Esempio n. 1
def xulaconnector():
    screw_xuout = 2.5
    screw_xuin = 1.5
    screw_toph = 1
    offset = 5
    length = offset + THICK_WALL
    # XULA2 is attached to the top with two screws
    screw_xula = hscrew(screw_xuout, screw_toph, screw_xuin, length)
    screws_xula = screw_xula + right(58)(screw_xula)
    screws_xula += up(48.8)(screws_xula)
    xula_base = screws_xula
    # Raspberry connector xula2
    rsp_cnctr = cube([58 - 2 * (screw_xuin + THICK_WALL * 0.5), length, 6])
    xula_base += translate([screw_xuin + THICK_WALL * 0.5, -length,
                            -3 + 48.8])(hole()(rsp_cnctr))
    # add stickit connector
    top_height = 4  # top height screw in mm
    top_r = 3.5  # top r screw in mm
    shaft_r = 2
    screw_stick = hscrew(top_r, top_height, shaft_r, length)
    screws_stick = screw_stick + up(15)(screw_stick)
    # stickit length 49.6-1.28-2-2
    # 15.5+1.5+1.2-1.5
    xula_base += translate(
        [-(49.6 - 1.28 - 2 - 2) - 8, 0,
         15.5 + 1.5 + 1.2 - 1.5 - 2.7])(screws_stick)
    xula_base += translate([-60, -2, -8])(cube([123, 2, 61]))
    xula_base = up(THICK_WALL + 11)(xula_base)
    # add down connector
    base_exit = cube([58 + 2 * screw_xuin + THICK_WALL, 16, THICK_WALL])
    base_exit += hole()(translate(
        [screw_xuin + THICK_WALL * 0.5, THICK_WALL,
         0])(cube([58 - 2 * (screw_xuin + THICK_WALL * 0.5), 12, THICK_WALL])))
    xula_base += back(16)(base_exit)
    return xula_base
Esempio n. 2
def createlogo():

    Openscad cannot handle the Storm font. To mitigate, a vector image of the
    storm font is converted to PNG via Inkscape. The PNG image is linearly
    extruded and converted to a STL.
    This STL is imported by this function, to create the logo.
    # TODO: move Python converter for logo to here
    # LOGO bounding box x  = 234 , y = 26, z = 1
    # scaled to x = 120, y = 13
    x_bound = 120 + THICK_WALL * 2
    y_bound = 13 + THICK_WALL * 2

    # TODO: should throw error !! you removed logo
    logo = scale([0.5, 0.5, 1])(import_stl('hexastorm.stl'))
    logo = None
    # openscad cannot handle minkowski on hexastorm logo
    # logo_mink = up(1)(minkowski()(cylinder(r=0.5, h=1), logo))
    result = translate([-0.5 * x_bound, -0.5 * y_bound, 0])(cube(
        [x_bound, y_bound, 1])) - hole()(mirror([0, 1, 0])(logo))
    result = scale([1, 1, HEIGHT_TOP - THICK_WALL
                    ])(translate([0.5 * x_bound, 0.5 * y_bound, 0])(result))
    result = up(HEIGHT_TOP - THICK_WALL)(cube([x_bound, y_bound, 1]))
    # TODO: Openscad can create a preview but does not render the logo,
    #      at the moment we resort to
    # modiefs in blender
    return result
Esempio n. 3
def pulley_arms(height=40, through_screw='m4', arm_width=15, arm_thickness=7.5, pully_width=10, base_width=30, base_thickness=10, spin_clearance=0.5):
    arm_base = so.translate((0,-arm_width/2.0,0))(so.cube((arm_thickness, arm_width, 1)))
    arm = so.hull()(so.translate((0,0,height-arm_width/2.0))(so.rotate((0,90,0))(so.cylinder(r=arm_width/2.0, h=arm_thickness))) + arm_base)
    def arms_xf_left(obj):
        return so.translate(((pully_width + spin_clearance)/2.0,0,0))(obj)
    def arms_xf_right(obj):
        return so.translate((-(pully_width + spin_clearance)/2.0,0,0))(so.rotate((0,0,180))(obj))
    arms = arms_xf_left(arm) + arms_xf_right(arm)
    plate_orig = so.translate((-base_width/2.0,-base_width/2.0,-base_thickness))(so.cube((base_width, base_width, base_thickness)))
    plate = so.hull()(plate_orig, so.translate((0,0,base_thickness/2.0))(arms_xf_left(arm_base)))
    plate += so.hull()(plate_orig, so.translate((0,0,base_thickness/2.0))(arms_xf_right(arm_base)))

    # add mount holes
    spacing = arm_thickness*2.0+pully_width
    bolt_hole = so.rotate((0,90,0))(so.translate((0,0,-spacing))(so.cylinder(r=screw_clearance[through_screw]/2.0, h=spacing*2.0)))
    nut_recess = so.translate((-spacing/2.0,0,0))(so.rotate((0,90,0))(hex(screw_nut[through_screw]['width'], screw_nut[through_screw]['depth'])))
    bolt_hole += nut_recess
    head_recess = so.translate((spacing/2.0,0,0))(so.rotate((0,-90,0))(so.cylinder(r=screw_head_sink[through_screw]['diameter']/2.0, h=screw_head_sink[through_screw]['h'])))
    bolt_hole += head_recess

    arms -= so.translate((0,0,height-arm_width/2.0))(bolt_hole)

    # add base mount hole
    head_recess = so.translate((0,0,-5))(so.cylinder(r=screw_head_sink[through_screw]['diameter']/2.0, h=screw_head_sink[through_screw]['h']*base_thickness))
    bolt_hole = so.translate((0,0,-base_thickness))(so.cylinder(r=screw_clearance[through_screw]/2.0, h=base_thickness*2.0))
    bolt_hole += head_recess

    return arms + plate - bolt_hole
Esempio n. 4
def stopper(screw='m4'):
    body = so.cube((40,20,10), center=True)
    nut_recess = hex(screw_nut[screw]['width'], screw_nut[screw]['depth'])
    bolt_hole = so.translate((0,0,-10))(so.cylinder(r=screw_clearance[screw]/2.0, h=20))
    nut_slide = so.translate((0,-screw_nut[screw]['width']/2.0))(so.cube((20, screw_nut[screw]['width'], screw_nut[screw]['depth'])))
    nut_attachment = so.rotate((0,-90,-90))(so.translate((0,0,-screw_nut[screw]['depth']/2.0))(nut_slide + nut_recess) + bolt_hole)
    return body - so.rotate((0,0,180))(so.translate((0,-13,-10))(expand_for_fit(0.3)(rail_section(20)))) - so.translate((0,-5,0))(nut_attachment)
Esempio n. 5
def fibcube():
    outside = cube([m.fibcube_side, m.fibcube_side, m.fibcube_height], center=False)

    top = translate(
            m.fibcube_wall + m.fibcube_extra / 2,
            m.fibcube_wall + m.fibcube_extra / 2,
                m.fibcube_plopp - m.fibcube_extra,
                m.fibcube_plopp - m.fibcube_extra,

    inside = translate([m.fibcube_wall, m.fibcube_wall, -m.fibcube_wall])(
        cube([m.fibcube_plopp, m.fibcube_plopp, m.fibcube_height], center=False)

    fc = outside + top
    fc = fc + hole()(inside)
    return fc
Esempio n. 6
def basic_geometry():
    # SolidPython code can look a lot like OpenSCAD code.  It also has
    # some syntactic sugar built in that can make it look more pythonic.
    # Here are two identical pieces of geometry, one left and one right.

    # left_piece uses standard OpenSCAD grammar (note the commas between
    # block elements; OpenSCAD doesn't require this)
    left_piece = union()(translate((-15, 0, 0))(cube([10, 5, 3], center=True)),
                             (-10, 0, 0))(difference()(cylinder(r=5,

    # Right piece uses a more Pythonic grammar.  + (plus) is equivalent to union(),
    # - (minus) is equivalent to difference() and * (star) is equivalent to intersection
    # solid.utils also defines up(), down(), left(), right(), forward(), and back()
    # for common transforms.
    right_piece = right(15)(cube([10, 5, 3], center=True))
    cyl = cylinder(r=5, h=15, center=True) - cylinder(r=4, h=16, center=True)
    right_piece += right(10)(cyl)

    return union()(left_piece, right_piece)
Esempio n. 7
def base_bracket(mount_screw_hole, through_screw='m4', chamfer=1, clearance=0.25, base_flange_width = 20, base_flange_thickness=25, bottom_thickness=10, height=50, holes_offset=10):
    # bolt holes at 20-bottom_thickness and 40-bottom_thickness offsets for rail
    body = bracket(bottom_thickness=bottom_thickness, chamfer=chamfer, height=height, clearance=clearance, through_offsets=[20,40])

    bracket_bottom = so.translate((-15-base_flange_width,-20-base_flange_width,0))(so.cube((30+base_flange_width*2,40+base_flange_width*2,base_flange_thickness)))
    bracket_chamfer = so.translate((-15-chamfer,-20-chamfer,-chamfer))(so.cube((30+2*chamfer,40+2*chamfer,chamfer)))

    body += chamfer_hull(x=True, y=True, z=[1])(bracket_bottom)
    for x in [1,-1]:
        for y in [1,-1]:
            body -= so.translate((x*(15+base_flange_width - holes_offset),y*(20+base_flange_width - holes_offset),base_flange_thickness+chamfer+0.001))(mount_screw_hole)

    return body
Esempio n. 8
def laserbase(laserheight):
    creates the basis for the laser with ventilation wall

    The laserbase is in the XY plane at quadrant 1.
    One corner is at the origin. The width is parallel to the x-axis.
    The laser was provided by Odic Force, productid OFL510-1.
    The padheight is laser height- 16.5 The laserbundle travels in
    the +x direction and departs from the center, that is 15 mm.
    param: laserheight: the desired height of the laser
    # The laser tube is at 8 mm from bottom.
    # The laser tube has a diameter of 17 mm
    # The laser is at 8 + 17 * 0.5 - 1  = 16.5 mm (shim of 1 mm needed)
    # The laser base is 30x60 mm, which was made
    # 30x75 mm to make room for the ventilator

    height = laserheight - 15.5  # [mm],
    xdisp = 48.5  # [mm], x-displacement screws
    ydisp = 16  # [mm], y-displacement screws
    r_shaft = 2  # [mm], shaft radius screws
    h_head = 5  # [mm], height shaft head
    r_head = 3.5  # [mm], top radius screws
    tspile = 4  # [mm], y-thickness ventilation spile
    hspile = 25  # [mm], height ventilation spile
    length = 75  # [mm], x-direction length laser
    width = 30  # [mm], y-direction width laser
    screw_offst = 7  # [mm], screw offset +x-edge

    screws = screw(r_head, h_head, r_shaft, height) + right(xdisp)(screw(
        r_head, h_head, r_shaft, height))
    spiegel = forward(ydisp / 2)(mirror([0, 1, 0])(back(ydisp / 2)(screws)))
    screws += spiegel
    base = translate([length - xdisp - screw_offst, (width - ydisp) / 2,
    # ventilation wall
    # spile
    spile = up(height)(cube([THICK_WALL, tspile, hspile]))
    nofspiles = ceil((width) / (tspile * 2))
    # shift base
    base = right(THICK_WALL)(base)
    # add wall
    base += cube([THICK_WALL, width, HEIGHT_WALL])
    # create pockets
    for i in range(0, nofspiles):
        base -= hole()(forward(i * 2 * tspile + THICK_WALL)(spile))

    return base
Esempio n. 9
def ueyeholder():
    creates a holder for an ueye camera

    A holder for an uEye camera to view upward.
    The uEye camera cannot look upward due its connector on the back.
    This design solves this problem via a cubical enclosure.
    #### UEYE cubical dimension
    margin = 0.3
    size_x = 34  # mm
    size_y = 32  # mm
    size_z = 34.6  # mm
    ### UEYE screw
    screw_d = 3  # mm
    screw_z = 30.4  # sep z-direction
    screw_z -= screw_d
    screw_ytop = 19.8  # mm
    screw_ytop -= screw_d
    screw_ybottom = 21.8
    screw_ybottom -= screw_d
    screw_zoff = 1.3 + screw_d / 2
    connector_z = 18  # mm
    connector_x = 16.2  # mm
    # box
    # camera is pushed in from bottom
    holder = cube([
        size_x + 2 * THCKW + margin, size_y + 2 * THCKW + margin,
        size_z + THCKW + connector_z + margin
    holder -= translate([THCKW, THCKW, THCKW])(cube([
        size_x + margin, size_y + margin, size_z + THCKW + connector_z + margin
    # 4 screw holes
    socket = cylinder(h=size_x + 2 * THCKW, r=screw_d / 2, segments=SGM)
    socket = rotate([0, 90, 0])(socket)
    sockets = socket + forward(screw_ybottom)(socket)
    temp = (screw_ytop - screw_ybottom) * 0.5
    sockets += up(screw_z)(back(temp)(socket) +
                           forward(screw_ytop - temp)(socket))
    # substraction prep sockets
    holder -= translate([
        0, (size_y - screw_ybottom) * 0.5 + THCKW + 0.5 * margin,
        screw_zoff + THCKW + connector_z + 0.5 * margin
    # space connector
    holder -= translate([THCKW + 0.5 * (size_x - connector_x), 0, THCKW])(cube(
        [connector_x, THCKW, size_z + THCKW + connector_z]))
    return holder
Esempio n. 10
def servo_mount():
    body = so.translate((0, -19.9/2, 0))(so.cube((thickness+2.0, 19.9, 40.5)))
    body = so.minkowski()(body, so.cube((0.5,0.5,0.5)))
    insert = so.rotate((0,90,0))(m3_heatset_insert_hole)
    for x in [-5, 5]:
        for y in [48.7/2.0, -48.7/2.0]:
            body += so.translate((0, x, y+40.5/2))(insert)
    # tips span 55.35, body spans 40.4
    # holes are 1cm apart by 48.7mm apart
    # shaft is in the middle about 9.37mm off of the bottom

    # also don't forget the cable route
    body += so.translate((thickness/2.0+1,0,-0.5))(so.cube((thickness+2,7,1), center=True))
    body += so.translate((thickness/2.0+1+5.5,0,-2))(so.cube((12,7,4), center=True))
    return body
Esempio n. 11
def panelmountmini():

    panel mount for panel Mount cable -B to Mini-B cable
    base = cube([40, 20, THICK_WALL], center=True)
    # screw hole
    screw_hole = cylinder(r=1.75, h=THICK_WALL * 2, center=True, segments=30)
    # create two holes + hole usb cube
    base -= hole()(left(14)(screw_hole) + right(14)(screw_hole) +
                   cube([17.5, 12, THICK_WALL * 2], center=True))
    # change orientation
    base = right(0.5 * THICK_WALL)(rotate([0, 90, 0])(rotate([0, 0,
    return base
Esempio n. 12
def doohickey():
    hole_cyl = translate(
        (0, 0, -EPSILON))(cylinder(r=m3_rad, h=doohickey_h + 2 * EPSILON))
    d = difference()(cube([30, 10, doohickey_h], center=True),
                     translate((-10, 0, 0))(hole_cyl), hole_cyl,
                     translate((10, 0, 0))(hole_cyl))
    return d
Esempio n. 13
def sidewall():
    body = chamfer_hull(z=True, y=True)(so.cube((depth, thickness, height)))
    insert = so.rotate((0,90,0))(m3_heatset_insert_hole)
    for i in range(1,4):
        body -= so.translate((0,thickness/2.0,height/4.0*i))(insert)
        body -= so.translate((depth,thickness/2.0,height/4.0*i))(so.rotate((0,0,180))(insert))
    return body
Esempio n. 14
def multipart_hole():
    # It's good to be able to keep holes empty, but often we want to put
    # things (bolts, etc.) in them.  The way to do this is to declare the
    # object containing the hole a "part".  Then, the hole will remain
    # empty no matter what you add to the 'part'.  But if you put an object
    # that is NOT part of the 'part' into the hole, it will still appear.

    # On the left (not_part), here's what happens if we try to put an object
    # into an explicit hole:  the object gets erased by the hole.

    # On the right (is_part), we mark the cube-with-hole as a "part",
    # and then insert the same 'bolt' cylinder into it.  The entire
    # bolt rematins.

    b = cube(10, center=True)
    c = cylinder(r=2, h=12, center=True)

    # A cube with an explicit hole
    not_part = b - hole()(c)

    # Mark this cube-with-hole as a separate part from the cylinder
    is_part = part()(not_part.copy())

    # This fits in the holes
    bolt = cylinder(r=1.5, h=14, center=True) + up(8)(cylinder(
        r=2.5, h=2.5, center=True))

    # The section of the bolt inside not_part disappears.  The section
    # of the bolt inside is_part is still there.
    return not_part + bolt + right(45)(is_part + bolt)
Esempio n. 15
def lasershim(height):

    This is a shim which can be used to pad. The base of the shim is in the
    XY plane at quadrant 1. One corner is at the origin. The width is parallel
    to the x-axis.
    The shim can be used if the laserbase is not correctly alligned.
    The laser was provided by Odic Force, productid OFL510-1.

    param: height: defines height shim [mm]
    xdisp = 48.5  # [mm], x-displacement screw
    ydisp = 16  # [mm], y-displacement screws
    r_shaft = 2 + 0.5  # [mm], shaft radius screws
    length = 75  # [mm], x-direction length laser
    width = 30  # [mm], y-direction width laser
    screw_offst = 7  # [mm], screw offset  +x-edge

    base = cube([length, width, height])
    # screw holes
    screws = cylinder(h=height, r=r_shaft) + right(xdisp)(cylinder(h=height,
    spiegel = forward(ydisp / 2)(mirror([0, 1, 0])(back(ydisp / 2)(screws)))
    screws += spiegel
    # create holes
    base -= translate([length - xdisp - screw_offst, (width - ydisp) / 2,
    return base
Esempio n. 16
def topbox(down, logo):

    constructs the top part of the box
    :param down: if true downward ray box created
    :param logo: if true logo is generated, logo slows rendering
    # 4 screws used, 2 was insufficient
    screw_fixout = 3.5  # mm (radius)
    screw_fixin = 2  # TODO: connect to holesize threaded inserti
    screw_toph = 5
    cyl = screw(screw_fixout, screw_toph, screw_fixin, HEIGHT_TOP)
    top += translate([SCREW_FIXOFFST, SCREW_FIXOFFST, 0])(cyl)
    top += translate([LENGTH_TOP - SCREW_FIXOFFST, SCREW_FIXOFFST, 0])(cyl)
    top += translate(
    top += translate([SCREW_FIXOFFST, WIDTH_TOP - SCREW_FIXOFFST, 0])(cyl)

    # sliding should be prevented with 4 protrusion,
    # 1 is logo and 3 other are knobs
    x_knob = cube([THICK_WALL, THICK_WALL * 3, HEIGHT_TOP - THICK_WALL])
    x_knobs = translate(
        [THICK_WALL, WIDTH_TOP / 2 - 1, THICK_WALL])(x_knob) + translate([
            LENGTH_TOP - 2 * THICK_WALL, WIDTH_TOP / 2 - 1, THICK_WALL
    y_knob = cube([THICK_WALL * 3, THICK_WALL, HEIGHT_TOP - THICK_WALL])
    y_knobs = translate([LENGTH_TOP * 0.25, 0, THICK_WALL
                         ])(forward(THICK_WALL)(y_knob) +
                            forward(WIDTH_TOP - 2 * THICK_WALL)(y_knob))
    top += y_knobs + x_knobs
    # LOGO slows down render, should be turned off when developing
    if logo:
        top += translate([
            0.5 * (LENGTH_TOP - (120 + THICK_WALL * 2)),
            WIDTH_TOP - THICK_WALL - (13 + THICK_WALL * 2), 0
    if not down:
        laser_y = 24 + 2 * THICK_WALL
        top -= translate(
            [75 + 10 + 48 + THICK_WALL + 10, laser_y - 0.5 * 8,
             0])(cube([20, 8, THICK_WALL]))
    # FIX FOR BOX orientation
    top = rotate([0, 0, 180])(mirror([0, 1, 0])(rotate([0, 180, 0])(top)))

    return top
Esempio n. 17
def split_lock(diameter, thickness=3, depth=40, lip=10, chamfer=1, gap=2, screw='m4', shape='circle'):
    lip_part = so.translate((diameter/2.0,-thickness/2.0,0))(so.cube((lip,thickness,depth)))
    if shape == 'circle':
        hole = so.cylinder(r=diameter/2.0, h=depth*2)
        brace = so.cylinder(r=diameter/2.0+thickness, h=depth)
    elif shape == 'square':
        hole = so.rotate((0,0,45))(so.translate((-diameter/2.0,-diameter/2.0,0))(so.cube((diameter,diameter,depth*2))))
        brace = so.rotate((0,0,45))(so.translate((-diameter/2.0-thickness,-diameter/2.0-thickness,0))(so.cube((2*thickness+diameter,2*thickness+diameter,depth))))
    holder = so.translate((0,depth/2.0,0))(chamfer_hull(x=True,y=True)(so.rotate((90,0,0))(brace + lip_part)) - so.hole()(so.translate((0,depth/2.0,0))(so.rotate((90,0,0))(hole))))

    split = so.translate((0, -depth/2.0-chamfer, -gap/2.0))(so.cube((thickness + diameter + lip,depth+chamfer*2,gap)))
    split_nut_recess = so.translate((0,0,chamfer))(hex(screw_nut[screw]['width'], screw_nut[screw]['depth']))
    split_nut_slide = so.translate((0,-screw_nut[screw]['width']/2, chamfer))(so.cube((thickness + diameter, screw_nut[screw]['width'], screw_nut[screw]['depth'])))
    split_bolt_hole = so.translate((0,0,-thickness*2-chamfer))(so.cylinder(r=screw_clearance[screw]/2.0, h=100))
    split_head_recess = so.translate((0,0,-diameter-thickness*2.5))(so.cylinder(r=screw_head_sink[screw]['diameter']/2.0, h=diameter+thickness))
    split_tensioner = so.translate(((diameter+lip)/2.0,0,thickness/2.0+chamfer))(split_nut_recess + split_bolt_hole + split_nut_slide + split_head_recess)
    return holder - split - so.hole()(split_tensioner)
Esempio n. 18
 def test_numpy_type(self):
         import numpy
         numpy_cube = cube(size=numpy.array([1, 2, 3]))
         expected = '\n\ncube(size = [1,2,3]);'
         actual = scad_render(numpy_cube)
         self.assertEqual(expected, actual, 'Numpy SolidPython not rendered correctly')
     except ImportError:
Esempio n. 19
def boxmount():
    base = cube([30, 50, 2])
    circ = cylinder(h=10, r=1.6, segments=30)
    circs = right(5)(circ) + right(25)(circ)
    base -= forward(5)(circs)
    base -= forward(25)(circs)
    base -= forward(45)(circs)
    base = rotate([90, 0, 90])(base)
    return base
Esempio n. 20
def polygonshim(height):

    The polygon shim is located in first quadrant of the XY plane.
    A corner is at the origin. The width is parallel to the y-axis.
    The shim can be used to align the polygon.
    The shim was designed for polygon mirror Motor aficio 1018 G029-196.

    :param height: height shim
    # BASE:
    length = 68  # mm [y-direction]
    width = 48  # mm [x-direction]
    r_shaft = 2  # mm shaft radius
    slot_width = 2  # width slot
    base = cube([width / 2, length, height])

    def slot(radius, height, width):

        openscad styled vertically oriented printable slot
        origin formed by the center of the left circle

        :param radius: the radius of the top of the screw
        :param height: the height of the slot
        :param width: the width of the slot, i.e. distance between radii
        cyl = cylinder(h=height, r=radius)
        outer = hull()(cyl, right(width)(cyl))
        return outer

    # create 2 screw slots
    simple_slot = slot(r_shaft, height, slot_width)
    base -= translate([3.1, length - 4, 0])(simple_slot)
    base -= translate([3.2, 4 + 1.29, 0])(rotate([0, 0, -50])(simple_slot))
    # create hole for polygon rotation axis
    base -= translate([24, 24, 0])(cylinder(h=height, r=10))
    # create hole for polygon lock
    base -= translate([24 - 7.5, 0, 0])(cube([15, 10, height]))
    #  mirror and add to original
    spiegelold = right(width)(mirror([1, 0, 0])(base))
    base += spiegelold
    return base
Esempio n. 21
def matrix2render(threeDimensionalMatrix):
    distance = 15
    cube_size = 1

    figure = cube([0.1, 0.1, 0.1], center=True)
    for matrix_i in range(len(threeDimensionalMatrix)):
        for row_i in range(len(threeDimensionalMatrix[matrix_i])):
            for cube_i in range(len(threeDimensionalMatrix[matrix_i][row_i])):
                if threeDimensionalMatrix[matrix_i][row_i][cube_i] == 1:
                    new_cube = right(matrix_i * cube_size)(cube(
                        [cube_size, cube_size, cube_size], center=True))
                    new_cube = up(row_i * cube_size)(new_cube)
                    new_cube = forward(cube_i * cube_size)(new_cube)

                    figure += new_cube

    SEGMENTS = 48
    file_out = scad_render_to_file(figure)
    print(f"{__file__}: SCAD file written to: \n{file_out}")
Esempio n. 22
def square_pipe(width: float, depth: float, height: float,
                wall_thickness: float) -> SolidBuilder:
    g = empty()

    pipe_hole = (node(
        cube([width - wall_thickness * 2, depth - wall_thickness * 2,
    g.add(box(width, depth, height).hole(pipe_hole))
    g.set_center(x=width / 2, y=depth / 2, z=height / 2)
    return g.part()
Esempio n. 23
def sidewall_clamp(): # my wood is 19.5mm wide and 38.6mm tall
    body = chamfer_hull(z=True, y=True)(so.cube((20, thickness, height)))
    body += chamfer_hull(z=True, y=True, x=[1])(so.translate((19,0,0))(so.cube((1, thickness, height))) + so.translate((50,-thickness*0.25,0))(so.cube((10, thickness*1.5, 45))))
    wood_cavity = so.translate((20,0,5))(so.cube((100,19.5,38.6)))
    body -= wood_cavity
    insert = so.rotate((0,90,0))(m3_heatset_insert_hole)
    for i in range(1,4):
        body -= so.translate((0,thickness/2.0,height/4.0*i))(insert)
        body -= so.translate((depth,thickness/2.0,height/4.0*i))(so.rotate((0,0,180))(insert))
    nut_recess = so.translate((54,-5,15))(so.rotate((90,30,0))(hex(screw_nut['m3']['width'], screw_nut['m3']['depth'])))
    screw_recess = so.translate((54,22.4+5,15))(so.rotate((90,0,0))(so.cylinder(screw_head_sink['m3']['diameter']/2.0, screw_nut['m3']['depth'])))
    screw_hole = so.translate((54,22.4+10,15))(so.rotate((90,0,0))(so.cylinder(screw_clearance['m3']/2.0, 100)))
    screw_capture = nut_recess + screw_recess + screw_hole
    def add_screw(x,y):
        nonlocal body
        body -= so.translate((-x,0,y))(screw_capture)
    return body
Esempio n. 24
def enclosure():
    enc_outer = cube(
        size=[m.enclosure_width, m.enclosure_depth, m.enclosure_height], center=True

    enc_hole = up(m.wall_thickness)(
                m.enclosure_width - m.wall_thickness,
                m.enclosure_depth - m.wall_thickness,

    enclosure = enc_outer + hole()(enc_hole)
    enclosure = part()(enclosure)
    enclosure = up(m.enclosure_height / 2)(enclosure)

    return enclosure
Esempio n. 25
def double_side_rail(h, bottom_thickness=10, holes=None):
    section = so.translate((0,5,0))(rail_section(h))
    stack = section + so.rotate((0,0,180))(section) + so.translate((-8,-5,0))(so.cube((16,10,h)))
    if holes is not None:
        bolt_hole = so.rotate((0,90,0))(so.translate((0,0,-40))(so.cylinder(r=screw_clearance[holes]/2.0, h=80)))
        def mkhole(offset):
            nonlocal stack
            stack -= so.translate((0,0,offset))(bolt_hole)
    return stack
Esempio n. 26
    def test_hole_transform_propagation(self):
        # earlier versions of holes had problems where a hole
        # that was used a couple places wouldn't propagate correctly.
        # Confirm that's still happening as it's supposed to
        h = hole()(rotate(a=90, v=[0, 1, 0])(cylinder(2, 20, center=True)))

        h_vert = rotate(a=-90, v=[0, 1, 0])(h)

        a = cube(10, center=True) + h + h_vert
        expected = '\n\ndifference(){\n\tunion() {\n\t\tcube(center = true, size = 10);\n\t\trotate(a = -90, v = [0, 1, 0]) {\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t/* Holes Below*/\n\tunion(){\n\t\trotate(a = 90, v = [0, 1, 0]) {\n\t\t\tcylinder(center = true, h = 20, r = 2);\n\t\t}\n\t\trotate(a = -90, v = [0, 1, 0]){\n\t\t\trotate(a = 90, v = [0, 1, 0]) {\n\t\t\t\tcylinder(center = true, h = 20, r = 2);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} /* End Holes */ \n}'
        actual = scad_render(a)
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Esempio n. 27
def cable_fasten(height, width, thick, x_orient):

    fastener for the cable used is tie wrap 150x2.5 mm with h = 3 and w = 4 mm
    param hoog: height cable fastener
    param width: width cable fastener maximum for FDM is 10 mm
    param thick: walll thickness
    param x_orient: if true oriented in x-direction otherwise y-direction
    # Altenatives considered:
    # cable fastener: cable clip; (
    #                 might require support and post-processing
    # cable clamp; i.e. two pillars, fixture via friction
    #              might need to be tailored to thickess of cable
    if x_orient:
        base = cube([2 * thick + width, thick, height + thick]) - right(thick)(
            cube([width, thick, height]))
        base = cube([thick, 2 * thick + width, height + thick
                     ]) - forward(thick)(cube([thick, width, height]))
    return base
Esempio n. 28
def iron_holder(thickness=20, depth=40, length=45, iron_diameter=20.5, chamfer=1, iron_holder_thickness=5,arm_screw='m4', arm_mount_dist=20, gap=5, split_screw='m4', cup_diameter=30, cup_thickness=5):
    arm = chamfer_hull(x=True,y=True,z=[1])(so.translate((-thickness/2.0, -depth/2.0, 0))(so.cube((thickness,depth,length + cup_diameter))))
    counterweight_cup = so.translate((0,depth/2.0,length-cup_thickness))(chamfer_hull(x=True,y=True)(so.rotate((90,0,0))(so.cylinder(r=cup_diameter/2.0+cup_thickness, h=depth))) - so.hole()(so.translate((0,depth/2.0-cup_thickness,0))(so.rotate((90,0,0))(so.cylinder(r=cup_diameter/2.0, h=depth)))))
    holder = so.translate((0,0,cup_diameter+length))(so.rotate((0,-90,0))(split_lock(iron_diameter, thickness=iron_holder_thickness, depth=depth, lip=10, chamfer=chamfer, gap=gap, screw=split_screw)))

    rope_tie = so.translate((0,depth/2.0+chamfer,length/2.0-iron_holder_thickness))(so.rotate((-90,90,0))(arch()))

    nut_recess = hex(screw_nut[arm_screw]['width'], screw_nut[arm_screw]['depth'])
    bolt_hole = so.cylinder(r=screw_clearance[arm_screw]/2.0, h=10)
    nut_slide = so.translate((0,-screw_nut[arm_screw]['width']/2.0))(so.cube((thickness, screw_nut[arm_screw]['width'], screw_nut[arm_screw]['depth'])))
    nut_attachment = so.translate((0,0,5))(nut_slide + nut_recess) + bolt_hole
    plate_install_holes = so.translate((0,0,-0.1))(carraige_plate_install_holes(diameter=4.95))
    return counterweight_cup + arm + holder - so.translate((0,arm_mount_dist/2.0,0))(nut_attachment) - so.translate((0,-arm_mount_dist/2.0,0))(nut_attachment) + rope_tie - plate_install_holes
Esempio n. 29
def board_pegs():
    arduino_measurements = dict(holes=[[0, 0], [0, 48.2], [50.8, 36.0], [50.8, 5.1]])
    rpi_measurements = dict(holes=[[0, 0], [0, 49.0], [58.0, 49.0], [58.0, 0.0]])
    os = [arduino_measurements, rpi_measurements]

    g = empty()

    for i, o in enumerate(os):
        for x, y in o["holes"]:
            c = node(cube()).right(x + i * 5).forward(y)

    g = g.set_translation([0, 0, 30])
    return g.render()
Esempio n. 30
def board_cylinder():
    group = cube()  # FIXME: look into empties/children
    for x in [-m.rpi_hole_x_dist / 2, m.rpi_hole_x_dist / 2]:
        for y in [-m.rpi_hole_y_dist / 2, m.rpi_hole_y_dist / 2]:
            c = cylinder(r=m.rpi_cylinder / 2, h=5)

            c2 = up(m.rpi_board_height)(
                cylinder(r=m.rpi_hole / 2 - m.diameter_margin, h=m.rpi_board_height)
            c = c + c2

            group += forward(y)(left(x)(c))

    return group