Esempio n. 1
	def receive_file_from_server(self, server_socket, address):
		this functions receives files from the server by sending the phrase and then start receiving process by calling receive_file method from sockTools library stores fileName and then execute the job.

			server_socket (class) : the socket that transfers the server data.
			address (tuple) : server address for filenames and debugging.
		sockTools.send_and_encode(server_socket, "Please send the file")
		fileName = sockTools.receiveFile(server_socket)
		outputFileName = system.run_file(fileName, self.db)
Esempio n. 2
def send_file_to_server(arguments, sock):
    """This function sends the file to the server.
		arguments (dict): All arguments from command line. 
		sock (class): socket that file should be transfer on. 

    print("Sending {} to manager: {}".format(arguments.file, arguments.server))
    sockTools.send_and_encode(sock, "sendFile")
    jobID = sockTools.recv_and_decode(sock)
    print("Your jobID is {}".format(jobID))
    sockTools.sendFile(sock, arguments.file, "./")
Esempio n. 3
	def send_requested_file(self, server_socket):
		"""This function sends the results file to the manager by receiving the jobID from the manager get the filename from the database and sends the relevant result file.
			server_socket (class): The socket that the results file should be transfer by 

		sockTools.send_and_encode(server_socket, "going to send Results file")
		requestedJobID = sockTools.recv_and_decode(server_socket)
		requestedFileName = (self.db.get_job_data(requestedJobID, "fileName"))[0]
		filename = "results-" + requestedFileName
		sockTools.sendFile(server_socket, filename)
Esempio n. 4
	def receive_file_from_client(self, client_socket, address):
		This function receives files from the client/worker by sending the phrase and then start receiving process by calling receive_file method from sockTools library.

			client_socket (class) : the socket that transfers the client data.
			address (tuple): client address for filenames and debugging.
		sockTools.send_and_encode(client_socket, str(self.currentJobID))
		fileName = sockTools.receiveFile(client_socket) #receive the file from client 
		nextFreeWorker = self.evaluteWorkers() #find the worker with least jobs
		newFileName = str(self.currentJobID) + "." + fileName
		os.rename("jobs/" + fileName, "jobs/" + newFileName) 
		self.writeJobToDB(newFileName, nextFreeWorker)
		self.send_file_to_worker(nextFreeWorker, newFileName)
Esempio n. 5
	def send_file_to_worker(self, workerHostname, filename):
		"""This function resolves the worker ip and then open a socket between the manager and the worker and send the file to the worker.
			workerHostname (string): The hostname of the worker that should run the job 
			filename (string): fileName of the job. 

		workerIP = (self.db.get_host_data(workerHostname, "ipaddr"))[0] 
		print("\nSelected {} ,worker ip is: {}".format(workerHostname, workerIP))
		print("Sending job file to {}".format(workerHostname))
		worker_socket = sockTools.create_socket(isTCP = True) 
		worker_socket.connect((workerIP, 4444))
		response = sockTools.recv_and_decode(worker_socket)
		sockTools.sendFile(worker_socket, filename) #send the file to worker
Esempio n. 6
def add_new_worker(sock):
    """This function adds the specific machine that uses it as a new worker by sending newWorker message to server than pass the information and run the workerservice.
		sock (class): The socket that used for transferring the messages and information. 
		SystemExit: Raises when the user wants to become a worker than the service replace the interface. 
    workerInformation = system.gatherInformation()
    sockTools.send_and_encode(sock, "newWorker")
    response = sockTools.recv_and_decode(sock)
    if response[:6] == "please":
        sockTools.send_and_encode(sock, workerInformation)
    response = sockTools.recv_and_decode(sock)
    if response[:3] == "new":
        print("Running worker service")
  ["python", "../worker/"])
            raise SystemExit()
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
Esempio n. 7
	def add_new_worker(self, client_socket, address):
		this function add new worker to the system and to the database if worker already exists the function sends an ERROR"

			client_socket (class) : the socket that transfers the client data. 
		print("New worker request accepted")
		sockTools.send_and_encode(client_socket, "please send your info")
		newWorkerInformation = sockTools.recv_and_decode(client_socket)
		workerInformationList = newWorkerInformation.split(":")
		print("New worker information is: {}".format(workerInformationList))
		dbResult = self.db.get_host_data_by_ip(address[0])	
		if dbResult:
			sockTools.send_and_encode(client_socket,"{} is already a worker".format(address[0]))
			self.db.insert_to_db('hosts', workerInformationList)
			sockTools.send_and_encode(client_socket,"new worker has been added info is:{}".format(workerInformationList))
			self.workersList = self.db.get_workers_list() #store workers list for local use
			self.numberOfWorkers += 1
Esempio n. 8
def get_results_file(sock, arguments, db, pp):
    """This function request the results file from the server prompt the user for the downloading and store the results file in jobs folder.
		sock (class): socket that file should be transfer on. 
		arguments (dict): all arguments from the command line. 
		db (class): db class handler for database operations. 
		pp (class): pretty print handler for printing results. 

    sockTools.send_and_encode(sock, "receiveResults")
    response = sockTools.recv_and_decode(sock)
    if response[:6] == "please":
        sockTools.send_and_encode(sock, arguments.getResults)
    response = sockTools.recv_and_decode(sock)
    if response[:4] == "Your":
        get_job_info(db, pp, arguments.getResults)
        a = input()
        if a[:1] == "y":
            sockTools.send_and_encode(sock, a)
Esempio n. 9
	def receive_results(self, client_socket):
		"""This function sends the results file to the client by receiving the jobID from the client get the worker ip that runs this job create a connection to this worker download the results file and send it to the client
			client_socket (class): socket of the client that request the results file. 

		sockTools.send_and_encode(client_socket, "please provide job ID")
		requestedJobID = sockTools.recv_and_decode(client_socket)
		jobStatus = (self.db.get_job_data(requestedJobID, "status"))[0]
		if jobStatus not in ["COMPLETED", "ERROR"]:
			sockTools.send_and_encode(client_socket,"Your job is still in progress")
			worker_socket = sockTools.create_socket(isTCP = True) 
			workerHostname = (self.db.get_job_data(requestedJobID,"hostname"))[0]	
			workerIP = (self.db.get_host_data(workerHostname, "ipaddr"))[0] 
			worker_socket.connect((workerIP, 4444))
			sockTools.send_and_encode(worker_socket, "receiveFile")
			response = sockTools.recv_and_decode(worker_socket)
			if response[:5] == "going":
				sockTools.send_and_encode(worker_socket, requestedJobID)
			resultsFile = sockTools.receiveFile(worker_socket)
			if jobStatus == "ERROR":
				sockTools.send_and_encode(client_socket,"You job has failed do you want to download err log(y/n)")	
				response = sockTools.recv_and_decode(client_socket)
				sockTools.send_and_encode(client_socket, "Are you ready to download the results file(y/n)")
				response = sockTools.recv_and_decode(client_socket)
			print("Going to send {} to client".format(resultsFile))
			if response[:1] == "y":
				sockTools.sendFile(client_socket, resultsFile)