Esempio n. 1
def get_fhats_sp(fname, tup):
    st = time.time()
    mat =
    A = mat['A']
    B = mat['B']
    n = A.shape[0]
    popt = Perm(tup)
    fhats = {}
    opt_reps = {}
    tot = 0
    print(f'Load time: {time.time()-st:.4f}s')

    # coset rep group elements
    reps_i, reps_j = cos_reps_minus2_pairs(n)
    reps = [i * j for i in reps_i for j in reps_j]

    for irrep in [(n - 2, 1, 1), (n - 2, 2), (n - 1, 1), (n, )][::-1]:
        st = time.time()
        sp_rho = SnIrrep(irrep, 'sparse')
        mats_i = [sp_rho(i) for i in reps_i]
        mats_j = [sp_rho(j) for j in reps_j]
        rep_mats = [mi @ mj for mi in mats_i for mj in mats_j]

        fh = fhat_AB(A, B, irrep, reps, rep_mats)
        rep = sp_rho(popt)
        tot += hook_length(irrep) * (rep.toarray() *
                                     fh).sum() / math.factorial(n)

        fhats[irrep] = fh
        opt_reps[irrep] = rep
        print(f'Time: {time.time() - st:.2f}s | Irrep: {irrep} | {type(fh)}')

    print(f'Total time: {time.time() - st:.2f}s')
    return fhats, opt_reps
Esempio n. 2
def make_blocked(blocks, n):
    bmat = np.zeros((n * n, n * n))
    irreps = [(n - 2, 1, 1), (n - 2, 2), (n - 1, 1), (n - 1, 1), (n - 1, 1),
              (n, ), (n, )]
    idx = 0

    for irrep in irreps:
        dim = hook_length(irrep)
        bmat[idx:idx + d, idx:idx + d] = irreps[irrep]
        idx += dim

    return bmat
Esempio n. 3
def gen_fhat_blocks(f, _lambdas, group):
    d = int(sum([hook_length(l) for l in _lambdas]))
    fhat = np.zeros((d, d))

    idx = 0
    for irrep in _lambdas:
        rho = SnIrrep(irrep)
        mat = ft(f, rho, group)
        k = mat.shape[0]
        fhat[idx:idx + k, idx:idx + k] = mat
        idx += k

    return fhat
Esempio n. 4
def make_block_tensor(n, g):
    irreps = [(n - 2, 1, 1), (n - 2, 2), (n - 1, 1), (n - 1, 1), (n - 1, 1), (n,), (n,)]
    hls = [hook_length(ir) for ir in irreps]
    tot = int(sum(hls))
    mat = np.zeros((tot, tot))

    idx = 0
    for ir, d in zip(irreps, hls):
        d = int(d)
        rho = SnIrrep(ir)
        mat[idx: idx+d, idx: idx+d] = rho(g)
        idx += d

    return mat
Esempio n. 5
def get_fhat_cos(A, _lambda, cos_reps, cos_mats):
    n = sum(_lambda)
    d = hook_length(_lambda)
    mat = np.zeros((d, d))

    mat[-1, -1] = math.factorial(n - 2)
    tot = 0

    if _lambda == (n - 1, 1):
        mat[-2, -2] = mat[-1, -1]

    for c, crep in zip(cos_reps, cos_mats):
        tot += A[c(n) - 1, c(n - 1) - 1] * (crep @ mat)

    return tot
Esempio n. 6
def qap_ft(mat, _lambda):
    We will only ever take the FT of: (n-1, 1), (n-2, 2), (n-2, 1, 1)
    n = sum(_lambda)
    rho = SnIrrep(_lambda, fmt='dense')
    fhat = 0
    cos_reps = sn_minus2_coset(n)
    sn_minus2_size = math.factorial(n - 2)
    hl = hook_length(_lambda)
    fmat = np.zeros((hl, hl))
    fmat[-1, -1] = sn_minus2_size

    if _lambda == (n - 1, 1):
        fmat[-2, -2] = sn_minus2_size

    for p in cos_reps:
        feval = mat[p(n) - 1, p(n - 1) - 1]
        fhat += rho(p) @ (feval * fmat)

    return fhat
Esempio n. 7
def fhat_mat(A, _lambda, cos_reps=None):
    A: numpy matrix of size n x n
    _lambda: partition of n
    cos_reps: (optional) list of coset representatives for S_n / S_{n-2}
    Returns: fourier matrix of the graph function given by A at irrep _lambda
    n = sum(_lambda)
    rho = SnIrrep(_lambda)
    d = hook_length(_lambda)
    mat = np.zeros((d, d))
    mat[-1, -1] = math.factorial(n - 2)
    tot = 0

    if _lambda == (n - 1, 1):
        mat[-2, -2] = mat[-1, -1]

    if cos_reps is None:
        cos_reps = cos_reps_minus2(n)

    for c in cos_reps:
        tot += A[c(n) - 1, c(n - 1) - 1] * (rho(c) @ mat)

    return tot
Esempio n. 8
def fourier_admm_qap(L, Vhat, J, args, n, outer_AB):
    st = time.time()
    maxit = args.maxit
    tol = args.tol
    gamma = args.gamma
    low_rank = args.low_rank
    K = args.K

    normL = np.linalg.norm(L)
    Vhat_nrows = Vhat.shape[0]
    L = L * (n * n / normL)
    mask = make_bdiag_mask(n)
    beta = n / 3.

    Y0 = make_y0(n)
    # R0 = make_r0(n, Vhat, Y0)
    R0 = np.eye((n - 1)**2 + 1)
    Z0 = Y0 - (Vhat @ R0 @ Vhat.T)

    Y = Y0
    R = R0
    Z = Z0
    C = load_cg_transform(n, '../intertwiners/c{n}.npy')
    blocks = {
        (n - 2, 1, 1): np.eye(hook_length((n - 2, 1, 1))),
        (n - 2, 2): np.eye(hook_length((n - 2, 2))),
        (n - 1, 1): np.eye(hook_length((n - 1, 1))),
        (n, ): np.eye(1),
    B = make_blocked(blocks, n)

    for i in tqdm(range(maxit)):
        R_pre_proj = Vhat.T @ (Y + Z / beta) @ Vhat
        R_pre_proj = (R_pre_proj + R_pre_proj.T) / 2.

        S, U = np.linalg.eigh(R_pre_proj)
        if not args.low_rank:
            pos_idx = S > 0
            if pos_idx.sum() > 0:
                vhat_u = Vhat @ U[:, pos_idx]
                VRV = (vhat_u * S[pos_idx]) @ vhat_u.T
                VRV = np.zeros(Y.shape)
            if S[-1] > 0:
                vhat_u = Vhat @ U[:, -1:]
                VRV = S[-1] * vhat_u @ vhat_u.T
                VRV = np.zeros(Y.shape)

        # update Y
        # Y = VRV - ((L + Z) / beta)
        Y = CBC - ((L + Z) / beta)
        Y = (Y + Y.T) / 2.
        Y[J] = 0
        Y[0, 0] = 1
        Y = np.minimum(1, np.maximum(0, Y))
        Y[J] = 0
        Y[0, 0] = 1
        Y[np.abs(Y) < tol] = 0
        pR = Y - VRV

        # update Z
        # Z = Z + gamma * beta * (Y - VRV)
        Z = Z + gamma * beta * (Y - CBC)
        Z = (Z + Z.T) / 2.
        Z[np.abs(Z) < tol] = 0

        if i % 100 == 0:
            scale = normL / (n * n)
            npr = np.linalg.norm(pR, 'fro')
            lbd = lower_bound(L, J, Vhat, Z, n, scale=scale)
            dy = np.square( - np.ones(len(Y))).sum()
            dyt = np.square( - np.ones(len(Y))).sum()
                f'Iter {i} | Lower bound: {lbd:.2f} | pR: {npr:.6f} | Ye - e: {dy:.4f} {dyt:.4f}'

    tt = time.time() - st
    print('Done! | Elapsed: {:.2f}min'.format(tt / 60))