def find_rule3(self, board, do_all = False):
     naked_solver = NakedSolver(Solver.DOUBLE)
     for row in range(board.N):
         for floor in naked_solver.find_in_list(board.get_row(row)):
             for i, f1 in enumerate(floor):
                 for j, f2 in enumerate(floor):
                     ceils1 = [cell for cell in board.get_col(f1.j) if i != j and cell != f1 and len(set([f1.k, f2.k, cell.k])) == 2 and cell.c.issuperset(f1.c) and len(cell.c - f1.c) == 1]
                     for ceil1 in ceils1:
                         cell = board.get(ceil1.i, f2.j)
                         ceil2 = cell if cell.c.issuperset(f1.c) and len(cell.c - f1.c) == 1 and not cell.c.issuperset(ceil1.c) else None                        
                         if ceil2:
                             pair = [cell for cell in visible_intersection(board,[ceil1,ceil2]) if cell != f1 and cell != f2 and cell.c == ceil1.c ^ ceil2.c ]
                             if pair:
                                 remove = [cell for cell in visible_intersection(board,[ceil1,ceil2,pair[0]]) if cell != f1 and cell != f2 and cell.check_remove(pair[0].c)]
                                 if remove:
                                     return [SolvedSet(UniqueRectangleSolver(0, Solver.TYPE3), [f1,f2,ceil1,ceil2,pair[0]], pair[0].c, remove)]
     for col in range(board.N):
         for floor in naked_solver.find_in_list(board.get_col(col)):
             for i, f1 in enumerate(floor):
                 for j, f2 in enumerate(floor):
                     ceils1 = [cell for cell in board.get_row(f1.i) if i != j and cell != f1 and len(set([f1.k, f2.k, cell.k])) == 2 and cell.c.issuperset(f1.c) and len(cell.c - f1.c) == 1]
                     for ceil1 in ceils1:
                         cell = board.get(f2.i, ceil1.j)
                         ceil2 = cell if cell.c.issuperset(f1.c) and len(cell.c - f1.c) == 1 and not cell.c.issuperset(ceil1.c) else None                       
                         if ceil2:
                             pair = [cell for cell in visible_intersection(board,[ceil1,ceil2]) if cell != f1 and cell != f2 and cell.c == ceil1.c ^ ceil2.c ]
                             if pair:
                                 remove = [cell for cell in visible_intersection(board,[ceil1,ceil2,pair[0]]) if cell != f1 and cell != f2 and cell.check_remove(pair[0].c)]
                                 if remove:
                                     return [SolvedSet(UniqueRectangleSolver(0, Solver.TYPE3), [f1,f2,ceil1,ceil2,pair[0]], pair[0].c, remove)]
     return []
Esempio n. 2
 def find_rule5(self, board, chain):
     ''' twice in a unit '''
     for v in chain.root.c:
         possible = chain.paths[v].subnodes()
         for i,node1 in enumerate(possible):
             for j,node2 in enumerate(possible):
                 if j > i and node1.cell != node2.cell and node1.value == node2.value and node1.state != node2.state:
                     removed = [cell for cell in visible_intersection(board, [node1.cell,node2.cell]) if cell.check_remove(set([node1.value]))]
                     if removed:
                         return [SolvedSet(Medusa3DSolver(0, Solver.TYPE5), [node1.cell, node2.cell], set([node1.value]) ,removed)]
     return []
 def find_rule5(self, board, chain):
     ''' two colors elsewhere '''
     for v in chain.root.c:
         possible = chain.paths[v].subnodes()
         for i,node1 in enumerate(possible):
             for j,node2 in enumerate(possible):
                 if j > i and node1.state != node2.state and node1.cell != node2.cell:
                     removed = [cell for cell in visible_intersection(board, [node1.cell,node2.cell]) if cell.check_remove(set([v]))]
                     if removed:
                         return [SolvedSet(SimpleColoringSolver(0, Solver.TYPE5), [node1.cell, node2.cell], set([v]), removed)]
     return []
Esempio n. 4
 def find(self, board, do_all=False):
     solved_sets = []
     possible = has_size(board.as_list(), 2, 2)
     ywings = [
         (pivot, cell1, cell2)
         for i, cell1 in enumerate(possible)
         for j, cell2 in enumerate(possible)
         for pivot in visible_intersection(board, [cell1, cell2])
         if j > i and pivot.c == cell1.c ^ cell2.c and len(cell1.c & cell2.c) == 1
     for pivot, cell1, cell2 in ywings:
         remove = [
             for cell in visible_intersection(board, [cell1, cell2])
             if cell != pivot and cell.check_remove(cell1.c & cell2.c)
         if remove:
             solved_sets += [SolvedSet(self, [pivot, cell1, cell2], cell1.c & cell2.c, remove)]
             if not do_all:
                 return solved_sets
     return solved_sets
Esempio n. 5
 def find_rule1(self, board, chain):
     '''Continuous Alternating Nice Loop - Weak link => off-chain candidates in same unit are OFF '''
     for value in chain.root.c:
         for leaf in chain.paths[value].get_leaves():
             if chain.paths[value].state == leaf.state and leaf.cell == chain.root:
                 solved_sets = []
                 for node in leaf.supernodes():
                     if node.parent != None and share_unit(node.cell,node.parent.cell):
                         removed = [cell for cell in visible_intersection(board,[node.cell,node.parent.cell]) if cell.check_remove(set([value]))]
                         if removed:
                             solved_sets += [SolvedSet(XCycleSolver(0, Solver.TYPE1), [node.cell, node.parent.cell], set([value]), removed)]
                 return solved_sets
     return []
Esempio n. 6
 def extend(self, board, root):
     for leaf in root.get_leaves():
         if len(leaf.cell.c) == 2 and not (leaf.value == root.value and leaf.state == 1 and len(visible_intersection(board,[leaf.cell,self.root])) > 0):
             if not (leaf.parent != None and leaf.cell == root.cell and leaf.value == root.value):
                 if (leaf.parent == None or leaf.parent.cell != leaf.cell):
                     bivalue = (leaf.cell.c - set([leaf.value])).pop()
                     child = Node(leaf.cell, bivalue, (1,0)[leaf.state == 1])
                     links = []
                     if leaf.state == 0:
                         links += strong_links(board, leaf.cell, 2, leaf.value)
                     if leaf.state == 1:
                         links += weak_links(board, leaf.cell, leaf.value)
                     links = list(set([cell for cell in links if len(cell.c) == 2]))
                     links = [cell for cell in links if root.value in cell.c]+[cell for cell in links if root.value not in cell.c]
                     for cell in links:
                         if not (leaf.parent != None and leaf.parent.cell == cell):
                             child = Node(cell, leaf.value, (1,0)[leaf.state == 1])