Esempio n. 1
def locked_offset():
    global locked_count
    name = "locked_" + str(locked_count)
    locked_count += 1
    j_name = "locked_joint_" + str(locked_count)
    thickness = 6  #span 2 layers
    peg_height = 3.2
    clearance = 3.2
    base = solid.cylinder(r=1.9, h=thickness, segments=100)
    conn1 = solid.cube([4 / math.sqrt(2), 4 / math.sqrt(2), 3], center=True)
    conn2 = solid.cube([4 / math.sqrt(2), 4 / math.sqrt(2), 3], center=True)
    #wtf??? can't get z axis on Joint to work, no matter what I put it just
    #defaults to 0, so I'm going to orient everything at the origin.
    b_placed = solid.translate([0, 0, 3])(base)
    unit = b_placed + solid.translate([0, 0, 1.5])(conn1) + solid.translate(
        [0, 0, 10.5])(conn2)
    pm = PolyMesh(generator=unit)"lock.stl")
    j1 = Joint(
        ((0, 0, 12), NZ_JOINT_POSE[1]),  #9

    OT = (0, 0, 0)
    OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
    OP = (OT, OQ)

    layers = Layer(pm, name="lol", color='blue')
    b = Body(pose=OP, elts=[layers], joints=[j1], name=name)
    return b, name, j_name
Esempio n. 2
def slat_end(matress_width, overhang):
    length = matress_width + overhang * 2
    half_cross = hole()(cube((3 / 2, 11 / 2, 1 / 4)) +
                        translate((0, 2, 0))(cube((3 / 2, 3 / 2, 3 / 4))))
    return part()(OneBySix(length) -
                  translate((length - 3 / 2 - overhang, 0, 0))(half_cross) -
                  translate((overhang, 0, 0))(half_cross))
Esempio n. 3
def nameplate(id):
    #create the plate
    bottom = cube([xlen, ylen, 0.01], center=True)
    top = cube([xlen-zlen-zlen, ylen-zlen, 0.1], center=True)
    top = translate([0, zlen/2, zlen-0.1])(top)

    plate = hull()([bottom, top])

    # define the text
    id_str = name_str.replace('$ID',f'{id:03d}')
    msg = text(id_str,
               spacing = text_spacing,
    msg = linear_extrude(zlen+1)(msg)
    msg = resize([text_width,text_height,0])(msg)
    msg = translate([0, zlen/2, -0.5])(msg)
    #add text to the plate
    plate = plate - msg

    #generate output files
    scad_file = Path.cwd() / 'scad_files' / f'plate_{id:03d}.scad'
    if scad_file.parent.exists() is False:
    scad_render_to_file(plate, str(scad_file))

    stl_file = Path.cwd() / 'stl_files' / f'plate_{id:03d}.stl'
    if stl_file.parent.exists() is False:
        stl_file.parent.mkdir()['openscad', '-o', str(stl_file), str(scad_file)])
Esempio n. 4
def single_plate(cylinder_segments=100):
    top_wall = sl.cube([keyswitch_width + 3, 1.5, plate_thickness],
    top_wall = sl.translate(
        (0, (1.5 / 2) + (keyswitch_height / 2), plate_thickness / 2))(top_wall)

    left_wall = sl.cube([1.5, keyswitch_height + 3, plate_thickness],
    left_wall = sl.translate(
        ((1.5 / 2) + (keyswitch_width / 2), 0, plate_thickness / 2))(left_wall)

    side_nub = sl.cylinder(1, 2.75, segments=cylinder_segments, center=True)
    side_nub = sl.rotate(rad2deg(pi / 2), [1, 0, 0])(side_nub)
    side_nub = sl.translate((keyswitch_width / 2, 0, 1))(side_nub)
    nub_cube = sl.cube([1.5, 2.75, plate_thickness], center=True)
    nub_cube = sl.translate(
        ((1.5 / 2) + (keyswitch_width / 2), 0, plate_thickness / 2))(nub_cube)

    side_nub = sl.hull()(side_nub, nub_cube)

    plate_half1 = top_wall + left_wall + side_nub
    plate_half2 = plate_half1
    plate_half2 = sl.mirror([0, 1, 0])(plate_half2)
    plate_half2 = sl.mirror([1, 0, 0])(plate_half2)

    plate = plate_half1 + plate_half2

    if plate_file is not None:
        socket = sl.import_(plate_file)
        socket = sl.translate([0, 0, plate_offset])(socket)

        plate = sl.union()(plate, socket)

    return plate
Esempio n. 5
def cage_stabilizer(assemble=False):
    """stabilizer with 3 clamps for HolMOS-cage"""

    cage_base = 30
    stabilizer_base = base.rods30_dist_third_rod
    stabilizer_height = 10

    angle = -atan(cage_base / 2 / stabilizer_base) / math.pi * 180

    stabilizer = translate((0, stabilizer_base / 2, 0))(cube(
        (cage_base + 4, stabilizer_base - 10, stabilizer_height), center=True))

    stabilizer -= translate((-cage_base, stabilizer_base / 2, 0))(rotate(
        (0, 0, angle))(cube(
            (cage_base, stabilizer_base, 2 * stabilizer_height), center=True)))
    stabilizer -= translate((cage_base, stabilizer_base / 2, 0))(rotate(
        (0, 0, -angle))(cube(
            (cage_base, stabilizer_base, 2 * stabilizer_height), center=True)))

    stabilizer = translate((0, -25, 0))(stabilizer)

    for (dd, y) in ((25, 0), (10, 21)):
        stabilizer -= translate((0, y, 0))(cylinder(d=dd, h=20, center=True))

    stabilizer += cage_3_clips()

    return stabilizer
Esempio n. 6
def cage_circumference(d_outer=80.5, wall_thick=2, h=10, assemble=None):
    """Circle to fit cage ends, e.g. to transport cage inside a cylindrical tube"""
    d_inner = base.rods30_dist_third_rod + 7  # absolute diameter: contact to clips.

    clamp = translate((0, 0, 5))(cage_3_clips(inside=True))  # bottom at z=0
    circ_x_at_clamp = ((d_outer / 2)**2 - 30**2)**.5
    back_face = cube((2 * circ_x_at_clamp, wall_thick, h), center=True)
    back_face = translate((0, -30 + wall_thick / 2, h / 2))(back_face)

    circle = cylinder(d=d_outer, h=h)
    circle -= translate(
        (0, 0,
         wall_thick))(cylinder(d=d_outer - 2 * wall_thick,
                               h=2 * h))  # relative diameter: wall thickness
    circle -= translate((0, 0, -2))(cylinder(d=d_inner, h=2 * h))

    # clear space past -y of clamps, so that cage can rest against wall when used with hook.
    helper_block_y = 30
    circle -= translate((0, -20 - 10 - helper_block_y / 2, 0))(cube(
        (100, helper_block_y, 100), center=True))

    # add some holes to screw cage onto something
    for angle_deg in (-30, 30, 150, 210):
        hole_position = lambda obj: rotate(angle_deg)(translate(
            (d_inner / 2, 0, 0))(obj))
        circle += hole_position(cylinder(d=8, h=wall_thick))
        circle -= hole_position(cylinder(d=3.2, h=2 * h, center=True))

    return clamp + circle + back_face
Esempio n. 7
def teensy_holder():
    s1 = sl.cube([3, teensy_holder_length, 6 + teensy_width], center=True)
    s1 = sl.translate([1.5, teensy_holder_offset, 0])(s1)

    s2 = sl.cube([teensy_pcb_thickness, teensy_holder_length, 3], center=True)
    s2 = sl.translate([
        (teensy_pcb_thickness / 2) + 3,
        -1.5 - (teensy_width / 2),

    s3 = sl.cube([teensy_pcb_thickness, teensy_holder_top_length, 3],
    s3 = sl.translate([
        (teensy_pcb_thickness / 2) + 3,
        1.5 + (teensy_width / 2),

    s4 = sl.cube([4, teensy_holder_top_length, 4], center=True)
    s4 = sl.translate([
        teensy_pcb_thickness + 5, teensy_holder_top_offset,
        1 + (teensy_width / 2)

    shape = sl.union()(s1, s2, s3, s4)

    shape = sl.translate([-teensy_holder_width, 0, 0])(shape)
    shape = sl.translate([-1.4, 0, 0])(shape)
    shape = sl.translate(
        [teensy_top_xy[0], teensy_top_xy[1] - 1,
         (6 + teensy_width) / 2])(shape)

    return shape
Esempio n. 8
def locked_offset():
    global locked_count
    name = "locked_" + str(locked_count)
    locked_count +=1
    j_name = "locked_joint_" + str(locked_count)
    thickness = 6 #span 2 layers
    peg_height = 3.2
    clearance = 3.2
    base = solid.cylinder(r=1.9, h=thickness, segments = 100)
    conn1 = solid.cube([4/math.sqrt(2),4/math.sqrt(2),3],center=True)
    conn2 = solid.cube([4/math.sqrt(2),4/math.sqrt(2),3],center=True)
    #wtf??? can't get z axis on Joint to work, no matter what I put it just
    #defaults to 0, so I'm going to orient everything at the origin.
    b_placed = solid.translate([0,0,3])(base)
    unit = b_placed + solid.translate([0,0,1.5])(conn1) + solid.translate([0,0,10.5])(conn2)
    pm = PolyMesh(generator = unit)"lock.stl")
    j1 = Joint(
        ((0, 0, 12),NZ_JOINT_POSE[1]), #9

    OT = (0, 0, 0)
    OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
    OP = (OT, OQ)

    b = Body(pose=OP, elts=[layers],
                     joints=[j1], name=name)
    return b, name, j_name
Esempio n. 9
def create_servo_mount():
    right now designed to fit Jacobs institute model
    width = 6.5
    length = 20.0

    depth = 2.3
    voffset = -18.5 - 9

    left_bar = solid.cube([width,length,depth], center = True)
    hole = solid.cylinder(r=2,h=10, center =True,segments = 100)
    hole1 = solid.translate([0,4,0])(hole)
    hole2 = solid.translate([0,-4,0])(hole)
    left_bar = solid.difference()(left_bar, hole1)
    left_bar = solid.difference()(left_bar, hole2)

    right_bar = solid.cube([width,length,depth],center = True)
    right_bar = solid.difference()(right_bar, hole1)
    right_bar = solid.difference()(right_bar, hole2)

    left_spread = -30.0
    right_spread = 17.0
    left_bar = solid.translate([left_spread, 0,-(depth/2 + voffset)])(left_bar)
    right_bar = solid.translate([right_spread, 0 , -(depth/2+voffset)])(right_bar)
    connector = solid.cube([(right_spread - left_spread) + width,width,depth],center=True)
    placed_connector = solid.translate([(left_spread+right_spread)/2,-(length/2 +width/2), -(depth/2+voffset)])(connector)
    total_mount = left_bar + placed_connector + right_bar
    pl = PolyMesh(generator= total_mount)

    attach_point1 = PolyMesh(generator =solid.translate([width, 0,0])(right_bar))
    attach_point2 = PolyMesh(generator =solid.translate([-width, 0,0])(left_bar))
    return pl, attach_point1, attach_point2
Esempio n. 10
def board_hook(clip_z=30, hook_opening=18, assemble=False):
    Hook for topmost end of cage - can be used to hang setup from a door, whiteboard, poster board, cabinet...
    2019-05-13 - printed, works well. But: real-life poster board is one inch thick.
    assert base.__rods30, "this only makes sense for rod-mount"

    rod_clips = base.base_rods30(z_length=clip_z)
    rod_clips = translate((0, 0, clip_z / 2))(rod_clips)  # start at z=0

    hook_thick = 4
    hook_width = 30
    hook_z = 35

    strut_height = 10

    hook = translate((0, hook_opening - 20 + hook_thick / 2))(cube(
        (hook_width, hook_thick, hook_z), True))
    hook = translate((0, 0, hook_z / 2))(hook)

    strut = cube((hook_thick, hook_opening + .1, strut_height), True)
    strut = translate((hook_width / 2 - hook_thick, (hook_opening - 40) / 2,
                       strut_height / 2))(strut)
    strut += mirror((1, 0, 0))(strut)

    assembly = rod_clips + hook + strut

    if assemble:
        return translate((0, -50, 0))(rotate((0, 180, 180))(assembly))
        return assembly
Esempio n. 11
    def __post_init__(self):
        if self.base is None:
            self.base = [18.16, 18.16]
        if self.top_delta is None:
            self.top_delta = [6, 4]
        if self.size is None:
            self.size = [1, 1]
        if self.skew is None:
            self.skew = [0, 0]
        if self.tilt is None:
            self.tilt = [0, 0]

        self.dims = [self.base[i] * self.size[i] for i in [0, 1]]
        self.top_dims = [self.dims[i] - self.top_delta[i] for i in [0, 1]]
        dish_kwargs = {
            'dish_type': self.dish_type,
            'top_dims': self.top_dims,
            'key_z': self.z

        if self.dish_kwargs is not None:
            dish_kwargs.update(self.dish_kwargs) = Dish(**dish_kwargs)

        # masks used to exclude anything not inside/outside the key
        self.inside = s.difference()(s.translate([0, 0,
                                                  50])(s.cube([100, 100, 100],
                                     self._shape(self.thickness, self.depth))

        self.outside = s.difference()(s.cube([1000, 1000, 1000], center=True),
def control_box(wall_length, wall_width, wall_height):
    max_board_thickness = max(pro_micro.board_thickness,

    board_surface_pos = max(20 + wall_thickness - wall_length, 5)

    case_length = (board_surface_pos + max_board_thickness + 3 +
    case_width = (pro_micro.board_length + distribution_board.board_length +
                  3 * wall_thickness)

    board_offset_forward = (board_surface_pos + max_board_thickness -
                            case_length / 2)

    def position_control_box(part):
        """Position the control box on the final model."""
        #return left(case_width / 2)(
        return left(wall_width / 4 - case_width / 2)(forward(
            (wall_length + case_length) / 2)(up(wall_height / 2)(part)))

    def position_controller(part):
        """Position the controller board within the control box."""
        return forward(board_offset_forward)(
            left(case_width / 2 - wall_thickness + wall_thickness / 4)(rotate(
                (90, -90, 0))(part)))

    def position_distribution_board(part):
        """Position the distribution board within the control box."""
        return forward(board_offset_forward)(
            right(case_width / 2 - wall_thickness + wall_thickness / 4)(rotate(
                (90, 90, 0))(part)))

    center_post_length = max_board_thickness + 3
    center_post_offset_right = (case_width / 2 - wall_thickness * 1.5 -

    inner = (down(wall_thickness / 2 + 1)(back(wall_thickness + 1)(cube(
            case_width - 2 * wall_thickness,
            case_length + 2,
            wall_height - wall_thickness + 1,
    ))) + rotate(
        (90, 0, 0))(right(center_post_offset_right)(cylinder_outer(4.5, 100))))

    case = position_control_box(
        cube((case_width, case_length, wall_height), center=True) - inner
        # Center post (between the two boards):
        + forward(board_surface_pos - case_length / 2 + center_post_length / 2)
         (cube((wall_thickness * 2, center_post_length, wall_height),
               center=True) - rotate((90, 0, 0))
          (cylinder_outer(m2_shaft_radius, center_post_length)))) -
        position_controller(pro_micro.board_profile(0)) -

    cutout = position_control_box(inner)

    return (case, cutout)
Esempio n. 13
def end(width):
    body = translate((-2, -2, 2.75))(cube((width + 4, 5.5, 0.75)))
    bridle = platformbed.joints.base_side_bridle_joint()
    tenon = cube((1.5, 1.5, 0.75))
    return (body - bridle - translate(
        (width - 1.5, 0, 0))(platformbed.joints.base_side_bridle_joint()) -
            translate((width / 3 - 0.75, 0, 2.75))(tenon) - translate(
                (2 * width / 3 - 0.75, 0, 2.75))(tenon))
Esempio n. 14
def rj9_holder():
    shape = sl.union()(
        sl.translate([0, 2, 0])(sl.cube([10.78, 9, 18.38], center=True)),
        sl.translate([0, 0, 5])(sl.cube([10.78, 13, 5], center=True)),
    shape = sl.difference()(rj9_cube(), shape)
    shape = sl.translate(rj9_position)(shape)
    return shape
Esempio n. 15
def key_shaft():
    trunk_length = SHAFT_LENGTH - 0.5 * THICKNESS
    trunk = back(trunk_length / 2)(cube([THICKNESS, trunk_length, KEY_HEIGHT],
    slot = back(SLOT_LENGTH / 2)(cube(
        [SLOT_WIDTH, SLOT_LENGTH, 2 * KEY_HEIGHT], center=True))
    tip = cylinder(r=THICKNESS / 2, h=KEY_HEIGHT, center=True, segments=16)
    return forward(trunk_length)(trunk + tip - slot)
Esempio n. 16
def cross(h=4, slop=_SLOP):

    out = s.union()(
        s.cube([4 + 2 * slop, 1.3 + 2 * slop, h], center=True),
        s.cube([1.1 + 2 * slop, 4 + 2 * slop, h], center=True),

    return out
Esempio n. 17
def hJoint (right, out, name):
  female = out

  # Create the outer cylinder
  j = solid.rotate(a = [-90, 0, 0])\
    (solid.cylinder(r=outerD/2, h=width, segments = 20))
  j = solid.translate(v = [0, 0, outerD/2])(j)

  # Create the clamp
  j = j + solid.cube([outerD,width,border])
  j = j + solid.translate([0, 0, border+thick])\
  j = j - solid.translate(v = [0, 0, border])(solid.cube([outerD,width,thick+2*t]))

  # Create the center hole
  c = solid.rotate(a = [90, 0, 0])\
    (solid.cylinder(r=innerD/2,center=True, h=2*width, segments=20))
  if female:
    if (right and out) or (not right and not out):
      off = -(width-6)
      off = width-6
    c = solid.translate(v = [0, width/2+off, outerD/2])(c)
    c = solid.translate(v = [0, width/2, outerD/2])(c)
  j = solid.difference()(j, c)

  if not female:
    if (right and out) or (not right and not out):
      off = -border
      off = border
    c = solid.rotate(a = [90, 0, 0])\
      (solid.cylinder(r=(outerD)/2-border,center=True, h=width, segments = 20))
    c = solid.translate(v = [0, width/2+off, outerD/2])(c)
    cube = solid.cube([outerD, width, 2*border+thick])
    c = solid.difference()(c, \
      solid.translate(v = [-outerD/2.0, 0, 0])(cube))
    j = solid.difference()(j, c)

  # Create bolt holes
  j = solid.difference()(j, 
    solid.translate(v=[.65*outerD, width/2, 0])
      (solid.cylinder(r=bolt/2, h = outerD, segments = 20)))
  j = solid.difference()(j, 
    solid.translate(v=[.85*outerD, width/2, 0])
      (solid.cylinder(r=bolt/2, h = outerD, segments = 20)))

  # Support bar
  # j = j + solid.translate(v = [-thick,0,border])(solid.cube([thick, width, thick+2*t]))

  # Move and rotate
  j = solid.translate(v=[0, 0, -border])(j)
  if right:
    j = solid.translate(v=[width, 0, 0])(solid.rotate(a=[0, 0, 90])(j))
  j = PolyMesh(generator=j)"heliodon/joint" + name + ".stl")
  return j
Esempio n. 18
def rcube(size, rnd=0, center=True):
    ''' primitive for a cube with rounded edges on 4 sides '''
    if rnd == 0: return solid.cube(size, center=center)
    round_ratio = (1 - rnd) * 1.1 + 0.5
    #TODO fix rounded cube for detent use-case
    c = solid.cube(size, center=center) * solid.resize(
        (size[0] * round_ratio, 0, 0))(solid.cylinder(
            h=size[2], d=size[1] * round_ratio, center=center))
    return c
Esempio n. 19
def make_base():
    base = solid.cube(BASE_DIMENSIONS, center=True)
    pole_hole = solid.cube(
    pole_hole = solid.utils.left(BASE_DIMENSIONS[0] / 2)(pole_hole)
    bottom_hole = solid.cube(BOTTOM_HOLE_DIMENSIONS, center=True)
    bottom_hole = solid.utils.down(BASE_DIMENSIONS[2] / 2 + 1)(bottom_hole)
    return (base - pole_hole) - bottom_hole
Esempio n. 20
def q(x, y=None, z=None, center=True):
    """A quick cube"""
    if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
        return solid.cube(x, center=center)
        if y is None:
            y = x
        if z is None:
            z = x
        return solid.cube([x, y, z], center=center)
Esempio n. 21
def rasp_pi():
	base = solid.color([0,.7,.1])(solid.cube([8.5,5.5,.1]))
	metal = t55_to_1([209,209,209])
	yellow = t55_to_1([255, 188, 60])

	ether = solid.translate([-0.1,3.9,0])(solid.cube([2.1,1.6,1.4]))
	ether = solid.color(metal)(ether)

	usb = solid.cube([1.7,1.3,1.5])
	usb = solid.translate([-.7,1.9,0])(solid.color(metal)(usb))
	audio = solid.cube([1.2, 1.5, 1.2])
	audio = solid.translate([1.5,-.5,0])(solid.color([0,0,0])(audio))
	tv = solid.cube([1,1.9,1.5])
	tv = solid.translate([3.4,-.8,0])(solid.color(yellow)(tv))	
	hdmi = solid.cube([1.5,1.1,.9])
	hdmi = solid.translate([3.4,4.6,0])(solid.color(metal)(hdmi))
	gpio = solid.cube([3.2,.4,1.2])
	gpio = solid.translate([5.3,.1,0])(solid.color([0,0,0])(gpio))
	sdcard = solid.cube([1.8,2.9,.4])
	sdcard = solid.translate([6.7, 1.6, -.4])(solid.color([0,0,0])(sdcard))
	musb = solid.cube([.5,.7,.3])
	musb = solid.translate([7.9, 4.5, 0])(solid.color([0,0,0])(musb))
	out = [base, ether, usb, audio, tv, hdmi, gpio, sdcard, musb]
	return join_list(out)
Esempio n. 22
def end(width):
    body = cube((width, 1.5, 2.75))
    tenon = cube((1.5, 1.5, 0.75))
    return (
      + translate((width/3-0.75, 0, 2.75))(tenon)
      + translate((2*width/3-0.75, 0, 2.75))(tenon)
      - platformbed.joints.base_side_dovetail_joint()
      - translate((width, 0, 0))(mirror((1, 0, 0))(platformbed.joints.base_side_dovetail_joint()))
      - translate((width/2-0.75, 0, 1.375))(cube((1.5, 1.5, 1.375)))
Esempio n. 23
def rampBar(leng, wide, high, transl):
    '''Return a bar of specified length, width, height, except with ends
    ramping up at 45 degrees at one end, -45 at other, in a plane
    rotated about y axis.  Parameters: leng, wide, high give x,y,z
    sizes.  transl = 3-vector with x,y,z distances to translate the
    origin-corner of the bar.
    s2 = sqrt(2)
    cu = cube([leng, wide, high])
    box = rotate(a=[0,-45,0])(back(wide)((cube([s2*high, 3*wide, s2*high]))))
    return translate(transl)(cu-box-right(leng)(box))
Esempio n. 24
def thing(d=27.9, h=10, width=16, width_hole=10.2, z=0, X=45):
    center = solid.cube(size=(width, width, h), center=True) - solid.hole()(
        solid.cube(size=(width_hole, width_hole, h * 2), center=True))
    axis_base = solid.cube(size=(d, width_hole / 2, h), center=True)
    axis_1 = solid.rotate(a=X)(axis_base)
    axis_2 = solid.rotate(a=-X)(axis_base)

    outer_cylinder = solid.cylinder(d=d, h=h, center=True, segments=256)

    ret = (center + axis_1 + axis_2) * outer_cylinder

    return solid.translate(v=(0, 0, z + h / 2))(ret)
Esempio n. 25
 def makeRail(self):
     length = self.RailLen
     cap = cube([length, self.CapWide, self.CapThik])
     leg = up(self.CapThik)(cube(
         [length, self.LegThik, self.ChanHi + self.eps]))
     asm = cap + forward(
         self.ChanHang1)(leg) + forward(self.CapWide - self.ChanHang2 -
     px = self.Pillar1
     while px < length:
         asm += self.makePillar(px)
         px += self.PillarSep
     return asm
Esempio n. 26
def scaffold(length, color=[0, 0, 1, 1]):
    h = solid.translate([diameter / 2.0, 0, length / 2.0])(
        solid.scale([diameter, diameter, length])(
    ) + solid.translate([0, 0, length / 2.0])(
        solid.scale([center_notch + tool_radius * 2,
                     center_notch, length])(
    # scale & move in Z to ensure overlap
    h = solid.translate([0, 0, -(length * .1)/2.0])(solid.scale([1, 1, 1.1])(h))
    return solid.color(color)(h)
Esempio n. 27
def arduino():
    usbhole = up(2.5)(cube([2.5, 7.5, 9], True))
    board = up(3.75)(cube([2, x, 7.5], True))
    smds = up(1.25)(cube([1.5, 5, 2.5], True))
    dupont = up(2.5)(cube([2.5, 2.5, 5], True))
    pinhole = cube([39, 1, 1], True)

    return (usbhole) \
    + up(1)(left(3.75)(smds)) \
    + up(1)(left(2)(board)) \
    + left(4.25)(up(3.5)(forward((x/2)-1.25)(dupont))) \
    + left(4.25)(up(3.5)(back((x/2)-1.25)(dupont))) \
    + left(5)(up(2.25)(forward((x/2)-1.25)(pinhole))) \
    + left(5)(up(2.25)(back((x/2)-1.25)(pinhole)))
Esempio n. 28
def make_solid(arr):
    HEIGHT = 1
    SCALE = 2  # output defaults to 1 mm per unit; this lets us increase the size of objects proportionally.
    cubes = [
        translate([i * SCALE, j * SCALE,
                   0])(color('black')(cube(size=[SCALE, SCALE, HEIGHT])))
        for i, row in enumerate(arr) for j, col in enumerate(row)
        if arr[i, j] == 1

    base_plate = color('white')(cube(size=(arr.shape[0] * SCALE,
                                           arr.shape[1] * SCALE, HEIGHT / 2)))
    qrobj = union()(*cubes, base_plate)
    return qrobj
Esempio n. 29
def groove_cylinder(cube_size, round_groove=False):
    if round_groove:
        target = cylinder(r=GROOVE_DIAMETER / 2,
                          h=cube_size * 2.1,
        target = cube([GROOVE_DIAMETER, GROOVE_DIAMETER, cube_size * 2.1],
    groove = rotate(90, [0, 1, 0])(target)
    groove += cube(
    return groove
Esempio n. 30
def rounded_plate(xyz, r):
    '''centered plate with rounded (xy) corners'''
    x, y, z = xyz

    cube_x = cube([x - 2 * r, y, z], center=True)
    cube_y = cube([x, y - 2 * r, z], center=True)

    plate = cube_x + cube_y

    dx, dy = x / 2 - r, y / 2 - r
    for x, y in [[dx, dy], [-dx, dy], [-dx, -dy], [dx, -dy]]:
        plate += translate([x, y, 0])(cylinder(r=r, h=z, center=True))

    return plate
Esempio n. 31
def rounded_cube(shape, radius, segments=24):
    diameter = 2 * radius
    long_shape = [shape[0] - diameter, shape[1], shape[2]]
    wide_shape = [shape[0], shape[1] - diameter, shape[2]]
    half_width = shape[0] / 2 - radius
    half_length = shape[1] / 2 - radius
    half_height = shape[2] / 2
    corner = cylinder(r=radius, h=shape[2], center=True, segments=segments)
    corners = replicate_along_xy_axes([-half_width, half_width],
                                      [-half_length, half_length], corner)
    return up(half_height)(
        cube(long_shape, center=True) \
        + cube(wide_shape, center=True) \
        + corners
def switch_plate():
    top_wall = forward((1.5 + keyswitch_length) / 2)(
        up(plate_thickness / 2)(
            cube((keyswitch_width + 3, 1.5, plate_thickness), center=True) -
            down(notch_plate_thickness)(  # Notch for switch clips
                back(0.75)(cube((notch_width, notch_depth * 2,

    left_wall = left((1.5 + keyswitch_width) / 2)(up(plate_thickness / 2)(cube(
        (1.5, keyswitch_length + 3, plate_thickness), center=True)))

    plate_half = top_wall + left_wall

    return plate_half + mirror((0, 1, 0))(mirror((1, 0, 0))(plate_half))
Esempio n. 33
    def init_keyhole(self):
        top_wall = sl.cube([self.width + 3, 1.5, self.thickness],
        top_wall = sl.translate(
            (0, (1.5 / 2) + (self.height / 2), self.thickness / 2)

        left_wall = sl.cube([1.5, self.height + 3, self.thickness],
        left_wall = sl.translate(
            ((1.5 / 2) + (self.width / 2), 0, self.thickness / 2)

        side_nub = sl.cylinder(1, 2.75, segments=self.cylinder_segments,
        side_nub = sl.rotate(rad2deg(pi / 2), [1, 0, 0])(side_nub)
        side_nub = sl.translate((self.width / 2, 0, 1))(side_nub)
        nub_cube = sl.cube([1.5, 2.75, self.thickness], center=True)
        nub_cube = sl.translate(
            ((1.5 / 2) + (self.width / 2), 0, self.thickness / 2)

        side_nub = sl.hull()(side_nub, nub_cube)

        plate_half1 = top_wall + left_wall + side_nub
        plate_half2 = plate_half1
        plate_half2 = sl.mirror([0, 1, 0])(plate_half2)
        plate_half2 = sl.mirror([1, 0, 0])(plate_half2)

        plate = plate_half1 + plate_half2

        if self.hotswap_socket is not None:
            self.hotswap_socket = sl.translate([0, 0, self.thickness])(
            plate = sl.union()(plate, self.hotswap_socket)

        if self.cap_height is not None:
            cap = sl.cube([self.width, self.width, self.cap_height],
            self.cap = sl.translate([0, 0,
                                         self.thickness + self.switch_height + self.thickness)])(

        if self.side == "left":
            plate = sl.mirror([-1, 0, 0])(plate)

        return plate
Esempio n. 34
def strunk():
	c1 = solid.cylinder(r= 15, h = 70)
	c2 = solid.translate([9,0,0])(solid.cylinder(r=15, h= 70))
	m1 = solid.translate([0,-15,0])(solid.cube([9,30,70]))
	total = join_list([c1,c2,m1])
	total = solid.translate([0,0,84])(total)
	return total
Esempio n. 35
 def test_body_without_color(self) -> None:
             MockEmbodiedComponent(size=2.0, color=None).body,
         msg="Colorless components' bodies should not have colors applied",
Esempio n. 36
  def viz(self,position):
    Generates a OpenScad model to visualize the sun position

    ## Generating the hemisphere ##
    starting_sphere = solid.sphere(self.r, segments= 64)
    box_sub = solid.utils.down(((self.r * 2 + 10)/2))(solid.cube((self.r * 2 + 10), center= True))
    hemisphere = starting_sphere - box_sub
    hemisphere = PolyMesh(generator= hemisphere).simplified()
    #hemisphere = (solid.utils.color([0.75,0.75,0.75,0.1]))(hemisphere.get_generator()) #this sucks...need to do this way in order do render
    #hemisphere = PolyMesh(generator= hemisphere)

    ## Generate the sphere for the sun ##
    sun_sphere = solid.sphere(5, segments= 64)
    vector = position
    sun_sphere = (solid.translate(vector))(sun_sphere)
    sun_sphere = PolyMesh(generator= sun_sphere).simplified()

    L1 = Layer(hemisphere, name= "hem", color=[200,200,200,1000])
    L2 = Layer(sun_sphere, name="sun", color='yellow')

    B1 = Block([L1, L2])

    return False)

Esempio n. 37
def create_crank_shaft(save = False):
    Oriented relative to the shaft that will be driven at the origin in
    the +Z direction.
    global shaft_count
    name = "shaft_" + str(shaft_count)
    j_name = "shaft_joint_" + str(shaft_count)
    mount_plate = solid.cylinder(r = 10, h= 3)
    shaft = solid.cube([4/math.sqrt(2),4/math.sqrt(2),6], center = True)
    shifted_shaft = solid.translate([0,0,3])(shaft)
    total = mount_plate+shaft
    pl = PolyMesh(generator=total)
    if save:"crank.stl")
    j1 = Joint(
        ((0, 0, 0),Z_JOINT_POSE[1]),

    OT = (0, 0, 0)
    OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
    OP = (OT, OQ)

    b = Body(pose=OP, elts=[layers],
                     joints=[j1], name=name)
    return b, name, j_name
Esempio n. 38
def add_servo_mount(poly):
    add shaft mounting hole
    hole = solid.cube([4,4,50], center = True)
    pm = PolyMesh(generator = hole)
    return poly - pm
Esempio n. 39
def conic_section(theta):
	line = solid.polygon(points = [[0,0],[50,50],[49.9,50],[0,.1]])
	cone = solid.rotate_extrude( convexity = 20)(line)
	plane = solid.translate([0,0,5])(solid.cube([50,50,.1],center = True))
	plane = solid.rotate([0,theta,0])(plane)
	section = solid.rotate([0,-1*theta, 0])(solid.intersection()(cone, plane))
	return section
Esempio n. 40
def ssupport():
	arch1 ,thet1, rad1= circle_arch(30.0, 5.0, 3)
	arch1 = solid.translate([14,-28/2,0])(solid.rotate([0,0, -thet1/2])(arch1))
	arch2 = solid.translate([0,0,1])(arch1)
	arch3 = solid.translate([0,0,-1])(arch1)
	arch1 = join_list([arch1, arch2, arch3])
	pillar1 = solid.rotate([0,90,0])(solid.cylinder(r=2, h=35) )
	pillar1 = pillar1 - solid.translate([-1,0,-3])(solid.cube([37,4, 8]))
	pillar2 = solid.rotate([180,0,0])(solid.translate([0,28])(pillar1))
	return join_list([arch1, pillar1, pillar2])
Esempio n. 41
def rect2scad(rect, height, z_start = 0.0, mirrored = False):
    Convert a Rectangle into an openscad cube by giving it a height and Z start
    scad_cube = sc.translate([rect.left(),, z_start])(
        sc.cube([rect.width, rect.height, height])
    if mirrored:
        return sc.scale([1,1,-1])(scad_cube)
        return scad_cube
Esempio n. 42
def plot_space(dict, tl):
	path_labels = sorted(dict.keys())
	path_count = len(path_labels)
	out =[]
	for i in range(path_count):
		color = t55_to_1( colorout2(i,path_count) )
		for j in range(len(dict[path_labels[i]])):
			x = dict[path_labels[i]][j][0]*tl
			y = dict[path_labels[i]][j][1]*tl
			z = j*tl
			out += [solid.color(color)(solid.translate([x,y,z])(solid.cube([tl,tl,1])))]
	return out
Esempio n. 43
def create_shaft_connector():
    Oriented relative to the shaft that will be driven at the origin in
    the +Z direction.

    TODO: Consider refactoring into mechanism with joint at O.
    mount_plate = solid.cylinder(r = 10, h= 3)
    shaft = solid.translate([-2,-2,0])(solid.cube([4,4,20]))
    shifted_shaft = solid.translate([0,0,3])(shaft)
    total = mount_plate+shaft
    pl = PolyMesh(generator=total)
    return pl
Esempio n. 44
def arc(radius):
  a = solid.difference()(
    solid.cylinder(r=radius, h=thick, segments=48), solid.cylinder(r=radius-width, h=thick, segments=48))
  a = solid.intersection()(a, solid.cube([radius, radius, thick]))

  a = solid.difference()(a, 
    solid.translate(v=[.75*outerD, radius-width/2, 0])
      (solid.cylinder(r=bolt/2, h=2*thick, segments=20, center=True)))
  a = solid.difference()(a, 
    solid.translate(v=[radius-width/2, .75*outerD, width/2.0])
      (solid.cylinder(r=bolt/2, h=2*thick, segments=20, center=True)))
  c = solid.translate(v=[radius-width/2, 0, 0])\
    (solid.cylinder(r=bolt/2, h=2*thick, segments=20, center=True))

  # Add bolt holes for fastening the two sheets of acryllic together
  for step in range(1,3):
    a = solid.difference()(a, solid.rotate(a = [0,0, step * 30])(c))

  PolyLine(generator = solid.projection()(a)).save("heliodon/a" + str(radius) + ".dxf")
  return PolyMesh(generator=a)
Esempio n. 45
0-1, base
1-4, lighting
5-6 floor/pane
7-top, chamber
out_file = make_output()
orange = t55_to_1([255,127,0])

battery = solid.color([1,0,0])(solid.cylinder(r=1,h=3))
battery += solid.color([0,0,0])(solid.translate([0,0,3])(solid.cylinder(r=1,h=3)))
battery = solid.translate([11,2,2])(solid.rotate([0,90,0])(battery))

led = solid.cylinder(r=1,h=1, segments = 20)
led += solid.translate([0,0,1])(solid.sphere(r=1, segments= 20))
wire = solid.cube([.2,.2,1])
led += solid.translate([-.1,.8,-1])(wire)+ solid.translate([-.1,-1,-1])(wire)
led = solid.color(orange)(led)
led2 = solid.translate([5,3,1.5])(led)
led = solid.translate([9,3,1.5])(led)

vessel = solid.cube([20,7,15])- solid.translate([1,1,1])(solid.cube([18,5,15]))
vessel -= solid.translate([1,-1,6])(solid.cube([18,3,10]))
vessel -= solid.translate([.5,.25,5.5])(solid.cube([19,.5,10]))
vessel -= solid.translate([1,1,1])(solid.cube([20,5,3]))
vessel -= solid.translate([.5,.5, 5.25])(solid.cube([20,6,.5]))
vessel = solid.color([0,.5,9])(vessel)

pane1 = solid.translate([.5,.25,5.5])(solid.cube([19,.5,9.5]))
pane2 = solid.translate([.5,.5, 5.25])(solid.cube([19.5,6,.5]))
Esempio n. 46
out_file = make_output()

clearance = 15
width = 70
length = 120
thick = 20
depth = 40

leg1 = solid.translate([8,8,0])(solid.cylinder(r=4, h=clearance))
leg2 = solid.translate([8,width-8,0])(solid.cylinder(r=4, h=clearance))
leg3 = solid.translate([length-8,8,0])(solid.cylinder(r=4, h=clearance))
leg4 = solid.translate([length-8,width-8,0])(solid.cylinder(r=4, h=clearance))
legs = join_list([leg1, leg2, leg3, leg4])
legs = solid.color([0,0,0])(legs)

table = solid.cube([length,width,thick])
table -= solid.translate([depth+3,-1,3])(solid.cube([length+1-depth ,width+2,thick-6]))
table -= solid.translate([-1,3,3])(solid.cube([depth,width-6,thick-6]))
table = solid.translate([0,0,clearance])(table)
table = solid.color(t55_to_1([140,80,33]))(table)

mid = solid.translate([length-20,width/2,clearance])(solid.color([0,0,0])(solid.cylinder(r=5,h=thick-1)))
glass = solid.translate([0,0,clearance+thick])(solid.color([1,1,1,.3])(solid.cube([length,width,3])))

drawer = solid.cube([depth,width-6, thick-7 ])
drawer -= solid.translate([1,1,1])(solid.cube([depth-2, width-8, thick-5]))
drawer += solid.cube([2,width-6, thick-6])

handle, theth, rh  = circle_arch(30, 7, 2)
handle = solid.translate([13,width/2-3, thick/2-3])(solid.rotate([0,0,90+45])(handle))
Esempio n. 47
def square_neg(poly,joint):
    transform = matrix_pose(joint.pose)
    w, l, h = 4/math.sqrt(2),4/math.sqrt(2),20
    h_hole = PolyMesh(generator=solid.cube([w,l,h],center =True))
    tf_snap_sub = transform * h_hole
    return poly - tf_snap_sub
Esempio n. 48
half_guide_width = guide_width / 2.0

square_width = width - height  # the width without the round edge
bolt_z = height / 2.0
bolt1_y = bolt_from_edge - outer_rad
bolt2_y = square_width + outer_rad - bolt_from_edge
bolt_base1_y = (bolt_base_dia / 2.0) - outer_rad
bolt_base2_y = square_width + outer_rad - (bolt_base_dia / 2.0)
bolt_base_depth = depth * 0.66
# rotation of bolt base to merge into the side
bolt_base_angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(
    bolt_base_depth, bolt_base_dia / 2.0))
hnt = nt / 2.0  # half nested tolerance

# body centre
body = s.cube(size=[depth, square_width, height])
# body round edge 1
body += u.up(outer_rad)(s.rotate(a=[0, 90, 0])(
    s.cylinder(r=outer_rad, h=depth, segments=segments)
# body round edge 2
body += u.forward(square_width)(u.up(outer_rad)(s.rotate(a=[0, 90, 0])(
    s.cylinder(r=outer_rad, h=depth, segments=segments)

# inner to subtract from the body for the body
inner = s.cube(
    size=[depth - wall_width, square_width, height - walls_width]
inner += u.up(inner_rad)(s.rotate(a=[0, 90, 0])(
    s.cylinder(r=inner_rad, h=depth - wall_width, segments=segments)
Esempio n. 49
		wall_holes += [solid.rotate([0,0,i*30])(wallh)]
	wall_ho = join_list(wall_holes)
	bucket -= wall_ho
	bucket -= solid.translate([0,0,2])(solid.rotate([0,0,15])(wall_ho))
	bucket = solid.color("SaddleBrown")(bucket)
	return bucket
out_file = make_output()
light measurements
123 cm long
15 cm wide
5 cm tall
1:30 slope, or 6 degree slant.
light = solid.cube([5,15,123])- solid.translate([1,1,1])(solid.cube([5,13,121]))
light = solid.color([.4,.4,.4])(light)
tube1 = solid.color([1,1,1])(solid.translate([4,4,1])(solid.cylinder(r=2, h=121)))
tube2 = solid.translate([0,6,0])(tube1)

trough = solid.color([.4,.4,.4])(solid.translate([15,-2.5,0])(solid.cube([10,20,123])))
trough -= solid.translate([16,-1.5,-1])(solid.cube([8,18,125]))

thole = solid.translate([14,7.5,10])(solid.rotate([0,90,0])(solid.cylinder(r=8, h = 5) ))
tslots = []
for i in range(6):
	tslots += [solid.translate([0,0,i*18])(thole)]
trough -= solid.translate([0,0,7])(join_list(tslots))

bucket = solid.translate([22.5,7.5,10])(solid.rotate([0,-90,0])(splanter()))
bslots = []
Esempio n. 50
### new subroutines

out_file = make_output()

rcling = 5
rbutt = 20

rail1 = solid.utils.arc( rad = rcling, start_degrees = 0, end_degrees = 180)
rail1 -= solid.utils.arc( rad = rcling-1, start_degrees = 0, end_degrees = 180)

rail2= solid.translate([0,0,6])(rail1)
rail3 = solid.translate([0,0,6])(rail2)
rails = solid.translate([0,0,4])(join_list([rail1,rail2, rail3]))
rails += solid.translate([1,-.5,0])(solid.cube([4,1,20]))
rails = solid.translate([30,20,-rcling+2])((solid.rotate([90,90,0])(rails)))
rails = solid.color([0,0,0])(rails)

buttress1 = solid.utils.arc( rad = rbutt, start_degrees = 0, end_degrees = 90)
buttress1 -= solid.utils.arc( rad = rbutt-3, start_degrees = 0, end_degrees = 180)
buttress1 += solid.translate([0,rbutt-2, -1.5])(solid.cube([rbutt, 2,3]))
buttress2 = solid.translate([0,0,10])(buttress1)
buttresses = buttress1 + buttress2
buttresses = solid.rotate([-90,-90,0])(solid.translate([0,0,5])(buttresses))
buttresses = solid.translate([30-rbutt-5,0,-rbutt+2])(buttresses)
buttresses = solid.color([0,0,.8])(buttresses)

board = solid.color([.4,.4,.4])(solid.cube([30,20,2]))

object = [board, rails, buttresses]
Esempio n. 51
v.spacer_height = s.var(45,
                        comment='Height of the spacer, default is flush '
                                'with the mounting surface.',
v.screw_head_radius = s.var(4,
                            comment='Radius of hole to fix screw length.',
v.screw_radius = s.var(2,
                       comment='Radius of screw thread.',
v.screw_length = s.var(10,
                       comment='Length of thread to be inside spacer.',
v.head_hole_height = s.var('spacer_height - screw_length')

body = s.cube(size=[spacer_depth, spacer_width, v.spacer_height])

slot = u.up(3)(s.cube(size=[spacer_depth, 10, 2]))
slot_round = u.back(1)(u.up(2)(
    s.rotate(a=v.spacer_height, v=[1, 0, 0])(
        s.cube(size=[spacer_depth, 4, 4])

screw_hole = u.forward(5)(
    s.cylinder(r=v.screw_head_radius, h=v.head_hole_height, segments=32) +
        s.cylinder(r=v.screw_radius, h=v.screw_length, segments=32)
Esempio n. 52
	pillar1 = solid.rotate([0,90,0])(solid.cylinder(r=2, h=35) )
	pillar1 = pillar1 - solid.translate([-1,0,-3])(solid.cube([37,4, 8]))
	pillar2 = solid.rotate([180,0,0])(solid.translate([0,28])(pillar1))
	return join_list([arch1, pillar1, pillar2])
components and thoughts
solid base to place books on
solid back to prevent things falling behind it
sides and roof are tiled in hexagons spaces to save on material
4 columns topped in a circular arch to bear most of the weight.
out_file = make_output()
bord = 2
side = hexfield(4, bord, 4, 50, 50)
side = solid.cube([40,30,2])-side
frame = solid.cube([40,30,2])-solid.translate([2,2,-1])(solid.cube([36,26,4]))
side = side + frame

side2 =solid.rotate([0,-90,0])(side)
side = solid.translate([30,0,0])(solid.rotate([0,-90,0])(side))
sides = solid.color([.1,.1,.9])(side+side2)

base = solid.translate([-2,0,-2])(solid.cube([32,30,2]))
top = solid.translate([0,0,40])(base)
back = solid.translate([0,28,0])(solid.cube([28,2,38]))
panels = solid.color([.25,.25,.15])(base+top+back)

support1 = solid.rotate([0,-90,90])(ssupport())
support2 = solid.translate([0,7,0])(support1)
support1 = solid.translate([0,21,0])(support1)
Esempio n. 53
def shead():
	head = solid.translate([-8,-13,181-27])(solid.cube([24,24,27]))
	return head