Esempio n. 1
    def test_workflow_merge(self):
        job1 = wfclient.Job(['ls', '-l', '/tmp'], name='job1')
        job2 = wfclient.Job(['ls', '-l', '/tmp'], name='job2')
        job3 = wfclient.Job(['ls', '-l', '/tmp'], name='job3')
        group = wfclient.Group([job1, job2, job3], name='group1')
        workflow1 = wfclient.Workflow([job1, job2, job3],
                                      dependencies=[(job1, job2),
                                                    (job1, job3)],
        job4 = wfclient.Job(['ls', '-l', '/tmp'], name='job4')
        job5 = wfclient.Job(['ls', '-l', '/tmp'], name='job5')
        job6 = wfclient.Job(['ls', '-l', '/tmp'], name='job6')
        workflow2 = wfclient.Workflow([job4, job5, job6],
                                      dependencies=[(job4, job6),
                                                    (job5, job6)])
        group2 = workflow1.add_workflow(workflow2, as_group='group2')
        self.assertTrue(len( == 6)
        self.assertTrue(len(workflow1.root_group) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(len(workflow1.groups) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(len(workflow1.dependencies) == 4)
        # make both wf sequential
        workflow1.add_dependencies([(group, group2)])
        # 4 hub barrier jobs have been added
        self.assertTrue(len( == 10)
        self.assertTrue(len(workflow1.groups) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(len(workflow1.dependencies) == 17)

        # do it again using sets for deps
        workflow3 = wfclient.Workflow([job1, job2, job3],
                                      dependencies=set([(job1, job2),
                                                        (job1, job3)]),
        workflow4 = wfclient.Workflow([job4, job5, job6],
                                      dependencies=set([(job4, job6),
                                                        (job5, job6)]))
        group3 = workflow3.add_workflow(workflow4, as_group='group3')
        self.assertTrue(len( == 6)
        self.assertTrue(len(workflow3.root_group) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(len(workflow3.groups) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(len(workflow3.dependencies) == 4)
        # make both wf sequential
        workflow3.add_dependencies([(group, group3)])
        # 4 hub barrier jobs have been added
        self.assertTrue(len( == 10)
        self.assertTrue(len(workflow3.groups) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(len(workflow3.dependencies) == 17)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_workflow_simple(self):
     job1 = wfclient.Job(['ls', '-l', '/tmp'])
     job2 = wfclient.Job(['ls', '-l', '/tmp'])
     job3 = wfclient.Job(['ls', '-l', '/tmp'])
     workflow = wfclient.Workflow([job1, job2, job3],
                                  dependencies=[(job1, job2), (job1, job3)])
     self.assertTrue(len( == 3)
     self.assertTrue(len(workflow.dependencies) == 2)
Esempio n. 3
def workflow_from_pipeline(pipeline, study_config=None, disabled_nodes=None,
                           jobs_priority=0, create_directories=True):
    """ Create a soma-workflow workflow from a Capsul Pipeline

    pipeline: Pipeline (mandatory)
        a CAPSUL pipeline
    study_config: StudyConfig (optional), or dict
        holds information about file transfers and shared resource paths.
        If not specified, it will be accessed through the pipeline.
    disabled_nodes: sequence of pipeline nodes (Node instances) (optional)
        such nodes will be disabled on-the-fly in the pipeline, file transfers
        will be adapted accordingly (outputs may become inputs in the resulting
        workflow), and temporary files will be checked. If a disabled node was
        to produce a temporary files which is still used in an enabled node,
        then a ValueError exception will be raised.
        If disabled_nodes is not passed, they will possibly be taken from the
        pipeline (if available) using disabled steps:
        see Pipeline.define_steps()
    jobs_priority: int (optional, default: 0)
        set this priority on soma-workflow jobs.
    create_directories: bool (optional, default: True)
        if set, needed output directories (which will contain output files)
        will be created in a first job, which all other ones depend on.

    workflow: Workflow
        a soma-workflow workflow

    class TempFile(str):
        # class needed temporary to identify temporary paths in the pipeline.
        # must inherit a string type since it is used as a trait value
        def __init__(self, string=''):
            # in python3 super(..).__init__() cannot take an argument
            # moreover the str value is assigned anyway.
            super(TempFile, self).__init__()
            if isinstance(string, TempFile):
                self.pattern = string.pattern
                self.value = string.value
                self.ref = string.ref if string.ref else string
                self.pattern = '%s'
                self.value = string
                self.ref = None

        def referent(self):
            return self.ref if self.ref else self

        def get_value(self):
            return self.referent().value

        def __add__(self, other):
            res = TempFile(str(self) + str(other))
            res.pattern = self.pattern + str(other)
            res.value = self.value
            res.ref = self.referent()
            return res

        def __radd__(self, other):
            res = TempFile(str(other) + str(self))
            res.pattern = str(other) + self.pattern
            res.value = self.value
            res.ref = self.referent()
            return res

        def __iadd__(self, other):
            self.pattern += str(other)
            str(TempFile, self).__iadd__(str(other))

        def __str__(self):
            return self.pattern % self.get_value()

        def __hash__(self):
            if self.ref:
                return self.referent().__hash__()
            return super(TempFile, self).__hash__()

        def __eq__(self, other):
            if not isinstance(other, TempFile):
                return False
            return self.referent() is other.referent()

    def _files_group(path, merged_formats):
        bname = os.path.basename(path)
        l0 = len(path) - len(bname)
        p0 = 0
        paths = [path]
        while True:
            p = bname.find('.', p0)
            if p < 0:
            ext = bname[p:]
            p0 = p + 1
            format_def = merged_formats.get(ext)
            if format_def:
                path0 = path[:l0 + p]
                paths += [path0 + e[0] for e in format_def]
        paths.append(path + '.minf')
        return paths

    def _translated_path(path, shared_map, shared_paths, trait=None):
        if path is None or path is Undefined \
                or not shared_paths \
                or (trait is not None
                    and not isinstance(trait.trait_type, File) \
                    and not isinstance(trait.trait_type, Directory)):
            return None # not a path
        item = shared_map.get(path)
        if item is not None:
            # already in map
            return item

        for base_dir, (namespace, uuid) in six.iteritems(shared_paths):
            if path.startswith(base_dir + os.sep):
                rel_path = path[len(base_dir)+1:]
                #uuid = path
                item = swclient.SharedResourcePath(
                    rel_path, namespace, uuid=uuid)
                shared_map[path] = item
                return item
        return None

    def build_job(process, temp_map={}, shared_map={}, transfers=[{}, {}],
                  shared_paths={}, forbidden_temp=set(), name='', priority=0,
        """ Create a soma-workflow Job from a Capsul Process

        process: Process (mandatory)
            a CAPSUL process instance
        temp_map: dict (optional)
            temporary paths map.
        shared_map: dict (optional)
            file shared translated paths, global pipeline dict.
            This dict is updated when needed during the process.
        shared_paths: dict (optional)
            holds information about shared resource paths base dirs for
            If not specified, no translation will be used.
        name: string (optional)
            job name. If empty, use the process name.
        priority: int (optional)
            priority assigned to the job
        step_name: str (optional)
            the step name will be stored in the job user_storage variable

        job: Job
            a soma-workflow Job instance that will execute the CAPSUL process
        def _replace_in_list(rlist, temp_map):
            for i, item in enumerate(rlist):
                if item in temp_map:
                    value = temp_map[item]
                    value = value.__class__(value)
                    if hasattr(item, 'pattern'):
                        # temp case (differs from shared case)
                        value.pattern = item.pattern
                    rlist[i] = value
                elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
                    deeperlist = list(item)
                    _replace_in_list(deeperlist, temp_map)
                    rlist[i] = deeperlist
                elif item is Undefined:
                    rlist[i] = ''

        def _replace_transfers(rlist, process, itransfers, otransfers):
            param_name = None
            i = 3
            for item in rlist[3:]:
                if param_name is None:
                    param_name = item
                    transfer = itransfers.get(param_name)
                    if transfer is None:
                        transfer = otransfers.get(param_name)
                    if transfer is not None:
                        value = transfer[0]
                        if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple):
                            # TODO: handle lists of files [transfers]
                            #deeperlist = list(item)
                            #_replace_in_list(deeperlist, transfers)
                            #rlist[i] = deeperlist
                            print('*** LIST! ***')
                            rlist[i] = value
                    param_name = None
                i += 1

        job_name = name
        if not job_name:
            job_name =

        # check for special modified paths in parameters
        input_replaced_paths = []
        output_replaced_paths = []
        for param_name, parameter in six.iteritems(process.user_traits()):
            if param_name not in ('nodes_activation', 'selection_changed'):
                value = getattr(process, param_name)
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    values = value
                    values = [value]
                for value in values:
                    if isinstance(value, TempFile):
                        # duplicate swf temp and copy pattern into it
                        tval = temp_map[value]
                        tval = tval.__class__(tval)
                        tval.pattern = value.pattern
                        if parameter.output:
                            if value in forbidden_temp:
                                raise ValueError(
                                    'Temporary value used cannot be generated '
                                    'in the workflkow: %s.%s'
                                    % (job_name, param_name))
                        _translated_path(value, shared_map, shared_paths,

        # Get the process command line
        process_cmdline = process.get_commandline()
        # and replace in commandline
        iproc_transfers = transfers[0].get(process, {})
        oproc_transfers = transfers[1].get(process, {})
        #proc_transfers = dict(iproc_transfers)
        _replace_in_list(process_cmdline, temp_map)
        _replace_in_list(process_cmdline, shared_map)
            process_cmdline, process, iproc_transfers, oproc_transfers)

        # Return the soma-workflow job
        job = swclient.Job(
                =input_replaced_paths \
                    + [x[0] for x in iproc_transfers.values()],
                =output_replaced_paths \
                    + [x[0] for x in oproc_transfers.values()],
        if step_name:
            job.user_storage = step_name
        return job

    def build_group(name, jobs):
        """ Create a group of jobs

        name: str (mandatory)
            the group name
        jobs: list of Job (mandatory)
            the jobs we want to insert in the group

        group: Group
            the soma-workflow Group instance
        return swclient.Group(jobs, name=name)

    def get_jobs(group, groups):
        gqueue = list(group.elements)
        jobs = []
        while gqueue:
            group_or_job = gqueue.pop(0)
            if group_or_job in groups:
                gqueue += group_or_job.elements
        return jobs

    def assign_temporary_filenames(pipeline, count_start=0):
        ''' Find and temporarily assign necessary temporary file names'''
        temp_filenames = pipeline.find_empty_parameters()
        temp_map = {}
        count = count_start
        for node, plug_name, optional in temp_filenames:
            if hasattr(node, 'process'):
                process = node.process
                process = node
            trait = process.trait(plug_name)
            is_list = isinstance(trait.trait_type, List)
            values = []
            if is_list:
                todo = getattr(process, plug_name)
                trait = trait.inner_traits[0]
                todo = [Undefined]
            for item in todo:
                if item not in (Undefined, '', None):
                    # non-empty list element
                is_directory = isinstance(trait.trait_type, Directory)
                if trait.allowed_extensions:
                    suffix = trait.allowed_extensions[0]
                    suffix = ''
                swf_tmp = swclient.TemporaryPath(is_directory=is_directory,
                tmp_file = TempFile('%d' % count)
                count += 1
                temp_map[tmp_file] = (swf_tmp, node, plug_name, optional)
            # set a TempFile value to identify the params / value
            if is_list:
                setattr(process, plug_name, values)
                setattr(process, plug_name, values[0])
        return temp_map

    def restore_empty_filenames(temporary_map):
      ''' Set back Undefined values to temporarily assigned file names (using
      for tmp_file, item in six.iteritems(temporary_map):
          node, plug_name = item[1:3]
          if hasattr(node, 'process'):
              process = node.process
              process = node
          value = getattr(process, plug_name)
          if isinstance(value, list):
              # FIXME TODO: only restore values in list which correspond to
              # a temporary.
              # Problem: they are sometimes transformed into strings
              # FIXME: several temp items can be part of the same list,
              # so this assignment is likely to be done several times.
              # It could probably be optimized.
              # WARNING: we set "" values instead of Undefined because they may
              # be mandatory
              setattr(process, plug_name, [''] * len(value))
              setattr(process, plug_name, Undefined)

    def _get_swf_paths(study_config):
        computing_resource = getattr(
            study_config, 'somaworkflow_computing_resource', None)
        if computing_resource in (None, Undefined):
            return [], {}
        resources_conf = getattr(
            study_config, 'somaworkflow_computing_resources_config', None)
        if resources_conf in (None, Undefined):
            return [], {}
        resource_conf = getattr(resources_conf, computing_resource, None)
        if resource_conf in (None, Undefined):
            return [], {}
        return (resource_conf.transfer_paths,

    def _propagate_transfer(node, param, path, output, transfers,
        todo_plugs = [(node, param, output)]
        done_plugs = set()
        while todo_plugs:
            node, param, output = todo_plugs.pop()
            plug = node.plugs[param]
            is_pipeline = False
            if plug is None or not plug.enabled or not plug.activated \
                    or plug in done_plugs:
            if isinstance(node, Switch):
                if output:
                    # propagate to active input
                    other_param = node.switch + '_switch_' + param
                    #plug = node.plugs[input_param]
                    other_param = param[len(node.switch + '_switch_'):]
                    #other_plug = node.plugs[other_param]
                todo_plugs.append((node, other_param, not output))
                process = node.process
                if hasattr(process, 'nodes'):
                    is_pipeline = True
                    #plug = process.nodes[''].plugs.get(param)
                    # process: replace its param
                    # check trait type (must be File or Directory, not Any)
                    trait = process.user_traits()[param]
                    #plug = node.plugs[param]
                    if isinstance(trait.trait_type, File) \
                            or isinstance(trait.trait_type, Directory):
                        transfers[bool(trait.output)].setdefault(process, {})[
                            param] = (transfer_item, path)
                    #output = not output # invert IO status

            #if plug is None or not plug.enabled or not plug.activated \
                    #or plug in done_plugs:
            if output:
                links = plug.links_to
                links = plug.links_from
            for proc_name, param_name, node, other_plug, act in links:
                if not node.activated or not node.enabled \
                        or not other_plug.activated or not other_plug.enabled \
                        or other_plug in done_plugs:
                todo_plugs.append((node, param_name, not output))
            if is_pipeline:
                # in a pipeline node, go both directions
                if output:
                    links = plug.links_from
                    links = plug.links_to
                for proc_name, param_name, node, plug, act in links:
                    if not node.activated or not node.enabled \
                            or not plug.activated or not plug.enabled \
                            or plug in done_plugs:
                    todo_plugs.append((node, param_name, output))

    def _get_transfers(pipeline, transfer_paths, merged_formats):
        """ Create and list FileTransfer objects needed in the pipeline.

        pipeline: Pipeline
            pipeline to build workflow for
        transfer_paths: list
            paths basedirs for translations from soma-worflow config

        [in_transfers, out_transfers]
        each of which is a dict: { Process: proc_dict }
            proc_dict is a dict: { file_path : FileTransfer object }
        FileTransfer objects are reused when referring to the same path
        used from different processes within the pipeline.
        in_transfers = {}
        out_transfers = {}
        transfers = [in_transfers, out_transfers]
        todo_nodes = [pipeline.pipeline_node]
        while todo_nodes:
            node = todo_nodes.pop(0)
            if hasattr(node, 'process'):
                process = node.process
                process = node
            for param, trait in six.iteritems(process.user_traits()):
                if isinstance(trait.trait_type, File) \
                        or isinstance(trait.trait_type, Directory) \
                        or type(trait.trait_type) is Any:
                    # is value in paths
                    path = getattr(process, param)
                    if path is None or path is Undefined:
                    output = bool(trait.output)
                    existing_transfers = transfers[output].get(process, {})
                    existing_transfer = existing_transfers.get(param)
                    if existing_transfer:
                    for tpath in transfer_paths:
                        if path.startswith(os.path.join(tpath, '')):
                            transfer_item = swclient.FileTransfer(
                                is_input=not output,
                            _propagate_transfer(node, param,
                                                path, not output, transfers,
            if hasattr(process, 'nodes'):
                todo_nodes += [sub_node
                               for name, sub_node
                                  in six.iteritems(process.nodes)
                               if name != ''
                                  and not isinstance(sub_node, Switch)]
        return transfers

    def _expand_nodes(nodes):
        '''Expands the nodes list or set to leaf nodes by replacing pipeline
        nodes by their children list.

        set of leaf nodes.
        nodes_list = list(nodes)
        expanded_nodes = set()
        while nodes_list:
            node = nodes_list.pop(0)
            if not hasattr(node, 'process'):
                continue # switch or something
            if isinstance(node.process, Pipeline):
                nodes_list.extend([p for p
                                   in six.itervalues(node.process.nodes)
                                   if p is not node])
        return expanded_nodes

    def _handle_disable_nodes(pipeline, temp_map, transfers, disabled_nodes):
        '''Take into account disabled nodes by changing FileTransfer outputs
        for such nodes to inputs, and recording output temporary files, so as
        to ensure that missing temporary outputs will not be used later in
        the workflow.

        disabled_nodes should be a list, or preferably a set, of leaf process
        nodes. Use _expand_nodes() if needed before calling
        move_to_input = {}
        remove_temp = set()
        for node in disabled_nodes:
            if not hasattr(node, 'process'):
                continue # switch or something else
            process = node.process
            otrans = transfers[1].get(process, None)
            for param, trait in six.iteritems(process.user_traits()):
                if trait.output and (isinstance(trait.trait_type, File) \
                        or isinstance(trait.trait_type, Directory) \
                        or type(trait.trait_type) is Any):
                    path = getattr(process, param)
                    if otrans is not None:
                        transfer, path2 = otrans.get(param, (None, None))
                        transfer = None
                    if transfer is not None:
                        print('transfered output path:', path,
                              'from: %s.%s changes to input.'
                              % (, param))
                        move_to_input[path] = transfer
                        transfer.initial_status \
                            = swclient.constants.FILES_ON_CLIENT
                    elif path in temp_map:
                        print('temp path in: %s.%s will not be produced.'
                              % (, param))
        return move_to_input, remove_temp

    def iter_to_workflow(process, node_name, step_name, temp_map,
                         shared_map, transfers, shared_paths,
                         disabled_nodes, remove_temp,
                         steps, study_config, iteration):
        Build a workflow for a single iteration step of a process/sub-pipeline

        is called for each iteration by build_iteration()

        (jobs, dependencies, groups, root_jobs)
        if isinstance(process, Pipeline):
            temp_map2 = assign_temporary_filenames(process, len(temp_map))
            temp_subst_list = [(x1, x2[0]) for x1, x2
                                  in six.iteritems(temp_map2)]
            temp_subst_map = dict(temp_subst_list)
                graph = process.workflow_graph()
                (jobs, dependencies, groups, sub_root_jobs) = \
                        graph, temp_subst_map, shared_map, transfers,
                        shared_paths, disabled_nodes=disabled_nodes,
                        forbidden_temp=remove_temp, steps=steps,
                group = build_group(node_name, six_values(sub_root_jobs))
                groups[(process, iteration)] = group
                root_jobs = {(process, iteration): group}
        elif isinstance(process, ProcessIteration):
            # sub-iteration
            return build_iteration(process, step_name, study_config)
            # single process
            job = build_job(process, temp_map, shared_map,
                            transfers, shared_paths,
            jobs = {(process, iteration): job}
            groups = {}
            dependencies = {}
            root_jobs = {(process, iteration): job}

        return (jobs, dependencies, groups, root_jobs)

    def build_iteration(it_process, step_name, temp_map,
                        shared_map, transfers, shared_paths, disabled_nodes,
                        remove_temp, steps, study_config={}):
        Build workflow for an iterative process: the process / sub-pipeline is
        filled with appropriate parameters for each iteration, and its
        workflow is generated.

        (jobs, dependencies, groups, root_jobs)
        no_output_value = None
        size = None
        size_error = False
        for parameter in it_process.iterative_parameters:
            trait = it_process.trait(parameter)
            psize = len(getattr(it_process, parameter))
            if psize:
                if size is None:
                    size = psize
                elif size != psize:
                    size_error = True
                if trait.output:
                    if no_output_value is None:
                        no_output_value = False
                    elif no_output_value:
                        size_error = True
                if trait.output:
                    if no_output_value is None:
                        no_output_value = True
                    elif not no_output_value:
                        size_error = True
                    if size is None:
                        size = psize
                    elif size != psize:
                        size_error = True

        if size_error:
            raise ValueError('Iterative parameter values must be lists of the '
                'same size: %s' % ','.join('%s=%d'
                    % (n, len(getattr(it_process, n)))
                    for n in it_process.iterative_parameters))

        jobs = {}
        workflows = []
        for parameter in it_process.regular_parameters:
            setattr(it_process.process, parameter,
                    getattr(it_process, parameter))

        jobs = {}
        dependencies = set()
        groups = {}
        root_jobs = {}

        if size == 0:
            return (jobs, dependencies, groups, root_jobs)

        if no_output_value:
            # this case is a "really" dynamic iteration, the number of
            # iterations and parameters are determined in runtime, so we
            # cannot handle it at the moment.
            raise ValueError('Dynamic iteration is not handled in this '
                'version of CAPSUL / Soma-Workflow')

            for parameter in it_process.iterative_parameters:
                trait = it_process.trait(parameter)
                if trait.output:
                    setattr(it_process, parameter, [])
            outputs = {}
            for iteration in xrange(size):
                for parameter in it_process.iterative_parameters:
                    if not no_output_value \
                            or not it_process.trait(parameter).output:
                        setattr(it_process.process, parameter,
                                getattr(it_process, parameter)[iteration])

                # operate completion
                complete_iteration(it_process, iteration)

                #workflow = workflow_from_pipeline(it_process.process,

                for parameter in it_process.iterative_parameters:
                    trait = it_process.trait(parameter)
                    if trait.output:
            for parameter, value in six.iteritems(outputs):
                setattr(it_process, parameter, value)
            for iteration in xrange(size):
                for parameter in it_process.iterative_parameters:
                    setattr(it_process.process, parameter,
                            getattr(it_process, parameter)[iteration])

                # operate completion
                complete_iteration(it_process, iteration)

                process_name = + '_%d' % iteration
                (sub_jobs, sub_dependencies, sub_groups, sub_root_jobs) = \
                    iter_to_workflow(it_process.process, process_name,
                        temp_map, shared_map, transfers,
                        shared_paths, disabled_nodes, remove_temp, steps,
                        study_config, iteration)
                jobs.update(dict([((p, iteration), j)
                                  for p, j in six.iteritems(sub_jobs)]))

        return (jobs, dependencies, groups, root_jobs)

    def complete_iteration(it_process, iteration):
        completion_engine = ProcessCompletionEngine.get_completion_engine(
        # check if it is an iterative completion engine
        if hasattr(completion_engine, 'complete_iteration_step'):

    def workflow_from_graph(graph, temp_map={}, shared_map={},
                            transfers=[{}, {}], shared_paths={},
                            disabled_nodes=set(), forbidden_temp=set(),
                            jobs_priority=0, steps={}, current_step='',
        """ Convert a CAPSUL graph to a soma-workflow workflow

        graph: Graph (mandatory)
            a CAPSUL graph
        temp_map: dict (optional)
            temporary files to replace by soma_workflow TemporaryPath objects
        shared_map: dict (optional)
            shared translated paths maps (global to pipeline).
            This dict is updated when needed during the process.
        transfers: list of 2 dicts (optional)
            File transfers dicts (input / ouput), indexed by process, then by
            file path.
        shared_paths: dict (optional)
            holds information about shared resource paths from soma-worflow
            section in study config.
            If not specified, no translation will be used.
        jobs_priority: int (optional, default: 0)
            set this priority on soma-workflow jobs.
        steps: dict (optional)
            node name -> step name dict
        current_step: str (optional)
            the parent node step name
        study_config: StydyConfig instance (optional)
            used only for iterative nodes, to be passed to create sub-workflows

        workflow: tuple (jobs, dependencies, groups, root_jobs)
            the corresponding soma-workflow workflow definition (to be passed
            to Workflow constructor)
        jobs = {}
        groups = {}
        root_jobs = {}
        dependencies = set()
        group_nodes = {}

        ordered_nodes = graph.topological_sort()
        proc_keys = dict([(node[1] if isinstance(node[1], Graph)
                              else node[1][0].process, i)
                           for i, node in enumerate(ordered_nodes)])

        # Go through all graph nodes
        for node_name, node in six.iteritems(graph._nodes):
            # If the the node meta is a Graph store it
            if isinstance(node.meta, Graph):
                group_nodes[node_name] = node
            # Otherwise convert all the processes in meta as jobs
                sub_jobs = {}
                for pipeline_node in node.meta:
                    process = pipeline_node.process
                    if pipeline_node in disabled_nodes:
                    step_name = current_step or steps.get(
                    if isinstance(process, ProcessIteration):
                        # iterative node
                            node_name, []).append(pipeline_node)
                    elif (not isinstance(process, Pipeline) and
                            isinstance(process, Process)):
                        job = build_job(process, temp_map, shared_map,
                                        transfers, shared_paths,
                        sub_jobs[process] = job
                        root_jobs[process] = [job]
                        #node.job = job

        # Recurrence on graph node
        for node_name, node in six.iteritems(group_nodes):
            if isinstance(node, list):
                # iterative nodes
                for i, it_node in enumerate(node):
                    process = it_node.process
                    sub_workflows = build_iteration(
                        process, step_name, temp_map,
                        shared_map, transfers, shared_paths, disabled_nodes,
                        {}, steps, study_config={})
                    (sub_jobs, sub_deps, sub_groups, sub_root_jobs) = \
                    group = build_group(node_name, six_values(sub_root_jobs))
                    groups.setdefault(process, []).append(group)
                    root_jobs.setdefault(process, []).append(group)
                # sub-pipeline
                wf_graph = node.meta
                step_name = current_step or steps.get(node_name, '')
                (sub_jobs, sub_deps, sub_groups, sub_root_jobs) \
                    = workflow_from_graph(
                        wf_graph, temp_map, shared_map, transfers,
                        shared_paths, disabled_nodes,
                        steps=steps, current_step=step_name)
                group = build_group(node_name, six_values(sub_root_jobs))
                groups[node.meta] = group
                root_jobs[node.meta] = [group]

        # Add dependencies between a source job and destination jobs
        for node_name, node in six.iteritems(graph._nodes):
            # Source job
            if isinstance(node.meta, list):
                if isinstance(node.meta[0].process, ProcessIteration):
                    sjobs = groups.get(node.meta[0].process)
                    if not sjobs:
                        continue # disabled
                elif node.meta[0].process in jobs:
                    sjobs = [jobs[node.meta[0].process]]
                    continue # disabled node
                sjobs = [groups[node.meta]]
            # Destination jobs
            for dnode in node.links_to:
                if isinstance(dnode.meta, list):
                    if isinstance(dnode.meta[0].process, ProcessIteration):
                        djobs = groups.get(dnode.meta[0].process)
                        if not djobs:
                            continue # disabled
                    elif dnode.meta[0].process in jobs:
                        djobs = [jobs[dnode.meta[0].process]]
                        continue # disabled node
                    djobs = groups[dnode.meta]
                    if not isinstance(djobs, list):
                        djobs = [djobs]
                for djob in djobs:
                    dependencies.update([(sjob, djob) for sjob in sjobs])

        # sort root jobs/groups
        root_jobs_list = []
        for p, js in six.iteritems(root_jobs):
            root_jobs_list.extend([(proc_keys[p], p, j) for j in js])
        root_jobs = OrderedDict([x[1:] for x in root_jobs_list])
        return jobs, dependencies, groups, root_jobs

    def _create_directories_job(pipeline, shared_map={}, shared_paths={},
                                priority=0, transfer_paths=[]):
        def _is_transfer(d, transfer_paths):
            for path in transfer_paths:
                if d.startswith(os.path.join(path, '')):
                    return True
            return False

        directories = [d
                       for d in pipeline_tools.get_output_directories(
                       if not _is_transfer(d, transfer_paths)]
        if len(directories) == 0:
            return None # no dirs to create.
        paths = []
        # check for path translations
        for path in directories:
            new_path = _translated_path(path, shared_map, shared_paths)
            paths.append(new_path or path)
        # use a python command to avoid the shell command mkdir
        cmdline = ['python', '-c',
                   'import sys, os; [os.makedirs(p) if not os.path.exists(p) '
                   'else None '
                   'for p in sys.argv[1:]]'] \
                  + paths

        job = swclient.Job(
            name='output directories creation',
        return job

    # TODO: handle formats in a separate, centralized place
    # formats: {name: ext_props}
    #     ext_props: {ext: [dependent_exts]}
    #     dependent_exts: (ext, mandatory)
    formats = {
        'NIFTI-1': {'.nii': [], '.img': [('.hdr', True)], '.nii.gz': []},
        'GIS': {'.ima': [('.dim', True)]},
        'GIFTI': {'.gii': []},
        'MESH': {'.mesh': []},
        'ARG': {'.arg': [('.data', False)]},
    # transform it to an ext-based dict
    # merged_formats: {ext: [dependent_exts]}
    # (formats names are lost here)
    merged_formats = {}
    for format, values in six.iteritems(formats):

    if study_config is None:
        study_config = pipeline.get_study_config()

    if not isinstance(pipeline, Pipeline):
        # "pipeline" is actally a single process (or should, if it is not a
        # pipeline). Get it into a pipeine (with a single node) to make the
        # workflow.
        new_pipeline = Pipeline()
        new_pipeline.add_process('main', pipeline)
        pipeline = new_pipeline
    temp_map = assign_temporary_filenames(pipeline)
    temp_subst_list = [(x1, x2[0]) for x1, x2 in six.iteritems(temp_map)]
    temp_subst_map = dict(temp_subst_list)
    shared_map = {}

    swf_paths = _get_swf_paths(study_config)
    transfers = _get_transfers(pipeline, swf_paths[0], merged_formats)
    #print('disabling nodes:', disabled_nodes)
    # get complete list of disabled leaf nodes
    if disabled_nodes is None:
        disabled_nodes = pipeline.disabled_pipeline_steps_nodes()
    disabled_nodes = disabled_nodes \
        + [name for name, node in six.iteritems(pipeline.nodes)
           if node.node_type != 'processing_node'
              and name not in disabled_nodes]
    disabled_nodes = _expand_nodes(disabled_nodes)
    move_to_input, remove_temp = _handle_disable_nodes(
        pipeline, temp_subst_map, transfers, disabled_nodes)
    #print('changed transfers:', move_to_input)
    #print('removed temp:', remove_temp)
    #print('temp_map:', temp_map, '\n')
    #print('SWF transfers:', swf_paths[0])
    #print('shared paths:', swf_paths[1])

    if create_directories:
        # create job
        dirs_job = _create_directories_job(
            pipeline, shared_map=shared_map, shared_paths=swf_paths[1],

    # build steps map
    steps = {}
    if hasattr(pipeline, 'pipeline_steps'):
        for step_name, step \
                in six.iteritems(pipeline.pipeline_steps.user_traits()):
            nodes = step.nodes
            steps.update(dict([(node, step_name) for node in nodes]))

    # Get a graph
        graph = pipeline.workflow_graph()
        (jobs, dependencies, groups, root_jobs) = workflow_from_graph(
            graph, temp_subst_map, shared_map, transfers, swf_paths[1],
            disabled_nodes=disabled_nodes, forbidden_temp=remove_temp,
            steps=steps, study_config=study_config)

    all_jobs = six_values(jobs)
    root_jobs = six_values(root_jobs)

    # if directories have to be created, all other primary jobs will depend
    # on this first one
    if create_directories and dirs_job is not None:
        dependend_jobs = set()
        for dependency in dependencies:
        new_deps = [(dirs_job, job) for job in all_jobs
                    if job not in dependend_jobs]
        all_jobs.insert(0, dirs_job)
        root_jobs.insert(0, dirs_job)

    workflow = swclient.Workflow(jobs=all_jobs,

    return workflow