
                # package smaller than ranged.fullver and
                # other.fullver that they both match.

                # If other.revision is not None then other does not
                # match anything smaller than its own fullver:
                if other.revision is not None:
                    return False

                # If other.revision is None then we can always
                # construct a package smaller than other.fullver by
                # tagging e.g. an _alpha1 on, since
                # cat/pkg_beta2_alpha1_alpha1 is a valid version.
                # (Yes, really. Try it if you don't believe me.)
                # If and only if other also matches ranged then
                # ranged will also match one of those smaller packages.
                # XXX (I think, need to try harder to verify this.)
                return ranged.fullver.startswith(other.version)
                # Remaining cases where this intersects: there is a
                # package greater than ranged.fullver and
                # other.fullver that they both match.

                # We can always construct a package greater than
                # other.fullver by adding a digit to it.
                # If and only if other also matches ranged then
                # ranged will match such a larger package
                # XXX (I think, need to try harder to verify this.)
                return ranged.fullver.startswith(other.version)

        # Handled all possible ops.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Someone added an op to atom without adding it to intersects')

    def evaluate_conditionals(self,
Esempio n. 6
class atom(boolean.AndRestriction, metaclass=klass.generic_equality):
    """Currently implements gentoo ebuild atom parsing.

    Should be converted into an agnostic dependency base.

    # note we don't need _hash
    __slots__ = (

    type = restriction.package_type

    negate = False

    _evaluate_collapse = True

    __attr_comparison__ = ("cpvstr", "op", "blocks", "negate_vers", "use",
                           "slot", "subslot", "slot_operator", "repo_id")

    # hack; combine these 2 metaclasses at some point...
    locals().pop("__eq__", None)
    locals().pop("__ne__", None)
    __inst_caching__ = True

    # overrided in child class if it's supported
    evaluate_depset = None

    def __init__(self, atom, negate_vers=False, eapi='-1'):
        :param atom: string, see gentoo ebuild atom syntax
        :keyword negate_vers: boolean controlling whether the version should be
            inverted for restriction matching
        :keyword eapi: string/int controlling what eapi to enforce for this atom
        if not atom:
            raise errors.MalformedAtom(atom)

        sf = object.__setattr__
        orig_atom = atom
        override_kls = False
        use_start = atom.find("[")
        slot_start = atom.find(":")

        if use_start != -1:
            # use dep
            use_end = atom.find("]", use_start)
            if use_end == -1:
                raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom,
                                           "use restriction isn't completed")
            elif use_end != len(atom) - 1:
                raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom,
                                           "trailing garbage after use dep")
            sf(self, "use",
               tuple(sorted(atom[use_start + 1:use_end].split(','))))
            for x in self.use:
                # stripped purely for validation reasons
                    if x[-1] in "=?":
                        override_kls = True
                        x = x[:-1]
                        if x[0] == '!':
                            x = x[1:]
                        if x[0] == '-':
                            raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                                orig_atom, f"malformed use flag: {x}")
                    elif x[0] == '-':
                        x = x[1:]

                    if x[-1] == ')' and eapi not in ('0', '1', '2', '3'):
                        # use defaults.
                        if x[-3:] in ("(+)", "(-)"):
                            x = x[:-3]

                    if not x:
                        raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom,
                                                   'empty use dep detected')
                    if not valid_use_flag.match(x):
                        raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom,
                                                   f'invalid USE flag: {x!r}')
                except IndexError:
                    raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom,
                                               'empty use dep detected')
            if override_kls:
                sf(self, '__class__', transitive_use_atom)
            atom = atom[0:use_start] + atom[use_end + 1:]
            sf(self, "use", None)
        if slot_start != -1:
            i2 = atom.find("::", slot_start)
            if i2 != -1:
                repo_id = atom[i2 + 2:]
                if not repo_id:
                    raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom,
                                               "repo_id must not be empty")
                elif repo_id[0] in '-':
                    raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                        f"invalid first char of repo_id '{repo_id}' (must not begin with a hyphen)"
                elif not valid_repo_chars.issuperset(repo_id):
                    raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                        f"repo_id may contain only [a-Z0-9_-/], found {repo_id!r}"
                atom = atom[:i2]
                sf(self, "repo_id", repo_id)
                sf(self, "repo_id", None)
            # slot dep.
            slot = atom[slot_start + 1:]
            slot_operator = subslot = None
            if not slot:
                # if the slot char came in only due to repo_id, force slots to None
                if i2 == -1:
                    raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                        orig_atom, "Empty slot targets aren't allowed")
                slot = None
                slots = (slot, )
                if eapi not in ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4'):
                    if slot[0:1] in ("*", "="):
                        if len(slot) > 1:
                            raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                                "Slot operators '*' and '=' do not take slot targets"
                        slot_operator = slot
                        slot, slots = None, ()
                        if slot.endswith('='):
                            slot_operator = '='
                            slot = slot[:-1]
                        slots = slot.split('/', 1)
                elif eapi == '0':
                    raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                        "slot dependencies aren't allowed in EAPI 0")

                for chunk in slots:
                    if not chunk:
                        raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                            orig_atom, "Empty slot targets aren't allowed")

                    if chunk[0] in '-.':
                        raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                            "Slot targets must not start with a hypen or dot: {chunk!r}"
                    elif not valid_slot_chars.issuperset(chunk):
                        invalid_chars = ', '.join(
                        raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                            f"Invalid character(s) in slot target: {invalid_chars}"

                if len(slots) == 2:
                    slot, subslot = slots

            sf(self, "slot_operator", slot_operator)
            sf(self, "slot", slot)
            sf(self, "subslot", subslot)
            atom = atom[:slot_start]
            sf(self, "slot_operator", None)
            sf(self, "slot", None)
            sf(self, "subslot", None)
            sf(self, "repo_id", None)

        sf(self, "blocks", atom[0] == "!")
        if self.blocks:
            atom = atom[1:]
            # hackish/slow, but lstrip doesn't take a 'prune this many' arg
            # open to alternatives
            if eapi not in ('0', '1') and atom.startswith("!"):
                atom = atom[1:]
                sf(self, "blocks_strongly", True)
                sf(self, "blocks_strongly", False)
            sf(self, "blocks_strongly", False)

        if atom[0] in ('<', '>'):
            if atom[1] == '=':
                sf(self, 'op', atom[:2])
                atom = atom[2:]
                sf(self, 'op', atom[0])
                atom = atom[1:]
        elif atom[0] == '=':
            if atom[-1] == '*':
                sf(self, 'op', '=*')
                atom = atom[1:-1]
                atom = atom[1:]
                sf(self, 'op', '=')
        elif atom[0] == '~':
            sf(self, 'op', '~')
            atom = atom[1:]
            sf(self, 'op', '')
        sf(self, 'cpvstr', atom)

        if eapi == '0':
            for x in ('use', 'slot'):
                if getattr(self, x) is not None:
                    raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                        orig_atom, f"{x} atoms aren't supported for EAPI 0")
        elif eapi == '1':
            if self.use is not None:
                raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                    orig_atom, "use atoms aren't supported for EAPI < 2")
        if eapi != '-1':
            if self.repo_id is not None:
                raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                    f"repo_id atoms aren't supported for EAPI {eapi}")
        if use_start != -1 and slot_start != -1 and use_start < slot_start:
            raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom,
                                       "slot restriction must proceed use")
            sf(self, "_cpv", cpv.CPV(self.cpvstr, versioned=bool(self.op)))
        except errors.InvalidCPV as e:
            raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom) from e

        if self.op:
            if self.version is None:
                raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom,
                                           "operator requires a version")
            elif self.op == '~' and self.revision:
                raise errors.MalformedAtom(
                    "~ revision operater cannot be combined with a revision")
        elif self.version is not None:
            raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom,
                                       'versioned atom requires an operator')
        sf(self, "_hash", hash(orig_atom))
        sf(self, "negate_vers", negate_vers)

    __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("_cpv")
    __dir__ = klass.DirProxy("_cpv")

    def blocks_temp_ignorable(self):
        return not self.blocks_strongly

    weak_blocker = klass.alias_attr("blocks_temp_ignorable")

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.op == '=*':
            atom = f"={self.cpvstr}*"
            atom = self.op + self.cpvstr
        if self.blocks:
            atom = '!' + atom
        if self.blocks:
            if self.blocks_strongly:
                atom = '!!' + atom
                atom = '!' + atom
        attrs = [atom]
        if self.use:
        if self.slot is not None:
        if self.subslot is not None:
        if self.repo_id is not None:
        return '<%s %s @#%x>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ' '.join(attrs),

    def __reduce__(self):
        return (atom, (str(self), self.negate_vers))

    def iter_dnf_solutions(self, full_solution_expansion=False):
        if full_solution_expansion:
            return boolean.AndRestriction.iter_dnf_solutions(self, True)
        return iter([[self]])

    def iter_cnf_solutions(self, full_solution_expansion=False):
        if full_solution_expansion:
            return boolean.AndRestriction.iter_cnf_solutions(self, True)
        return iter([[self]])

    def cnf_solutions(self, full_solution_expansion=False):
        if full_solution_expansion:
            return boolean.AndRestriction.cnf_solutions(self, True)
        return [[self]]

    def is_simple(self):
        return len(self.restrictions) == 2

    def restrictions(self):
        # ordering here matters; against 24702 ebuilds for
        # a non matchable atom with package as the first restriction
        # 10 loops, best of 3: 206 msec per loop
        # with category as the first(the obvious ordering)
        # 10 loops, best of 3: 209 msec per loop
        # why?  because category is more likely to collide;
        # at the time of this profiling, there were 151 categories.
        # over 11k packages however.
        r = [

        if self.repo_id is not None:
            r.insert(0, restricts.RepositoryDep(self.repo_id))

        if self.fullver is not None:
            if self.op == '=*':
                        "fullver", values.StrGlobMatch(self.fullver)))

        if self.slot is not None:
            if self.subslot is not None:

        if self.use is not None:

        return tuple(r)

    def __str__(self):
        if self.op == '=*':
            s = f"={self.cpvstr}*"
            s = self.op + self.cpvstr
        if self.blocks:
            if self.blocks_strongly:
                s = '!!' + s
                s = '!' + s
        if self.slot:
            s += f":{self.slot}"
            if self.subslot:
                s += f"/{self.subslot}"
            if self.slot_operator == "=":
                s += self.slot_operator
        elif self.slot_operator:
            s += f":{self.slot_operator}"
        if self.repo_id:
            s += f"::{self.repo_id}"
        if self.use:
            use = ','.join(self.use)
            s += f"[{use}]"
        return s

    __hash__ = klass.reflective_hash('_hash')

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.restrictions)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.restrictions[index]

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, atom):
            raise TypeError(
                f"other isn't of {atom!r} type, is {other.__class__}")

        c = cmp(self.category, other.category)
        if c:
            return c

        c = cmp(self.package, other.package)
        if c:
            return c

        c = cmp(self.op, other.op)
        if c:
            return c

        c = cpv.ver_cmp(self.version, self.revision, other.version,
        if c:
            return c

        c = cmp(self.blocks, other.blocks)
        if c:
            # invert it; cmp(True, False) == 1
            # want non blockers then blockers.
            return -c

        c = cmp(self.blocks_strongly, other.blocks_strongly)
        if c:
            # want !! prior to !
            return c

        c = cmp(self.negate_vers, other.negate_vers)
        if c:
            return c

        def f(v):
            return '' if v is None else v

        c = cmp(f(self.slot), f(other.slot))
        if c:
            return c

        c = cmp(self.use, other.use)
        if c:
            return c

        return cmp(self.repo_id, other.repo_id)

    no_usedeps = klass.alias_attr("get_atom_without_use_deps")

    def get_atom_without_use_deps(self):
        """Return atom object stripped of USE dependencies."""
        if not self.use:
            return self
        if self.op == '=*':
            s = f'={self.cpvstr}*'
            s = self.op + self.cpvstr
        if self.blocks:
            s = '!' + s
            if not self.blocks_temp_ignorable:
                s = '!' + s
        if self.slot:
            s += f':{self.slot}'
        return atom(s)

    def intersects(self, other):
        """Check if a passed in atom "intersects" this restriction's atom.

        Two atoms "intersect" if a package can be constructed that
        matches both:

        - if you query for just "dev-lang/python" it "intersects" both
          "dev-lang/python" and ">=dev-lang/python-2.4"
        - if you query for "=dev-lang/python-2.4" it "intersects"
          ">=dev-lang/python-2.4" and "dev-lang/python" but not

        USE and slot deps are also taken into account.

        The block/nonblock state of the atom is ignored.
        # Our "key" (cat/pkg) must match exactly:
        if self.key != other.key:
            return False

        # Slot dep only matters if we both have one. If we do they
        # must be identical:
        if (self.slot is not None and other.slot is not None
                and self.slot != other.slot):
            return False

        # Subslot dep only matters if we both have one. If we do they
        # must be identical:
        if (self.subslot is not None and other.subslot is not None
                and self.subslot != other.subslot):
            return False

        if (self.repo_id is not None and other.repo_id is not None
                and self.repo_id != other.repo_id):
            return False

        # Use deps are similar: if one of us forces a flag on and the
        # other forces it off we do not intersect. If only one of us
        # cares about a flag it is irrelevant.

        # Skip the (very common) case of one of us not having use deps:
        if self.use and other.use:
            # Set of flags we do not have in common:
            flags = set(self.use) ^ set(other.use)
            for flag in flags:
                # If this is unset and we also have the set version we fail:
                if flag[0] == '-' and flag[1:] in flags:
                    return False

        # Remaining thing to check is version restrictions. Get the
        # ones we can check without actual version comparisons out of
        # the way first.

        # If one of us is unversioned we intersect:
        if not self.op or not other.op:
            return True

        # If we are both "unbounded" in the same direction we intersect:
        if (('<' in self.op and '<' in other.op)
                or ('>' in self.op and '>' in other.op)):
            return True

        # Trick used here: just use the atoms as sufficiently
        # package-like object to pass to these functions (all that is
        # needed is a version and revision attr).

        # If one of us is an exact match we intersect if the other matches it:
        if self.op == '=':
            if other.op == '=*':
                return self.fullver.startswith(other.fullver)
            return restricts.VersionMatch(other.op, other.version,
        if other.op == '=':
            if self.op == '=*':
                return other.fullver.startswith(self.fullver)
            return restricts.VersionMatch(self.op, self.version,

        # If we are both ~ matches we match if we are identical:
        if self.op == other.op == '~':
            return (self.version == other.version
                    and self.revision == other.revision)

        # If we are both glob matches we match if one of us matches the other.
        if self.op == other.op == '=*':
            return (self.fullver.startswith(other.fullver)
                    or other.fullver.startswith(self.fullver))

        # If one of us is a glob match and the other a ~ we match if the glob
        # matches the ~ (ignoring a revision on the glob):
        if self.op == '=*' and other.op == '~':
            return other.fullver.startswith(self.version)
        if other.op == '=*' and self.op == '~':
            return self.fullver.startswith(other.version)

        # If we get here at least one of us is a <, <=, > or >=:
        if self.op in ('<', '<=', '>', '>='):
            ranged, other = self, other
            ranged, other = other, self

        if '<' in other.op or '>' in other.op:
            # We are both ranged, and in the opposite "direction" (or
            # we would have matched above). We intersect if we both
            # match the other's endpoint (just checking one endpoint
            # is not enough, it would give a false positive on <=2 vs >2)
            return (restricts.VersionMatch(other.op, other.version,
                    and restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version,

        if other.op == '~':
            # Other definitely matches its own version. If ranged also
            # does we're done:
            if restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version,
                return True
            # The only other case where we intersect is if ranged is a
            # > or >= on other's version and a nonzero revision. In
            # that case other will match ranged. Be careful not to
            # give a false positive for ~2 vs <2 here:
            return ranged.op in ('>', '>=') and restricts.VersionMatch(
                other.op, other.version, other.revision).match(ranged)

        if other.op == '=*':
            # The fun one, since glob matches do not correspond to a
            # single contiguous region of versions.

            # a glob match definitely matches its own version, so if
            # ranged does too we're done:
            if restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version,
                return True
            if '<' in ranged.op:
                # Remaining cases where this intersects: there is a
                # package smaller than ranged.fullver and
                # other.fullver that they both match.

                # If other.revision is not None or 0 then other does not match
                # anything smaller than its own fullver:
                if other.revision:
                    return False

                # If other.revision is None or 0 then we can always
                # construct a package smaller than other.fullver by
                # tagging e.g. an _alpha1 on, since
                # cat/pkg_beta2_alpha1_alpha1 is a valid version.
                # (Yes, really. Try it if you don't believe me.)
                # If and only if other also matches ranged then
                # ranged will also match one of those smaller packages.
                # XXX (I think, need to try harder to verify this.)
                return ranged.fullver.startswith(other.version)
                # Remaining cases where this intersects: there is a
                # package greater than ranged.fullver and
                # other.fullver that they both match.

                # We can always construct a package greater than
                # other.fullver by adding a digit to it.
                # If and only if other also matches ranged then
                # ranged will match such a larger package
                # XXX (I think, need to try harder to verify this.)
                return ranged.fullver.startswith(other.version)

        # Handled all possible ops.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Someone added an op to atom without adding it to intersects')

    def evaluate_conditionals(self,