def capture_1sec(self): # duration = 1 sec hence 1 x self.audio_sampling_rate = self.audio_sampling_rate one_sec_record = b'' try: one_sec_record = sounddevice.rec(self.audio_sampling_rate) except sounddevice.PortAudioError as err: print("Error reading device", print(err) return one_sec_record[0]
def rec(fs, fn): sd.default.samplerate = fs sd.default.dtype = "int16" # fixme: uint? sd.default.channels = 1 duration = 10 X = sd.rec(duration * fs) X = (X.T)[0] sd.wait() write("e.wav", fs, X)
def run_test(time): duration = time # seconds fs = 48000 sd.default.samplerate = fs audio = sd.rec(duration * fs, channels=2, dtype="float64") sd.wait() combs = {} for pair in combinations(range(audio.shape[1]), 2): if not pair[0] in combs: combs[pair[0]] = {} shift = _compute_shift(audio[:, pair[1]], audio[:, pair[0]]) combs[pair[0]][pair[1]] = shift / (fs / 1000) return combs
def offline(): print("Offline analysis") duration = 5 # seconds fs = 48000 sd.default.samplerate = fs audio = sd.rec(duration * fs, channels=2, dtype="float64") sd.wait() print(" [{} channels, {:.2f} sec. {} Hz]".format(audio.shape[1], audio.shape[0] / fs, fs)) for pair in combinations(range(audio.shape[1]), 2): print(" Ch. {} -> {}:".format(*pair), end='') shift = _compute_shift(audio[:, pair[1]], audio[:, pair[0]]) print(" {:>5} sample(s) [{:>7,.3f} ms]".format(shift, shift / (fs / 1000))) sd.wait()
def audio_sample_generator(duration=10, sample_rate=2000): """ Yields a series of audio recordings from the system microphone. Args: duration (float): Time in seconds for each recording. sample_rate (float): Sample rate in Hz. Yields: numpy array: 1-d numpy array of audio data as int16 samples. """ samples = int(duration * sample_rate) while True: recording = sounddevice.rec(samples, samplerate=sample_rate, channels=1, dtype='int16') sounddevice.wait() yield recording[:, 0]
def record_sample(duration=3,samplerate=22050,channels=1,blocking=False): """ An optionally blocking method used to start the recording of a sample. Parameters: ----------- duration : int The length in seconds to record samplerate : int The number of samplesa per second to record at channels : int The number of channels to be used during recording blocking : bool True if method should block until it completes. False otherwise. """ sample=sd.rec(duration * samplerate, samplerate=samplerate, channels=channels, dtype='int16') if blocking == True: sd.wait() return sample
def check_play_audio(): print("") print("Recording Audio") print("===============") print("") print( "This test checks that we can record audio and that you can hear the recording." ) while True: print("") device_strings = sd.query_devices() default_input_index = sd.default.device[0] default_device_string = device_strings[default_input_index]["name"] print("Selected input device:", default_device_string) max_input_channels = device_strings[default_input_index][ "max_input_channels"] print("Maximum number of input channels:", max_input_channels) print( "\nWhen you are ready to record, press enter. Recording will start immediately" ) print("and last for three seconds.") user_input = input() print("\nRecording for three seconds...") duration = 3 # seconds samples_per_second = 48000 samples_to_record = duration * samples_per_second channels = max_input_channels audio = sd.rec(samples_to_record, samplerate=samples_per_second, channels=channels) sd.wait() print("") default_output_index = sd.default.device[1] default_device_string = device_strings[default_output_index]["name"] print("Selected output device:", default_device_string) print("Playing back recording..."), samples_per_second) print("\nCan you hear your recording?") print( "Type 'y' followed by enter if you can hear the recording correctly." ) print("") print( "If you can't hear your recording then try again, but next time speak more loudly." ) print( "If your micophone has an 'on' switch, make sure it's turned on.") print("Check the sound input settings on your operating system.") print("") print( "To stop playback, and to indicate that this check has failed, just press enter." ) print("To repeat this check, type 'r' and then enter.") user_input = input() if len(user_input) >= 1 and (user_input[0] == "y" or user_input[0] == "Y"): print("Check passed.") return True elif len(user_input) >= 1 and (user_input[0] == "r" or user_input[0] == "R"): print("Repeating test.") else: print("Check failed.") return False
def on_hold(seconds=5): fs = 44100 myrecording = sd.rec(int(seconds * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=2) sd.wait() # Wait until recording is finished return write('output.wav', fs, myrecording)
screenHight = 500 screen = pygame.display.set_mode([screenWitdh, screenHight]) # Run until the user asks to quit running = True while running: # Did the user click the window close button? for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # Fill the background with black screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) myrecording = sd.rec(int(duration * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=1) sd.wait() N = len(myrecording) X = np.fft.rfft(myrecording) mul = 11**5 # calculating energi for the signal h1 = mul * (np.real((1 / 1795) * np.sum((X[0 * 1795:1 * 1795]**2)))) h2 = mul * (np.real((1 / 1795) * np.sum((X[1 * 1795:2 * 1795]**2)))) h3 = mul * (np.real((1 / 1795) * np.sum((X[2 * 1795:3 * 1795]**2)))) h4 = mul * (np.real((1 / 1795) * np.sum((X[3 * 1795:4 * 1795]**2)))) h5 = mul * (np.real((1 / 1795) * np.sum((X[4 * 1795:5 * 1795]**2)))) h6 = mul * (np.real((1 / 1795) * np.sum((X[5 * 1795:6 * 1795]**2)))) h7 = mul * (np.real((1 / 1795) * np.sum((X[6 * 1795:7 * 1795]**2))))
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sounddevice as sd #Data on recording, etc on: fs = 48000 T = 1 / fs duration = 2 # seconds N = int(duration * fs) x = sd.rec(N, samplerate=fs, channels=2) print(str(x.shape)) sd.wait(),samplerate=fs) t = np.arange(0, duration, 1 / fs) # time vector plt.plot(t, x) X0 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(x[:, 0]) / N) X1 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(x[:, 1]) / N) f = np.arange(-1 / (2 * T), 1 / (2 * T), 1 / (N * T)) plt.plot(f, np.abs(X0))
def rekorduj(): global lista fs = 44100 # frekvencija u hz seconds = 5 # trajanje zvuka mojrekording = sd.rec(int(seconds * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=2) # kanali za snimanje sd.wait() # pauziranje kako bi se snimijo zvuk write('output.wav', fs, mojrekording) # pisanje i cuvanje zvuka u wav format # winsound.Beep(1000, 100) # beep winsound modul za slusanje snimljenog zvuka # filename = "output.wav" # ekstenzija fajla je wav # winsound.PlaySound(filename, winsound.SND_FILENAME) # plejer data, samplerate = 'output.wav') # modul za konvertovanje wav fajla u \ sf.write('output.flac', data, samplerate) # flac fajl # nisam bas strucan za audio produkciju ali koliko sam procitao razlika izmedju wav i flaca je u frekvenciji i kanala emitovanja # i iz tog razloga speech_recognition modul za pisanje zvucnih fajlova u txt fajlove ne moze da koristi wav, mp3.. itd audio formate ali mu odgovara flac r = sr.Recognizer() hard = sr.AudioFile('output.flac') # audio fajl koji citamo with hard as source: # otvaranje i konvertovanje audio fajla u tekst audio = r.record(source) rec_1 = r.recognize_google( audio) # izgovorenu recenicu stavljamo u variablu rec_2 = rec_1.split( " ") # zatim pomocu splita rastavljamo recenicu i stavljamo u listu lista_cmds = [ 'open', 'copy', 'run', 'search' ] # lista komandi koje mogu da se izvrsavaju npr open ima svoju listu sta moze da otvara dok do nema nista za sad lista_za_search = ['YouTube', 'browser'] lista_za_run = ["backup"] lista_za_open = [ 'YouTube', 'browser', 'Python' ] # lista cmds ima komandu open komanda open ima listu sadrzaja sta moze da otvori lista_za_copy = ["file", "directory"] lista_simbola = ["/", "\\", "c"] #print(rec_2) provera = any( item in rec_2 for item in lista_cmds ) # any funkcija pravi proveru da li rec_2 i lista_cmds ima zajednicko nesto ako ima vraca nam bool true ili false ako nema if provera == True: # ako je tacno ulazimo u sledeci blok for i in rec_2: # proveravamo reci iz liste i liste cmds ako postoje pomocu filtera mozemo da je ispisemo filt_object = filter(lambda a: i in a, lista_cmds) provera_2 = any(item in rec_2 for item in lista_za_open) if provera_2 == True: filt_object_2 = (filter(lambda b: i in b, lista_za_open)) konvert = ''.join( list(filt_object) ) #filte_object pretvaramo u listu kako bi mogli da utvrdimo da li su izgovorene reci odgovarajuce ovom bloku konvert_2 = ''.join( list(filt_object_2) ) # flit_ogject je konvertovan u listu ali sa join pretvaramo u string tj. rec koja je izgovorena a pritom je komanda iz list_cmds if 'search' in konvert or konvert_2 == True: # zato sto 'copy' komanda se nalazi u listi i kada kazemo do youtube otvara se yt ili bilo sta drugo morao sam da regulisem ako neko break if 'copy' in konvert or konvert_2 == True: # zato sto 'copy' komanda se nalazi u listi i kada kazemo do youtube otvara se yt ili bilo sta drugo morao sam da regulisem ako neko break # kaze do da ne otvara stvari koje se otvaraju sa open za to sam koristio bool ako se 'copy' nadje u reci da brejkujemo do sledece linije onda odatle mozemo da dodamo komande za copy if (konvert == 'browser' or konvert_2 == 'browser'): subprocess.Popen( "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ) # subprocess otvara chrome ako filter objekti sadrze navedenu recu if uslovu google #break # nakon otvaranja taba brejkujemo program if ( konvert == 'YouTube' or konvert_2 == 'YouTube' ): #uslovi za otvaranje su promenjeni vise nema open iz razloga jel taj uslov vec postoji da nismo rekli open ne bi ni dosli do ovog bloka url = '' # url stranice koju otvaramo chrome_path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s' # ovo je lokacija chroma webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open( url, new=1 ) # prosledjujemo path i otvaramo url u novom prozoru #break # nakon izvrsavanja brejkujemo program if (konvert == 'Python' or konvert_2 == 'Python'): url = '' chrome_path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s' webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open(url, new=1) #break else: print("Ova komanda ne moze da izvrsi taj proces") else: print("Rec nije komanda") provera = any( item in rec_2 for item in lista_cmds) # kreiramo novu proveru za komandu copy if provera == True: for i in rec_2: filt_object = filter(lambda q: i in q, lista_cmds) provera_3 = any(item in rec_2 for item in lista_za_copy) if provera_3 == True: # ako komanda file postoji u listi_za_copy ulazimo u blok filt_object_3 = (filter(lambda w: i in w, lista_za_copy)) konvert = ''.join(list(filt_object)) konvert_3 = ''.join(list(filt_object_3)) info = """ Komande za kopiranje fajlova: 1. Ako navodis drive prvo ukucaj 'c' nakon toga izgovori 'CD', opet ukucaj 'c' i izgovori ime drive npr drive'F'. 2. Za navodjenje simbola ukucaj 's' i za nazad izgovori 'backslash' za napred izgovori 'slash'. 3. Za navodjenje imena foldera ukucaj 'n' i izgovori ime foldera. 4. BITNO: Prilikom navodjenja imena foldera maksimalan broj razmaka u imenu foldera je 3, ako u imenu foldera postoji razmak prvo izgovori prvu rec imena foldera npr 'program'\\'file' sa dva backslasha- se navodi da je razmak izmedju """ if konvert == 'file' or konvert_3 == 'file': # provera da li je file u nekoj od varijabli print(info) names = [] izlaz = '' recenice = [] while izlaz != 'quit': # WHILE petlja traje sve dok se u listu za izlaz ne upise quit dok se unosi n nastavlja se snimanje reci izlaz = input( "Prati korake postepeno za pravilno koriscenje ove opcije: " ) names.append(izlaz) if izlaz == 'quit': # izlaz iz petlje break print("3") print("2") print("1") fs = 44100 seconds = 3 mojrekording = sd.rec(int(seconds * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=2) sd.wait() write('output.wav', fs, mojrekording) data, samplerate ='output.wav') sf.write('output.flac', data, samplerate) r = sr.Recognizer() hard = sr.AudioFile('output.flac') with hard as source: audio = r.record(source) navodi = r.recognize_google(audio) navodi_2 = navodi.split(" ") recenice.append( navodi_2 ) # dodajemo u listu reci i karaktere koji su uneseni print(recenice) continue file_path = [] ls_nm = [ ] # pomocna lista za imena dira ako ime sadrzi dve reci onda je tuple for n in names: if n == 'n': for r in recenice: if len( r ) == 2: # upisivanje reci za ime direktorijuma f = r[0], r[1] ls_nm.append(f) if len(r) == 3: e = r[0], r[1], r[2] file_path.append(e) if len(r) == 4: o = r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3] file_path.append(o) else: print( 'Previse je dugacko ime foldera max razmaka je "3"' ) if n == 's': # komanda za specijalne simbole for s in recenice: if 'slash' in s: # konvertovanje reci u simbol w = '/' file_path.append(w) if lista_simbola[ 1] in s: # konvertovanje backslasha u simbol \ w = lista_simbola[1] file_path.append(w) if n == 'c': # komanda 'CD' za navodjenje direktorijuma for c in recenice: if 'CD' in c: for d in recenice[1]: if 'see' in recenice[1]: d = 'C' var = d + ":" # dodavanje dvotacke za drive npr 'F:' file_path.append( var ) # dodajemo u listu var koji ima C: if len( file_path ) == 2: # koristimo pop zato sto zbog for petlje dublira korake print("new is't pop") file_path.pop(1) else: var = d + ":" file_path.append(var) if len(file_path) == 2: print("new is't pop") file_path.pop(1) for ls in ls_nm: # for petlja razdvaja listu spoj = " ".join(ls) # iz tuple daje dve reci dir_path = '' # variabla putanje do direktorijuma for path in file_path: qw = ''.join( path ) # spajamo izgovorene reci i simbole u u jedno dir_path += qw # pomocu operatora dodle kreiramo putanju dir_path += spoj # na kraju se dodaje ime direktorijuma print(dir_path) files = os.listdir( dir_path) # proverava da li je postojeci direktorijum for item in files: print( "direktori: ", item ) # ispisujemo sve iz direktorijuma sta se nalazi u njemu #lista abecede koja ne moze u ovaj program # s-see, h-ash, o-oh, p-b, q-kwel, r-are, s-ass, oce/t-d, u-you, v-we, y-why if konvert == "directory" or konvert_3 == 'directory': print("directory") provera = any(item in rec_2 for item in lista_cmds) if provera == True: filt_object = filter(lambda a: i in a, lista_cmds) provera_2 = any(item in rec_2 for item in lista_za_run) if provera_2 == True: print("yes it's true") os.system( 'python "c:\\users\\milos\\desktop\\python Pro\\python\\Voice_Text\\"' ) provera = any(item in rec_2 for item in lista_cmds) if provera == True: filt_object = filter(lambda a: i in a, lista_cmds) provera_2 = any(item in rec_2 for item in lista_za_search) if provera_2 == True: filt_object_2 = (filter(lambda b: i in b, lista_za_search)) konvert = ''.join(list(filt_object_2)) while True: izlaz = ['exit'] print("Izgovori sta zelis da pretrazis na %s. " % konvert) fs = 44100 seconds = 5 mojrekording = sd.rec(int(seconds * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=2) sd.wait() write('output.wav', fs, mojrekording) data, samplerate ='output.wav') sf.write('output.flac', data, samplerate) r = sr.Recognizer() hard = sr.AudioFile('output.flac') with hard as source: audio = r.record(source) navodi = r.recognize_google(audio) navodi_2 = navodi.split(" ") provera = any(item in navodi_2 for item in izlaz) filt_object = filter(lambda a: i in a, izlaz) konvert_2 = ''.join(list(filt_object)) break # if provera == True: # print('Zavrsio si sa pretragom') # break rec_za_pretragu = " ".join(navodi_2) print(rec_za_pretragu) if konvert == 'browser': url = ('' + rec_za_pretragu ) # url stranice koju otvaramo chrome_path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s' # ovo je lokacija chroma webbrowser.get(chrome_path).open(url, new=1)
def capture(): img_array,labels=face_trainer(100) print(labels) time.sleep(10) recognizer=cv2.createLBPHFaceRecognizer() recognizer.train(img_array,np.array(labels)) frame_count=0 duration=DURATION sd.default.samplerate=22050 sd.default.channels=1 myrecording=sd.rec(duration*22050) vc=cv2.VideoCapture(0) cascade="/home/aniket/Desktop/code/face_recog/haarcascade_classifier/smile.xml" rval, #path2='/'.join(cascade.split('/')[1:-1]) #print(path2) #print(os.listdir('/home/aniket/Desktop/code/face_recog/')) multiple_face_counter=0 while rval: print('current frame count',frame_count) print(multiple_face_counter) faceCascade=cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascade) image_read=frame #cv2.imshow("smile found",image_read) #turning image to grayscale gray=cv2.cvtColor(image_read,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces=faceCascade.detectMultiScale( gray, scaleFactor=1.2, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(30,30),, ) print('found '+str(len(faces))+ ' in this image \n plotting image') if len(faces)==1: for(x,y,w,h) in faces: if predicter(recognizer,gray[y:(y+h),x:(x+w)])==1: cv2.rectangle(image_read, (x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,255),2) else: cv2.rectangle(image_read, (x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2) multiple_face_counter=multiple_face_counter+1 cv2.imshow('12104684',image_read) cv2.waitKey(40) elif len(faces)==0: cv2.imshow('12104684',image_read) cv2.waitKey(40) print('0 face detected') else: print('more than one face detected') for(x,y,w,h) in faces: if predicter(recognizer,gray[y:(y+h),x:(x+w)])==1: cv2.rectangle(image_read, (x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,255),2) else: cv2.rectangle(image_read, (x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2) multiple_face_counter=multiple_face_counter+1 #multiple_face_counter=multiple_face_counter+1 cv2.imshow("12104684",image_read) cv2.waitKey(40) try: if multiple_face_counter>20: a=1/0 except: print('more than one face detected') rval, frame_count=frame_count+1 if frame_count>MAX_FRAME_RATE: break return myrecording
def record(self): my_recording = sd.rec( self.duration * self.fs, blocking=True, dtype='float32') return my_recording
def recordSound(): print("Recording for", duration ,"sec...") myrecording = sd.rec(int(duration * fs)) sd.wait() myrecording = myrecording[:,0] return myrecording
precision_range = ((1-precision)*exact_target, (1+precision)*exact_target) if is_in_range(f, precision_range): return pitch, 0 elif f <= exact_target: return pitch, 1 else: return pitch, -1 # Define some settings device = 0 # we use my USB sound card device duration = 0.5 # seconds fs = 44100 # samples by second precision=0.02 # how close to the target pitch do we consider a match while True: print("---------") # Listen to a bit of sound from the mic, recording it as a numpy array myrecording = sd.rec(duration * fs, samplerate=fs, channels=1, device=device) time.sleep(1.1*duration) # Calculate the Fourier transform of the recorded signal fourier = np.fft.fft(myrecording.ravel()) # Extrat the fundamental frequency from it f_max_index = np.argmax(abs(fourier[:fourier.size/2])) # Get the scale of frequencies corresponding to the numpy Fourier transforms definition freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(fourier)) # And so the actual fundamental frequency detected is f_detected = freqs[f_max_index]*fs print(f_detected) # Give relevant guidance to the user (tune up or down) display_tuning_guidance(*tuning_guidance(f_detected, precision), duration=0.45)
import soundfile as sf from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style # Sampling frequency freq = 44100 # Recording duration duration = 3 init(autoreset=True) input("\nPRESS ENTER TO RECORD YOUR VOICE...") print(Style.BRIGHT+ Fore.GREEN + "\nSpeak Now...") # Start recorder with the given values # of duration and sample frequency recording = sd.rec(int(duration * freq), samplerate=freq, channels=1) # Record audio for the given number of seconds sd.wait() #taking input of speakers name print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN +"\n\nEnter speaker's name : ") input_label = input() speaker_name=input_label+".wav" wv.write(speaker_name, recording, freq, sampwidth=2) data, samplerate = sf.write(speaker_name, data, samplerate, subtype='PCM_16') print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN +"\nDone.......")
import io import math from pprint import pprint from urllib.request import urlopen import soundfile as sf url = "" data, fs = import sounddevice as sd, fs) fs, duration = 44100, 1.5 data = sd.rec(duration * fs, samplerate=fs, channels=2) sf.write('file.mp3', data, fs) fs = 44100/20 data = [] msg = 'Hello World!' time_to_play = 0.5 time_of_char = int(fs*time_to_play/len(msg)) for char in msg: asci = ord(char) data.extend([[math.cos(_*asci), math.cos(_*asci)] for _ in range(time_of_char)]), fs, blocking=False)
import speech_recognition as sr import sounddevice as sd from import write import os fs = 44100 # this is the frequency sampling; also: 4999, 64000 seconds = 5 # Duration of recording myrecording = sd.rec(int(seconds * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=2) print("Starting: Speak now!") sd.wait() # Wait until recording is finished print("finished") write('output.wav', fs, myrecording) # Save as WAV file rec = sr.Recognizer() hearing = sr.AudioFile('output.wav') with hearing as source: audio = rec.record(source) text = rec.recognize_google(audio) print("Text: ".format(text))
def record_sound(sec, message): sr = 16000 print(f"{message} for {sec} seconds..") sound = sd.rec(int(sec * sr), samplerate=sr, channels=1) sd.wait() return sound, sr
import os import wavio import pygame import time import wave import numpy fs= 44100 krow=[0] duration=.1 a=0 pygame.mixer.init() while True: try: hire=[] if a%1==0: recording = sd.rec(math.ceil(duration * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=2) sd.wait() fay=[] yaf=[] fred=math.ceil(fs*duration)-10 for p in range(1,fred): fay.append(recording[p][0]) for elem in fay: yaf.append(abs(elem)) a=a+1 krow.append(np.mean(yaf)) for elem in krow: hire.append(abs(np.mean(krow)-elem)) if np.mean(krow)<np.mean(yaf)-np.mean(hire):
import sounddevice as sound_device from import write as audio_write fs=44100 seconds=15 recording=sound_device.rec(int(seconds*fs),samplerate=fs,channels=2) sound_device.wait() audio_write("recording.wav",fs,recording)
def main(): # Criando o objeto da biblioteca fornecida. bib = signalMeu() # Tempo de duração da gravação. duration = 3 # Taxa de amostragem. sampleRate = 44100 # Número de canais a serem gravados. channels = 1 time.sleep(1) print("3...") time.sleep(1) print("2...") time.sleep(1) print("1...") print("Recording...") # Gravando o áudio. audio = sd.rec(int(duration * sampleRate), channels=channels) sd.wait() # audio2 = [a[0] for a in audio] # Calculando FFT. xf, yf = bib.calcFFT(audio2, sampleRate) # Plotando o gráfico do FFT. plt.title("Fourier Audio") plt.figure("F(y)") plt.plot(xf, yf) plt.grid() # Pegando o índice de cada pico (onde está na lista). indexes = peakutils.indexes(yf, 0.05, min_dist=100) # Pegando os picos de acorco com os índices encontrados. # Ignoramos os índices que não estão entre 600Hz e 2000Hz. peaks = [xf[i] for i in indexes if xf[i] > 600 and xf[i] < 2000] # Printando os picos. print(f"Peaks: {peaks}") # Verificando se os picos estão dentro da tabela de números, incluindo a margem de erro. margin = 10 for entry in dfmtTable: number = entry[0] first = False second = False for peak in peaks: if (entry[1] - margin <= peak <= entry[1] + margin): first = True if (entry[2] - margin <= peak <= entry[2] + margin): second = True if (first and second): print(f"Number is: {number}")
def record(sample_rate,seconds,output_filename,channels): fs = sample_rate # Sample rate myrecording = sd.rec(int(seconds * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=channels) sd.wait() # Wait until recording is finished write('myfile.wav', fs, myrecording) # Save as WAV file
import io import math from pprint import pprint from urllib.request import urlopen import soundfile as sf url = "" data, fs = import sounddevice as sd, fs) fs, duration = 44100, 1.5 data = sd.rec(duration * fs, samplerate=fs, channels=2) sf.write('file.mp3', data, fs) fs = 44100 / 20 data = [] msg = 'Hello World!' time_to_play = 0.5 time_of_char = int(fs * time_to_play / len(msg)) for char in msg: asci = ord(char) data.extend([[math.cos(_ * asci), math.cos(_ * asci)] for _ in range(time_of_char)]), fs, blocking=False)
import sounddevice as sd import numpy as np import wave wave_length = 5 sample_rate = 16000 print('録音開始') data = sd.rec(int(wave_length * sample_rate), sample_rate, channels=1) sd.wait() data_scale_adjust = data * np.iinfo(np.int16).max wave_out ='./wgn_wave.wav', 'w') wave_out.setnchannels(1) wave_out.setsampwidth(2) wave_out.setframerate(sample_rate) # wave_out.writeframes(data_scale_adjust) wave_out.writeframes(data) wave_out.close()
loud = 0 beat = 0 while True: myrecording = sd.rec(int(duration), samplerate=fs, channels=1) sd.wait() loud = np.sum(myrecording**2) if loud > 0.1: if not q.empty(): beat = q.get() offset = beat - time.time() print offset if __name__ == '__main__': print "opening input stream once here" testrec = sd.rec(1024, samplerate=44100, channels=1) sd.wait() print "Input a bpm as an integer" bpm = int(raw_input()) myq = Queue() clickproc = Process(target=clicktrack, args=( myq, bpm, )) offsetproc = Process(target=offset, args=(myq, )) clickproc.start() offsetproc.start() clickproc.join() offsetproc.join()
def record_user(self, duration): duration = duration fs = 22050 user_rec = sd.rec(int(duration * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=1) sd.wait() return (user_rec)
def _record(self): return sounddevice.rec(int(self.duration * self.sample_rate), samplerate=self.sample_rate, blocking=True, channels=1, dtype='float64')
help="Filename to store array") parser.add_argument('-t', action='store', type=float, default=1.0, dest='duration', help="Time (in seconds) to record") parser.add_argument('-f', action='store', type=int, default=16000, dest='sample_rate', help="Sample rate (Hz)") args = parser.parse_args() print("Setting up recording with:") print(args.sample_rate, "Hz") print(args.duration, "s") print(args.output_file) time.sleep(1.0) # Do recording print("Recording...") rec = sd.rec(int(args.duration * args.sample_rate), samplerate=args.sample_rate, channels=num_channels) sd.wait() print("Done!") # Save array print("Saving to", args.output_file), rec)
def receive(time=150 * lib.TIME_BY_CHUNK + lib.NOISE_TIME): sd.default.channels = 1 record = sd.rec(int(np.ceil(time * lib.FS)), lib.FS, blocking=True) return record[:, 0]
# Extract mono channels from input data. ch1 = np.array(audiodata[::downsample, 0], dtype=np.float32) ch2 = np.array(audiodata[::downsample, 1], dtype=np.float32) # High-pass filter the data at a cutoff frequency of 10Hz. # This is required because I2S microhones have a certain DC offset # which we need to filter in order to amplify the volume later. ch1 = butter_highpass_filter(ch1, 10, samplerate) ch2 = butter_highpass_filter(ch2, 10, samplerate) # Amplify audio data. # Recommended, because the default input volume is very low. # Due to the DC offset this is not recommended without using # a high-pass filter in advance. ch1 = set_gain_db(ch1, input_gain_db) ch2 = set_gain_db(ch2, input_gain_db) # Output the data in the same format as it came in. return np.array([[ch1[i], ch2[i]] for i in range(len(ch1))], dtype=np.float32) # Record stereo audio data for the given duration in seconds. rec = sd.rec(int(seconds * samplerate), samplerate=samplerate, channels=2) # Wait until the recording is done. sd.wait() # Process the audio data as explained above. processed = process_audio_data(rec) # Write the processed audio data to a wav file. write('out.wav', int(samplerate/downsample), processed)
def record(self, seconds): self.sound_array = sd.rec(int(seconds * self.fs), samplerate=self.fs, channels=2) return self.sound_array
def record(self, duration, fs): myrecording = sd.rec(int(duration * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=2) sd.wait() timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + '.wav' sf.write(timestr, myrecording, samplerate=44100)
# Número de canais a serem gravados. channels = 1 time.sleep(1) print("3...") time.sleep(1) print("2...") time.sleep(1) print("1...") print("Gravando...") # Gravando o áudio. audio = sd.rec(int(duration * fs), channels=channels) sd.wait() # Pegando o vetor correto. audio = [a[0] for a in audio] audio = np.array(audio) # Calculando FFT. xf, yf = bib.calcFFT(audio, fs) # Plotando o gráfico do FFT. plt.title("Fourier Audio") plt.figure("F(y) AM recebido") plt.plot(xf, yf) plt.grid()
def record(): myrecording = sd.rec(int(SECONDS*SAMPLE_RATE), samplerate=SAMPLE_RATE, channels=1) sd.wait() # Wait until recording is finished return myrecording
def sync_record(filename, duration, fs, channels): print('recording') myrecording = sd.rec(int(duration * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=channels) sd.wait() sf.write(filename, myrecording, fs) print('done recording')
# create a test signal with frequency in Hz: f = 500 # np.sin() function takes an ndarray as argument, where the sin is calculated for every point of the array. n is discrete time: #x = np.sin(2*pi*f*t) + np.sin(2*pi*2.4*f*t) + np.sin(2*pi*6.75*f*t) # the problem is that python (or the application) has not requested permission to access the internal microphone on # the mac. In system preferences -> security and privacy -> Privacy we see the applications that have requested permissions, # but we cannot add more. A possible solution was proposed: do the following (possibly with a sudo to get superuser access): # rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/ # ( # get full disk access to terminal by going to Full disk access and clicking on terminal. # Problem solved! I need to run it from terminal, so it requests access to the microphone. print("recording...") # first parameter is the number of frames (samples) to record, ie. duration * Fs. Stores in numpy array x = sd.rec(duration * Fs, samplerate=Fs, channels=1) # wait for recording to finish, otherwise it records noise: sd.wait() # playback the recording:, Fs) # write it to file as .wav: #sf.write("./out.wav", x, Fs) print(np.shape(x)) # plot two plots in two rows and one column, this is the first one: plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.ylabel("Magnitude") plt.plot(t, x)
) args = parser.parse_args() # Prepare one-shot STFT L = args.block # Let's hard code sampling frequency to avoid some problems fs = 16000 # RECORD if args.device is not None: sd.default.device[0] = args.device # MIXING print("* Recording started... ", end="") mics_signals = sd.rec(int(args.duration * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=2, blocking=True) print("done") # STFT ANALYSIS # shape == (n_chan, n_frames, n_freq) X = pra.transform.stft.analysis(mics_signals.T, L, L, zp_back=L // 2, zp_front=L // 2) # Monitor convergence it = 10 def cb_print(*args):
def getSignal(self): """ Método que pega o sinal enviado por áudio pelo emissor e trata-o para adquirir a tecla que foi enviada """ bib = bibSignal.signalMeu() sd.default.samplerate = self.freqAmostra sd.default.channels = 2 print("\nA captura de áudio iniciará em 5 segundos") t0 = time.time() t1 = time.time() while (t1 - t0 < 5): print(str(round(5 - (t1 - t0))) + str(" segundo(s)\r"), end='\r') t1 = time.time() time.sleep(1) print("") print("\n====================") print("Começando a gravar!") print("====================\n") audio1 = sd.rec(int(self.duration * self.freqAmostra), self.freqAmostra, channels=1) sd.wait() audio = [] for sublist in audio1: for item in sublist: audio.append(item) print("") print("\n======================") print("Finalizando gravação!") print("======================\n") #print(audio) t = np.linspace(0, self.duration, self.duration * self.freqAmostra) #print(f"t = {t}") #print(f'len(t) = {len(t)}') xf, yf = bib.calcFFT(audio, self.freqAmostra) # print(f'xf = {xf}') # print(f'yf = {yf}') indexes = peakutils.indexes(yf, thres=0.2, min_dist=100) linha = [697, 770, 852, 941] coluna = [1209, 1336, 1477, 1633] array = [['1', '2', '3', 'A'], ['4', '5', '6', 'B'], ['7', '8', '9', 'C'], ['X', '0', '#', 'D']] pico1 = 0 pico2 = 0 for i in linha: if (math.isclose(i, xf[indexes[0]], abs_tol=10)): pico1 = i for j in coluna: if (math.isclose(j, xf[indexes[1]], abs_tol=10)): pico2 = j l1 = linha.index(pico1) c1 = coluna.index(pico2) tecla = array[l1][c1] print('\n---------------') print(f'Pico 1 = {pico1} Hz\nPico 2 = {pico2} Hz') print('---------------\n') print('\n==========================') print(f"Foi teclado a entrada: [{tecla}]") print('==========================\n') bib.plotFFT(audio, self.freqAmostra) sys.exit()
return model_from_json(model) def load_weights(iteration=0, path=test_series_name): global model if load_from_previous_trial: load_path = "output/{}.{}.{}.hdf5".format(path, trial_to_load, iteration) else: load_path = "output/{}.hdf5".format(path) model.load_weights(load_path) model = load_model(iteration=trial_iteration_to_load) sgd = SGD(lr=0.1, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy']) load_weights(iteration=trial_iteration_to_load) initial_data_feed = sd.rec(sample_duration*44100, samplerate=44100, channels=1, blocking=True) sd.wait() data_feed = np.asarray(initial_data_feed) data_feed = np.reshape(data_feed, (1, sample_duration*44100)) while True: # Main loop: this won't ever stop, this is intended to run indefinitely until quit by the user. result = model.predict(data_feed, batch_size=1, verbose=0) print(result[0]) ## Send OSC Message msg = osc_message_builder.OscMessageBuilder(address = "/tuio2/tok") msg.add_arg(0, arg_type="i") msg.add_arg(10003, arg_type="i") msg.add_arg(result[0][0], arg_type="f") #first value msg.add_arg(result[0][1], arg_type="f") #second value msg.add_arg(result[0][2], arg_type="f") #third value
duration = 5 # seconds filename = 'output.wav' #need to be mono channel (1) while True: print( "You can now minimize the terminal script window and use F11 to make the program start listening or \nPress CTRL+C to exit the program \nHint: To say 'google-chrome-stable' say google dash chrome dash stable \nThis currently does not support commands with multiple words unless they're separated by a dash, slash or dot" ) print("Press F11 to start listening") keyboard.add_hotkey('F11', print, args=['F11 was pressed!']) keyboard.wait('F11') recording = sd.rec(int(samplerate * duration), samplerate, channels=1, blocking=True) sf.write(filename, recording, samplerate) #initializes new client client = speech.SpeechClient() #gets the filepath of the filename file_name = os.path.dirname(filename) # Loads the audio into memory with, 'rb') as audio_file: content = audio = types.RecognitionAudio(content=content) config = types.RecognitionConfig(
#!/usr/bin/env python # MagPy - Magstripe reader import sounddevice as sd fs = 44100 duration = 5 # seconds sd.default.samplerate = fs sd.default.channels = 2 #sd.default.device = 0 print('RECORDING') rec = sd.rec(duration*fs,device=1) sd.wait() #for r in rec: # print r print('PLAYING'), fs, device=2) sd.wait()
def record_data(filename, duration, fs, channels): # synchronous recording myrecording = sd.rec(int(duration * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=channels) sd.wait() sf.write(filename, myrecording, fs)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Jul 21 19:55:13 2016 @author: SRINIVAS """ import sounddevice as sd import numpy as np print ("hello") fs= 44100 duration=4 recording = sd.rec(duration * fs, samplerate=fs, channels=2) sd.wait() fay=[] way=[] for p in range(1,fs*duration): fay.append(recording[p][0]) way.append(recording[p][0]) me=open('A.txt','a') for elem in fay: me.write(str(elem)) me.write('\n') me.close() em=open('B.txt','a') for elem in way:
# sudo pip install sounddevice import sounddevice as sd import numpy as np # fixme: записать в *.wav # fs = 1000#48000 sd.default.samplerate = fs sd.default.dtype = 'int16' # fixme: uint? sd.default.channels = 1 duration = 15 X = sd.rec(duration * fs) X = (X.T)[0] sd.wait() # Fs = fs #% Sampling frequency # T = 1./Fs #% Sampling period # L = 1000 #% Length of signal # t = colon(0, L-1)*T #% Time vector # X = 0.7*sin(2*pi*50*t) + sin(2*pi*120*t) P1, f = fft_one_side( X , size( X ), fs ) #plot( X ) plot( f, P1 ) grid() show()