def beatboss(): global mode, bosses, hazards, ships, stage, atboss, quitting for b in bosses: b.hp = -10000 bosses = [] hazards = [] for s in ships: if s is not player: s.hp = -10000 player.falling = True setmode("reset") del hq[:] del sq[:] del eq[:] sound.playsound("killboss") if stage < 4: addtext("Stage Complete") stage += 1 atboss = False save() else: addtext("The passage is safe...") addtext("...for today.") addtext("Thanks for playing!") quitting = True
def land(self): self.z = self.vz = = 0 self.njump = 0 sound.playsound("splash") state.addsplash(self) if not settings.lowres: state.addsplash(self)
def jump(self, f=1): if self.njump >= self.jumps: return self.njump += 1 self.vz = 12 * f = -30 self.z = max(self.z, 0) sound.playsound("jump")
def addhp(dhp): player.hp += dhp sound.playsound("heal") if player.hp > hpmax: player.hp = hpmax player.tblitz = 5 else: addheal(player)
def hurt(self, dhp=1): self.hp -= dhp self.flashtime = self.tflash if self.hp <= 0: self.die() else: sound.playsound("hurt") if self.smokes: state.addsmoke(self, self.smokes)
def fire(self): if self.cooltime > 0: return False state.projectiles.append(self.shottype(self, self.cannons[self.cannontick])) sound.playsound("shoot") self.cannontick += 1 self.cannontick %= len(self.cannons) self.cooltime = self.tcooldown if self.tblitz: self.cooltime /= 10
def hurt(self, dhp): if self.form == 0 or self.form == 2: return if self.form == 1 and self.hp <= 1: sound.playsound("killboss") self.form = 2 self.vz = -1 = 0 self.z = 0 return Boss.hurt(self, dhp)
def gameover(): sound.playsound("gameover") setmode("gameover") addtext("Game over") addtext("Continuing...") effects.extend([thing.Slinker(s) for s in ships if s is not player]) del ships[:] effects.extend([thing.Slinker(h) for h in hazards]) del hazards[:] del hq[:] del sq[:]
def fire(self): if self.cooltime > 0: return False state.projectiles.append( self.shottype(self, self.cannons[self.cannontick])) sound.playsound("shoot") self.cannontick += 1 self.cannontick %= len(self.cannons) self.cooltime = self.tcooldown if self.tblitz: self.cooltime /= 10
def think(self, dt): Boss.think(self, dt) if self.form == 0 and self.z > 0 and self.vz > 0: self.z = self.vz = 0 self.form = 1 if self.form == 2 and self.z < -5 and self.vz < 0: self.vz = 8 self.hp = self.hp0 self.kx = 10 self.betax = 0.25 self.firetime = 0.1 sound.playsound("addboss") if self.form == 2 and self.z > 5 and self.vz > 0: self.vz, self.z = 0, 5 self.form = 3
def main(): def readCSV(): fileName='thoughts.csv' with open(fileName) as csvfile: readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\n') finished=[] for row in readCSV: finished.append(row) return finished while True: file = readCSV() randIndex = r(0, (len(file)-1)) s('cls') if input("Do you want to think some more? ") == "y": print(file[randIndex][0]) playsound("music.mp3")
def addboss(): global mode, bosses, atboss, ships setmode("boss") atboss = True sound.playmusic(tunes[(stage, True)]) sound.playsound("addboss") save() ships = [player] player.hp = hpmax if stage == 1: bosses = [boss.Boss1((20, yc + 20, 0), 12)] ships.extend(bosses) ships.extend([ ship.Blockade(0, 4, 11, 0.7), ]) # bosses = [boss.Boss((20, yc + 20, 0), 8)] elif stage == 2: bosses = [boss.Balloon((0, yc, 4.5), 14)] ships.extend(bosses) elif stage == 3: bosses = [ boss.Bosslet((20, yc + 20, 0), 10), boss.Bosslet((-20, yc + 20, 0), 11), boss.Bosslet((-30, yc + 20, 0), 12), boss.Bosslet((30, yc + 20, 0), 13), ] ships.extend(bosses) ships.extend([ ship.Blockade(2, 3, 9.5, 1), ship.Blockade(-2, 3, 10.5, 1.2), ship.Blockade(0, 4, 12.5, 0.7), ]) elif stage == 4: bosses = [ boss.Ghost((0, yc + 20, 0), 15), ] ships.extend(bosses)
def menu(stats): os.system('cls') colors = ['yellow', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white'] with open('assets/logo.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f: print('\n') print(color(, random.choice(colors), margin=False)) games_played = stats['wins'] + stats['losses'] if games_played != 0: win_ratio = stats['wins'] / games_played * 100 win_ratio = int(win_ratio * 10) / 10 else: win_ratio = '?' print(color(f'Games played: {games_played}', 'cyan'), color(f'Wins: {stats["wins"]}', 'green'), color(f'Losses: {stats["losses"]}', 'red'), color(f'Win ratio: {win_ratio}%', 'yellow')) playsound('theme')
def get_guess(): # return input if character is a letter of alphabet or "?" while True: try: guess = input('\tGuess a letter (? for hint): ')[0] guess = unidecode.unidecode(guess).upper() except IndexError: continue if guess == '?': if hints < 0: print(color('You ran out of hints!', 'red')) playsound('wrong') continue elif guess.isalpha(): if guess in guessed_letters: print(color('You already guessed this letter!', 'red')) playsound('wrong') continue else: continue return guess
def die(self): Ship.die(self) sound.playsound("kill")
print(color(f'Losses: {losses}', 'red')) # <= info print() print(color(f'> {" ".join(guessed_word)} <', 'yellow')) print('\n') # check if player lost or won if guessed_word == word: wins += 1 won = True add_word(word) print(color(f'You won!\n', 'green')) playsound('win') break if lives == 0: losses += 1 add_word(word) print( color('You lost!', 'red'), color(f'\n\tThe word is {word}', 'yellow'), color('\n\tThis person died because of your incompetency...\n', 'red')) playsound('loss') break
from sound import playsound playsound('bass.wav')
def main(): def moveMouse(): constThing = 128 for y in range(int((a.screen.size()[1]) / constThing)): for x in range(int((a.screen.size()[0]) / constThing)): a.mouse.smooth_move(x * constThing, y * constThing, duration=0.01) def verifyStart(): return p.confirm( text= "Do you have a video open that you want to SMASH the Like and Notification Button?", buttons=["Yes", "No"]) def findLikeAndNotification(theme, type): if theme == "light" or theme == "1" or theme == "l": if type == 0: likePosition = p.locateOnScreen('likeLight.png') notificationPosition = p.locateOnScreen('bellLight.png') elif type == 1: likePosition = p.locateOnScreen('likeLightAlt.png') notificationPosition = p.locateOnScreen('bellLightAlt.png') else: raise Exception("image type is not valid") elif theme == "dark" or theme == "2" or theme == "d": if type == 0: likePosition = p.locateOnScreen('likeDark.png') notificationPosition = p.locateOnScreen('bellDark.png') elif type == 1: likePosition = p.locateOnScreen('likeDarkAlt.png') notificationPosition = p.locateOnScreen('bellDarkAlt.png') else: raise Exception("image type is not valid") else: raise Exception('theme is not "dark" or "light"') return likePosition, notificationPosition if verifyStart() == "Yes": a.alert.alert( "To ensure maximum epicness, please hover your mouse over the like button, then press enter" ) mouseLikeX, mouseLikeY = p.position() a.alert.alert("Now over the notifcation button, then press enter") mouseNotificationX, mouseNotificationY = p.position() theme = input( "Are you using light or dark theme youtube?\n1.light\n2.dark\n") a.alert.alert("Scanning Screen...") moveMouse() sleep(0.5) likePosition, notificationPosition = findLikeAndNotification(theme, 0) if likePosition == None or notificationPosition == None: likePosition, notificationPosition = findLikeAndNotification( theme, 1) if likePosition == None or notificationPosition == None: # This block executes if photo recognition didn't work at all, and it is using the mouse positions previously captured print(likePosition, notificationPosition) likeX, likeY = notificationX, notificationY = print(likeX, likeY) print(notificationX, notificationY) a.mouse.smooth_move(likeX, likeY) playsound('bass.wav') a.mouse.smooth_move(notificationX, notificationY) playsound("bass.wav") a.alert.alert("Buttons have been SMASHED!") # If this else block executes means that the first photos didn't work and the program tried to use the alternative photos else: print(likePosition, notificationPosition) likeX, likeY = notificationX, notificationY = print(likeX, likeY) print(notificationX, notificationY) a.mouse.smooth_move(likeX, likeY) playsound('bass.wav') a.mouse.smooth_move(notificationX, notificationY) playsound("bass.wav") a.alert.alert("Buttons have been SMASHED!") # If this else block executes means that the photo position recognition worked the first time! else: print(likePosition, notificationPosition) likeX, likeY = notificationX, notificationY = print(likeX, likeY) print(notificationX, notificationY) a.mouse.smooth_move(likeX, likeY) playsound('bass.wav') a.mouse.smooth_move(notificationX, notificationY) playsound("bass.wav") a.alert.alert("Buttons have been SMASHED!") else: a.alert.alert( "WELL THEN GO OPEN UP A VIDEO THAT YOU WANT TO SMASH THE LIKE AND NOTIFICATION BUTTONS!" )
def restorehealth(): if player.hp < hpmax: sound.playsound("heal") player.hp = hpmax
def draw_screen(stdscr): # Clear and refresh the screen for a blank canvas stdscr.clear() stdscr.refresh() stdscr.nodelay(1) # Start colors in curses curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) while 1: # Initialization stdscr.clear() height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx() # Title String title = "PhysFilm Makers"[:width - 1] # Get current value of current, voltage and power I, V, P = get_readings() I = round(I, 2) V = round(V, 1) if I > 0.3: playsound(FREQUENCY=int(600 * (1 + I))) # Declaration of strings sub1 = "Current : {0:5.3f} mA".format(I) sub2 = "Voltage : {0:5.3f} V ".format(V) sub3 = "Power : {0:5.3f} mW".format(P) statusbarstr = "Press '<Esc>' or 'q' to exit" # Centering calculations start_x_title = int((width // 2) - (len(title) // 2) - len(title) % 2) start_x_subtitle = int((width // 2) - (len(sub1) // 2) - len(sub1) % 2) start_y = int((height // 2) - 2) # Render status bar stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(3)) stdscr.addstr(height - 1, 0, statusbarstr) stdscr.addstr( height - 1, len(statusbarstr), " " * (width - len(statusbarstr) - 1), ) stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(3)) # Turning on attributes for title stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(2)) stdscr.attron(curses.A_BOLD) # Rendering title stdscr.addstr(start_y, start_x_title, title) # Turning off attributes for title stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(2)) stdscr.attroff(curses.A_BOLD) # Print rest of text stdscr.addstr(start_y + 1, (width // 2) - 10, '-' * 20) stdscr.addstr(start_y + 2, start_x_subtitle, sub1) stdscr.addstr(start_y + 3, start_x_subtitle, sub2) stdscr.addstr(start_y + 4, start_x_subtitle, sub3) stdscr.addstr(start_y + 5, (width // 2) - 10, '-' * 20) # Refresh the screen stdscr.move(0, 0) key = stdscr.getch() if key == 27 or key == ord('q'): curses.echo() curses.nocbreak() curses.endwin() break stdscr.refresh()
from sound import playsound playsound('music.mp3')