Esempio n. 1
def test_normals():
    isle = create_island(10)
    height, width, nchan = isle.shape

    occlusion = np.empty([height, width, 1])
    seconds = timeit.timeit(
        lambda: np.copyto(occlusion, sn.compute_skylight(isle)), number=1)
    print(f'\ncompute_skylight took {seconds} seconds')

    normals = np.empty([height - 1, width - 1, 3])
    seconds = timeit.timeit(
        lambda: np.copyto(normals, sn.compute_normals(isle)), number=1)
    print(f'\ncompute_normals took {seconds} seconds')

    normals = sn.resize(normals, 750, 512)

    # Flatten the normals according to landmass versus sea.
    normals += np.float64([0, 0, 100]) * np.where(isle < 0.0, 1.0, 0.005)
    normals /= sn.reshape(np.sqrt(np.sum(normals * normals, 2)))

    # Compute the lambertian diffuse factor
    lightdir = np.float64([0.2, -0.2, 1])
    lightdir /= np.linalg.norm(lightdir)
    df = np.clip(np.sum(normals * lightdir, 2), 0, 1)
    df = sn.reshape(df)
    df *= occlusion

    # Apply color LUT
    gradient_image = sn.resize(sn.load(path('terrain.png')),
                               width=1024)[:, :, :3]

    def applyColorGradient(elevation):
        xvals = np.arange(1024)
        yvals = gradient_image[0]
        apply_lut = interpolate.interp1d(xvals, yvals, axis=0)
        el = np.clip(1023 * elevation, 0, 1023)
        return apply_lut(sn.unshape(el))

    albedo = applyColorGradient(isle * 0.5 + 0.5)
    albedo *= df

    # Visualize the lighting layers
    normals = 0.5 * (normals + 1.0)
    isle = np.dstack([isle, isle, isle])
    occlusion = np.dstack([occlusion, occlusion, occlusion])
    df = np.dstack([df, df, df])
    island_strip = sn.resize(sn.hstack([occlusion, normals, df, albedo]),
                             height=256), 'docs/island_strip.png')
Esempio n. 2
def create_falloff(w, h, radius=0.4, cx=0.5, cy=0.5):
    hw, hh = 0.5 / w, 0.5 / h
    x = np.linspace(hw, 1 - hw, w)
    y = np.linspace(hh, 1 - hh, h)
    u, v = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=True)
    d2 = (u-cx)**2 + (v-cy)**2
    return 1-snowy.unitize(snowy.reshape(d2))
Esempio n. 3
def test_draw_quad():

    w, h = 100, 100

    def show(im):, height=100, filter=None))

    yellow = np.full((w, h, 4), (1, 1, 0, 1))
    red = np.full((w, h, 4), (1, 0, 0, 1))
    trans_border = np.full((w, h, 4), (0, 0, 1, 0.2))
    t = 5
    trans_border[t:h - t, t:w - t] *= 0
    c0 = create_circle(w, h, 0.3) * yellow * 100000
    c1 = create_circle(w, h, 0.07, 0.8, 0.8) * red * 10000
    circles = np.clip(c0 + c1 + trans_border, 0, 1)
    r, g, b, a = circles.swapaxes(0, 2)
    luma = snowy.reshape(r + g + b)
    mask = luma != 0.0
    sdf = snowy.unitize(np.abs(snowy.generate_sdf(mask)))
    cpcf = snowy.generate_cpcf(mask)

    voronoi = snowy.dereference_coords(circles, cpcf)

    target = np.full((2000, 4000, 4), (0, 0, 0, 1), dtype=np.float32)

    seconds = timeit.timeit(lambda: snowy.draw_polygon(
        target, voronoi,
        np.array([(-1., -1, 1., 0., 1.), (-.5, +1, 1., 0., 0.),
                  (+.5, +1, 1., 1., 0.), (+1., -1, 1., 1., 1.)])),

Esempio n. 4
def test_cpcf():

    w, h = 500, 500

    def show(im):, height=100, filter=None))

    yellow = np.full((w, h, 3), (1, 1, 0))
    red = np.full((w, h, 3), (1, 0, 0))

    blue_border = np.full((w, h, 3), (0, 0, 1))
    t = 5
    blue_border[t:h - t, t:w - t] *= 0

    c0 = create_circle(w, h, 0.3) * yellow * 100000
    c1 = create_circle(w, h, 0.07, 0.8, 0.8) * red * 10000
    circles = np.clip(c0 + c1 + blue_border, 0, 1)

    r, g, b = circles.swapaxes(0, 2)
    luma = snowy.reshape(r + g + b)

    mask = luma != 0.0
    sdf = snowy.unitize(np.abs(snowy.generate_sdf(mask)))
    cpcf = snowy.generate_cpcf(mask)

    voronoi = np.empty(circles.shape)
    np.copyto(voronoi, snowy.dereference_coords(circles, cpcf))

    luma = np.dstack([luma, luma, luma])
    sdf = np.dstack([sdf, sdf, sdf])
    final = np.hstack([circles, luma, sdf, voronoi])
    final = snowy.resize(final, height=400)
Esempio n. 5
def create_circle(w, h, radius=0.4, cx=0.5, cy=0.5):
    hw, hh = 0.5 / w, 0.5 / h
    dp = max(hw, hh)
    x = np.linspace(hw, 1 - hw, w)
    y = np.linspace(hh, 1 - hh, h)
    u, v = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=True)
    d2, r2 = (u-cx)**2 + (v-cy)**2, radius**2
    result = 1 - smoothstep(radius-dp, radius+dp, np.sqrt(d2))
    return snowy.reshape(result)
Esempio n. 6
def test_coords():

    h, w = 800, 800
    height, width = h, w

    # Draw seed image

    cyan = np.full([h, w, 3], np.float64([(27, 56, 80)]) / 200)
    pink = np.full([h, w, 3], np.float64([175, 111, 127]) / 255)
    orange = np.full([h, w, 3], np.float64([239, 159, 95]) / 255)
    yellow = np.full([h, w, 3], np.float64([239, 207, 95]) / 255)

    colors = np.zeros([h, w, 3])

    def max_color(v):
        return np.maximum(colors, v)

    def sub_color(v):
        return colors * (1 - v)

    colors = max_color(create_circle(w, h, 0.37, [0.4, 0.5]) * cyan)
    colors = max_color(create_circle(w, h, 0.37, [0.6, 0.4]) * cyan)
    colors = max_color(create_circle(w, h, 0.27, [0.7, 0.6]) * cyan)
    colors = sub_color(create_circle(w, h, 0.35, [0.4, 0.5]))
    colors = sub_color(create_circle(w, h, 0.35, [0.6, 0.4]))
    colors = sub_color(create_circle(w, h, 0.25, [0.7, 0.6]))
    colors = max_color(create_circle(w, h, 0.01, [0.4, 0.5]) * orange)
    colors = max_color(create_circle(w, h, 0.01, [0.6, 0.4]) * pink)
    colors = max_color(create_circle(w, h, 0.01, [0.7, 0.6]) * yellow)

    colors = sn.linearize(colors)

    # Create generalized voronoi

    luma = sn.reshape(np.sum(colors, 2))
    coords = sn.generate_cpcf(luma != 0)
    voronoi = sn.dereference_cpcf(colors, coords)

    # Warp the voronoi

    warpx, warpy = width / 15, height / 15
    noise = sn.generate_fBm(width, height, 4, 4, 3)

    i, j = np.arange(width, dtype='i2'), np.arange(height, dtype='i2')
    coords = np.dstack(np.meshgrid(i, j, sparse=False))

    warpx = warpx * np.cos(noise * math.pi * 2)
    warpy = warpy * np.sin(noise * math.pi * 2)
    coords += np.int16(np.dstack([warpx, warpy]))

    coords[:, :, 0] = np.clip(coords[:, :, 0], 0, width - 1)
    coords[:, :, 1] = np.clip(coords[:, :, 1], 0, height - 1)
    warped = sn.dereference_cpcf(voronoi, coords)

    strip = [sn.resize(i, height=256) for i in (colors, voronoi, warped)]
Esempio n. 7
def create_circle(w, h, radius, center=[0, 5.0, 5]):
    cx, cy = center
    hw, hh = 0.5 / w, 0.5 / h
    dp = max(hw, hh)
    x = np.linspace(hw, 1 - hw, w)
    y = np.linspace(hh, 1 - hh, h)
    u, v = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=True)
    d2, r2 = (u - cx)**2 + (v - cy)**2, radius**2
    result = np.where(d2 < r2, 1.0, 0.0)
    return sn.reshape(result)
Esempio n. 8
    border_width=4, border_value=[0.5,0,0]), qualify("xforms.png"))

# Test noise generation

n = snowy.generate_noise(100, 100, frequency=4, seed=42, wrapx=True)
n = np.hstack([n, n])
n = 0.5 + 0.5 * n
snowy.export(n, qualify('noise.png'))

# First try minifying grayscale

gibbons = snowy.load(qualify('snowy.jpg'))
gibbons = np.swapaxes(gibbons, 0, 2)
gibbons = np.swapaxes(gibbons[0], 0, 1)
gibbons = snowy.reshape(gibbons)
source = snowy.resize(gibbons, height=200)
blurry = snowy.blur(source, radius=4.0)
diptych_filename = qualify('diptych.png')
snowy.export(snowy.hstack([source, blurry]), diptych_filename)

# Next try color

gibbons = snowy.load(qualify('snowy.jpg'))
source = snowy.resize(gibbons, height=200)
blurry = snowy.blur(source, radius=4.0)
diptych_filename = qualify('diptych.png')
snowy.export(snowy.hstack([source, blurry]), diptych_filename)
Esempio n. 9
# 1. Create falloff shape.

import snowy
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from scipy import interpolate

width, height = 768, 256
x, y = np.linspace(-1, 1, width), np.linspace(-1, 1, height)
u, v = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=True)
falloff = np.clip(1 - (u * u + v * v), 0, 1)
falloff = snowy.reshape(falloff / 2)

# 2. Add layers of gradient noise and scale with falloff.

noise = snowy.generate_noise
noise = [noise(width, height, 6 * 2**f, int(f)) * 1 / 2**f for f in range(4)]
noise = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, noise)
elevation = falloff * (falloff / 2 + noise)
elevation = snowy.generate_udf(elevation < 0.1)
elevation /= np.amax(elevation)

# 3. Compute ambient occlusion.

occlusion = snowy.compute_skylight(elevation)

# 4. Generate normal map.
Esempio n. 10
def clumpy(cmd):
    print(f"clumpy {cmd}")
    result = system(f".release/clumpy {cmd}")
    if result: raise Exception("clumpy failed")

friction = 0.9
spacing = 20
step_size = 2.5
kernel_size = 5
decay = 0.99
nframes = 400
res = 4000, 2000
scalex = 2
scaley = 5

dim = "x".join(map(str, res))

clumpy(f"pendulum_phase {dim} {friction} {scalex} {scaley} field.npy")
clumpy(f"bridson_points {dim} {spacing} 0 pts.npy")
    f"advect_points pts.npy field.npy {step_size} {kernel_size} {decay} {nframes} phase.npy"

im = snowy.reshape(1.0 - np.load("000phase.npy") / 255.0)
im = snowy.resize(im, 500, 250)
snowy.export(im, "extras/example6.png")
system("rm *.npy")
print("Generated extras/example6.png")
Esempio n. 11
friction = 0.1
clumpy(f'pendulum_phase {dim} {friction} 1 5 field.npy')
clumpy(f'bridson_points {dim} {spacing} 0 pts.npy')
clumpy('advect_points pts.npy field.npy ' +
       f'{step_size} {kernel_size} {decay} {nframes} anim1.npy')

friction = 0.9
clumpy(f'pendulum_phase {dim} {friction} 1 5 field.npy')
clumpy(f'bridson_points {dim} {spacing} 0 pts.npy')
clumpy('advect_points pts.npy field.npy ' +
       f'{step_size} {kernel_size} {decay} {nframes} anim2.npy')

import imageio
writer = imageio.get_writer('anim.mp4', fps=60)
for i in tqdm(range(0, nframes, skip)):

    im1 = snowy.reshape(np.load("{:03}anim1.npy".format(i)))
    im1 = snowy.resize(im1, 960 - 6, 1088 - 8)

    im2 = snowy.reshape(np.load("{:03}anim2.npy".format(i)))
    im2 = snowy.resize(im2, 960 - 6, 1088 - 8)

    im = np.uint8(255.0 - snowy.hstack([im1, im2], border_width=4))

print('Generated anim.mp4')

system('rm *.npy')