Esempio n. 1
  def testGetHostName(self):
    """Tests that a correct host name is returned.
    test_data = RequestData()
    test_site = site.Site(link_id='test', hostname='test_host') = test_site

      expected_host = os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] = ''
      self.assertEqual(system.getHostname(), expected_host)
      if self.default_host is None:
        del os.environ['HTTP_HOST']
        os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] = self.default_host

    #test a data object    
    expected_host = 'test_host'
    self.assertEqual(system.getHostname(data=test_data), expected_host) = ''
      expected_host = os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] = ''
      self.assertEqual(system.getHostname(data=test_data), expected_host)
      if self.default_host is None:
        del os.environ['HTTP_HOST']
        os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] = self.default_host
Esempio n. 2
def sendNewOrganizationNotification(entity, module_name):
  """Sends out an invite notification to the applicant of the Organization.

    entity : An accepted OrgAppRecord

  program_entity = entity.survey.scope

  url = 'http://%(host)s%(redirect)s' % {
      'redirect': redirects.getApplicantRedirect(entity,
      {'url_name': '%s/org' % module_name,
       'program': program_entity}),
      'host': system.getHostname(),

  message_properties = {
      'url': url

  subject = DEF_NEW_ORG_MSG_FMT % {


  for to in [entity.main_admin, entity.backup_admin]:
    if not to:

    sendNotification(to, None, message_properties, subject, template)
Esempio n. 3
def getFirstTaskConfirmationContext(student):
  """Sends notification to the GCI student, when he or she completes their
  first task.
    student: the student who should receive the confirmation

  user = student.parent()
  to = accounts.denormalizeAccount(user.account).email()


  program = student.scope

  kwargs = {
      'sponsor': program.scope_path,
      'program': program.link_id
  url = reverse('gci_student_form_upload', kwargs=kwargs)

  protocol = 'http'
  hostname = system.getHostname()

  context = {
      'student_forms_link': '%s://%s%s' % (protocol, hostname, url),

  body = loader.render_to_string(template, context)

  return mailer.getMailContext(to=to, subject=subject, html=body, bcc=[])
Esempio n. 4
def sendNewReviewNotification(to_user, review, reviewed_name, redirect_url):
  """Sends out a notification to alert the user of a new Review.

    to_user: The user who should receive a notification
    review: The review which triggers this notification
    reviewed_name: Name of the entity reviewed
    redirect_url: URL to which the follower should be sent for more information
  review_notification_url = 'http://%(host)s%(redirect_url)s' % {
      'host' : system.getHostname(),
      'redirect_url': redirect_url}
  message_properties = {'review_notification_url': review_notification_url,
      'reviewer_name': review.author_name(),
      'reviewed_name': reviewed_name,
      'review_content': review.content,
      'review_visibility': 'public' if review.is_public else 'private',

  # determine the subject
  review_type = 'public' if review.is_public else 'private'
  subject = DEF_NEW_REVIEW_SUBJECT_FMT % (review_type, reviewed_name)


  # send the notification from the system
  # TODO(srabbelier): do this in a task instead
  sendNotification(to_user, None, message_properties, subject, template)
Esempio n. 5
def sendInviteNotification(entity):
  """Sends out an invite notification to the user the request is for.

    entity : A request containing the information needed to create the message

  from soc.logic.models.user import logic as user_logic
  from soc.views.models.role import ROLE_VIEWS

  invitation_url = 'http://%(host)s%(index)s' % {
      'host' : system.getHostname(),
      'index': redirects.getInviteProcessRedirect(entity, None),

  role_params = ROLE_VIEWS[entity.role].getParams()

  message_properties = {
      'role_verbose' : role_params['name'],
      'invitation_url': invitation_url,

  subject = DEF_INVITATION_MSG_FMT % {
      'role_verbose' : role_params['name'],
      'group' :


  from_user = user_logic.getCurrentUser()

  sendNotification(entity.user, from_user, message_properties, subject, template)
Esempio n. 6
def sendNewRequestNotification(request_entity):
  """Sends out a notification to the persons who can process this Request.

    request_entity: an instance of Request model

  from soc.logic.helper import notifications
  from soc.logic.models.role import ROLE_LOGICS
  from soc.views.models.role import ROLE_VIEWS

  # get the users who should get the notification
  to_users = []

  # retrieve the Role Logics which we should query on
  role_logic = ROLE_LOGICS[request_entity.role]
  role_logics_to_notify = role_logic.getRoleLogicsToNotifyUponNewRequest()

  # the scope of the roles is the same as the scope of the Request entity
  fields = {'scope':,
            'status': 'active'}

  for role_logic in role_logics_to_notify:
    roles = role_logic.getForFields(fields)

    for role_entity in roles:
      # TODO: this might lead to double notifications

  # get the user the request is from
  user_entity = request_entity.user

  role_params = ROLE_VIEWS[request_entity.role].getParams()

  request_url = 'http://%(host)s%(redirect)s' % {
      'host': system.getHostname(),
      'redirect': redirects.getProcessRequestRedirect(request_entity, None),

  message_properties = {
      'role_verbose': role_params['name'],
      'request_url': request_url

  subject = DEF_NEW_REQUEST_MSG_FMT % {
      'role_verbose' : role_params['name'],
      'group' :


  for to_user in to_users:
    notifications.sendNotification(to_user, None, message_properties,
                                   subject, template)
Esempio n. 7
def key(entity):
  """Returns the memcache key for an entities homepage.

  host = system.getHostname()
  version = system.getAppVersion()
  kind = entity.kind()
  key = entity.key().id_or_name()

  return 'homepage_for_%s_%s_%s_%s' % (host, version, kind, key)
Esempio n. 8
def isReferrerSelf(request,
                   expected_prefix=None, suffix=None, url_name=None):
  """Returns True if HTTP referrer path starts with the HTTP request path.
    request: the Django HTTP request object; request.path is used if
      expected_path is not supplied (the most common usage)
    expected_prefix: optional HTTP path to use instead of the one in
      request.path; default is None (use request.path)
    suffix: suffix to remove from the HTTP request path before comparing
      it to the HTTP referrer path in the HTTP request object headers
      (this is often an link ID, for example, that may be changing from
      a POST referrer to a GET redirect target) 
    url_name: url name of the entity that is being created
    True if HTTP referrer path begins with the HTTP request path (either
      request.path or expected_prefix instead if it was supplied), after
      any suffix was removed from that request path
    False otherwise
  http_from = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER')

  if not http_from:
    # no HTTP referrer, so cannot possibly start with expected prefix
    return False

  http_host = 'http://%s/%s' % (system.getHostname(), url_name)

  if http_from.startswith(http_host):
    return True

  from_path = urlparse.urlparse(http_from).path

  if not expected_prefix:
    # use HTTP request path, since expected_prefix was not supplied
    expected_prefix = request.path

  if suffix:
    # remove suffix (such as a link ID) before comparison
    chars_to_remove = len(suffix)
    if not suffix.startswith('/'):
      chars_to_remove = chars_to_remove + 1

    expected_prefix = expected_prefix[:-chars_to_remove]

  if not from_path.startswith(expected_prefix):
    # expected prefix did not match first part of HTTP referrer path
    return False

  # HTTP referrer started with (possibly truncated) expected prefix
  return True
Esempio n. 9
def isReferrerSelf(request, expected_prefix=None, suffix=None, url_name=None):
    """Returns True if HTTP referrer path starts with the HTTP request path.
    request: the Django HTTP request object; request.path is used if
      expected_path is not supplied (the most common usage)
    expected_prefix: optional HTTP path to use instead of the one in
      request.path; default is None (use request.path)
    suffix: suffix to remove from the HTTP request path before comparing
      it to the HTTP referrer path in the HTTP request object headers
      (this is often an link ID, for example, that may be changing from
      a POST referrer to a GET redirect target) 
    url_name: url name of the entity that is being created
    True if HTTP referrer path begins with the HTTP request path (either
      request.path or expected_prefix instead if it was supplied), after
      any suffix was removed from that request path
    False otherwise
    http_from = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER')

    if not http_from:
        # no HTTP referrer, so cannot possibly start with expected prefix
        return False

    http_host = 'http://%s/%s' % (system.getHostname(), url_name)

    if http_from.startswith(http_host):
        return True

    from_path = urlparse.urlparse(http_from).path

    if not expected_prefix:
        # use HTTP request path, since expected_prefix was not supplied
        expected_prefix = request.path

    if suffix:
        # remove suffix (such as a link ID) before comparison
        chars_to_remove = len(suffix)

        if not suffix.startswith('/'):
            chars_to_remove = chars_to_remove + 1

        expected_prefix = expected_prefix[:-chars_to_remove]

    if not from_path.startswith(expected_prefix):
        # expected prefix did not match first part of HTTP referrer path
        return False

    # HTTP referrer started with (possibly truncated) expected prefix
    return True
Esempio n. 10
  def assignSlots(self, request, access_type, page_name=None,
                  params=None, **kwargs):
    """View that allows to assign slots to orgs.

    from soc.modules.gsoc.views.models.organization import view as org_view

    program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(kwargs)
    description = self.DEF_SLOTS_ALLOCATION_MSG

    org_params = org_view.getParams().copy()
    org_params['list_description'] = description
    org_params['list_template'] = "modules/gsoc/program/list/allocation.html"
    org_params['public_field_props'] = {
        "link_id": {
            "hidden": True,
    org_params['public_row_action'] = {}
    org_params['public_row_extra'] = lambda entity: {}
    org_params['public_conf_extra'] = {
        "rowNum": -1,
        "rowList": [],
    org_params['public_field_keys'] = [
        "name", "slots_desired", "nr_applications", "nr_mentors",
        "locked", "slots_ass", "slots", "link_id",
    org_params['public_field_names'] = [
        "Name", "Desired", "#Proposals", "#Mentors",
        "Locked?", "Slots Assigned", "Slots Visible to Org", "Link ID",

    fields = {
        'scope': program_entity,
        'status': ['new', 'active', 'inactive']

    return_url =  "http://%(host)s%(index)s" % {
      'host' : system.getHostname(),
      'index': redirects.getSlotsRedirect(program_entity, params)

    context = {
        'total_slots': program_entity.slots,
        'uses_json': True,
        'uses_slot_allocator': True,
        'return_url': return_url,

    return self.list(request, 'allow', page_name=page_name, params=org_params,
                     filter=fields, context=context)
Esempio n. 11
def sendNewNotificationMessage(notification_entity):
  """Sends an email to a user about a new notification.

      notification_entity: Notification about which the message should be sent

  from import logic as site_logic
  from soc.views.models.notification import view as notification_view

  # create the url to show this notification
  notification_url = 'http://%(host)s%(index)s' % {
      'host' : system.getHostname(),
      'index': redirects.getPublicRedirect(notification_entity,

  sender = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()
  site_entity = site_logic.getSingleton()
  site_name = site_entity.site_name

  # get the default mail sender
  default_sender = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()

  if not default_sender:
    # no valid sender found, abort
    logging.error('No default sender')
    (sender_name, sender) = default_sender

  to = accounts.denormalizeAccount(notification_entity.scope.account).email()
  subject = DEF_NEW_NOTIFICATION_MSG_SUBJECT_FMT % notification_entity.subject

  # create the message contents
  messageProperties = {
      'sender_name': sender_name,
      'to': to,
      'sender': sender,
      'site_name': site_name,
      'subject': force_unicode(subject),
      'notification' : notification_entity,
      'notification_url' : notification_url

  # send out the message using the default new notification template
Esempio n. 12
  def _fullUrl(self, url, full, secure):
    """Returns the full version of the url iff full.

    The full version starts with http:// and includes getHostname().
    if (not full) and (system.isLocal() or not secure):
      return url

    if secure:
      protocol = 'https'
      hostname = system.getSecureHostname()
      protocol = 'http'
      hostname = system.getHostname(self._data)

    return '%s://%s%s' % (protocol, hostname, url)
Esempio n. 13
    def _review(self, request, params, app_entity, status, **kwargs):
        """Sends out an email if an org_app has been accepted or rejected.

    For params see group_app.View._review().

        if status == 'accepted' or status == 'rejected':

            default_sender = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()

            if not default_sender:
                # no default sender abort
                (sender_name, sender) = default_sender

            # construct the contents of the email
            admin_entity = app_entity.applicant
            backup_entity = app_entity.backup_admin

            context = {
                'sender': sender,
                'sender_name': sender_name,

            if status == 'accepted':
                # use the accepted template and subject
                template = params['accepted_mail_template']
                context['subject'] = 'Congratulations!'
                context['HTTP_host'] = 'http://%s' % (system.getHostname())
            elif status == 'rejected':
                # use the rejected template and subject
                template = params['rejected_mail_template']
                context['subject'] = 'Thank you for your application'

            for to in [admin_entity, backup_entity]:
                if not to:

                email = accounts.denormalizeAccount(to.account).email()
                context['to'] = email
                context['to_name'] =

                # send out the constructed email
                mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate(template, context)
Esempio n. 14
def sendWelcomeMessage(user_entity):
  """Sends out a welcome message to a user.

      user_entity: User entity which the message should be send to

  from import logic as site_logic

  # get site name
  site_entity = site_logic.getSingleton()
  site_name = site_entity.site_name

  # get the default mail sender
  default_sender = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()

  if not default_sender:
    # no valid sender found, should not happen but abort anyway
    logging.error('No default sender')
    sender_name, sender = default_sender

  to = accounts.denormalizeAccount(user_entity.account).email()

  # create the message contents
  messageProperties = {
      'sender_name': sender_name,
      'to': to,
      'sender': sender,
      'subject': DEF_WELCOME_MSG_FMT % {
          'site_name': site_name,
      'site_name': site_name,
      'site_location': 'http://%s' % system.getHostname(),

  # send out the message using the default welcome template
Esempio n. 15
    def assignSlots(self,
        """View that allows to assign slots to orgs.

        from soc.modules.gsoc.views.models.organization import view as org_view

        org_params = org_view.getParams().copy()
        org_params['list_template'] = 'soc/program/allocation/allocation.html'
        org_params['list_heading'] = 'soc/program/allocation/heading.html'
        org_params['list_row'] = 'soc/program/allocation/row.html'
        org_params['list_pagination'] = 'soc/list/no_pagination.html'

        program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(kwargs)

        description = self.DEF_SLOTS_ALLOCATION_MSG

        content = self._getOrgsWithProfilesList(program_entity, org_view,
                                                description, False)
        contents = [content]

        return_url = "http://%(host)s%(index)s" % {
            'host': system.getHostname(),
            'index': redirects.getSlotsRedirect(program_entity, params)

        context = {
            'total_slots': program_entity.slots,
            'uses_json': True,
            'uses_slot_allocator': True,
            'return_url': return_url,

        return self._list(request, org_params, contents, page_name, context)
Esempio n. 16
def getTaskCommentContext(task, comment, to_emails):
  """Sends out notifications to the subscribers.

    task: task entity that comment made on.
    comment: comment entity.
    to_emails: list of recepients for the notification.
  url_kwargs = {
    'sponsor': task.program.scope_path,
    'program': task.program.link_id,
    'id': task.key().id(),

  task_url = 'http://%(host)s%(task)s' % {
      'host': system.getHostname(),
      'task': reverse('gci_view_task', kwargs=url_kwargs)}

  commented_by = if comment.created_by else "Melange"

  message_properties = {
      'commented_by': commented_by,
      'comment_title': comment.title,
      'comment_content': comment.content,
      'sender_name': 'The %s Team' % site.singleton().site_name,
      'task_title': task.title,
      'task_url': task_url,

  subject = DEF_NEW_TASK_COMMENT_SUBJECT % message_properties
  body = loader.render_to_string(template, dictionary=message_properties)

  return mailer.getMailContext(to=[], subject=subject, html=body, bcc=to_emails)
Esempio n. 17
def sendSurveyReminderForProject(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Sends a reminder mail for a given StudentProject and Survey.

  A reminder is only send if no record is on file for the given Survey and 

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    survey_key: specifies the key name for the ProjectSurvey to send reminders
    survey_type: either project or grading depending on the type of Survey
    project_key: key which specifies the project to send a reminder for

    request: Django Request object

  from soc.logic import mail_dispatcher
  from import logic as site_logic
  from soc.views.helper import redirects

  from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.org_admin import logic as org_admin_logic
  from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.student_project import logic as \
  from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.survey import grading_logic
  from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.survey import project_logic

  post_dict = request.POST

  project_key = post_dict.get('project_key')
  survey_key = post_dict.get('survey_key')
  survey_type = post_dict.get('survey_type')

  if not (project_key and survey_key and survey_type):
    # invalid task data, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid sendSurveyReminderForProject data: %s' % post_dict)

  # set logic depending on survey type specified in POST
  if survey_type == 'project':
    survey_logic = project_logic
  elif survey_type == 'grading':
    survey_logic = grading_logic

  # retrieve the project and survey
  student_project = student_project_logic.getFromKeyName(project_key)

  if not student_project:
    # no existing project found, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid project specified %s:' % project_key)

  survey = survey_logic.getFromKeyName(survey_key)

  if not survey:
    # no existing survey found, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid survey specified %s:' % survey_key)

  # try to retrieve an existing record
  record_logic = survey_logic.getRecordLogic()

  fields = {'project': student_project,
            'survey': survey}
  record_entity = record_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)

  if not record_entity:
    # send reminder email because we found no record

    student_entity = student_project.student
    site_entity = site_logic.getSingleton()

    if survey_type == 'project':
      survey_redirect = redirects.getTakeSurveyRedirect(
          survey,{'url_name': 'gsoc/project_survey'})
      to_role = student_entity
      mail_template = 'soc/project_survey/mail/reminder_gsoc.html'
    elif survey_type == 'grading':
      survey_redirect = redirects.getTakeSurveyRedirect(
          survey,{'url_name': 'gsoc/grading_project_survey'})
      to_role = student_project.mentor
      mail_template = 'soc/grading_project_survey/mail/reminder_gsoc.html'

    survey_url = "http://%(host)s%(redirect)s" % {
      'redirect': survey_redirect,
      'host': system.getHostname(),

    # set the context for the mail template
    mail_context = {
        'project_title': student_project.title,
        'survey_url': survey_url,
        'survey_end': survey.survey_end,
        'site_name': site_entity.site_name,

    # set the sender
    (_, sender_address) = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()
    mail_context['sender'] = sender_address
    # set the receiver and subject
    mail_context['to'] =
    mail_context['subject'] = 'Evaluation Survey "%s" Reminder' %(survey.title)

    # find all org admins for the project's organization
    org_entity = student_project.scope

    fields = {'scope': org_entity,
              'status': 'active'}
    org_admin_entities = org_admin_logic.getForFields(fields)

    # collect email addresses for all found org admins
    org_admin_addresses = []

    for org_admin_entity in org_admin_entities:

    if org_admin_addresses:
      mail_context['cc'] = org_admin_addresses

    # send out the email
    mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate(mail_template, mail_context)

  # return OK
  return http.HttpResponse()
Esempio n. 18
    def assignSlots(self,
        """View that allows to assign slots to orgs.

        from soc.modules.gsoc.views.models.organization import view as org_view

        program_entity = program_logic.getFromKeyFieldsOr404(kwargs)
        description = self.DEF_SLOTS_ALLOCATION_MSG

        org_params = org_view.getParams().copy()
        org_params['list_description'] = description
            'list_template'] = "modules/gsoc/program/list/allocation.html"
        org_params['public_field_props'] = {
            "link_id": {
                "hidden": True,
        org_params['public_row_action'] = {}
        org_params['public_row_extra'] = lambda entity: {}
        org_params['public_conf_extra'] = {
            "rowNum": -1,
            "rowList": [],
        org_params['public_field_keys'] = [
        org_params['public_field_names'] = [
            "Slots Assigned",
            "Slots Visible to Org",
            "Link ID",

        fields = {
            'scope': program_entity,
            'status': ['new', 'active', 'inactive']

        return_url = "http://%(host)s%(index)s" % {
            'host': system.getHostname(),
            'index': redirects.getSlotsRedirect(program_entity, params)

        context = {
            'total_slots': program_entity.slots,
            'uses_json': True,
            'uses_slot_allocator': True,
            'return_url': return_url,

        return self.list(request,
Esempio n. 19
  def sendSurveyReminderForProject(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Sends a reminder mail for a given StudentProject and Survey.

    A reminder is only send if no record is on file for the given Survey and 

    Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
      survey_key: specifies the key name for the ProjectSurvey to send reminders
      survey_type: either project or grading depending on the type of Survey
      project_key: encoded Key which specifies the project to send a reminder 

      request: Django Request object
    post_dict = request.POST

    project_key = post_dict.get('project_key')
    survey_key = post_dict.get('survey_key')
    survey_type = post_dict.get('survey_type')

    if not (project_key and survey_key and survey_type):
      # invalid task data, log and return OK
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
          'Invalid sendSurveyReminderForProject data: %s' % post_dict)

    # set model depending on survey type specified in POST
    if survey_type == 'project':
      survey_model = ProjectSurvey
      record_model = GSoCProjectSurveyRecord
    elif survey_type == 'grading':
      survey_model = GradingProjectSurvey
      record_model = GSoCGradingProjectSurveyRecord
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
          '%s is an invalid survey_type' %survey_type)

    # retrieve the project and survey
    project_key = db.Key(project_key)
    project = GSoCProject.get(project_key)
    if not project:
      # no existing project found, log and return OK
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
          'Invalid project specified %s:' % project_key)

    survey = survey_model.get_by_key_name(survey_key)
    if not survey:
      # no existing survey found, log and return OK
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
          'Invalid survey specified %s:' % survey_key)

    # try to retrieve an existing record
    q = record_model.all()
    q.filter('project', project)
    q.filter('survey', survey)
    record = q.get()

    if not record:
      # send reminder email because we found no record
      student_profile = project.parent()
      site_entity = site.singleton()

      if survey_type == 'project':
        url_name = 'gsoc_take_student_evaluation'

        to_name =
        to_address =
        mail_template = 'v2/modules/gsoc/reminder/student_eval_reminder.html'
      elif survey_type == 'grading':
        url_name = 'gsoc_take_mentor_evaluation'

        mentors = db.get(project.mentors)
        to_address = [ for m in mentors]
        to_name = 'mentor(s) for project "%s"' %(project.title)
        mail_template = \

      program = project.program
      hostname = system.getHostname()
      url_kwargs = {
          'sponsor': program.scope.link_id,
          'program': program.link_id,
          'survey': survey.link_id,
          'user': student_profile.link_id,
          'id': str(project.key().id()),
      url = reverse(url_name, kwargs=url_kwargs)
      survey_url = '%s://%s%s' % ('http', hostname, url)

      # set the context for the mail template
      mail_context = {
          'project_title': project.title,
          'survey_url': survey_url,
          'survey_end': survey.survey_end,
          'to_name': to_name,
          'site_name': site_entity.site_name,
          'sender_name': "The %s Team" % site_entity.site_name,

      # set the sender
      (_, sender_address) = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()
      mail_context['sender'] = sender_address
      # set the receiver and subject
      mail_context['to'] = to_address
      mail_context['subject'] = \
          'Evaluation Survey "%s" Reminder' %(survey.title)

      # find all org admins for the project's organization
      org =

      q = GSoCProfile.all()
      q.filter('status', 'active')
      q.filter('org_admin_for', org)
      org_admins = q.fetch(1000)

      # collect email addresses for all found org admins
      org_admin_addresses = []

      for org_admin in org_admins:

      if org_admin_addresses:
        mail_context['cc'] = org_admin_addresses

      # send out the email
      mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate(mail_template, mail_context)

    # return OK
    return http.HttpResponse()
Esempio n. 20
def sendSurveyReminderForProject(request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Sends a reminder mail for a given StudentProject and Survey.

  A reminder is only send if no record is on file for the given Survey and 

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    survey_key: specifies the key name for the ProjectSurvey to send reminders
    survey_type: either project or grading depending on the type of Survey
    project_key: key which specifies the project to send a reminder for

    request: Django Request object

    from soc.logic import mail_dispatcher
    from import logic as site_logic
    from soc.views.helper import redirects

    from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.org_admin import logic as org_admin_logic
    from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.student_project import logic as \
    from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.survey import grading_logic
    from soc.modules.gsoc.logic.models.survey import project_logic

    post_dict = request.POST

    project_key = post_dict.get('project_key')
    survey_key = post_dict.get('survey_key')
    survey_type = post_dict.get('survey_type')

    if not (project_key and survey_key and survey_type):
        # invalid task data, log and return OK
        return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
            'Invalid sendSurveyReminderForProject data: %s' % post_dict)

    # set logic depending on survey type specified in POST
    if survey_type == 'project':
        survey_logic = project_logic
    elif survey_type == 'grading':
        survey_logic = grading_logic

    # retrieve the project and survey
    student_project = student_project_logic.getFromKeyName(project_key)

    if not student_project:
        # no existing project found, log and return OK
        return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
            'Invalid project specified %s:' % project_key)

    survey = survey_logic.getFromKeyName(survey_key)

    if not survey:
        # no existing survey found, log and return OK
        return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
            'Invalid survey specified %s:' % survey_key)

    # try to retrieve an existing record
    record_logic = survey_logic.getRecordLogic()

    fields = {'project': student_project, 'survey': survey}
    record_entity = record_logic.getForFields(fields, unique=True)

    if not record_entity:
        # send reminder email because we found no record

        student_entity = student_project.student
        site_entity = site_logic.getSingleton()

        if survey_type == 'project':
            survey_redirect = redirects.getTakeSurveyRedirect(
                survey, {'url_name': 'gsoc/project_survey'})
            to_role = student_entity
            mail_template = 'soc/project_survey/mail/reminder_gsoc.html'
        elif survey_type == 'grading':
            survey_redirect = redirects.getTakeSurveyRedirect(
                survey, {'url_name': 'gsoc/grading_project_survey'})
            to_role = student_project.mentor
            mail_template = 'soc/grading_project_survey/mail/reminder_gsoc.html'

        survey_url = "http://%(host)s%(redirect)s" % {
            'redirect': survey_redirect,
            'host': system.getHostname(),

        # set the context for the mail template
        mail_context = {
            'project_title': student_project.title,
            'survey_url': survey_url,
            'survey_end': survey.survey_end,
            'site_name': site_entity.site_name,

        # set the sender
        (_, sender_address) = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()
        mail_context['sender'] = sender_address
        # set the receiver and subject
        mail_context['to'] =
        mail_context['subject'] = 'Evaluation Survey "%s" Reminder' % (

        # find all org admins for the project's organization
        org_entity = student_project.scope

        fields = {'scope': org_entity, 'status': 'active'}
        org_admin_entities = org_admin_logic.getForFields(fields)

        # collect email addresses for all found org admins
        org_admin_addresses = []

        for org_admin_entity in org_admin_entities:

        if org_admin_addresses:
            mail_context['cc'] = org_admin_addresses

        # send out the email
        mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate(mail_template, mail_context)

    # return OK
    return http.HttpResponse()
Esempio n. 21
    def sendCommentNotificationMail(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        """Appengine task that sends mail to the subscribed users.

    Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
      comment_key: Specifies the comment id for which to send the notifications

      request: Django Request object
        # TODO(ljvderijk): If all mails are equal we can sent one big bcc mail

        # set default batch size
        batch_size = 10

        post_dict = request.POST

        comment_key = post_dict.get("comment_key")

        if not comment_key:
            # invalid task data, log and return OK
            return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK("Invalid createNotificationMail data: %s" % post_dict)

        comment_key = db.Key(comment_key)
        comment = GCIComment.get(comment_key)

        if not comment:
            # invalid comment specified, log and return OK
            return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK("Invalid comment specified: %s" % (comment_key))

        task = comment.parent()
        subscription = GCITaskSubscription.all().ancestor(task).fetch(1)

        # check and retrieve the subscriber_start_key that has been done last
        idx = int(post_dict.get("subscriber_start_index", 0))
        subscribers = db.get(subscription.subscribers[idx : idx + batch_size])

        url_kwargs = {
            "sponsor": task.program.scope_path,
            "program": task.program.link_id,
            "id": task.key().id_or_name(),
        task_url = "http://%(host)s%(task)s" % {
            "host": system.getHostname(),
            "task": reverse("gci_view_task", kwargs=url_kwargs),

        # create the data for the mail to be sent
        message_properties = {
            "task_url": task_url,
            "redirect_url": "%(task_url)s#c%(cid)d" % {"task_url": task_url, "cid": comment.key().id_or_name()},
            "comment_entity": comment,
            "task_entity": task,

        subject = self.DEF_TASK_UPDATE_SUBJECT % {"program_name": task.program.short_name, "title": task.title}

        for subscriber in subscribers:
            # TODO(ljvderijk): enable sending of mail after template fixes
            # gci_notifications.sendTaskUpdateMail(subscriber, subject,
            #                                      message_properties)

        if len(subscribers) == batch_size:
            # spawn task for sending out notifications to next set of subscribers
            next_start = idx + batch_size

            task_params = {"comment_key": str(comment_key), "subscriber_start_index": next_start}
            task_url = "/tasks/gci/task/mail/comment"

            new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)

        # return OK
        return http.HttpResponse()
Esempio n. 22
def createNotificationMail(request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Appengine task that sends mail to the subscribed users.

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    comment_key: Specifies the comment id for which to send the notifications
    task_key: Specifies the task key name for which the comment belongs to

    request: Django Request object

    from soc.modules.gci.logic.helper import notifications as gci_notifications

    from soc.modules.gci.logic.models import comment as gci_comment_logic
    from soc.modules.gci.logic.models import task_subscription as \

    # set default batch size
    batch_size = 10

    post_dict = request.POST

    comment_key = post_dict.get('comment_key')
    task_key = post_dict.get('task_key')

    if not (comment_key and task_key):
        # invalid task data, log and return OK
        return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
            'Invalid createNotificationMail data: %s' % post_dict)

    comment_key = long(comment_key)

    # get the task entity under which the specified comment was made
    task_entity = gci_task_logic.logic.getFromKeyName(task_key)

    # get the comment for the given id
    comment_entity = gci_comment_logic.logic.getFromID(comment_key,

    if not comment_entity:
        # invalid comment specified, log and return OK
        return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
            'Invalid comment specified: %s/%s' % (comment_key, task_key))

    # check and retrieve the subscriber_start_key that has been done last
    idx = post_dict.get('subscriber_start_index', '')
    subscriber_start_index = int(idx) if idx.isdigit() else 0

    # get all subscribers to GCI task
    fields = {
        'task': task_entity,

    ts_entity = gci_task_subscription_logic.logic.getForFields(fields,

    subscribers = db.get(
        ts_entity.subscribers[subscriber_start_index:subscriber_start_index +

    task_url = "http://%(host)s%(task)s" % {
        'host': system.getHostname(),
        'task': redirects.getPublicRedirect(task_entity,
                                            {'url_name': 'gci/task'}),

    # create the data for the mail to be sent
    message_properties = {
        'task_url': task_url,
        'redirect_url': "%(task_url)s#c%(cid)d" % {
            'task_url': task_url,
            'cid': comment_entity.key().id_or_name()
        'comment_entity': comment_entity,
        'task_entity': task_entity,

        'program_name': task_entity.program.short_name,
        'title': task_entity.title,

    for subscriber in subscribers:
        gci_notifications.sendTaskUpdateMail(subscriber, subject,

    if len(subscribers) == batch_size:
        # spawn task for sending out notifications to next set of subscribers
        next_start = subscriber_start_index + batch_size

        task_params = {
            'comment_key': comment_key,
            'task_key': task_key,
            'subscriber_start_index': next_start
        task_url = '/tasks/gci/task/mail/create'

        new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)

    # return OK
    return http.HttpResponse()
Esempio n. 23
def createNotificationMail(request, *args, **kwargs):
  """Appengine task that sends mail to the subscribed users.

  Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
    comment_key: Specifies the comment id for which to send the notifications
    task_key: Specifies the task key name for which the comment belongs to

    request: Django Request object

  from soc.modules.gci.logic.helper import notifications as gci_notifications

  from soc.modules.gci.logic.models import comment as gci_comment_logic
  from soc.modules.gci.logic.models import task_subscription as \

  # set default batch size
  batch_size = 10

  post_dict = request.POST

  comment_key = post_dict.get('comment_key')
  task_key = post_dict.get('task_key')

  if not (comment_key and task_key):
    # invalid task data, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid createNotificationMail data: %s' % post_dict)

  comment_key = long(comment_key)

  # get the task entity under which the specified comment was made
  task_entity = gci_task_logic.logic.getFromKeyName(task_key)

  # get the comment for the given id
  comment_entity = gci_comment_logic.logic.getFromID(
      comment_key, task_entity)

  if not comment_entity:
    # invalid comment specified, log and return OK
    return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
        'Invalid comment specified: %s/%s' % (comment_key, task_key))

  # check and retrieve the subscriber_start_key that has been done last
  idx = post_dict.get('subscriber_start_index', '')
  subscriber_start_index = int(idx) if idx.isdigit() else 0

  # get all subscribers to GCI task
  fields = {
      'task': task_entity,

  ts_entity = gci_task_subscription_logic.logic.getForFields(
      fields, unique=True)

  subscribers = db.get(ts_entity.subscribers[

  task_url = "http://%(host)s%(task)s" % {
                 'host': system.getHostname(),
                 'task': redirects.getPublicRedirect(
                     task_entity, {'url_name': 'gci/task'}),

  # create the data for the mail to be sent
  message_properties = {
      'task_url': task_url,
      'redirect_url': "%(task_url)s#c%(cid)d" % {
          'task_url': task_url,
          'cid': comment_entity.key().id_or_name()
      'comment_entity': comment_entity,
      'task_entity': task_entity,

      'program_name': task_entity.program.short_name,
      'title': task_entity.title,

  for subscriber in subscribers:
    gci_notifications.sendTaskUpdateMail(subscriber, subject,

  if len(subscribers) == batch_size:
    # spawn task for sending out notifications to next set of subscribers
    next_start = subscriber_start_index + batch_size

    task_params = {
        'comment_key': comment_key,
        'task_key': task_key,
        'subscriber_start_index': next_start
    task_url = '/tasks/gci/task/mail/create'

    new_task = taskqueue.Task(params=task_params, url=task_url)

  # return OK
  return http.HttpResponse()