Esempio n. 1
def solve_degree_based_questions(G, GName):

    #Number of nodes with degre seven

    CntV = snap.TIntPrV()

    snap.GetOutDegCnt(G, CntV)
    flag = 0
    for p in CntV:
        if p.GetVal1() == 7:
            flag = p.GetVal2()

    print "Number of nodes with degree=7 in %s: %d" % (GName[:-10], flag)

    #To find the number of nodes with maximum degree and thier IDs
    MaxDegree = CntV[len(CntV) - 1].GetVal1()
    Nodes_with_max_deg = []

    for NI in G.Nodes():
        if NI.GetOutDeg() == MaxDegree:

    string_of_nodes_with_max_deg = ",".join(Nodes_with_max_deg)
    print "Node id (s) with highest degree in {0}: {1}".format(
        GName[:-10], string_of_nodes_with_max_deg)

    #Plots the Degree Distribution

    filename = "outDeg." + GName[:-10] + ".png"
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G, GName[:-10],
                         GName[:-10] + " - out-degree Distribution")
    print "Degree distribution of {0} is in: {1}".format(GName[:-10], filename)
Esempio n. 2
    def degree_distribution(self):

        snap.PlotOutDegDistr(self.graph, "Degree_Distribution",
                             " Graph Degree Distribution")
        img = mpimg.imread("outDeg.Degree_Distribution.png")
        imgplot = plt.imshow(img)
Esempio n. 3
def partOneAndTwo(WikiG):
    # WikiG.Dump()
    print('1. Number of nodes: '+str(WikiG.GetNodes()))

    selfloop_cnt = 0
    for node in WikiG.Nodes():
        # print(node.GetId())
        if WikiG.IsEdge(node.GetId(), node.GetId()):
            selfloop_cnt += 1
    print('2. Self loop Node: {}'.format(selfloop_cnt))

    cnt_dir = snap.CntUniqDirEdges(WikiG)
    print('3. The number of directed edges: {}'.format(cnt_dir))

    cnt_undir = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(WikiG)
    print("4. The number of unique undirected edges is %d" % cnt_undir)
    print("5. The number of reciprocated edges is %d" % (cnt_dir - cnt_undir))

    cnt_in = snap.CntInDegNodes(WikiG, 0)
    print("6. The number of nodes of zero out-degree is %d" % cnt_in)
    cnt_out = snap.CntOutDegNodes(WikiG, 0)
    print("7. The number of nodes of zero in-degree is %d" % cnt_out)

    cnt_deg_above_10 = 0
    cnt_deg_less_10 = 0
    for node in WikiG.Nodes():
        if node.GetOutDeg() > 10:
            cnt_deg_above_10 += 1
        if node.GetInDeg() < 10:
            cnt_deg_less_10 += 1
    print("8. The number of nodes with more than 10 outgoing edges is %d" % cnt_deg_above_10)
    print("9. The number of nodes with fewer than 10 incoming edges is %d" % cnt_deg_less_10)

    # Part 2
    out_file_name = 'wiki'
    snap.PlotInDegDistr(WikiG, out_file_name, "Directed graph - in-degree Distribution")
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(WikiG, out_file_name, "Directed graph - out-degree Distribution")

    InDegDistr = np.loadtxt("inDeg."+out_file_name+".tab")
    InDegDistr = InDegDistr[InDegDistr[:, 0] > 0]

    OutDegDistr = np.loadtxt("OutDeg."+out_file_name+".tab")
    # print(OutDegDistr.shape)
    OutDegDistr = OutDegDistr[OutDegDistr[:, 0] > 0]
    # print(OutDegDistr.shape)

    coff = np.polyfit(np.log10(OutDegDistr)[:, 0], np.log10(OutDegDistr)[:, 1], 1)
    plt.loglog(InDegDistr[:, 0], InDegDistr[:, 1])
    plt.title('In deg Distr')
    plt.loglog(OutDegDistr[:, 0], OutDegDistr[:, 1])
    plt.loglog(OutDegDistr[:, 0], np.power(10, coff[1])*np.power(OutDegDistr[:, 0], coff[0]))
    plt.title('Out deg Distr & Last-Square Reg Line in log-log plot')
Esempio n. 4
def plot_degree_distribution(ei_graph, name):
    """Create a plot of degree distribution and saves image to file.

    :param name: used to create the output filename, ``,
        and in the title of the plot.
    description = 'Degree Distribution for ' + name
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(ei_graph.base(), name, description)
Esempio n. 5
def plotOutDegDistr(graph):
    outdir = 'temp'


    fileName = 'out_deg_distr'
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(graph, fileName, "Out Degree Distribution")

    base = 'outDeg.' + fileName
    out_fname = os.path.join(outdir, base + '.png')


    return os.path.abspath(out_fname)
Esempio n. 6
def outDistPlot(graph):
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(graph, "example", "Directed graph - out-degree Distribution")
    X, Y = [], []
    ctr = 0
    for line in open('/content/', 'r'):
        if ctr > 3:
            values = [int(s) for s in line.split()]
            ctr += 1

    plt.plot(X, Y)
    plt.title("dist of outDeg of nodes")
Esempio n. 7
def degree_distribution_plot(G):
    Saves the degree distribution plot of the subgraph G
    The file is saved in the directory './plots/deg_dist_<subgraph_name>.png'

    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G, sys.argv[-1], f"Degree Distribution in {sys.argv[-1]}")


    os.rename(f'outDeg.{sys.argv[-1]}.png', f'./plots/deg_dist_{sys.argv[-1]}.png')
Esempio n. 8
    def genGraphInfo(self):
        graphName = self.graphName

        # get the number of nodes and edges in the graph
        print "Number of nodes in %s: %d" % (graphName, self.G.GetNodes())
        print "Number of edges in %s: %d" % (graphName, self.G.GetEdges())

        # get the node id(s) with highest degree

        nodeIdMaxDegree = snap.GetMxOutDegNId(self.G)

        maxDegree = -1
        for node in self.G.Nodes():
            if (node.GetId() == nodeIdMaxDegree):
                maxDegree = node.GetOutDeg()

        nodeIdsMaxDegreeT = ""
        for node in self.G.Nodes():
            if (maxDegree == node.GetOutDeg()):
                nodeIdsMaxDegreeT += str(node.GetId()) + ","

        print "Node id(s) with highest degree in %s: %s" % (graphName,

        # plot degree distribution
        snap.PlotOutDegDistr(self.G, graphName, "Degree Distribution")
        degreeFileName = "outDeg." + graphName + ".png"
        print "Degree distribution of %s is in: %s" % (graphName,

        # plot shortest path distribution
        snap.PlotShortPathDistr(self.G, graphName,
                                "Shortest Path Distribution")
        shortestPathFileName = "diam." + graphName + ".png"
        print "Shortest path distribution of %s is in: %s" % (
            graphName, shortestPathFileName)

        # get the fraction of nodes in largest cc
        print "Fraction of nodes in largest connected component in %s: %f" % (
            graphName, snap.GetMxSccSz(self.G))

        # plot the component size distribution
        snap.PlotSccDistr(self.G, graphName, "Component size distribution")
        sccFileName = "scc." + graphName + ".png"
        print "Component size distribution of %s is in: %s" % (graphName,
    def print_statistics(self, outfile_name):
        print 'Writing to file:', outfile_name
        snap.PrintInfo(self.Graph, 'Python type TUNGraph', outfile_name, False)

        with open(outfile_name, 'a') as f:
            f.write('\n####More information')

        max_degree_node = snap.GetMxDegNId(self.Graph)
        for artist_id in self.ids:
            if self.ids[artist_id] == max_degree_node:
                print artist_id

        # These may throw gnuplot errors; if so, edit the generated .plt files to correct the errors and run
        # gnuplot from terminal. (May need to set terminal to svg instead of png depending on your gnuplot
        # installation.)
        snap.PlotOutDegDistr(self.Graph, 'out_degree_distr',
                             'Out-degree distribution')
        snap.PlotInDegDistr(self.Graph, 'in_degree_distr',
                            'In-degree distribution')
def wikiVotingNetwork():

    Component = snap.TIntPrV()
    #Loding the graph
    Wiki = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, "Wiki-Vote.txt", 0, 1)
    #Printing Number of Nodes in the Graph
    print "Number of Nodes: ", Wiki.GetNodes()
    #Printing Number of Edges in the Graph
    print "Number of Edges: ", Wiki.GetEdges()
    #Printing Number of Directed Edges in the Graph
    print "Number of Directed Edges: ", snap.CntUniqDirEdges(Wiki)
    #Printing Number of Un-Directed Edges in the Graph
    print "Number of Undirected Edges: ", snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(Wiki)
    #Printing Number of Directed Edges in the Graph
    print "Number of Self-Edges: ", snap.CntSelfEdges(Wiki)
    #Printing Number of Zero InDeg Nodes in the Graph
    print "Number of Zero InDeg Nodes: ", snap.CntInDegNodes(Wiki, 0)
    #Printing Number of Zero OutDeg Nodes in the Graph
    print "Number of Zero OutDeg Nodes: ", snap.CntOutDegNodes(Wiki, 0)
    #Printing Node ID with maximum degree in the Graph
    print "Node ID with maximum degree: ", snap.GetMxDegNId(Wiki)

    snap.GetSccSzCnt(Wiki, Component)

    for comp in Component:
        #printing number of strongly connected components with size
        print "Size: %d - Number of Strongly Connected Components: %d" % (
            comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2())
    #printing size of largest connected components
    print "Size of largest connected component: ", snap.GetMxSccSz(Wiki)

    snap.GetWccSzCnt(Wiki, Component)

    for comp in Component:
        #printing number of weekly connected components with size
        print "Size: %d - Number of Weekly Connected Component Wikipedia: %d" % (
            comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2())

    #printing size of weekly connected components
    print "Size of Weakly connected component: ", snap.GetMxWccSz(Wiki)
    #plotting out-degree distribution
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(Wiki, "wiki-analysis",
                         "Directed graph - Out-Degree Distribution")
Esempio n. 11
    ## The Maximum Degree
    MxDeg = graph.GetNI(sn.GetMxDegNId(graph)).GetDeg()
    print("Node id(s) with highest degree: ", end="")
    flag = True
    for node in graph.Nodes():
        if node.GetDeg() == MxDeg:
            if flag:
                print(node.GetId(), end="")
                flag = False
                print(", {}".format(node.GetId), end="")

    ## Plot of degrees
    sn.PlotOutDegDistr(graph, name, "Degree Distribution")
    plotRemove("outDeg", "deg_dist", name)

    # Question 3
    numNodes = [10, 100, 1000]

    ## Full diameter
    fullDia = [sn.GetBfsFullDiam(graph, tNodes) for tNodes in numNodes]
    for i in range(3):
        print("Approximate full diameter by sampling {} nodes: {}".format(
            numNodes[i], fullDia[i]))
        "Approximate full diameter (mean and variance): {:.4f} {:.4f}".format(
            np.mean(fullDia), np.var(fullDia)))

    ## Effective Diameter
def main():

    parentDir = os.getcwd()
    os.chdir(parentDir + "/subgraphs")
    sub_graph = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, sys.argv[1], 0, 1)
    subGraphName = sys.argv[1].split(".")[0]

    #### 1 ########
    node_count = 0
    for node in sub_graph.Nodes():
        node_count = node_count + 1

    printWithOutNewLine("Number of nodes:", node_count)
    printWithOutNewLine("Number of edges:", snap.CntUniqBiDirEdges(sub_graph))

    #### 2 ########
    printWithOutNewLine("Number of nodes with degree=7:",
                        snap.CntDegNodes(sub_graph, 7))

    rndMaxDegNId = snap.GetMxDegNId(sub_graph)
    nodeDegPairs = snap.TIntPrV()
    snap.GetNodeInDegV(sub_graph, nodeDegPairs)
    maxDegVal = 0

    for pair in nodeDegPairs:
        if (pair.GetVal1() == rndMaxDegNId):
            maxDegVal = pair.GetVal2()

    maxDegNodes = []
    for pair in nodeDegPairs:
        if (pair.GetVal2() == maxDegVal):

    print("Node id(s) with highest degree:", end=" ")
    print(*maxDegNodes, sep=',')

    #### 3 ########
    sampledFullDiam = []
    sampledFullDiam.append(snap.GetBfsFullDiam(sub_graph, 10, False))
    sampledFullDiam.append(snap.GetBfsFullDiam(sub_graph, 100, False))
    sampledFullDiam.append(snap.GetBfsFullDiam(sub_graph, 1000, False))

    sampledFullDiamStats = []
    sampledFullDiamStats.append(round(statistics.mean(sampledFullDiam), 4))
    sampledFullDiamStats.append(round(statistics.variance(sampledFullDiam), 4))

    printWithOutNewLine("Approximate full diameter by sampling 10 nodes:",
    printWithOutNewLine("Approximate full diameter by sampling 100 nodes:",
    printWithOutNewLine("Approximate full diameter by sampling 1000 nodes:",
    print("Approximate full diameter (mean and variance):", end=" ")
    print(*sampledFullDiamStats, sep=',')

    sampledEffDiam = []
    sampledEffDiam.append(round(snap.GetBfsEffDiam(sub_graph, 10, False), 4))
    sampledEffDiam.append(round(snap.GetBfsEffDiam(sub_graph, 100, False), 4))
    sampledEffDiam.append(round(snap.GetBfsEffDiam(sub_graph, 1000, False), 4))

    sampledEffDiamStats = []
    sampledEffDiamStats.append(round(statistics.mean(sampledEffDiam), 4))
    sampledEffDiamStats.append(round(statistics.variance(sampledEffDiam), 4))

    printWithOutNewLine("Approximate effective diameter by sampling 10 nodes:",
        "Approximate effective diameter by sampling 100 nodes:",
        "Approximate effective diameter by sampling 1000 nodes:",
    print("Approximate effective diameter (mean and variance):", end=" ")
    print(*sampledEffDiamStats, sep=',')

    #### 4 ########
    printWithOutNewLine("Fraction of nodes in largest connected component:",
                        round(snap.GetMxSccSz(sub_graph), 4))

    bridgeEdges = snap.TIntPrV()
    snap.GetEdgeBridges(sub_graph, bridgeEdges)
    printWithOutNewLine("Number of edge bridges:", len(bridgeEdges))

    articulationPoints = snap.TIntV()
    snap.GetArtPoints(sub_graph, articulationPoints)
    printWithOutNewLine("Number of articulation points:",

    #### 5 ########
    printWithOutNewLine("Average clustering coefficient:",
                        round(snap.GetClustCf(sub_graph, -1), 4))

    printWithOutNewLine("Number of triads:", snap.GetTriads(sub_graph, -1))

    randomNodeId = sub_graph.GetRndNId()
    nodeIdCcfMap = snap.TIntFltH()
    snap.GetNodeClustCf(sub_graph, nodeIdCcfMap)

    print("Clustering coefficient of random node", end=" ")
    print(randomNodeId, end=": ")
    print(round(nodeIdCcfMap[randomNodeId], 4))

    print("Number of triads random node", end=" ")
    print(randomNodeId, end=" participates: ")
    print(snap.GetNodeTriads(sub_graph, randomNodeId))

        "Number of edges that participate in at least one triad:",
        snap.GetTriadEdges(sub_graph, -1))

    #### plots ########
    if not os.path.isdir('plots'):

    os.chdir(parentDir + "/plots")
    plotsDir = os.getcwd()

    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(sub_graph, subGraphName,
                         subGraphName + " Subgraph Degree Distribution")
        sub_graph, subGraphName,
        subGraphName + " Subgraph Shortest Path Lengths Distribution")
        sub_graph, subGraphName,
        subGraphName + " Subgraph Connected Components Size Distribution")
        sub_graph, subGraphName,
        subGraphName + " Subgraph Clustering Coefficient Distribution")

    files = os.listdir(plotsDir)

    for file in files:
        if not file.endswith(".png"):
            os.remove(os.path.join(plotsDir, file))

    plots = os.listdir(plotsDir)
    filePrefix = "filename"
    for file in plots:
        nameSplit = file.split(".")
        if (len(nameSplit) == 2):
        if (nameSplit[0] == "ccf"):
            filePrefix = "clustering_coeff_"
        elif (nameSplit[0] == "outDeg"):
            filePrefix = "deg_dist_"
        elif (nameSplit[0] == "diam"):
            filePrefix = "shortest_path_"
        elif (nameSplit[0] == "scc"):
            filePrefix = "connected_comp_"

        os.rename(file, filePrefix + nameSplit[1] + "." + nameSplit[2])

Esempio n. 13
G = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, "Wiki-Vote.txt", 0, 1)
snap.PrintInfo(G, "votes Stats", "votes-info.txt", False)

# Node ID with maximum degree
NId1 = snap.GetMxDegNId(G)
print("Node ID with Maximum-Degree: %d" % NId1)

# Number of Strongly connected components
ComponentDist = snap.TIntPrV()
snap.GetSccSzCnt(G, ComponentDist)
for comp in ComponentDist:
    print("Size: %d - Number of Components: %d" %
          (comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2()))

# Size of largest strongly connected component
print("Strongly Connected Component - Maximum size:", snap.GetMxSccSz(G))

# Number of Weakly Connected Components
CompDist = snap.TIntPrV()
snap.GetWccSzCnt(G, CompDist)
for comp in CompDist:
    print("Size: %d - Number of Components: %d" %
          (comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2()))

# Size of largest weakly connected component
print("Weakly Connected Component - Maximum size:", snap.GetMxWccSz(G))

# Plot of Outdegree Distribution
snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G, "Wiki Votes", "Wiki-Votes Out Degree")
    Mx_degree_id = []
    result_degree = snap.TIntV()
    snap.GetDegSeqV(p2p_gnutella04_subgraph, result_degree)
    for i in range(0, result_degree.Len()):
        if (result_degree[i] == CntV4[CntV4.Len() - 1].GetVal1()):

    print "Node id(s) with highest degree in email-Enron-subgraph: " + str(

# Task
if (sub_graph_name == "soc-Epinions1-subgraph"):

    # Plotting the degree distribution

    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(soc_epinions1_subgraph, "soc-Epinions1-subgraph",
                         "Undirected graph degree Distribution")
    print "Degree distribution of soc-Epinions1-subgraph: " + "outDeg.soc-Epinions1-subgraph.png"
if (sub_graph_name == "cit-HepPh-subgraph"):

    # Plotting the degree distribution

    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(cit_heph_subgraph, "cit-HepPh-subgraph",
                         "Undirected graph degree Distribution")
    print "Degree distribution of cit-HepPh-subgraph: " + "outDeg.cit-HepPh-subgraph.png"
if (sub_graph_name == "email-Enron-subgraph"):

    # Plotting the degree distribution

    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(email_enron_subgraph, "email-Enron-subgraph",
                         "Undirected graph degree Distribution")
    print "Degree distribution of email-Enron-subgraph: " + ""
Esempio n. 15
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

DATA_PATH = './Wiki-Vote.txt'

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Build Wiki Graph
    G1 = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, DATA_PATH, 0, 1)

    # use own plot tools, but not shown.
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G1, 'Wiki', 'Wiki')

    # So I draw everything by my own.
    DegToCntV = snap.TIntPrV()
    snap.GetOutDegCnt(G1, DegToCntV)

    out_deg = []
    deg_cnt = []

    for item in DegToCntV:

    out_deg_dis = pd.DataFrame({'Out_Degree_Value': out_deg, "Out_Degree_Cnt": deg_cnt})
    out_deg_dis.drop(index=0, inplace=True)
def out_deg_distribution(graph, fig_name):
    """Plot the out-degree distribution of nodes in graph"""
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(graph, fig_name,
                         "Distribution of out-degrees of nodes")
S = snap.TIntStrH()
GI = snap.TNGraph.New()
for i in range(len(ListOfUsers[0])):
print "interests= ", len(Interests[0])
for i in range(len(Interests[0])):
    S.AddDat((10000 + i), Interests[0][i])
    GI.AddNode(10000 + i)
for i in range(len(followerFile)):
    GI.AddEdge(interestFile.iloc[i, 0], getval(S, interestFile.iloc[i, 1]))

snap.DrawGViz(G1, snap.gvlDot, "reco.png", "Network Diagram", True,

snap.PlotInDegDistr(G1, "Indeg", "Directed graph - in-degree")
snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G1, "Outdeg", "Directed graph - out-degree")

# vector of pairs of integers (size, count)
ComponentDist = snap.TIntPrV()
# get distribution of connected components (component size, count)
snap.GetWccSzCnt(G1, ComponentDist)
for comp in ComponentDist:
    print "Size: %d - Number of Components: %d" % (comp.GetVal1(),
Count = snap.CntUniqDirEdges(G1)
print "Directed Graph: Count of unique directed edges is %d" % Count

# get degree distribution pairs (degree, count)
snap.GetOutDegCnt(G1, ComponentDist)
print "Degree Distribution Pairs-"
xval = []
Esempio n. 18
# Plot.
fig = plt.plot(data['degree'], data['count'], 'bo--', markersize=2)[0]
fig.axes.set_xlim(data['degree'].min(), data['degree'].max())
fig.axes.set_ylim(data['count'].min(), data['count'].max())
fig.axes.set_title("Log-Log Degree Distribution Plot for WikiGraph")
fig.axes.set_xlabel("Node Degree")
fig.axes.set_ylabel("Node Count")

# Save image.
plt.savefig("WikiGraphOutDegreeDistribution", format='svg', dpi=600)
plt.savefig("WikiGraphOutDegreeDistribution", dpi=600)

# Alternative 2.1.
snap.PlotOutDegDistr(wikiGraph, "WikiGraph",
                     "WikiGraph - Out Degree Distribution")

# 2.2: Compute and plot the least-square regression line.
# Calculate the best fit line on the log data.
slope, intercept = np.polyfit(np.log10(data['degree']),
                              np.log10(data['count']), FIT_DEGREE)
predict = lambda x: 10**(intercept) * x**slope

# Plot.
fig = plt.plot(data['degree'],
Esempio n. 19
#           Graph Testing
# ----------------------------------
import snap as s
import random as rand

# Generate undirected Erdos Reyni random graph
# set up vertices and edges
vertices = 20
edges = 15
u_rndm_graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, vertices, edges)

# Draw the graph to a plot, counting vertices
snap.DrawGViz(u_rndm_graph, snap.gvlNeato, "graph_rdm_undirected.png", "Undirected Random Graph", True)

# Plot the out degree distrib
snap.PlotOutDegDistr(u_rndm_graph, "graph_rdm_undirected", "Undirected graph - out-degree Distribution")

# Compute and print the list of all edges
for vertex_in in u_rndm_graph.Nodes():
    for vertex_out_id in vertex_in.GetOutEdges():
        print "edge (%d %d)" % (vertex_in.GetId(), vertex_out_id)
# Save it to an external file
snap.SaveEdgeList(u_rndm_graph, "Rndm_graph.txt", "Save as tab-separated list of edges")

# Compute degree distribution and save it to an external textfile
degree_vertex_count = snap.TIntPrV()
s.GetOutDegCnt(u_rndm_graph, degree_vertex_count)
file = open("graph_rdm_undirected_degree_distrib.txt", "w")
file.write("#       Degree Distribution        \n")
def compute_graph_statistics(graph_path, overwrite, compute_betweenness=False):
    graph_abs_path = os.path.abspath(graph_path)
    graph_name = os.path.basename(graph_abs_path).replace(".graph", "")
    fin = snap.TFIn(graph_abs_path)
    graph = snap.TNEANet.Load(fin)

    # rebuild the id => pkg dictionary
    id_pkg_dict = {}
    for node in graph.Nodes():
        id_pkg_dict[node.GetId()] = graph.GetStrAttrDatN(node.GetId(), "pkg")
    directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(graph_path))
    json_path = os.path.join(directory, graph_name + "_statistics.json")
    if os.path.isfile(json_path):
        with open(json_path, "r") as f:
            statistics = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
        statistics = OrderedDict()

    # doesn't suport absolute paths for some operations. Let's cd to the directory

    # general statistics
    output = os.path.join(directory, graph_name + "_main_statistics.txt")
    if not os.path.isfile(output) or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing general statistics".format(
        snap.PrintInfo(graph, "Play Store Graph -- main statistics", output, False)

    # info about the nodes with the max in degree
    if "max_in_degree" not in statistics or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing max indegree".format(
        max_in_deg_id = snap.GetMxInDegNId(graph)
        iterator = graph.GetNI(max_in_deg_id)
        max_in_deg = iterator.GetInDeg()
        max_in_deg_pkg = graph.GetStrAttrDatN(max_in_deg_id, "pkg")
        statistics["max_in_degree"] = max_in_deg
        statistics["max_in_degree_id"] = max_in_deg_id
        statistics["max_in_degree_pkg"] = max_in_deg_pkg

    # info about the nodes with the max out degree
    if "max_out_degree" not in statistics or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing max outdegree".format(
        max_out_deg_id = snap.GetMxOutDegNId(graph)
        iterator = graph.GetNI(max_out_deg_id)
        max_out_deg = iterator.GetOutDeg()
        max_out_deg_pkg = graph.GetStrAttrDatN(max_out_deg_id, "pkg")
        statistics["max_out_degree"] = max_out_deg
        statistics["max_out_degree_id"] = max_out_deg_id
        statistics["max_out_degree_pkg"] = max_out_deg_pkg

    # pagerank statistics
    output = graph_name + "_topNpagerank.eps"
    if not os.path.isfile(output) or "top_n_pagerank" not in statistics or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing top 20 nodes with highest pagerank".format(
        data_file = graph_name + "_pageranks"
        prank_hashtable = snap.TIntFltH()
        if not os.path.isfile(data_file) or overwrite:
            # Damping Factor: 0.85, Convergence difference: 1e-4, MaxIter: 100
            snap.GetPageRank(graph, prank_hashtable, 0.85)
            fout = snap.TFOut(data_file)
            fin = snap.TFIn(data_file)

        top_n = get_top_nodes_from_hashtable(prank_hashtable)
        if "top_n_pagerank" not in statistics or overwrite:
            top_n_labeled = []
            for pair in top_n:
                top_n_labeled.append((id_pkg_dict[pair[0]], pair[1]))
            statistics["top_n_pagerank"] = list(reversed(top_n_labeled))

        if not os.path.isfile(output) or overwrite:
            # let's build a subgraph induced on the top 20 pagerank nodes
            subgraph = get_subgraph(graph, [x[0] for x in top_n])
            labels_dict = get_labels_subset(id_pkg_dict, subgraph)
            values = snap_hashtable_to_dict(prank_hashtable, [x[0] for x in top_n])
            plot_subgraph_colored(subgraph, labels_dict, values, "PageRank",
                                  "Play Store Graph - top 20 PageRank nodes", output, "autumn_r")

    # betweeness statistics
    output = graph_name + "_topNbetweenness.eps"
    if compute_betweenness and (not os.path.isfile(output) or "betweenness" not in statistics or overwrite):
        print("{0} Computing top 20 nodes with highest betweenness".format(
        data_file1 = graph_name + "_node_betweenness"
        data_file2 = graph_name + "_edge_betweenness"
        node_betwenness_hashtable = snap.TIntFltH()
        edge_betwenness_hashtable = snap.TIntPrFltH()
        if not os.path.isfile(data_file1) or not os.path.isfile(data_file2) or overwrite:
            snap.GetBetweennessCentr(graph, node_betwenness_hashtable, edge_betwenness_hashtable, 0.85, True)
            fout = snap.TFOut(data_file1)
            fout = snap.TFOut(data_file2)

            fin = snap.TFIn(data_file1)
            fin = snap.TFIn(data_file2)
            edge_betwenness_hashtable.Load(fin)  # unused, as now

        top_n = get_top_nodes_from_hashtable(node_betwenness_hashtable)
        if "top_n_betweenness" not in statistics or overwrite:
            top_n_labeled = []
            for pair in top_n:
                top_n_labeled.append((id_pkg_dict[pair[0]], pair[1]))
            statistics["top_n_betweenness"] = list(reversed(top_n_labeled))

        if not os.path.isfile(output) or overwrite:
            # let's build a subgraph induced on the top 20 betweenness nodes
            subgraph = get_subgraph(graph, [x[0] for x in top_n])
            labels_dict = get_labels_subset(id_pkg_dict, subgraph)
            values = snap_hashtable_to_dict(node_betwenness_hashtable, [x[0] for x in top_n])
            plot_subgraph_colored(subgraph, labels_dict, values, "Betweenness",
                                  "Play Store Graph - top 20 Betweenness nodes", output)

    # HITS statistics
    output_hub = graph_name + "_topNhitshubs.eps"
    output_auth = graph_name + "_topNhitsauth.eps"
    if not os.path.isfile(output_hub) or not os.path.isfile(output_auth) or "top_n_hits_hubs" not in statistics \
            or "top_n_hits_authorities" not in statistics or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing top 20 HITS hubs and auths".format(
        data_file1 = graph_name + "_hits_hubs"
        data_file2 = graph_name + "_hits_auth"
        hubs_hashtable = snap.TIntFltH()
        auth_hashtable = snap.TIntFltH()
        if not os.path.isfile(data_file1) or not os.path.isfile(data_file2) or overwrite:
            # MaxIter = 20
            snap.GetHits(graph, hubs_hashtable, auth_hashtable, 20)
            fout = snap.TFOut(data_file1)
            fout = snap.TFOut(data_file2)

            fin = snap.TFIn(data_file1)
            fin = snap.TFIn(data_file2)

        top_n_hubs = get_top_nodes_from_hashtable(hubs_hashtable)
        if "top_n_hits_hubs" not in statistics or overwrite:
            top_n_labeled = []
            for pair in top_n_hubs:
                top_n_labeled.append((id_pkg_dict[pair[0]], pair[1]))
            statistics["top_n_hits_hubs"] = list(reversed(top_n_labeled))

        top_n_auth = get_top_nodes_from_hashtable(auth_hashtable)
        if "top_n_hits_authorities" not in statistics or overwrite:
            top_n_labeled = []
            for pair in top_n_auth:
                top_n_labeled.append((id_pkg_dict[pair[0]], pair[1]))
            statistics["top_n_hits_authorities"] = list(reversed(top_n_labeled))

        if not os.path.isfile(output_hub) or not os.path.isfile(output_auth) or overwrite:
            nodes_subset = set()
            for pair in top_n_hubs:
            for pair in top_n_auth:

            # let's build a subgraph induced on the top N HITS auths and hubs nodes
            subgraph = get_subgraph(graph, nodes_subset)
            labels_dict = get_labels_subset(id_pkg_dict, subgraph)
            values = snap_hashtable_to_dict(hubs_hashtable, nodes_subset)
            values2 = snap_hashtable_to_dict(auth_hashtable, nodes_subset)
            plot_subgraph_colored(subgraph, labels_dict, values, "HITS - Hub Index",
                                  "Play Store Graph - top 20 HITS hubs + top 20 HITS authorities", output_hub, "bwr")
            plot_subgraph_colored(subgraph, labels_dict, values2, "HITS - Authority Index",
                                  "Play Store Graph - top 20 HITS hubs + top 20 HITS authorities", output_auth,

    # indegree histogram
    output = graph_name + "_indegree"
    if not os.path.isfile("inDeg." + output + ".plt") or not os.path.isfile(
                            "inDeg." + output + ".tab") or not os.path.isfile("inDeg." + output + ".png") or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing indegree distribution".format(
        snap.PlotInDegDistr(graph, output, "Play Store Graph - in-degree Distribution")

    # outdegree histogram
    output = graph_name + "_outdegree"
    if not os.path.isfile("outDeg." + output + ".plt") or not os.path.isfile(
                            "outDeg." + output + ".tab") or not os.path.isfile(
                        "outDeg." + output + ".png") or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing outdegree distribution".format(
        snap.PlotOutDegDistr(graph, output, "Play Store Graph - out-degree Distribution")

    # strongly connected components print
    output = graph_name + "_scc"
    if not os.path.isfile("scc." + output + ".plt") or not os.path.isfile(
                            "scc." + output + ".tab") or not os.path.isfile("scc." + output + ".png") or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing scc distribution".format(
        snap.PlotSccDistr(graph, output, "Play Store Graph - strongly connected components distribution")

    # weakly connected components print
    output = graph_name + "_wcc"
    if not os.path.isfile("wcc." + output + ".plt") or not os.path.isfile(
                            "wcc." + output + ".tab") or not os.path.isfile("wcc." + output + ".png") or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing wcc distribution".format(
        snap.PlotWccDistr(graph, output, "Play Store Graph - weakly connected components distribution")

    # clustering coefficient distribution
    output = graph_name + "_cf"
    if not os.path.isfile("ccf." + output + ".plt") or not os.path.isfile(
                            "ccf." + output + ".tab") or not os.path.isfile("ccf." + output + ".png") or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing cf distribution".format(
        snap.PlotClustCf(graph, output, "Play Store Graph - clustering coefficient distribution")

    # shortest path distribution
    output = graph_name + "_hops"
    if not os.path.isfile("hop." + output + ".plt") or not os.path.isfile(
                            "hop." + output + ".tab") or not os.path.isfile("hop." + output + ".png") or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing shortest path distribution".format(
        snap.PlotHops(graph, output, "Play Store Graph - Cumulative Shortest Paths (hops) distribution", True)

    # k-core edges distribution
    output = graph_name + "_kcore_edges"
    if not os.path.isfile("coreEdges." + output + ".plt") or not os.path.isfile(
                            "coreEdges." + output + ".tab") or not os.path.isfile(
                        "coreEdges." + output + ".png") or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing k-core edges distribution".format(
        snap.PlotKCoreEdges(graph, output, "Play Store Graph - K-Core edges distribution")

    # k-core nodes distribution
    output = graph_name + "_kcore_nodes"
    if not os.path.isfile("coreNodes." + output + ".plt") or not os.path.isfile(
                            "coreNodes." + output + ".tab") or not os.path.isfile(
                        "coreNodes." + output + ".png") or overwrite:
        print("{0} Computing k-core nodes distribution".format(
        snap.PlotKCoreNodes(graph, output, "Play Store Graph - K-Core nodes distribution")

    with open(json_path, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(statistics, outfile, indent=2)
Esempio n. 21
maxNodes = []
maxDegree = 0

for node in UGraph.Nodes():
    if (node.GetOutDeg()) > maxDegree:
        maxDegree = (node.GetOutDeg())

for node in UGraph.Nodes():
    if (node.GetOutDeg()) == maxDegree:

print "Node id(s) with the  highest degree in %s: %s\n" % (file, maxNodes)

# c) creates a plot of the out-degree distribution
plotFN = file + ".outDeg.Distribution-plot.png"
snap.PlotOutDegDistr(UGraph, plotFN,
                     "Undirected graph degree distribution for file " + file)
print "\nDegree distribution of %s is in: %s\n" % (file, plotFN)

# 3) Paths in the network:
print "Paths in the network:\n"

# a) approximate full diameter of the graph
# function to calculate the mean
def mean(data):
    return sum(data) / len(data)

# function to calculate the variance
def variance(data):
    n = len(data)
    return G


snap.PlotSccDistr(Gtest, "destribution_gtest",

snap.PlotSccDistr(Gtest, "destribution_gtrain",

snap.PlotSccDistr(Gtest, "destribution_gval",

snap.PlotOutDegDistr(Gtest, "degree_gtest",
                  "G_{test}", False, True)

snap.PlotOutDegDistr(Gtrain, "degree_gtrain",
                  "G_{train}",  False, True)

snap.PlotOutDegDistr(Gval, "degree_gval",
                  "G_{val}",  False, True)

import sys
def extractFeatures(G, data, N):
    ''' Returns dictionary of features for (u,v)'''
    user_to_rating={u_to_id[row.user_id]: row.stars
                      for _, row in data.iterrows()}
    print "Finished star for user"
def main():

    Component = snap.TIntPrV()
    #loading the real world graph
    realWorld = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, "CA-HepTh.txt", 0, 1)
    #deleting the self-edges from the graph
    #calling the function
    #Taking number of nodes in a graph from real world network
    n = realWorld.GetNodes()
    #Generating an Undirected Graph
    G = snap.TUNGraph.New()
    #Taking number of edges in a graph from user
    e = int(raw_input('Enter the number of Random Edges : '))

    p = float(
        raw_input('Enter the Probability of Edges between Nodes from 0-1  : '))
    #Generating Number of Nodes
    for i in range(n):
        #Adding Nodes into the graph
    #calling the function
    erdosRenyi(G, p)
    #Printing the Clustering
    print 'Erdos Renyi Clustering Co-efficient: ', clustCoefficient(G)

    diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(G, 9877, False)
    #printing the diameter
    print 'Erdos Renyi Diameter: ', diam
    #plotting the graph
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G, "Erdos-Renyi",
                         "Un-Directed graph - Out-Degree Distribution")

    snap.GetSccSzCnt(G, Component)

    for comp in Component:
        #printing number of strongly connected components with size
        print "Size: %d - Number of Connected Component in Erdos-Renyi: %d" % (
            comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2())
    #printing fraction of nodes and edges
    print "Fraction of Nodes and Edges in Erdos Renyi: ", snap.GetMxSccSz(G)
    #Drawing a Erdos Renyi Graph
    snap.DrawGViz(G, snap.gvlDot, "erdosRenyi1.png", "Erdos Renyi")
    #calling the function
    smallWorldRandomNetwork(G, e)
    #printing the clustering coefficient
    print 'Small World Random Network Clustering Co-efficient: ', clustCoefficient(

    diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(G, 9877, False)
    #printing the diameter
    print 'Small World Random Network Diameter: ', diam

    snap.GetSccSzCnt(G, Component)

    for comp in Component:

        #printing number of strongly connected components with size

        print "Size: %d - Number of Connected Component in Small World: %d" % (
            comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2())
    #fraction of nodes and edges in small world
    print "Fraction of Nodes and Edges in Small World: ", snap.GetMxSccSz(G)
    #plotting the graph
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G, "Small-World",
                         "Un-Directed graph - Out-Degree Distribution")
    #drawinf the graph
    snap.DrawGViz(G, snap.gvlDot, "smallWorld1.png",
                  "Small World Random Network")
    #calculating the clustering co-efficient
    print 'Real World Random Network Clustering Co-efficient: ', clustCoefficient(

    diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(G, 9877, False)

    print 'Real World Random Network Diameter: ', diam

    snap.GetSccSzCnt(realWorld, Component)

    for comp in Component:
        #printing number of strongly connected components with size

        print "Size: %d - Number of Weekly Connected Component in Real World: %d" % (
            comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2())
    #printing fraction of nodes and edges
    print "Fraction of Nodes and Edges in Small World: ", snap.GetMxSccSz(
    #plotting the real world network graph
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(realWorld, "real-World",
                         "Un-Directed graph - Out-Degree Distribution")
    #Drawing Real WOrld Graph
    snap.DrawGViz(realWorld, snap.gvlDot, "realWorld.png",
                  "Real World Random Network")
Esempio n. 24
from graph import *
import snap

# plot deg dist
snap.PlotInDegDistr(graph, "InDegDist", flnme+" in-degree distribution")
snap.PlotOutDegDistr(graph, "OutDegDist", flnme+" out-degree distribution")

# plot connected components dist
snap.PlotSccDistr(graph, "SccDist", flnme+" strongly connected components distribution")
snap.PlotWccDistr(graph, "WccDist", flnme+" weakly connected components distribution")

# plot cluster coefficient
snap.PlotClustCf(graph, "ClustCoef", flnme+" clustering coefficient")
import snap
import sys
# Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000)

G5 = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, sys.argv[1], 0, 1)

snap.PlotOutDegDistr(G5, sys.argv[2],
                     "Directed graph - out-degree Distribution")
Esempio n. 26
def graphStructure(elistName, elistPath):
        Calculate properties of the graph as given in the assignment

        elistName (str) -> Input elist name
        elistPath (pathlib.Path) -> Input elist using which graph needs to be built

        RESULTS (dict) -> Dictionary containing results for different subparts of the assignment

    RESULTS = {}
    subGraph = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, elistPath, 0, 1)

    # Part 1 (Size of the network)
    RESULTS['nodeCount'] = subGraph.GetNodes()
    RESULTS['edgeCount'] = subGraph.GetEdges()

    # Part 2 (Degree of nodes in the network)
    maxDegree = 0
    maxDegreeNodes = []
    degree7Count = 0

    for node in subGraph.Nodes():
        if node.GetDeg() == 7:
            degree7Count += 1

        maxDegree = max(maxDegree, node.GetDeg())

    for node in subGraph.Nodes():
        if node.GetDeg() == maxDegree:

    plotFilename = f"deg_dist_{elistName}"
    # Since it is an undirected graph, in/out degree is unimportant
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(subGraph, plotFilename)

    RESULTS['maxDegree'] = maxDegree
    RESULTS['maxDegreeNodes'] = ','.join(map(str, maxDegreeNodes))
    RESULTS['degree7Count'] = degree7Count

    # Part 3 (Paths in the network)
    # Full Diameter Calculation
    fullDiameters = {
        10: snap.GetBfsFullDiam(subGraph, 10, False),
        100: snap.GetBfsFullDiam(subGraph, 100, False),
        1000: snap.GetBfsFullDiam(subGraph, 1000, False)
    fullMean, fullVariance = meanVariance(fullDiameters.values())
    fullDiameters['mean'] = fullMean
    fullDiameters['variance'] = fullVariance
    RESULTS['fullDiameters'] = fullDiameters

    # Effective Diameter Calculation
    effDiameters = {
        10: snap.GetBfsEffDiam(subGraph, 10, False),
        100: snap.GetBfsEffDiam(subGraph, 100, False),
        1000: snap.GetBfsEffDiam(subGraph, 1000, False),
    effMean, effVariance = meanVariance(effDiameters.values())
    effDiameters['mean'] = effMean
    effDiameters['variance'] = effVariance
    RESULTS['effDiameters'] = effDiameters

    plotFilename = f"shortest_path_{elistName}"
    snap.PlotShortPathDistr(subGraph, plotFilename)

    # Part 4 (Components of the network)
    edgeBridges = snap.TIntPrV()
    articulationPoints = snap.TIntV()
    RESULTS['fractionLargestConnected'] = snap.GetMxSccSz(subGraph)
    snap.GetEdgeBridges(subGraph, edgeBridges)
    snap.GetArtPoints(subGraph, articulationPoints)
    RESULTS['edgeBridges'] = len(edgeBridges)
    RESULTS['articulationPoints'] = len(articulationPoints)

    plotFilename = f"connected_comp_{elistName}"
    snap.PlotSccDistr(subGraph, plotFilename)

    # Part 5 (Connectivity and clustering in the network)
    RESULTS['avgClusterCoefficient'] = snap.GetClustCf(subGraph, -1)
    RESULTS['triadCount'] = snap.GetTriadsAll(subGraph, -1)[0]

    nodeX = subGraph.GetRndNId(Rnd)
    nodeY = subGraph.GetRndNId(Rnd)
    RESULTS['randomClusterCoefficient'] = (nodeX,
                                               subGraph, nodeX))
    RESULTS['randomNodeTriads'] = (nodeY, snap.GetNodeTriads(subGraph, nodeY))
    RESULTS['edgesTriads'] = snap.GetTriadEdges(subGraph)

    plotFilename = f"clustering_coeff_{elistName}"
    snap.PlotClustCf(subGraph, plotFilename)

    return RESULTS
Esempio n. 27
def main():
    # Number of nodes
    n = int(raw_input("Please enter the number of nodes"))
    # Probability of an edge between nodes
    p = float(
            "Please enter the value of probability of an edge between nodes"))
    # Random Input of x pairs of nodes
    x = int(raw_input("Please enter the number of random, x pairs of nodes:"))
    # Empty graph and add nodes
    ERM = Empty_graph(n)

    # Add edges to the graph using personal Erdos Renyi Model
    Erdos_Renyi(ERM, p)
    # Erdos Renyi Clustering Coeffecient
    print("Clustering Coeffecient: ", clustering_coffecient(ERM))
    # Diameter
    diameter_ERM = snap.GetBfsEffDiamAll(ERM, 10, False)
    # Largest Strongly Connected Component
    print("Largest Strongly Connected Component - Maximum size:",
    # Largest Size of Graph
    ERM_size = snap.GetMxScc(ERM).GetEdges()
    # Plot of Degree Distribution
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(ERM, "ERMGraph", "ERM Degree Distribution")

    # Add Small World Network
    Small_world = Empty_graph(n)
    random_edges(Small_world, x)
    # Small World Clustering Coeffecient
    print("Clustering Coeffecient: ", clustering_coffecient(Small_world))
    # Diameter
    diameter_Small_world = snap.GetBfsEffDiamAll(Small_world, 10, False)
    # Largest Strongly Connected Component
    print("Largest Strongly Connected Component - Maximum size:",
    # Largest Size of Graph
    Small_world_size = snap.GetMxScc(Small_world).GetEdges()
    # Plot of Degree Distribution
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(Small_world, "SmallWorldGraph",
                         "Small World Degree Distribution")

    # Add Collaboration Network
    Collaboration_Network = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, "CA-HepTh.txt", 0,
    snap.PrintInfo(Collaboration_Network, "Graph Statistics", "info.txt",
    # Collaboration Network Clustering Coeffecient
    print("Clustering Coeffecient: ",
    # Diameter
    diameter_Collaboration_Network = snap.GetBfsEffDiamAll(
        Collaboration_Network, 10, False)
    # Largest Strongly Connected Component
    print("Largest Strongly Connected Component - Maximum size:",
    # Largest Size of Graph
    Collaboration_Network_size = snap.GetMxScc(
    # Plot of Degree Distribution
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(Collaboration_Network, "CollaborationNetworkGraph",
                         "Collaboration Network Degree Distribution")
Esempio n. 28
fben = fbsgel.GetEdges()
print("Number of edges:", fben)
print("Number of nodes with degree=7:", snap.CntDegNodes(fbsgel, 7))
max_deg_fb_id = snap.GetMxDegNId(fbsgel)
NI = fbsgel.GetNI(max_deg_fb_id)
max_deg_fb = NI.GetDeg()
for NI in fbsgel.Nodes():
    if (NI.GetDeg() == max_deg_fb):
MaxDegNodeString = ','.join(map(str, MaxDegVfb))
print("Node id(s) with highest degree:", MaxDegNodeString)
snap.PlotOutDegDistr(fbsgel, "deg_dist_" + str(subgraph_name),
                     "deg_dist_" + str(subgraph_name))
i = 10
average = 0.0
variance = 0.0
while (i <= 1000):
    diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(fbsgel, i, False)
    print("Approximate full diameter by sampling", i, "nodes:", round(diam, 4))
    i *= 10
    average += diam
    variance += (diam * diam)
average /= 3
variance = (variance / 3) - average * average
print("Approximate full diameter(mean and variance): %0.4f,%0.4f" %
      (average, variance))
Esempio n. 29
import snap

Graph = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, 'G1.edgelist', 0, 1)

ERGraph = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, 'G2.edgelist', 0, 1)

WSGraph = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, 'G3.edgelist', 0, 1)

BAGraph = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, 'G4.edgelist', 0, 1)

snap.PlotOutDegDistr(Graph, "G1", "degree Distribution")

snap.PlotOutDegDistr(ERGraph, "G2", "degree Distribution")

snap.PlotOutDegDistr(WSGraph, "G3", "degree Distribution")

snap.PlotOutDegDistr(BAGraph, "G4", "degree Distribution")